Chapter Twenty-Four

Xiaodan pursed her lips and crossed her arms tightly over her chest as she stared at the Fire Nation flag hanging above the entrance of Omashu as well as the thick plumes of gray-black smoke filling the air surrounding the fallen city.

"I can't believe it." Aang said in disbelief as he stood beside Xiaodan and looked at the fallen city then he turned to look at Katara and Sokka, his tone becoming sad, "I know the War has spread far, but Omashu always seemed...untouchable."

"Up until now, it was." Sokka stated with a frown as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Now Ba Sing Se is the only great Earth Kingdom stronghold left."

"This is horrible." Katara whispered sadly as she walked forward and stood between the two Airbenders, "But we have to move on."

"No." Aang and Xiaodan said simultaneously, their voices firm and their expressions determined.

"We're going to find Bumi." Xiaodan said without turning around and Aang nodded in agreement.

"Xia, Aang, stop." Sokka stated with a sigh, "We don't even know if Bumi's still-"

"What?" Aang demanded angrily as he turned to glare at the older boy, "If he's still what?"

"A-around." Sokka stuttered in response and rubbed the back of his neck as he avoided looking the two Airbenders' eyes.

"I know you had your heart set on Bumi, but there are other people who can teach you Earthbending." Katara said reassuringly.

"This isn't about finding a teacher." Aang snapped, clearly upset as he scowled faintly at the dark-haired girl, "This is about find my and Xia's friend."

Xiaodan nodded and turned to look back at the fallen city, her fingers tapping against her bicep.

"A secret passage?" Sokka muttered as he watched Aang and Xiaodan use their gliders to open an entrance to a secret tunnel, "Why didn't we just use this last time."

The two Airbenders managed to open the tunnel and a small flood of sewage flowed out onto Sokka's feet.

"Ugh!" The Water Tribe boy grunted in disgust as he looked at the gunk.

"Does that answer your question?" Aang quipped sarcastically as he ducked into the sewer tunnel, a snickering Xiaodan following right behind him.

"Ewww..." Sokka muttered, pinching his nose in disgust as he followed the two Airbenders into the sewer.

The four teens proceed through the tunnel, Aang and Xiaodan conjuring airballs with their staffs to clear a path while Katara used Waterbending to carefully maneuver the sewage around her. Sokka, on the other hand, was continuously soaked in the foal substance since he was unable to bend it away from it.

Once they had reached the end of the sewer, Aang used a blast of air to loosen the sewer lid which he then held up slightly so that he could make sure the coast was clear. Noticing that the street was empty, Aang pushed the sewer cover aside then used Airbending to propel himself out of the manhole, Xiaodan following him a moment.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought." Katara commented happily as she pulled herself out of the manhole and stood beside Aang and Xiaodan after inspecting the hem of her tunic, Momo resting on her shoulder

"Ugh!" Xiaodan mumbled in disgust when Sokka climbed out of the sewer completely covered in the sewage slime.

The Water Tribe boy groaned and shuffled towards the three benders with his arms outstretched. Katara quickly Waterbended some water from a barrel and launched it at her brother, washing away the slime then Xiaodan and Aang swung their staffs and dried him off. Xiaodan's brows rose nearly to her hairline when she saw the purple pentapi attached to Sokka's face.

Sokka stared at the three blankly for a moment then started screaming when the pentapi began sucking on his face.

"Ahh! They won't let go!" Sokka shrieked as he tried to yank the pentapi off his face, "Help!"

Aang lunged at Sokka and knocked him back into a wall, "Shh! Stop making so much noise. It's just a purple pentapus."

Xiaodan reached forward and rubbed a pentapus's head gently while Aang did the same to the other pentapus on Sokka's face, causing both creatures to pop right off and leave bright red welts on Sokka's skin. Sokka sighed in relief and quickly removed the pentapus on his neck as he rubbed his cheek vigorously.


The four teens froze and turned to look at the here Fire Nation guards that had appeared suddenly and where approaching them. Aang quickly pulled Katara, Sokka, and Xiaodan in front of him so that he could cover up his arrow before the guards saw him.

"What are you kids doing out past curfew?" The lead guard demanded as he and the other two stopped a few feet away just as Aang appeared between Katara and Xiaodan, his shawl wrapped around his head like a hat.

"Sorry." Katara apologized as she and the others gave the guards innocent smiles, "We were just on our way home."

The four turned and tried started walking down the street as calmly as they could.

"Wait!" The lead guard said suddenly when he noticed the red spots on the back of the older boy's neck, "What's the matter with him."

"Uh..." Katara stuttered a she leaned back slightly and looked at her brother's neck.

"He has pentapox, sir." Xiaodan lied quickly as she, Katara, Sokka, and Aang turned around as the guards walked closer to them, "Umm..."

"It's highly contagious." Katara added when the lead guard leaned forward to look at the red spots on Sokka's face, his eyes narrowed suspiciously.

Sokka blinked up at the guard then changed in his expression into one of agony as he clutched at his face, "Oh, it's so awful. I'm dying."

"And deadly." Xiaodan quipped as she watched the lead guard back away from Sokka quickly.

"Hey, I think I heard of pentapox!" A second guard said as he took a slight step away from the four teens then addressed the third guard, "Didn't your cousin Chang die of it?"

"We'd better go wash our hands and burn our clothes." The lead guard stated as he and the other two turned around and rushed away, leaving the four teens alone in the street.

"I can't believe they bought that..." Xiaodan commented as she stared after the retreating guards in disbelief, "That's a little sad."

Aang just grinned and the head of the pentapus he still had in his hand, "Thank you, sewer friends."

"When tracking your brother and uncle, traveling with the royal procession may no longer be an option." Li intoned sagely as she sat on one side the Azula's royal palanquin.

"May no longer be wise." Lo added from the other side of the palanquin.

"If you hope to keep the element of surprise." The two sisters droned together.

"You're right. The royal procession is dead weight. If I want to catch my prey, I must be agile, nimble. I need a small, elite team." Azula commented from inside the palanquin, gold eyes narrowed slightly then a small smirk appeared on her pretty face, "It's time to visit some old friends."

Xiaodan, Katara, Aang, and Sokka with Momo on his shoulder as they snuck around the fall en city of Omashu, ducking behind some metal bars used for construction as a patrol of Fire Nation guards passed by them, the dark night providing good cover.

