Chapter 1: A different night.
I think I'm the only girl carrying a backpack in the middle of a party. I'm clearly the last person who would find herself in this situation on a Saturday night. I am not a fan of the parties and I don't fit much with this type of events.
Why am I not trying to socialize? I'm not good at it. Being shine is a big obstacle.
What's the fun of this for them? At least for me fun is staying home, reading something, maybe watching a movie, studying or maybe seeing my best friend Cassie. Ah! By the way Cassie is the reason why I'm here.
My friend Cassie has discovered what she calls "the teen pleasure". During these months puberty has changed her physically which has attracted the attention of the boys. Puberty hit me too but didn't help much, though my boobs grew but I try my best to hide them in big sweaters.
We share things in common with Cassie, but she has changed and now she even consumes alcohol! Well I do it too; sometimes when we want to get wild with Marcel we drink one beer.
I spotted Cassie, she's chatting with some girls outside in the backyard. For a moment I don't recognize her, she mimics with the other girls as she is also wearing tight dress, hair straightened and high heels.
I make my way to the kitchen, it's hard to walk because the house is so full of people. According to me there are like 80 people here and I don't know why the neighbors haven't called the police yet.
Marcel bet I wouldn't come. To keep me here Cassie promised, as a last resource to convince me, that she would buy a book to me if I came with her. So we all won.
"Hey, you freak!" I hear a female voice, she sounds angry. "I'm talking to you four eyes!"
"Hm...what?" I ask confused, coming out of my thoughts.
I look back at the kitchen entrance. The beautiful and dumb Ashley Green is looking at me and she's pissed. She can't stand me, she actually hates me and is mutual.
"Pass me a beer, freak."
Not even a "please", sounds more like an order. Although in the rich club called Diamanti (for mothers and daughters) that we both attend this is the way they tend to treat me, rude and disrespectful...but we are not in the club! I won't be her slave.
"No," I answer, crossing my arms.
I said it trying to sound angry but my voice comes out weak. I'm so pathetic.
Ashley looks at me like I've grown a second head, her expression of surprise changes and then her face is twisted with anger.
"What did you say to me you freak?" She asks, approaching me. "Alicia will find out about this!
Alicia? Oh Shoo.t!
She stand in front of me, a murderous look shines in her blue eyes. Is she going to try to slap me? If she does, I should slap her back.
"Hey! What's up, Ashley?" We hear a male voice behind us. It's a hoarse, slow voice. It even sounds sensual.
My eyes take off from Ashley and land on the third person. Oh, no. I freeze where I am.
The blond girl turns to him. "Hiii, Harry! Great party, huh?"
She adopts a different posture, more flirty and innocent, nothing like the Ashley of seconds ago. Her index finger starts playing with her hair. She clears her throat before she talks.
"I-I came for a beer," she stammers. "We should drink one t-together."
She sounds so nervous, I can tell because now she is strongly twisting her lock between her fingers.
This girl looks totally affected by Harry Styles. I guess I'd feel that way if he'd pay attention to me but I'm no one. I've never seen him so close and I'm shook, he's effortlessly beautiful.
Cassie told me he always tops the list of the "sexiest guys", made by girls from senior year. She also told me he has suffered a tragedy a year ago and has returned to school just two months ago.
"Hm...Could be," he replies, there is no enthusiasm in his voice.
He turns to the refrigerator and pulls out two beers. I release a sigh of relief. They will leave and life will return to normal. I will be alone once again in the kitchen although this isn't the best place to hide...Maybe I should go looking somewhere else.
"But no, I pass," he sentences.
I flinch when a beer can comes into my visual field. Is he offering it to me?
"Do you want one...?" He asks, leaning toward me. A scent of vanilla and mint saturates my senses. God, he smells good.
"Lucy," I whisper.
My eyes travel from the beer to the stunning blonde, this is a plot twist none of us were expecting. I'm as surprised as she is and I see how her mood falls after evident rejection from the tattooed boy.
"Ah...Fine. I'll see you around," She says, discouraged.
I don't know why but for a moment I hope this is a joke and that Harry Styles leaves the kitchen but he doesn't move and the beer is still extended towards me.
"Are you going to take it or what?" He asks irritated, meeting my eyes.
My stomach twists and a heat expands from that area into my whole body. His eyes are green, intense, deep and captivating. I can't stop looking at it, the color is...spectacular. I swallow. He is so handsome although I don't think there is an adjective to describe his beauty.
