Chapter Seventeen
"This should give us a good idea of what's around here." Katara said as she walked towards the small kiosk at the crossroads they had followed the path too.
Xiaodan folded her hands behind her in a relaxed position as she followed the dark-haired girl over to the kiosk and read one of the poster's curiously while Aang trailed after the white-haired girl.
"See if you can find a menu." Sokka quipped as he held an empty pouch upside down, "I'm starving!"
"I bet we'll find something to eat here, the Fire Day's festival." Aang commented and pointed to the poster Katara and Xiaodan were looking at, then he began to read what it said aloud, "Fire Nation cultural exhibits, jugglers, benders, magicians."
Aang trailed off and he turned to the two girls with an excited look on his face, causing Xiaodan to quirk a dark brow at him curiously.
"This would be a great place for me to study some real Firebenders!"
Xiaodan stared at her brother as if he'd grown a second head and started walking around, quacking like a turkey-duck.
"You might wanna rethink that." Sokka said drily from the other side of the kiosk, "Lost at this."
Aang and Xiaodan walked over to the young warrior too see what was on the other side of the kiosk.
"Hey, a poster of me!" Aang exclaimed and Sokka crossed his arms over his chest.
"A wanted poster." He grumbled and shook his head while Aang took own the poster, "This is bad."
"I think we better keep moving." Katara commented as she and Xiaodan stared at the poster over Aang's shoulder.
"That maybe for the best." Xiaodan agreed as she read the poster, "Every Fire Nation soldier is probably looking for you, little brother."
Aang looked up at the two girls almost pleadingly, "I have to learn Firebending at some point and this could be my only chance to watch a master up close."
The two girls pursed their lips and looked at each other indecisively.
"I guess we could check it out." Katara stated unsurely as she looked at the ground.
"But!" Xiaodan cut in, when Aang pumped his fist in the air excitedly, "We have to be very careful and remain inconspicuous."
"What?!" Sokka demanded, looking at the two girls in shock, "You wanna walk into a Fire Nation town where they're all fired-up with their, you know, fire?"
"We'll were disguises." Xiaodan responded easily as she walked over to Appa with Katara and Aang, "Well, you guys will, I'll just do something about my hair."
"Besides," Katara added, "If it looks like trouble, we'll leave."
"Yeah," Sokka muttered sarcastically as he followed after the other three, "Because we always leave beforewe get into trouble."
Xiaodan giggled quietly and hopped into Appa's saddle then grabbed Katara's hand and pulled her up beside her.
"You guys stay out sight here while we go to the festival." Aang instructed Appa and Momo when they reached the edge of the forest a little bit a ways from the Fire Nation town and the two ducked down behind a small bush that barely covered Appa's face.
Aang smiled then turned to Xiaodan, Katara, and Sokka, "Ready disguises!"
Sokka and Katara pulled the hoods of their black cloaks up over their heads while Xiaodan ruffled her soot-darkened hair gently so that it hid her face slightly. The three turned to look at Aang as he turned back around, his orange shawl pulled over his head and a large grin on his young face.
"It's like you're a whole different person…" Sokka commented sarcastically as he looked at Aang's 'disguise' and crossed his arms over his chest, causing Katara and Xiaodan giggled behind their hands.
"Let's go." Aang said as he turned and started walking down the hill in the direction of the Fire Nation town with Xiaodan, Katara, and Sokka trailing after him.
The four entered the town and looked, taking in all the people wearing masks and having a good time.
"I think we need some new disguises." Katara muttered as the four pressed close together.
"Where are we gonna get masks like that?" Sokka grumbled in frustration, a frown marring his tanned face.
"Get your genuine Fire Festival masks here!" A merchant behind them shouted, holding up a white and red mask as he gestured to the other masks on his stall.
Xiaodan, Katara, Aang hurried towards the stall while Sokka remained where he was for a moment, his eyes wide.
"That as surprisingly easy." He muttered then hurried over to his sister and two friends.
The four each grabbed a mask; Katara chose a lady with makeup, Xiaodan picked white mask with a flame design one side, Sokka selected a blue smiling mask with pale yellow petals around the rim, and Aang had put on a red mask with a severe frown.
Katara and Xiaodan looked between the two boys then Katara removed Sokka's mask revealing his frowning face while Xiaodan took off Aang's, revealing the large grin on his face. The two girls exchanged masks then Sokka put the frowning red mask on Sokka and Xiaodan put the smiling blue on Aang. Xiaodan giggled quietly and high-fived Katara, then the four began walking further into the village, taking in the sights of the festival.