"Let's find Bumi and get out of here." Katara muttered quietly as the four peered at the patrol over the metal bars.

"Where would they be keeping him?" Sokka asked the two Airbenders softly.

"Somewhere he can't Earthbend." Xiaodan replied quietly as she around then her gaze focused on the metal palace in the center of the city.

"Yeah," Aang agreed as he followed his sister's gaze, "Somewhere made of metal."

The four teens moved out from behind their hiding place and continued to sneak through the city in search of Bumi.

"There really is no fathoming the depths of my hatred for this place." A young woman with black hair and an emotionless expression drawled blandly as she walked in front of two Fire Nation guards.

"Mai, your father was appointed governor." An older woman, clearly the girl's mother, chided as she held her baby boy in her arms, "We're like royalty here. Be happy and enjoy it."

A man in Earth Kingdom guard stood high above the party beside one of the mail delivery chute that was filled with some large rocks, ready to be pushed down the chute and directly at the party below where the delivery chute ended.

"The targets are approaching." The man said as he looked over the edge and saw the light of the torches below.

A beard man in Earth Kingdom military uniform nodded from behind the other man, "Take them out."

"I thought my life was boring in the Fire Nation, but this place is unbearably bleak." Mai sighed in a dull tone, "Nothing ever happens here."

The resistance fighter pushed the rocks down the chute using Earthbending then stepped back as the rocks crumbling down the chute at high speed, heading straight towards the two women, the baby, and the guards.

"Look!" Xiaodan hissed as she and her three friends caught sight of the rocks rushing towards the party of people.

Aang looked at the procession in distress then leapt forward and slammed his staff down, pulverizing the rocks with a blast of air as it passed down the chute, the explosive sound alerting the party.

The Fire Nation party looked up to see what caused the sound and Mai squinted her eyes slightly so that she could make out who was standing above her.

"The resistance!" Mai's mother shouted as she pointed at Aang, who stared at her with wide eyes.

A faint smirk appeared on Mai's face and she swung her hands up towards Aang, sending tiny arrows flying at him.

Aang quickly jumped up to avoid the arrows which embedded themselves into the stack of construction materials he landed on. Aang quickly leapt back over to where Xiaodan, Sokka, and Katara were waiting and the four ran away as two of the Fire Nation guards were climbing up ladders to get to them.

Katara whirled around and used the water from her flask to create a water whip, lashing out at the two guards pursing them and knocking off the side of the level they were standing on just as Mai reached the level. Mai extended her right arm as she ran at Katara, shooting off some small arrows at the other girl, but Katara raised a shield of ice to protect herself.

Katara spun around and raced over to where Xiaodan and Aang were waiting for her while Mai jumped over the ice shield in hot pursuit. Katara ran past Xiaodan and Aang and the two Airbenders twisted, sending a gust of wind at some of the construction scaffolding and causing it to collapse in front of the still running Mai. Mai skidded to a stop and thrusted her hand out, sending two throwing stars and they bounced off the metal wall, heading straight at the two Airbenders.

"Look out!" Xiaodan shouted as she spun herself in front of Aang and twirled her staff in front of her, catching the two throwing stars in the wood.

The white-haired girl looked at the stars that were stuck in her staff then glared at the other girl standing on the opposite side of the collapsed scaffolding. Mai sneered slightly and flung more of the small arrows at Xiaodan, Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Momo, but the ground opened up beneath them and they disappeared before the small projectiles could meet there marks.

Mai looked at the place where the four teens and the lemur had been then sighed and turned around, walking away in disinterest.

Xiaodan groaned quietly as she rubbed her head along with Aang and Sokka while Katara looked around, clearly disoriented. Xiaodan's head shot up when she heard someone step towards them and she blinked when she saw a man in Earth Kingdom military uniform standing in front of her along with two other men.


"Ty Lee, could that possibly be you?" Azula asked as she stopped paused in front of a girl with long brown hair in a braid standing upside down on her index fingers.

"Azula!" The girl, Ty Lee, exclaimed with a smile then she let her feet fall forward back onto the ground then she twirled around gracefully and dropped into a low bow before the Fire Nation princess for a moment.

"It's so good to see you!" Ty Lee said happily as raced forward and embraced Azula happily.

"Please, don't let me interrupt your...whatever it is you were doing." Azula said after Ty Lee had pulled away, her dark brow raised in bemusement.

Ty Lee smiled widely as she performed a backflip that ended with her lying on her chest with one leg stretched out over her head while the other was pointing straight up to the sky, then she began idly kicking her legs.

"Tell me, what is the daughter of a nobleman doing here?" Azula asked as she glanced around the circus then back to her friend, "Certainly our parents didn't send us to the Royal Fire Academy for Girl to end up in...places like this."

Azula's brow rose further when she glanced off to the side and stared quizzically as three men tried to move a platypus-bear by tugging at its leash. The platypus-bear groaned loudly and got up, revealing that it had laid an egg. Azula's lip curled slightly in disgust and she quickly looked back at Ty Lee, who feet were resting on the back of her head while her hands held up her chin and a happy expression on her face as she too looked at the platypus-bear.

"I have a proposition for you." Azula stated, grabbing Ty Lee's attention again and the princess looked at her nails, "I'm hunting a traitor. You remember my old fuddy-duddy uncle, don't you?"

"Oh yeah." Ty Lee said in confirmation then she giggled quietly, "He was so funny."

"I would be honored if you would join me on my mission."

"Oh-I-uh...would love to." Ty Lee stuttered nervously as she stood up in a single, fluid and elegant move, "But the truth is, I'm really happy here. I mean my aura has never been pinker!"

"I'll take your word for it." Azula replied as she lifted her hand casually then crossed her arms, "Well, I wouldn't want you to give up the life you love just to please me."

"Thank you, Azula." Ty Lee said gratefully as she bowed respectfully then began stretching again.

"Of course, before I leave, I'm going to catch your show." Azula called over her shoulder as she walked away, a small smirk on her face.

Ty Lee's eyes went wide and she gasped quietly in panic, accidently breaking her stance. The brown-haired girl took a breath and continued to stretch, her panicked expression changing to one of worry and trepidation.

"Uh, yeah...sure, uh...of course." Ty Lee called back, her tone nervous.

Xiaodan crossed her arms tightly over her chest as she walked next to Aang as the four teens followed three Earth Kingdom soldiers through a tunnel and into a large underground cave.

