Chapter Ten - Drifting away
The Sheriff and father had dragged Marion and I out of our nice warm, comforting beds where neither of them bothered us, for a demonstration. This demonstration was a new creation to have been made that was going to change things for King and Country. What this man was to blind to see is that anything he made would either not work or would not go to the Holy Land for the King to win his Holy war. Instead if it did work then my father and the Sheriff would use it for something diabolical.
"Ready." he chimed excitedly "Forgive our excitement, but we've been waiting months for this" he held a torch as he addressed us.
"I'm intrigued." Marion commented
"You'll be agonised I assure you." Father replied
"Right. What your about to see here today demonstrates that by containing black powder we can control the charge."
"Get on with it. I was dragged out of a nice warm bed for this and I'm hungry." I groan "why we couldn't have breakfast before trodding all the way out here, is beyond me. Oh and cruel."
"For once we agree on something." I turned to the sheriff
"Don't do that, it makes me queasy when we agree on something." he hummed still agreeing with me.
"Please dismount, my lord. There may be quite a bang." Father requested
"Your horse is highly strung,"
"It won't be the highly strung creature if I'm made to hang around for much longer." he went to dismount and then the charge was lit. I was pulled behind a guard of wood that we could see out of and it began to pick up before there was a large explosion. I ducked and then peeked up as the smoke make me cough. The Sheriff ran out and through the smoke, i slowly followed at it revealed a huge crator that was made. A part of me thought this was amazing, but the over rolling part was scared for so many things.
"Oh well done Gisbourne." the Sheriff jumped around excitedly "Get me ten, no twenty large huge crates." the smoke began to clear.
"If I am to create more black powder then there are conditions. One I'm allowed to sell my discovery to other mining concerns. Two I get a bonus for me work and finally this powder must never be used as a weapon." Up until this point the excited Sheriff was agreeable. But the last one made him stop for a second as he went to lie and came up
"I think you and I have a future, trust me." and there was the Sheiriff's first mistake. Him and trust in the same sentence was a big fat lie that even the dumbest people could pick up on when the time called for it.
"Lambert." then ensued the danger of Lambert turning his back on a deal that he should have never taken in the first place. I was pulled away by Marion and she made me duck behind the screen. When we stood up the guards were giving chase and then my father and the Sheriff followed on behind.
Back at the castle I decided that now I was fed, I wanted to return home. My arm was out of its contraption and healing much more nicely and as usually father was kept busy.
"Ophelia, where are you going?"
"Home." I made my way up the steps and swung my self over the horse. "After your little rude awakening this morning, I need some rest, now that I've had something to eat." I took a hold of my reins as he came over to me and I looked past him seeing Marion there.
"You shouldn't go anywhere on your own, especially after what happened?"
"That happened at home and you apprehended the men who did that anyway. Besides any enemies I cross are usually yours or the Sheriffs not mine. You go on about your little project as you have been and leave me happily alone at locksley. It's been working out so well for this past month." I click my tongue and trotted out of the castle grounds and then broke into a ride to make my way home.
In this past month, father had been well to occupied more and more with his little project that it has left me the freedom to regain my strength and return to helping as the Scarlett archer. Also to make friends with the villagers as myself. I like to think they now are fully aware that my father and i are two different people more than they have in the time before.
Together as a village we have made more progress in a months than in four years. Anyway upon my return it wasn't long before Marion was hot on my heels. She found me gathering water from the well and retuning it to the manor.
"A lady who does her own work." she smiled
"A lady who has freedom away from her father and choses to spend it with real people, not in the confines of a castle or a large house." I chuckled lowering the bucket.
"Where is Louisa?" she wondered joining me
"With her sick mother in York. I have brought on Ana to fill in for her." I smiled as Ana took the water away "What brings you to follow me back out here?" I wonder
"A friend of a friend of yours had just been made Earl of Bonchurch." my head tilted in confusion as she explained what happened after I left my father in the courtyard. A couple of hours later i knocked on the door of bond church and waited, the maid answered the door.
"Lady Ophelia." she greeted shocked and gave a small curtsy as she let me in.
"I've come to pay my respects to the new Earl of Bonchurch" she gestured through to where he was and I made my way in. Much turned around and was also in a little shock to see me.
"Lady Ophelia."
"Lord Much." I nodded to him "Perhaps you might call on soon at Locksley or Knighton with our mutual friend?" he knew who I was talking about.
"I do not think that will be possible." he declared coming further over to talk lower to me "Robin hasn't come yet." his eyes flittered away to where the girl had gone and I looked back.