"Hey, there's some food!" Aang stated, pointing towards a stand across the courtyard.
"Finally!" Sokka exclaimed and rushed towards the stand, pushing past Xiaodan, Aang, and Katara who followed at a more sedate pace.
"What do ya have?" Sokka asked the man behind the food stall as he walked closer, putting his hand on the counter.
"Flaming fire flakes." The shop keeper said, holding out a small bag with smoking red flakes inside to Sokka as Katara, Xiaodan, and Aang approached, "Best in town."
"I'll take 'em!" Sokka said happily as he snatched the bag and began shoving the fire flakes into his mouth rapidly.
"Er, you might want to slow down, Sokka." Xiaodan advised a little too late.
"Aaahhh!" Sokka yelped, spitting out the flakes and rubbing hurriedly at his tongue, "Hot! Hot!"
"'Flaming fire flakes', hot?" Katara drawled sarcastically and crossed her arms over her chest, "What do you know."
Xiaodan chuckled then smiled when a couple of kids ran past them.
"Hey look at this!" Aang said excitedly as he looked in the direction the kids had run in and the four over where a small puppet stage was set up with the kids sitting on low benches in front of it.
The four watched as the curtains pulled back, revealing a hand-puppet of the Fire Lord which caused the children to cheer and lift their arms in the air.
"Don't worry loyal citizens!" The Fire Lord puppet said, "No one can surprise the Fire Lord!"
The children gasped in horror when another puppet dressed as an Earth Kingdom general with a rock in one hand popped up behind the puppet.
"Oh no! Look out!" A few of the kids exclaimed, some even covering their eyes, "Look out!"
Xiaodan, Katara, Aang, and Sokka flinched when the Fire Lord puppet suddenly breathed fire and burned the other puppet completely, causing the children to cheer loudly again.
"Okay…" Xiaodan muttered and grabbed Aang and Katara's arms, pulling them away from the puppet show with Sokka hurrying after them, "Moving on."
The four walked around for a few more minutes until Aang suddenly rushed towards a large crowd standing around a raised stage near the back of the courtyard.
"Aang, hold on!" Xiaodan called out as she and Katara hurried after the boy.
"Where are we going?" Katara asked from behind the younger Airbender.
"I don't know." Aang asked with a shrug, "But there's a big crowd so it must be good."
"Knowing the Fire Nation, it's probably an execution." Sokka quipped sarcastically as the four pushed their way to the front of the stage.
Xiaodan snorted a laugh and stood between Aang and Sokka, watching a man in white and red clothes Firebend a couple fireballs all around his body before causing them to explode into three doves that flew over the crowd.
Aang tilted his mask up and looked up at the Firebender in awe, "I gotta learn that trick!"
"I don't really think that's the kind of Firebending you're supposed to learn, little brother." Xiaodan commented off-handedly in a soft tone, her lips quirked in a grin behind her mask.
"Thank you!" The Firebender magician cried out dramatically after bowing, "For my next trick I need a volunteer from the audience!"
"Oh! Oh!" Aang shouted as he started bouncing and waving his hand in the air childishly, "Me! Me!"
"What do you think you're doing?" Sokka hissed as he pushed Aang's hand back down.
It's better that we don't attract any attention to ourselves." Katara added and Xiaodan nodded in agreement.
"We need to remain inconspicuous, little brother."
The three were distracted from scolding Aang when Malu appeared at the edge of the stage in front of them.
"How about you, little lady?" He asked, holding his hand out to Katara.
"Uh…" Katara stuttered, backing away and holding her hand up in rejection.
"Aw, she's shy!" Malu cooed then looked out to the crowd. "Let's give her some encouragement, folks!"
The crowd cheered and one kid even pushed Katara towards the stage where Malu grabbed her hand and pulled her up onto the stage.
"Aw!" Aang whined, crossing his arms petulantly over his chest, "That could have been me."
Xiaodan shook her head and patted the top of his head affectionately then turned back to the stage.
"This next trick is called 'Taming the Dragon.'" Malu exclaimed grandly as he pushed Katara into a seat in the middle of the stage then used a piece of red cloth he pulled from his sleeve to tie her to the chair, "You will be my captured princess!"
Malu stood and Firebended the flames at the top of the four pillars into a dragon, which he directed around the stage.