"So, is King Bumi with you guys?" Aang asked the man in charge, Yung, eagerly as they came to a stop, "Is he leading the resistance?"

"Of course not!" Yung snapped angrily as he clenched his fists, "The day of the invasion, we readied ourselves for battle. We were prepared to defend our fight for our lives and for our freedom. But before we even had a change, King Bumi surrendered!"

Xiaodan felt her jaw drop at Yung's words and Aang gave the older man a disconcerted look, Katara looking at both Airbenders in concern.

"You're kidding?" Xiaodan asked, her shock obvious and Yung shook his head.

"The day of the invasion, I asked King Bumi what he wanted to do." Yung explained, his tone still angry, "He looked me in the eye and said 'I'm going to do...nothing!'"

"It doesn't matter now." Yung continued, causing both Aang and Xiaodan to lower their eyes sadly, "Fighting the Fire Nation is the only path to freedom. And freedom is worth dying for."

Xiaodan pursed her lips and leaned against her staff, keeping her eyes on the ground while Aang leaned against his own staff beside her.

"Actually there's another path to freedom." Aang stated as he lifted his eyes and looked at Yung, "You could leave Omashu. You're directing all your energy to fight the Fire Nation. But you're outnumbered. You can't win."

"Now would be the time to retreat," Xiaodan added quietly as she straightened and looked at Yung and the other resistance members, "So you can live to fight another day."

"You don't understand." Yung retorted in exasperation as he began gesturing with his hands, "They've taken our home, and we have to fight them at any cost!"

"I don't know, Yung." One of the resistance fighters said in a soft tone, "Living to fight another day is startin' to sound pretty good to me."

"Yeah!" Another fighter agreed decisively as he stepped forward and pointed at himself, "I'm with the kid and his friend!"

Yung pursed his lips slightly and looked out at all the people who had taken refuge in the sewers under Omashu as they whispered quietly to themselves, then Yung looked back at Xiaodan and Aang.

"Fine." He consented reluctantly, "But there's thousands of citizens that need to leave. How're we going to get them all out?"

Sokka rested his hand on his chin as he thought then a broad smile appeared on his face as he pointed at Yung and the other fighters.


Xiaodan quirked a brow at him while Katara and Aang gave him strange looks along with Yung and the other fighters, Momo chirping questionably from his perch on Xiaodan's shoulder. Sokka blinked then shifted his eyes right and left, his smile widening.

"You're all about to come down with a nasty case of pentapox."

Xiaodan's eyes went wide for a moment then she laughed as she shook her head, "Sokka, you're a genius."

"The marks make ya look sick, but you gotta act sick too." Sokka explained to the people of Omashu as they used the pentapi to create little red suction marks on their skin, "Ya gotta sell it!"

Xiaodan's brows rose as an elder man hobbled past her and Sokka, leaning heavily on his cane as he clutched his back and moaned in pain.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Sokka exclaimed, grabbing a guy standing next to him as he pointed at the old man.

"Years of practice." The old man said with a grin as he turned around and tapped his wooden leg with his cane, causing Xiaodan to shake her head in amusement and cross her arms.

"Okay everyone!" Sokka called out as he clapped his hands together to grab the citizens' attention, "Into sick formation!"

The citizens and Sokka began shuffling off towards the gates of Omashu, moaning and groaning in pain as they feigned illness. Katara went to join the others but paused when she saw that Aang and Xiaodan were walking in the other direction.

"Aang, Xia, what are you doing?" The dark-haired girl asked curiously, "Aren't you guys coming with us."

Aang turned around and shook his head, "No, Xia and I aren't leaving until we find Bumi."

Katara nodded and shuffled after her brother and the other citizens.

"Let's, Aang." Xiaodan said as she used Airbending to jump onto the roof of a house then she began jumping from rooftop-to-rooftop just as Momo jumped onto Aang's shoulder and tugged at his lips, but the younger Airbender brushed the lemur off gently.

"Sorry, Momo, I'll feed you later." Aang apologized to the lemur then propelled himself into the air using Airbending and he jumped from rooftop-to-rooftop rapidly to catch up with his sister.

The Fire Nation guards stared in horror at the swarm of moaning people shuffled towards where they were guarding the gates of Omashu. The people were swaying back-and-forth and some had their arms outstretched which caused the guards to back away with their spears raised.

Sokka groaned in pain and grabbed at his red-spotted face in theatrical agony then he reached out towards the guards, who began to back away hurriedly.

"Plague! Plague!" One of the guards shouted as he and the others ran around the crowd of sick people and towards the citadel behind them, away from the gates while another guard at the top began ringing the gong to alert everyone of the problem.

"What is going on down there?" Mai's father, the 'governor' of Omashu demanded as he rested his hands against the balcony and looked out at the shuffling crowd of citizens and retreating guards.

"I saw some kids yesterday who were sick with pentapox." A guard said from behind the governor, "It must have spread!"

"Pentapox!" The governor muttered as he stroked his beard, "Hmm...I'm pretty sure I've heard of that."

Mai rolled her eyes slightly from beside her father and continued to eat from the bowl of fire flakes in her hand.

"Oh, this is terrible!" Mai's mother all but wailed as she clutched her baby son, Tom-Tom to her chest.

"What should we do?" The guard asked, looking at the governor for instruction.

"Drive them out of the city," The governor ordered as he pointed towards the gates of Omashu, "But don't touch them! We have to rid the city of this disease!"

The guard bowed respectfully and left to carry out the governor's orders. Mai glanced over at her father then held the bowl of fire flakes out to him.

"Fire flakes, Dad?" Mai offered blandly and her father gave her a reproachful look, while his wife put Tom-Tom down beside her.

"How awful!" The woman said with a gasp as she wrapped her arms around her husband, seeking comfort and leaving Tom-Tom on the ground.

Tom-Tom gave a quiet gurgle of laughter and toddled off the balcony and back into the room, his family completely unaware of his disappearance.

Xiaodan and Aang ran through the abandoned streets of Omashu lightly then they nimbly climbed one of the empty houses and walked along the balcony railing, their arms stretched out for balance. Aang jumped from the balcony railing and Xiaodan followed him a moment later, the two Airbenders landing lightly on a flat rooftop. Xiaodan's eyes widened slightly when she and Aang caught sight of a large, white creature pushing a turnstile below them and the two jumped down.

"Flopsie!" Xiaodan and Aang exclaimed when they realized that the creature was Bumi's pet goat-gorilla.