I shake my head, not knowing what to say.
"You have to drink, this is a party."
He opens the can for me and leaves it next to me. Is this real? A handsome boy is talking to me? This must be a joke.
We stay quiet. I suppose he wanted to offer me a beer because I'm empty-handed and now it's time for me to leave. I start to walk to the door.
"Where are you going?" I hear the boy's demanding voice as he grabs me by the arm as I walk past him.
His grip is firm; his hand on my skin sends a wave of heat all over my body. My body temperature has raised a couple of degrees and I want to take off my sweater because of this suffocating heat.
Does he want me to stay?
I swallow hard and slowly turn to him.
"What?" I managed to say. My eyes travel from his tattooed arm to his impassive face.
"Stay," he says, letting go of my arm.
For a moment I consider it but I can't do it. Start a conversation with him? I think I need some alcohol. I take a big sip, savoring the cold beer. Not bad. I drink more.
My eyes wander from the can to my mysterious companion. Harry and incredibly tall. His hands are big and a pair of finely-designed rings decorates his long fingers. His voice is hoarse and melodious, slow but soft and I don't know why but it reminds me of honey: Sweet. His short hair is pulled back and few small curls escape from the sides of his ears. I'm sure his parents made him with a lot of love because he has a face to die for; he's one of the most beautiful guys I've ever seen. He could be a model.
My eyes fly to his arm; he has several tattoos, harmonically located along his skin. He goes rather casual wearing black jeans and a Rolling Stones shirt.
"Please tell me this is not the first beer you're drinking."
I try to control the trembling of my fingers. Come on Lucy, you can do it!!
"It's my first."
"That's a lot of willpower," he answers before taking another sip from his can.
"Beer is probably the best invention ever created by man...How can you say no?" He says, flashing a beautiful smile.
I half smiled before look down at my feet. Think Lucy! Say something clever!
"So...Hm...How is i-it going?"
My stuttering ruins everything. I don't think I can start a conversation; I become a nerve-wrack around boys. Harry bites his lower lip trying to hold back a laugh. I think he found it funny.
"It's okay," He shrugs.
I watched him search something in his pocket until he pulls out a pack of cigarettes. They are a small deadly weapon. The simple toxic smell of those things bothers me. I roll my eyes.
"Do you smoke?" He asks, offering a cigarette to me. I shake my head. "You're so healthy, not to say boring."
"I'm asthmatic," I declare, frowning.
"Too bad right?" He shrugs his broad shoulders. "I don't have a lighter; can you pass me the one over there?" He points behind me.
I take the lighter and hand it to him. Harry rests the fine deadly weapon between his lips and now I look at this new detail, cherry and plump lips. A cold sweat begins to pear the palms of my hands. The orange tip lights up when he sucks. A gray smoke seeps through the cigarette and begins to float around us.
"Hm...So...What exactly is asthma?" He asks, looking straight into my eyes.
I startle when my phone rings loudly in my pocket.
"I didn't think nerds had phones...How many contacts do you have? Two? I bet it's just mom and dad" he says before laughing.
I blush ashamed. I actually have 7 contacts, I don't have a lot of friends.
His statement doesn't worry me when I read my friend's name on the bright screen.
"James, p-please tell me you are on your way," I squeal against the phone.
I leave the kitchen without looking back, I need some privacy. I hear Harry's scolding behind me and I hurry up, stretching the distance between Styles and me.
"I'm sorry Lucy, I have to take care of my brother."
My heart squeezed in my chest, I was counting on James. My mind reproduces the long and boring night I have to spend alone at a party where I don't talk to anyone. It's a torture.
"Come to the party with him."
"I'm not kidding. We give him some beer and that will keep your little brother calm."
"You're bad, I didn't think you'd want to get a five-year-old kid drunk."
"You're t-the worst friend!"
"Don't say that! My prayers weren't heard and here I am babysitting," James growls, his voice filled with frustration.
"I-I simply counted on you..."
"Yes, I know. I wanted to go and you know that Lucy," He lets out a sigh. "I'm super bored right now and I think I'll watch American next top model.
"Which season? You're going to watch it without me?!" I exclaim, completely outraged. We always watch it together. "Now you're definitely the worst friend."
"Oh S.hit! My brother is crying. I have to go, we'll talk tomorrow, okay? Bye!"