"Don't worry, young maiden! I will tame this fiery beast!" Malu cried out, creating a fire whip which he attached the bottom of the dragon, then his expression became comically distressed, "It's too strong, I can't hold it!"
"We gotta help her!" Aang shouted but Sokka grabbed him by the arms, keeping him from running up on stage.
"No, we don't want to make a scene!"
"The rope, it's breaking!" Malu exclaimed theatrically as the fire-rope attached the dragon dispersed and the fire-dragon began flying directly towards Katara.
Katara whimpered and shut her eyes tightly as the fire-dragon came closer, causing Aang to break free of Sokka's grip and jump on stage in front of the distressed Water Tribe girl. Aang twisted around and Airbended a large funnel of air from his hands that the fire-dragon flew straight into, causing the flames to disperse and turn into an array of colored confetti.
"Hey, you tryin' to upstage me kid?" Malu demanded quietly from where he had fallen on the stage as he glared at Aang.
His mask having been blown off, Aang looked at the confetti in confusion and held his hand up to catch some of the colored paper. The crowd began booing loudly and Aang started dancing goofily as Sokka and Xiaodan climbed onto the stage. Sokka hurried over to his sister and began untying her from the chair while Xiaodan grabbed Aang by the arm in an attempt to stop his goofy dance.
"Hey!" Someone in the crowd shouted suddenly, "That kid's the Avatar!"
Aang froze and Xiaodan grabbed his arm tightly as Fire Nation guards began pushing through the crowd towards the stage with their spears raised.
"I think it's time to go!" Xiaodan stated as she, Katara, and Sokka removed their masks and dropped them on the ground.
"Follow me!" A man in a dark gray cloak with a cloth mask covering his lower face said suddenly from behind the destroyed wall of the stage as he gestured for the foursome to follow him, "I can get you out of here!"
"Let's go!" Xiaodan urged, pushing Aang, Sokka, and Katara forward urgently when she saw the guards had reached the stage.
"There they are!" A guard shouted as the guards climbed onto the stage.
The four teens ran through the hole in the wall and past the man, who threw a smoke bomb at the Fire Nation guards chasing them.
Sokka, Katara, Aang, and Xiaodan ran after the man as he lead them through the crowded streets where people were still enjoying the festival.
"Over there!" Another guard yelled, pointing to the five as they ran past him and few other soldiers.
The five raced down an alley with the guards chasing after them. Aang reached into his shirt and pulled out the bison whistle.
"I'm calling Appa." He stated then quickly took a deep breath and blew the whistle.
"I really hope he can hear that bison whistle!" Sokka squawked as he glanced over his shoulder at the guards still chasing them.
"This way!" The mystery man called over his shoulder as he turned a sharp corner then skidded to a halt with the four friends almost running into him when some of the guards appeared at the end of the alley, "Okay! Not this way!"
The man threw another smoke bomb and the five turned down another alley only to skid to a stop again when they reached the end of the alley which was being blocked by a huge supply of fireworks. The five turned around as the guards appeared and started walking towards them with their spears pointed at them menacingly. Xiaodan slipping into a defensive bending stance in front of Sokka, Katara, and Aang with the mystery man in front of her.
"Appa!" Aang shouted suddenly and the five looked up as the flying bison soared towards them, "Down here!"
Appa growled and landed in the alley between the five and the guards with his back to the Fire Nation soldiers. The sky bison slapped his tail against the ground and sent a gale force wind at the guards, blowing them clear out of sight.
"Yip-yip! Yip-yip!" Xiaodan urged as she Airbended herself onto Appa's saddle and grabbed the mystery man's hand, pulling him into the saddle as Katara and Sokka climbed in.
Katara, Sokka, and Xiaodan watched from Appa's saddle high in the air as the guards raced back into the alley. Their eyes widened when the mystery man took another smoke grenade from his cloak and threw it into the enormous crate of fireworks, setting them off with a loud, colorful bang.
"Nice touch setting off the fireworks." Aang complimented the man as Appa sailed away from the village and the man removed the hood of his cloak.
"You really know your explosives…" Sokka commented in an impressed tone.
"I'm familiar." The man said and Xiaodan's eyes narrowed slightly.
"You're a Fire Nation soldier." She stated matter-of-factly, causing Sokka, Katara, and Aang's eyes widened in surprise and trepidation as they looked at the man cautiously.
"Was." The man corrected then looked away from the fireworks and towards the four teens, "My name's Chey."