Flopsie stopped pushing the turnstile when he heard his name and turned towards the two Air Nomads, his sad expression morphing into a happy one as he hurried forward and tried to reach for his two friends. But the chain around his neck prevented him from reaching and he gave up his attempts with a despondent whine.

"Oh you poor thing." Xiaodan cooed as she hurried forward to pet Flopsie's nose while Aang jumped over the goat-gorilla and landed on the turnstile where the lock to Flopsie's chain was located.

Xiaodan stroked Flopsie's muzzle while Aang used water from the goat-gorilla bowl to freeze the lock then the younger Airbender swung his staff and destroyed the lock, freeing Flopsie. The giant goat-gorilla made a happy noise and hugged the two Airbenders tightly, licking both of their faces with a swipe of his tongue which caused Xiaodan to laugh.

"Come on, Flopsie," Aang said as he and Xiaodan climbed on top of Flopsie's neck, "You gotta help me find Bumi. Yip-yip!"

Flopsie didn't move and Aang scratched his head, giving Xiaodan a sheepish look as she chuckled behind him.

"Oh... I guess that doesn't work with you." Aang said with a sheepish laugh as he shook his head slightly, "Let's go!"

Xiaodan yelped slightly in surprise and wrapped an arm around Aang's waist to keep from falling off the goat-gorilla when Flopsie suddenly raced forward with great speed.

Momo chittered quietly as he flew through the city then he landed on a balcony and peaked through the window. The lemur's eyes went wide and he started to drool when he caught sight of a large bowl full of berries sitting on a table in the middle of the room. Momo quickly flew into the room and landed on the table then he began stuffing berries in his mouth, only taking a moment to rapidly spit out the seeds, completely unaware that he was not alone in the room.

Tom-Tom giggled happily as he played with his stuffed bear, tossing it up into the air then catching it again. His happy giggling was cut short when he noticed a bunch of little objects on the ground and he gurgled curiously as he began following the path they made, coming to a stop under the table where he could a see a striped rope swaying idly on one side. Tom-Tom sat down and looked at the rope for a moment then reached forward and grabbed it with both hands, giving it a small tug.

Momo screeched quietly through a mouthful of berries as he was suddenly yanked off the table and onto the ground mid-bite. The lemur tried to scramble away but only managed to pull a giggling Tom-Tom out from under table, Momo's tail firmly grasped in his pudgy hands. Momo finally managed to get his tail free and he leapt out of the window and back onto the balcony railing. The lemur glanced behind him then chittered in terror when he saw the human baby toddling towards him with his arms stretched out wide. Momo backed away from the baby then leapt off the railing and flew away just as the baby reached out for him, causing Tom-Tom to tumble off the railing and slide down the roof.

Tom-Tom giggled happily as he slid right off the roof and into a passing mail cart full of berries, his head disappearing underneath the berries. Momo chittered happily when he spotted the cart full of berries and he eagerly landed on top of the pile of fruit, stuffing the berries in his mouth again. Tom-Tom emerged from under the berries, a happy giggle spilling from his mouth when he saw the same striped rope in front of him and he grabbed it gleefully then he bit down on it.

Momo's eyes went wide and he chittered rapidly as he dropped the berries in his hands and jumped into the air, frantically flapping his wings in a desperate attempt to get away from the human baby that had just bit his tail. The mail chute suddenly became steeper which allowed Momo to lift himself as well as Tom-Tom, who was still clinging to his tail, into the air as the cart of berries fell out from under them. Momo tried to stay in the air but the lemur was unable to bear the weight of both himself and the baby and the two start to descend, Tom-Tom's backside dragging against the ground for a second before Momo crashed landed on the ground.

The baby giggled gleefully as he rolled across the ground and landed on top of Momo, pinning the lemur to the ground which caused Momo to screech as he clawed at the ground and tried to shake the baby off his back desperately. Tom-Tom's giggling stopped abruptly as he watched the crowd of 'sick' people suddenly shuffle past him and Momo, which allowed the lemur to wiggle out from under the baby and disappear into the ground. Tom-Tom gurgled in delight and pushed himself to his feet, staggering after the crowd and right out of the gates.

Azula smirked slightly as she watched two of the circus performers dressed in dragon costumes dance around the main ring before moving aside to reveal the circus master standing in front of the ring.

"We're deeply honored to have the Fire Lord's daughter at out humble circus!" The circus master addressed the crowd as he stood in front of the high box where Azula was sitting with two guards at her sides, "Uh...tell us if there is anything we can do to make the show more enjoyable."

"I will." Azula replied, her smirk widening ever so slightly as she turned her attention to the circus ring where a net spanned under the tightrope high above her head, where Ty Lee was balancing precariously on her hand on top of a thin pole that was attached to a round pot on the tightrope.

"Incredible." Azula praised as she and the circus master watched Ty Lee switch hands easily, "Do you think she'll fall?"

"Of course not." The circus master responded, completely confident in Ty Lee's abilities.

"Then wouldn't it make it more interesting if you removed the net?" Azula questioned nonchalantly as she turned to look directly at the circus master.

"Uh...the thing is...the performers..." The circus master tried to explain as a concerned look appeared on his face.

"You're right, you're right. That's been done." Azula cut in with a dismissive wave of her hand as she turned back to watch Ty Lee then she continued in a tone of dark pleasure, "I know. Set the net on fire."

"Of course, Princess." The circus master said as he gave Azula a stricken look but walked over to the net and set it on fire.

High above their heads, Ty Lee stared down at the blazing flames below her, sweating beginning to trickle down her forehead but she continued her act nonetheless.

"Brilliant, just brilliant!" Azula exclaimed ecstatically then she turned back to the circus master again, a happy expression on her face, "Ooh, what kind of dangerous animals do you have?"

The circus master looked up at the princess with a relieved expression, hopeful that he can change the subject to the animals and possibly save Ty Lee from burning to death.

"Well, our circus boasts the most exotic assortment-"

"Release them all!" Azula ordered gleefully before the circus master could even finish, her gold eyes burning with barely concealed maliciousness as the circus master was forced to do her bidding.

Xiaodan walked into one of the camps the Omashu refugees had made in the surrounding mountains of Omashu with Aang and Flopsie, their heads hung low despondently. Katara and Sokka looked at each other then moved forward to greet the sad looking Air Nomads.

"We looked everywhere." Aang muttered sadly with his eyes downcast, "No Bumi."