James hangs up before I can answer. I stare at the phone with a frown.
I need fresh air. I go to the second floor and there is a small group of people in the middle of the hallway smoking and not cigarettes. I look away when they invite me. All doors are closed. I reach the end of the aisle, I pull the window up and climb up to the roof of the house. I settle into a safe area of the roof. This seems a safe place and no one here will bother me.
The music is loud but up here a stream of air dampens the sound a bit. I look up to admire a couple of stars that hover over me.
I leave my backpack in front of me and search for the book I am currently reading. I'm reading a romance book; I have a soft spot for that genre I must admit. The other book in my backpack is of erotic literature, not that I like this type of books but I am a virgin and I know nothing about sex. I know I can ask Cassie about it but I'm curious about this type of literature. I haven't started yet because I feel so embarrassed.
I pick up my phone and put on my headphones. I look down to see the party, the backyard is full and people are dancing and griding. I release a long, tired sigh and concentrate on finding a good song in my playlist. I turn my attention to my phone in search of a good song in my playlist.
I flinch when I hear the crack of the window slamming open. I turn around and my inner self jumps off the roof as I watch Harry Styles climb just like I did. Of all places, did he have to come here?
"Hi again," Harry says, noticing my presence. "Why don't you do me a favor?" He asks in his perfect and attractive british accent.
I swallow hard, "A-A favor?"
The boy sits next to me, takes off the right headphone and puts it on his ear. His beautiful green eyes meet mine. Our faces are close and I've only been this close with my pup Max. Styles smiles at me, I think he enjoys my silly and confused expression. He picks up my cell phone and I turn around when I hear the crack of the window opening for the second time. My roof is being invaded!
A pretty redhead girl pokes her head out the window. The color of her face equals her red hair. her expression twists in anger, her eyes moving from Harry to me. She doesn't look happy.
"What the h.ell, Harry?"
"What? I told you, you aren't the only one, Gina."
"It's Tina... And who's this s.lut?" She growls, glancing at me.
I gape at her disrespectful and aggressive tone. I'm not that good at it, but I can be aggressive too.
"Hey! I-I have this hardcover book and I'm not afraid to use it!" I stutter, raising the book as a threat.
The cover of the book is really thick and I'm sure it must hurt to be hit by this but I'm not serious, I would never hit a girl with this I'm not an animal. I don't know why I said that, maybe it was the beer since I almost never drink. Out of the corner of my eye I notice that Harry Styles has a big smile on his cherry lips, he looks...proud?
"You heard her," he concludes, his shoulder brushing mine.
"You're an idiot. And you bitc.h, I hope you're ready for disappointment!" The redhead spits before leaving.
"I just made an en..." The words hit my throat as I looked at Harry. I held my breath, fully aware of how close our faces are.
He grins at me, and there is a certain glint in his eyes. "A what?"
He seems to be quite amused on my shores; my temporal state of trance doesn't go unnoticed.
You need to talk Lucy! Stop admiring his beauty!
"An enemy," I murmur. "C-Could you tell me why?"
"That redhead is crazy. Girls are crazy in general but some exceed the limit."
"Not all, you're cataloging us all the same, that's unfair...Have you noticed that people usually do that?"
"Yes, you're right. I like this song...Coldplay?
"Yes, I love this band."
"Interesting," he nods, looking down. "Are you kidding me? You're a cheesy girl," Harry laughs, picking up my book.
Blood clumps in my cheek and soon my whole face takes on the color of a tomato. I try to take the book from him but he's faster and taller than me.
"Give it to me Harry!" I warn him, but there is not a drop of threat in my weak voice.
"Two best friends who fall in love! You've got to be kidding!" Styles laughs louder, after quickly reading the synopsis. "This is stupid you know, love in real life is not that way so don't make big hopes. You will thank me later kid. Someone friend zoned you...or am I wrong?" Styles raises a perfect eyebrow.
He's making fun of me! My heart is pounding hard. I lean a little closer to him, our noses are inches apart and Harry doesn't back away but he looks at me intently. His warm breath tickles my face.
"No, you're wrong."
"Anyway I don't care," He gets up and wipes his hands on his jeans. "Bye."
He opens the window and goes into the house without looking back. I looked down at my lap and released the breath I was holding. I'm so confused, what was that?
Probably our two encounters have been the most interesting thing that happened to me all my night and this month. Yes, making this a highlight makes me feel a bit pathetic.