"Well, then I shall call when it is more of a convenient time." I lifted a note slightly "For said friend." i whisper and he took it. Then I left to prepare for the evening. I had some deliveries to make with the Night watchman and was getting my horse ready when I felt someone pinch my sides. I squealed a little and turned sharply revealing a chuckling Robin.
"You ass." I shoved him
"I got your note." he sputtered out trying to calm himself down. He took a deep breath. "So Your father is going to help us."
"It would seem so." I sigh
"And what on earth or who on earth got him to agree to that?" he questioned and I gave him a pointed look "Marion."
"I don't know what she said but it seems like her powers of persuasion played on his conscience more than mine ever does these days." I reply slipping on my gloves.
"You see, I would believe that if I thought he had one."
"He does, it's just polluted by the influence of the Sheriff and the grief of things past." i defended "He holds onto experiences like a vice, hell to if anyone wrongs him or those he cares about." he didn't look convinced
"Lambert is his friend and father feels undermined by the Sheriff, so Marion took advantage of the situation."
"Clever Marion." he commented
"You're just annoyed that for once her self preservation kicked in and she had to agreed to marry my father. I'm not happy about it either but I'm not sat here grumbling like a baby, whining how life not fair." I snipped at him "Now, unless you have a better idea to get Lambert out of the clutches of the Sheriff then by all means." I clicks his tongue
"So what is this plan?" He gives in
"Father has sent me in his place of him to attend the nobles council. He will use the Sheriff's absence to secure Lamberts release and then take him onto Kirkleess where it is safe. If you wait on the great north road, you can intercept and seize Lambert yourself. And for all our sakes and sanity, find that ledger and burn it." I relayed the plan that had been set.
"I already have the ledger. And I am not going to burn it. I am keeping it safe for Lambert."
"At the risk of it falling into the wrong hands? What then? It's too dangerous, Robin." my hand fell onto his arm.
"How is it our calling to judge what should exist as knowledge."
"It is our calling to protect others. Or have you forgotten that already?" i snap back and he scoffs as we turn swapping places. "If its glory you seek by keeping the ledger, then God help you. You are not the man I thought you to believe." I let go and mount my horse. I lowered my mask and lifted up face covering. I stared at him for a moment the trotted out.
At the council meeting the next day I stood in front of my fathers seat on the council which usually remained empty because even though he was a lord he stood as the Sheriff's right hand man. I was expecting to see the Sheriff enter alone but that was not the case. I grabbed onto my fathers arm.
"I thought you had business to attend to." I voiced, being careful not to let on that I knew the full reason of why he wasn't suppose to be here "That is why you asked me to sit in your place."
"Plans changed."
"So...I am expected to go, no word of warning that you're changing everything? If that was the case you had ample time to warn me."
"Stay, you might learn something." he moved on and Marion stopped him, the two talked and he carried on to stand behind the Sheriff. She then came over to me.
"Lamberts dead." I didn't react but sat myself down next to her.
"My Lords, Ladies, Nobles. let me introduce the latest addition to your well fed circus. Lord Much, Earl of Bonchurch." my gaze shifted to much entering and looking uncomfortable in his new standard of clothing. The assumed spy/maid following behind him. Much descended and then took his seat as there was a staggered clap. He was given a chair and sat down next to me.
"I heard that there was once an emperor who made his horse a senator." there was a polite and awkward laugh, which neither Marion or I partook in. "Can you imagine that. All the other latest senators smiling as their latest member drops dung on their feet? You're not going to do that are you Lord Much." much shook his head nervously.
"So down to business." I stared at my father who did not pay attention at first. That was till his gaze caught mine and i blocked out the fact that the Sheriff had turned to try and humiliate Much.
"Lady Ophelia." my eyes snapped away "Something the matter? Your normally one to nay just for the sake of it."
"Nothing." I blinked answering "I just am not in the mood to fight with anyone today. Maybe I am coming down with something."
"Maybe the council of lords is not place for your...delicate nature." he smirked as if he had one a fight between him and I even though we were not presently engaged in one.
"Maybe, not. Please excuse me." I let out a breath and glanced at much who did the same as i took my leave. I made my way via the main road on my return to Locksley. knowing i would bee seen. there was a whistle that made me look up and i saw Will and a few moments later Robin and the others descended. He came up beside me and I swung my leg over to dismount he held up his arms and helped me down. My horse trotted to away a couple of yards.
"He's dead. Lamberts dead." I stated "He's dead and I was wrong. I was wrong. I don't know why I keep hoping...hoping for him to..." I broke down crying and trying to wipe away my tears furiously. Robin pulled me into his embrace as he had done once before. Once I had calmed down, he took me back to the camp where there was a heated discussion going on about the ledger. He hand holding comfortingly onto mine.