Katara hugged the younger Airbender and Aang sighed sadly as he hugged her back, his head resting on her shoulder. Sokka smiled sadly at Xiaodan then wrapped an comforting arm around Xiaodan's shoulder and the white-haired girl wrapped an arm around his waist gratefully. Flopsie moaned sadly from behind him and the two older teens turned around and hugged the goat-gorilla's face to comfort the despondent creature.

"We've got a problem." Yung said as he approached the four teens, causing them to pull away from their hugs, "We just did a head count."

"Did someone get left behind?" Xiaodan asked worried as she and Katara turned to look at the Earth Kingdom soldier with worried expressions on their faces.

"No," Yung replied with a shake of his head as he pointed at something to the left, "We have an extra."

Katara and Xiaodan gazed in that direction, their eyes widening as they watched Momo stagger forward with a little baby clamped around his neck. The four teens stare at the baby and lemur for a second then Xiaodan rushed forward.

"Aww!" The white-haired girl cooed as she scooped the baby into her arms, unintentionally saving Momo, who chittered happily as he rushed over to Aang and climbed onto his shoulder.

The governor's wife sobbed brokenly as she sat on a chair on the balcony, her daughter standing beside her. Mai stared at her sobbing mother for a moment then slowly reached into her robe and pulled out a handkerchief which she gave to her mother, a bored expression on her face. The governor stared out at the city, his hands gripping the railing tightly, his sobbing wife, apathetic daughter, and two guards standing behind him.

"So, the resistance has kidnapped my son." The governor said quietly, "Everything so clever, so tricky. Just like their King Bumi."

The governor clenched his right hand into a fist and glared out at the city as one of the guards stepped forward.

"What do you want to do, sir?"

"What an exquisite performance." Azula praised as she stood behind Ty Lee, who was sitting at a small vanity in her tent, "I can't wait to see how you'll top yourself tomorrow."

Ty Lee smiled at Azula's reflection in the mirror as she placed the flowers the princess had given her on the vanity, "I'm sorry Azula, but unfortunately there won't be a show tomorrow."

"Really?" Azula questioned nonchalantly, her lips quirking slightly at the corner as she watched Ty Lee hang up the tiara that went with her costume.

"The universe has given me strong hints that it's time for a career change." Ty Lee replied as she stood and turned to face Azula, "I want to join you on your mission."

Azula smiled faintly in satisfaction as she looked at her friend.

Xiaodan giggled faintly as she watched the little Fire Nation baby toddled after Momo as she, her friends, a few of the resistance fighters, Flopsie and Appa sat around one of the many campfires. Momo cringed away from the baby and leapt out of the just in time to avoid being caught, which caused the baby to tumble forward right next to Sokka's club. The baby gurgled quietly and picked the club and began to suck on it.

"No!" Sokka snapped as he snatched the club out of the baby's grasp, "Bad Fire Nation baby!"

"Sokka!" Xiaodan reproached the Water Tribe boy sharply as the baby began to cry and she glared at him while Katara whacked her brother across the face and placed her hands on her hips in a motherly fashion.

"Oh...alright." Sokka grumbled in annoyance as he handed the club back to the baby, who giggled happily as he began to play with the club.

"Ooh, you're so cute." Katara cooed as she hugged the baby from behind and kissed his cheek, causing Sokka to look off to the side in annoyance, his head resting on his head.

"Absolutely adorable." Xiaodan agreed as she gently tickled the baby's side and kissed the top of his head, "Really, you are just too cute, little guy."

The baby giggled and cooed happily at the two girls as he continued to play with club in his hands, more than happy with the attention Katara and Xiaodan were bestowing him with.

"Sure he's cute now, but when he's older, he'll join the Fire Nation army." Yung grunted as he looked at the two girls playing with the baby across the fire under Sokka's exasperated scrutiny, "You won't think he's so cute then. He'll be a killer."

"Does that look like the face of a killer to you?" Katara asked as she picked the baby up and showed him to Yung, whose face remained totally indifferent.

"I doubt he'll be a killer." Xiaodan commented lightly as Katara passed her the baby and the white-haired girl cradled him expertly, "The War is going to be over by the time he's old enough to join the army."

The baby gurgled happily as he looked up at Xiaodan, his pudgy hand coming up to rest against her tattooed cheek, causing the white-haired girl to smile down at him fondly and pressed a motherly kiss against the palm of his pudgy little hand. Yung rolled his eyes slightly but before he could retort, the screech of hawk filled the air.

"A messenger hawk!" Yung exclaimed as he looked over at where the bird was perched on a rock a few feet away from their campfire.

Aang stood and walked over to the hawk, pulling out the small scroll out of the canister on the messenger hawk's back.

"It's from the Fire Nation governor. He thinks we kidnapped his son. So...he wants to make a trade. His son..." Aang explained after he had unrolled the scroll and began to read it then his eyes widened dramatically, "For King Bumi."

Everyone around the campfire stared at him in surprise, Xiaodan gently rocking the baby in her arms to sleep.

Aang stared at Omashu from atop one of the hills surrounding the city with the baby in his arms and Xiaodan standing beside him. The two walk down the hill they were standing on towards Katara and Sokka, who were waiting next to Appa.

"You realize we're probably walking right into a trap." Sokka stated matter-of-factly as he stood with his arms crossed.

"I don't think so. I'm sure the governor wants his son back as much as we want Bumi." Aang replied with a slight shake of his head as he handed the baby to Xiaodan, then he smiled at the sleeping baby in his sister's arms, "It's a new day. I have a good feeling about this."

Azula sat in her royal palanquin as it was carried up the stairs towards the governor of Omashu's house, Ty Lee walking beside her. At the base of the next set of stairs, Mai stood by herself as she awaited the arrival of the palanquin. Azula smirked faintly as the palanquin bearers stopped and she climbed out then she and Ty Lee approached Mai.

"Please tell you're here to kill me." Mai drawled as she placed her hands together and bowed slightly to Azula then she glanced up at the other girl, a faint smile appearing on her other emotionless face and both she and Azula chuckle quietly.

"It's great to see you, Mai." Azula said warmly as she placed her hands on Mai's shoulders then stepped back as Ty Lee rushed forward and embraced the blank-faced girl.

"I thought you ran off to join the circus." Mai addressed Ty Lee as she awkwardly patted the bubbly girl's back ,"You said it was your calling."