I open my book, put on my headphones and look for my phone but I don't find it. I search in my pockets and in my backpack but there is no sign of it. The last time I saw my phone was in Harry's hands.
How could I have been so dumb? Harry Styles is sign of problems but I didn't think he would steal my phone. My face is saturated with heat, I'm so pissed. I throw down the book and headphones in my backpack and I put my favorite hat, a black hat with a panther figure on the center, is from my favorite team and it encourages me in certain types of situation.
I go back to the house through the window and I almost fall on the process. I hear giggles from the group of guys in the hallway.
I go downstairs and ask people if they've seen Harry, most shake their heads, some ignore me and the loud volume of the music doesn't help me communicate. The place is full, Cassie is nowhere to be found and its difficult to walk between sweaty bodies. I go out to the front yard and recognize two guys from my school sitting under a tree that is covered in toilet paper.
They must think I'm weird because I almost shouted at them instead of talking quietly and wearing a hat in the middle of the night.
"Hey Lucy," Jeremy smiles at me. He's cute but gay.
"Why is the tree covered with toilet paper?" I ask, confused. I look up to the tree decorated with long white arms of paper.
"We had no idea who did it. And that paper has a special draw," Jeremy smiles and points to me to see it for myself.
My fingers catch a long arm of toilet paper that is waving because of the wind. I lean to observe the drawings, made with a pen and as if it were a stamped the paper is covered with drawings of penise.s. This must have taken time, the person who did it should think that this is some kind of work of art.
I turn around to face the two boys. "Have you seen Harry?"
I nod.
"Yes, he went to buy more beer!" The boy next to Jeremy answer, pointing to the empty, crushed can lying in his hand.
"To the little store that's a few blocks away."
"Fine. Thanks."
I quickly apply my inhaler; shake my legs to warm them up before I start running.
"Run Forrest Run!" I hear Jeremy's scream, using a quote from a famous movie.
I concentrate on regulating my breathing while I'm running. I'm terrible at this but fortunately the store is not so far away. After two minutes I want to stop but I'm only one street away. I turn to the right and stumble with a broad, hard chest. I release a groan of pain, stepping back. A hand grabs my arm.
"Careful where you go," Harry snaps, he doesn't look very happy to see me.
I have come here to recover what is mine but now that I am in front of him I feel that I have run out of words once again. I gaze the two boys in front of me, both holding bottles of beer and they look similar in the way they dress. Suddenly I feel intimidated, boys always have this effect on me.
"You have my phone."
"Sorry? Could you speak louder?" Harry smirks.
"You have her phone," his friend answers. His blue eyes meet mine. "Hello granny's pants," he giggles staring at my clothes.
"I just want my phone please."
"You stole her phone?" His friend asks, surprised but the smile on his mouth shows pride in Harry's actions.
"I just wanted to bother her...What would you do to get it back?" Styles questions, and I'm sure through his mind come across a lot of ideas that I know I wouldn't like.
"E-Enough! It's mine...give it back!" I grunt, clenching my fists. My posture is nowhere near looking threatening to them.
"Give it back!" The blue-eyed boy imitates my voice in a high pitched tone. "I don't know you, do you go to the same school as us? Why have we never seen you before?
"I don't go to parties."
"Boring," they both exclaimed.
Harry pretends to yawn as if my presence bores him, "You have nothing to offer but I'll give it back to you anyway."
"You are a-a thief," I murmur, snatching my phone from his hands.
"Whatever you say granny," he replied, pinching my cheek. "Louis, let's go back to the party."
"Idiot," I whisper my best disqualification. I don't curse.
They pass in front of me. I look around, it must be around midnight and the streets are empty and everything is quiet. I can't stay here so I walk behind them. I have to go back to the party and tell Cassie I'm leaving. I'm done for tonight.
"Hey, have this for a moment," The blue-eyed man hands me a bottle and I don't even have the time to answer a no.
"I like your hat," Harry says before snatching it from my head.
"Hey, give it to me!"
"Do you like the panthers? It's my favorite team Lucy."
We reach the corner and turn right. I freeze when we bump into two cops. The two officers scan us quickly and notice two very important things: We have alcohol in the middle of the street and we are not of legal age. The dark-haired policeman points his flashlight at us and asks for our IDs. My soul left my body. Mom's gonna kill me.
"S.hit," Harry and Louis murmured at the same time.
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