"Think of this as progress. Other scientists could do much better things with Greek Fire" Djaq voiced
"Yeah you could blow up the entire castle with that stuff!" Allan exclaimed and in most circumstances that would sound like a brilliant idea, if not the other shoe would drop and everyone else would suffer for such a act.
"Lambert's dead. He died believing I would protect his work" Robin added
"Then let me study this ledger. Create Black powder." Djaq offered "With this we could be unstoppable."
"This is not about one man's wish. Robin" Will interjected and Robin held out his hand for the ledger which he was given.
"First we must destroy the Sheriff's powder. That is a weapon he must not wield. It's time to call on our noble on the inside." he then turned to me "You can get a message to him."
"Of course and i will help in anyway that I can destroying the black powder." I confirmed. He gave me the message to relay back and I made my way to Much's estate. there were the villiagers inside being fed and given merriment by the Former outlaw. I saw him getting awfully close and personal with his known spy.
"Lady Ophelia." he cleared his throat and she looked back. Awkwardly she left us to speak.
"Lord Much. I was hoping the two of us could speak in private." he nodded and lead me into another room where it was dark and quiet. We started talking
"look, wee need you to let slip to the girl that the ledger is in the third barrel of black powder." I whispered
"But that's not true. Robin has the ledger he told me himself." he replied
"what is the problem Much?"
"I will not lie to Eve" I raised my eyebrow. "I can't.
"Why." then it clicked "Oh so she flutters her eyelashes at you and you go weak at the knees. You know she's a spy, her smiles and almost touches she literally gets paid for, all so that you will drop your guard and betray him. Grow up and join the rest of us smart folk."
"If she passes on rotten information to the Sheriff, he will punish her."
"if she is working for the sheriff then she deserves no less. A good honourable man has already died over this." i look away "Just do as Robin says and tell the girl."
The next morning I prepare to leave in front of my father so he will not question where i am. In turn I can help Robin destroy the black powder and make sure it never stays or can be used by my father and the Sheriff.
"Where are you going?" father questioned
"St Cecilia. I'm in need of quiet contemplation for a few days and the sisters have always been gracious enough to house me for such a time." I grab my bag and take it outside to my horse and attach it to the saddle.
"Ophelia, why do I have the feeling that you are discontent with me in some way."
"Oh because I am." I stop and turn to him "I have never been under the illusion that you do bad things. I have grown up doing that fact, but i have always been so sure that despite all that you are a good person. There has been situations in recent times where you have done things that well, make me question that. I question if you are a good person who does bad things or your just a bad person and that I should find a way to separate myself from. My faith no my whole sense of being is in question because if you can be turned what hope is there for me?
What hope is there that I will not to become like you one day. I don't want that, I want to live a full an happy life. Where the deamons of my past are lessons not stains on the heart. So I am going to contemplate and seek guidance in such matters. Where do we go from here? " I mount as I watch my words shatter him and ride off into the forrest. I change on my way and meet up with Robin. together we eventually follow my father to a remote set of caves. We watch as he and the guards go in search of the ledge only to find nothing and him leave.
"I'm surprised he hasn't figure out he's being tricked." Allan commented
"He can't." I state looking at him "We had a conversation before I left. I may not always be able to sway my father but i can certainly blind him to the obvious. He's not thinking straight. Right now he wants to follow me but instead has to do this and both sides are conflicting with one another. Hence he will have to be told that it was a trick for him to actually get it."
"Are you okay?" Robin questioned me
"I'm fine. Let's go." We ran out and into the cave where the only three barrels were left. I looked inside and lifted up some of the power letting it drift through my hands.
"Just this can destroy men and mountains." Robin commented "It is inconceivable." we set out the trap and then ran for cover waiting for my fathers return. When he did the sheriff and more guards were in tow.
"Show time." Robin muttered and we all got ready. I watched as father dismounted and went for the caves. "Gisbourne!" I lift my mask to cover my features, out of Habit.
"What are you waiting for get him!" My father ordered and all of us started releasing arrows preventing them from coming close to our direction "You have five seconds left in this world. Four, three, two, one." he looked back to me, he had given me the chance to be the one to destroy what he worked so hard for I let go of the flaming arrow and sent it flying into the cave. Father ran trying to escape the worst of the blast when it exploded. I watched at the flames burned and the smoke breezed through. Yet I could see that my father though sore was still very much alive. I smiled a little finally feeling better now that I was apart of the chance to give him a bad day
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