Ty Lee stepped back with a bright smile on her face, "Well, Azula called a little louder."

"I have a mission and I need you both." Azula cut in as she placed a hand on both of her friends' shoulders.

"Count me in." Mai said instantly as she gave the palace behind her an annoyed look, "Anything to get me out of this place."

Azula sat on the throne of Omashu, flanked by two Fire Nation guards as she looked down at Mai's family sitting on floor pillows on the ground in front of her.

"I apologize." The governor said respectfully as he looked up at the princess, "You've come to Omashu at a difficult time. At noon we're making a trade with the resistance to get Tom-Tom back."

"Yes, I'm so sorry to hear about your son, but really what did you expect by just letting all the citizens leave?" Azula demanded as she crossed her legs and clasped her hand then stood a moment later, her tone becoming harsher as she addressed the governor, "My father has trusted you with this city and you're making a mess of things!"

The governor and his wife leaned forward, their foreheads resting against the floor as they bowed before the irritated princess, along with Mai and Ty Lee who were sitting on side the governor's other side.

"Forgive me, Princess." The governor said softly without looking up at Azula.

Azula walked between the four people and turned to look down at the governor while Ty Lee and Mai got to their feet.

"You stay here." Azula ordered the governor and his wife, "Mai will handle the hostage trade so you don't have a change to mess it up."

Azula smirked slightly as she continued, "And there is no more 'Omashu.' I'm renaming it in honor of my father, the city of New Ozai."

Xiaodan stood beside and slightly behind Aang with Katara and Sokka, who was holding the squirming baby in his arms, stood behind them on a large wooden scaffolding. The four teens watched with serious expressions on their faces as three girls approached them, the girl that chased them the other night in the lead as crane began to lower a metal cage behind them. Xiaodan's eyes narrowed slightly when she saw that the cage contained Bumi and only his face was uncovered.

"Hi, everybody!" King Bumi called out with chuckle as the crane continued to lower the cage, causing both Aang and Xiaodan to smile slightly at the crazy king before looking back at the three girls just as the cage touched the ground behind the girls.

"You brought my brother?" Mai asked blandly.

"He's here." Aang replied as he gestured to where the baby was resting in Sokka's arms, "We're ready to trade."

"I'm sorry, but a thought just occurred to me." Azula said suddenly as she looked over at Mai, "Do you mind?"

"Of course not, Princess." Mai replied as Bumi followed the conversation, his eyes flickering for one speaker to the next.

"We're trading a two year old for a king." Azula stated as she looked up at Bumi, "A powerful, Earthbending king?"

"Mmm hmmm!" Bumi agreed as he nodded his head with a grin and Azula looked back at Mai.

"It just doesn't seem like a fair trade, does it?"

Mai pondered the idea for a moment then looked at her brother, who yawned and happily rested his head against Sokka's shoulder.

"You're right." Mai agreed and Azula smiled slyly as Mai took a few steps forward, "The deal's off."

Mai held her hand up, gesturing for the guards to pull Bumi back up and the chains began to reel in from above, suspending the King in the air once again.

"Whoa!" King Bumi exclaimed, clearly amused by what was happening as he chuckled and snorted to himself, "See you all later!"

"Bumi!" Aang shouted as he and Xiaodan sprinted forward with their gliders at the ready, both of them using Airbending to increase their speed.

Azula leapt forward as well and sent a powerful stream of blue flames at the two Airbenders, but her attack was dodged easily as Aang jumped high into the air. The blue flames instead rushed towards Xiaodan, who created an air-shield just before the flames could touch her and her orange eyes went wide as the flames flared white for a moment then disappeared completely.

Xiaodan shook her head briefly and tilted her head back, watching as Aang briefly touched the scaffolding that surrounded a large statue of the Fire Lord before he pushed off it and snapped his glider open in midair, the shawl wrapped around his head falling off as he did so, leaving his arrow tattoo exposed. Aang barely managed to catch the orange fabric with his teeth as he continued to fly towards the metal cage Bumi was trapped in.

"The Avatar!" Azula said in surprise as she overcame her shock at Aang's impressive jump and she watched as the young Avatar began circling the king's coffin, a smirk appearing on her face, "My lucky day."

Xiaodan turned around to stare at the princess just in time to see Azula run towards a pulley and last through the rope that served as break, causing the winch to spin rapidly and Azula grabbed the rope, which pulled up rapidly towards the top of the construction scaffolding.

"Oh no, you don't." Xiaodan muttered as she rushed forward and began scaling the scaffolding easily, using Airbending to propel herself faster.

Azula sneered when she saw the white-haired girl climbing the side of the scaffolding and, holding the rope with one hand, Azula set a blue fireball at the other girl. Xiaodan saw the fireball coming and twisted to the side nimbly then continued to ascend the side of the construction framework.

Azula launched another fireball, nearly hitting the irksome white-haired girl but Xiaodan merely dispersed the fire blast with a strong breath of air. Xiaodan continued to dodge the blue fireballs the Fire Nation princess launched at her as she climbed to the top of the scaffolding.

Meanwhile, Aang snapped his glider shut as he landed on top of Bumi's cage.

"Aang, is that you?" Bumi questioned in surprise as he tilted his head back slightly to look at the younger Airbender, "Where did you come from?"

"Hang on! We're gonna get you out of here." Aang said in reply as he grabbed the chain and took a deep breath, then began blowing a cold wind on the chain near the top of the metal cage, causing the chain to slowly freeze.

On the ground, Mai and Ty Lee charged across the wooden scaffolding they were standing on towards Sokka and Katara. Mai readied her stilettoes while Katara took on a defensive position.

"We've got to get the baby out of here!" Katara shouted over her shoulder at her brother, who was blowing on the bison whistle.

"Way ahead of ya!" Sokka replied with a grin just as the baby took the whistle from him and began playing with it.

Katara nodded once and the two siblings ran towards the edge of the large platform, but just before they could reach it, Ty Lee's fist emerged from one of the holes in the floor and punched Sokka's foot which caused him to fall over and slide towards the edge on his back.

Sokka yelped quietly and clutched the baby to his chest as he prepared for the worst, but luckily he stopped sliding just before he fell off the edge. Katara caught sight of Ty Lee as she swung herself out of the hole in the floor and darted towards Sokka and Katara quickly Waterbended some water from her flask to attack the acrobatic girl when she noticed something behind her.

The Waterbender turned around and used her water-whip to lift up several wooden planks Justas Mai threw four knives at her. The knives embedded themselves in the wood in front of Katara's face just before they could pierce Katara's face and Katara used her water-whip again to launch the wooden boards at Mai then turned in one fluid motion towards Ty Lee, who had almost reached Sokka and the baby. Katara lashed out with her water-whip, wrapping it around Ty Lee's ankle and yanking the other girl to the ground which gave Sokka the time he need to get up and head for a nearby ladder. Sokka clutched the baby with one arm as he slide down the ladder and began to descend off the scaffolding.

Azula and Xiaodan had nearly reached the top of the scaffolding when the Fire Nation princess snarled and kicked a powerful fire blast at the white-haired girl. Xiaodan gave a wordless shout of surprise as she pushed herself off the scaffolding and spun around in midair, an air-shield surrounding her body just in time to disperse the blue flames.

As Xiaodan began to fall back to the wooden platform below, she used Airbending to propel herself forward and grabbed onto one of the exposed metal beams of the scaffolding. The white-haired girl swung herself up onto the beam, balance precariously on it as she glared up at Azula who was now several feet above her and still rising rapidly to the top.

"Better luck next time!" Azula called out mockingly with a sneer as she looked back at the top where she could see the Avatar perched at the top of the King's metal cage.

Xiaodan's eyes narrowed slightly then she threw herself from the metal beam she was balancing on and snapped her glider open, flying up towards the top speedily.

"Aang, stop your blowing for a minute." Bumi called out to Aang as the younger Airbender continued to try and freeze the chain with his breath.

The chain finally froze completely just as loud explosion occurred on top of the scaffolding and Aang turned just in time to see Azula be propelled into the air as she shot a plume of blue fire at him with a powerful kick.

Despite being startled by the princess sudden appearance and attack, Aang quickly deflected the flames with a strong gust of air he created by swinging his staff.

"Now hold on a-duahh!" Bumi started only to scream as he and Aang began to free-fall after Aang accidently broke the chain when he swung his staff.

Aang quickly turned Bumi's metal cage over and created a large airball underneath the cage just as they are about to crash into one of the mail chutes. The airball broke their fall and they began to rapidly slide down the chute they landed in. Azula watched the spectacle through narrowed eyes from atop the scaffolding and was about to rush over to a nearby chute when she was suddenly knocked to the side by a gust of wind.

The princess jumped to her feet just in time to see the white-haired girl flying away from the scaffolding towards the Avatar and the King. Azula growled quietly and ran towards the chute again. She jumped into one of the stone carts and began pursing the Avatar, the King, and the annoying white-haired Airbender.

"Just like old times, isn't it Bumi?" Aang addressed Bumi with a slight laugh as he stood on top of the metal cage as it raced down the delivery chute.

"Aang, I need to talk to you!" Bumi shouted in response, his expression serious.

"It's good to see you too!" Aang shouted as he grinned down at Bumi before h noticed the fast approach of something in the chute on his left.

Aang turned to see what it was just as Azula shot several blue fireballs towards him and Bumi from the cart she was standing on. Aang's eyes went wide and he lifted the staff to deflect the fireballs but before he could, Xiaodan landed in front of him on top of the metal cage and she twirled her staff, dispersing the blasts.

The two chutes merged together and Azula was now right behind them. Xiaodan thrusted her fist forward and sent a powerful gust of air at Azula, but the princess parted it by clasping her hands together. Azula smirked and retaliated with several fire blasts, causing both Xiaodan and Aang to yelp as they ducked underneath the blue flames. Aang began using paddle with his staff, increasing the speed of the metal cage as it slid down the chute while Xiaodan deflected more blue fireballs with her staff.

Aang, Xiaodan, and Bumi enter a portion of the chute that had wooden arches over it at short intervals. Aang looked up at the wooden arches then back at Azula, who was beginning to gain on them and he swung his staff, cutting through the arches with an air blade. The wooden arches collapsed upon the chute, catching Azula in the dust cloud that was kicked up by the falling debris.

When Azula's cart emerged from debris again, it was empty and the two Airbenders sighed in relief. However, their sighs quickly turned to screams as Azula appeared again, having ducked down into the cart to avoid the debris. The Fire Nation princess launched another stream of blue fire at them, causing Aang and Xiaodan to drop flat on their bellies beside each other to avoid the flames, panicked expressions on their faces.

Katara stood several feet from Mai and she lashed out with her water-whip, only for Mai to dodge by bending slightly backwards. The non-bender kicked her leg up as she bent backwards, shooting a stiletto out of a launcher attached to her leg. Katara easily blocked the weapon by pulled her water-whip back to her and freezing it into a wall of ice.

Mai took the opportunity to charge at Katara head on and stretched out her arm as she prepared to throw another stiletto. At that moment, Katara unfroze the water and sent water at Mai, capturing her right arm in the stream of water. The dark-haired Waterbender then froze the water, encasing Mai's whole right arm in ice. Mai's lip curled slightly as she tried to break the ice encasing her arm, but the ice held easily.

Ty Lee suddenly climbed onto the wooden platform behind Katara and the acrobat bounced forward, hitting Katara's arms several times with quick, light jabs then Ty Lee jumped back over to where Mai was standing. Katara gasped quietly in surprise at the attack and she loses control of her water stream, causing the water to splash harmless to the ground. Katara's brows furrowed as she tried to bend the water again, but the water only lifted a small amount before falling back down into a puddle.

"How are you gonna fight without your bending?" Mai asked tauntingly as she pulled a sai from her robe and aimed it at shocked Katara.

The blank-faced girl was about to throw the weapon when Sokka's boomerang appeared out of nowhere and knocked it out of her. Mai and Ty Lee spun around and their eyes widened slightly when they saw Sokka flying towards them on Appa.

"I seem to manage!" Sokka snapped as he caught the boomerang in one hand then landed Appa between Katara and the other two girls.

As he landed, Appa slammed his tail hard on the ground, sending Mai and Ty Lee flying off the scaffolding. Katara hurriedly climbed onto Appa's head and Sokka quickly snapped the reigns, urging the sky bison back into the air.

"There's Aang and Xia!" Katara exclaimed as she pointed to where the two Airbenders were sliding down one the deliver chutes on Bumi's metal cage with Azula following right behind them.

Sokka looked in the direction Katara pointed and nodded his head, "We can catch them!"

Appa gave a low growl as he changed course and headed towards Aang and Xiaodan.

Xiaodan twirled her staff in front of her and Aang defensively as Azula shot multiple fire blasts at them, sweat trickling down her temple as she focused on keeping the fireballs from hitting her and her brother while still rocketing down the chute. Appa suddenly pulled up beside them and Xiaodan let out a relieved sigh then swung her staff, sending a slice of air at Azula to distract her.

"Hang on, Bumi!" Aang shouted when he saw Appa with Katara and Sokka on his head, "Our ride's here!"

Appa swerved to avoid another blue fireball that Azula launched at him after ducking down into the cart to avoid the air blast Xiaodan had thrown at her. As Appa pulled closer to the chute again, Aang lifted the metal cage but hitting the side of the chute with a blast of air from his staff. Katara and Sokka attempted to grab hold of the metal cage as it passes over their heads, but it was just slightly too high for them to reach and it sails over Appa's other side.

Bumi screamed briefly as he, Aang, and Xiaodan fall through the air and the two Airbenders quickly move the metal cage into a more horizontal position in midair. The three grunted as their fall is broken by another chute as they land crosswise on it, breaking right through it. They fall down to another chute and start to slide down once again, Azula hot on their trail.

Xiaodan turned to face Azula just in time to watch the princess create a whirling disk of blue flames, which she then sends down the chute straight at Xiaodan, Aang, and Bumi and it gained on them rapidly. Bumi peeked around Aang and Xiaodan at the upcoming fire disk then clenched his teeth in effort as he jerked his chin up slightly. A pillar of rock suddenly rose in the middle of the chute, protecting the three from the fire disk and causing the two Airbenders to first at the rock pillar then down at Bumi in shock.

Azula gasped in surprise when she saw rock pillar blocking her path down the chute and she jumped out of the delivery cart in the nick of time and over the rock pillar as the cart smashed against it. The princess slid down the chute on foot for several minutes before coming to a stop in the middle of the chute, displeased and furious expression as Aang, Bumi, and Xiaodan continued there descent down the chute.

"You can Earthbend!?" Xiaodan demanded, her voice a few octaves higher than normal from shock while Aang stared down at Bumi in shock as well, "All along?"

"Well, they didn't cover my face!" Bumi replied with a snort of laughter then he clenched his teeth and jerked his chin up again, bending another pillar of rock at the end of the chute to stop their descent.

The metal cage slid up the rock pillar and twirled around, landing upright at the top of the pillar as Xiaodan and Aang jumped off the cage and landed in front of Bumi, who was smiling at them.

"I don't understand." Aang stated in a slightly annoyed and angry tone, "Why didn't you free yourself? Why did you surrender when Omashu was invaded? What the matter with you, Bumi?"

Xiaodan placed a gently hand on Aang's shoulder as the younger Airbender glared up at the old friend, his expression upset and confused.

"Listen to me, Aang." Bumi said calmly, "There are options in fighting, called jing. It's a choice of how you direct your energy."

"I know!" Aang exclaimed with an annoyed expression as held up two fingers, "There's positive jing when you're attacking and negative jing when you're retreating."

Bumi smiled happily at the two Airbenders, "And neutral jing when you do nothing!"

"There're three jings?" Aang asked in shock as he held up a third finger, even Xiaodan blinked in confusion as she stared up at Bumi questionably.

"Well, technically there are eighty-five." Bumi stated idly then shook his head slightly, "But, let's focus on the third. Neutral jing is the key to Earthbending. It involves listening and waiting for the right moment to strike."

"That's why you surrendered then?" Xiaodan asked as understanding began to dawn on both her and Aang.

"Yes, and it's why I can't leave now." Bumi replied and Aang turned around sadly.

"I guess I need to find someone else to teach me Earthbending." Aang commented in disappointment and Xiaodan put her hand on his shoulder again in a comforting gesture as she looked at Bumi.

"Your teacher will be someone who has master neutral jing." Bumi explained calmly, "You need to find someone who waits and listens before striking."

Momo landed on Aang shoulder just then and Aang looked at the lemur in surprise and happiness.

"Hey, Momo!"

"Momo's mastered a few jings himself!" Bumi commented with a laugh and Momo screeched loudly at him.

Bumi's laughter died down and he looked at Aang and Xiaodan fondly.

"Goodbye, Aang, Xia." He said warmly, "I will see you when the time is right."

Bumi let the metal cage tumble backwards and he began to ascend the chute. He laughed and snorted like a madman as he used Earthbending to drive the metal cage back to the top of the chute, leaving Aang, Xiaodan, and Momo behind.

Xiaodan turned around and smiled slightly when she saw Appa appear behind her and Aang with Sokka and Katara sitting on his head.

"Come on, Aang." The white-haired girl said as she gently grabbed her brother's hand, "We still have something to do."

Aang nodded and smiled at his sister as he followed her over to Appa, Sokka, and Katara.

"So, we're tracking down your brother and Uncle, huh?" Mai questioned boredly as she and Ty Lee walked beside Azula's palanquin, heading back to the princess's ship.

Ty Lee turned slightly to face Mai and said in a teasing tone, "It'll be interesting seeing Zuko again, won't it, Mai?"

Mai looked away from the acrobat as a smiled played upon her normally expressionless face.

"It's not just about Zuko and Iroh anymore." Azula reproached slightly in a serious tone as she glared at the veil that surrounded her palanquin, "We have a third target now."

Aang and Xiaodan peered down over the rain gutter of the governor's house, staring down at the governor and his wife while they stood on the balcony below them, looking at the dark city with sad expressions on their faces as they held each other.

Xiaodan and Aang silently landed behind them and the white-haired girl smiled faintly as she lifted the little baby from the make-shift sling she had used to carry him then she placed him gently on his feet. The two Airbenders quickly leapt back onto the air as the baby toddled over to his parents. The two Air Nomads perched back on the roof and watched as the governor's wife turned around when they heard the baby's soft cooing.

"Tom-Tom!" The governor's wife exclaimed with a gasp of surprise and excitement as she rushed over to her son and scooped into her arms.

Xiaodan smiled softly as she watched the two parents joyfully cuddle the baby in their arms then she turned to Aang, her smile expression becoming affectionate when she saw the happy smile on his face as he stared down at the reunited family.

"Let's go." The white-haired girl whispered quietly and the two Airbenders took off on their gliders.

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