Aang landed Appa in a small clearing in the forest a few miles from the Fire Nation town and quickly set up camp then once everything was set up, the five sat around the fire Xiaodan had started.
"I serve a man. More than a man really, he's myth, but he's real, a living legend," Chey rambled as he looked at the four teens, "Jeong Jeong the Deserter. He was a Fire Nation general, or wait, was he an admiral?"
"He was very highly ranked, we get." Sokka snapped, clearly not amused by the possibly unstable man.
"Yeah! Way up there!" Chey agreed, oblivious to Sokka's tone, "But he couldn't take the madness any more. He's the first person to ever leave the army—and live. I'm the second, but you don't get to be a legend for that. That's okay though. Jeong Jeong's a Firebending genius. Some say he's mad, but he's not! He's enlightened."
Xiaodan and Sokka shared a look and the white-haired girl twirled her finger around her temple. Sokka snickered quietly and shook his head in amusement. The two older teens turned their attention back to the conversation when Aang started speaking rather excitedly.
"You mean there's a Firebender out there who's not with the Fire Lord?" Aang asked and jumped to his feet excitedly, looking at Chey hopefully, "We've gotta go see him! He can train me!"
"We're not gonna go find some crazy Firebender!" Sokka snapped instantly and Chey got to his feet.
"He's not crazy!" He denied in annoyance then insisted, "He's a genius! And he's the perfect person to the train the Avatar! That's why I followed you into the festival."
Sokka stood as well and crossed his arms over his chest, "Look, thanks for the help, but we're leaving for the North Pole in the morning."
"Sokka, this could be my only chance to meet a Firebending master who would actually be willing to teach me!" Aang protested, looking at Sokka pleadingly.
Katara and Xiaodan watched from position still seated on the ground, their gazes flicking from one boy the next curiously, then Katara got to her feet.
"It can't hurt just to talk to him." Katara said reasonably.
"That's what you said about going to the festival!" Sokka retorted in annoyance, tossing his hands in the air, "Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me."
"We do listen, we just choose not to hear what you're saying." Xiaodan quipped in amusement as she reclined back on her hands.
Sokka pouted and turned around, only to almost impale himself on a spear that had appeared out of nowhere.
Xiaodan leapt to her feet and took a bending stance instantly as the five were surrounded by men in wearing straw hats, light armor made from straw and grass, wielding spears with tribal makeup. Aang turned and gasped quietly, shifting into his own stance when saw three of the men pointing their spears at him.
"Don't move!" The apparent leader order, his spear pointed at Sokka.
Xiaodan watched the men walking on either side of her, Aang, Katara, and Sokka warily as they lead the four teens towards their settlement. Chey was standing at the front of the line, taking with the leader of the tribal-like men.
"Jeong Jeong told you not to look for Avatar!" The leader snapped harshly as he scolded Chey fiercely.
"Hold on," Sokka said as he looked between Chey and the leader, "You know these guys?"
"Oh yeah!" Chey replied enthusiastically as he paused and looked back at the four young people, "Lin Yee's an old buddy! Right, Lin Yee?"
"Shut up!" Lin Yee barked in annoyance as he pushed Chey forward, "Keep moving."
The group followed Lin Yee and Chey down a hill where a small cottage covered in leaves and logs is at the bottom.
"Go on!" Lin Yee snapped at Chey, "He sees you only."
"Oh that's okay," Chey denied, sounding slightly nervous as he gestured with his hand, "We can chat later."
"Is that where Jeong Jeong is? I need to talk to him right away!" Aang said and tried to step forward but was stopped by a Lin Yee's spear.
Xiaodan made an annoyed noise in the back of her throat and stepped closer to Aang, eyeing the spear and its wielder warily.
"No! You wait there." Lin Yee barked then pushed Chey forward roughly, "Go now!"
"Don't worry! Everything'll be fine." Chey said as he looked back at the teens briefly then started towards the small cottage, "He's a great man, great man!"
Xiaodan, Aang, Sokka, and Katara watched the former Fire Nation explosives expert walk the rest of the way down the hill before being ushered into another small cottage on top of the hill by Lin Yee.
"So the Avatar was here and you let him slip away?"
The guard gulped quietly and looked at Admiral Zhao anxiously, "Yes, sir, but other than that the festival went off without a hitch!"
A couple large, burning planks of wood fell to the ground with a massive crash behind the guards and they all flinched slightly.
"No fights. Theft was way down." The guard captain reported weakly as he looked at the Admiral.
Zhao had to physically keep his eye from twitching, "I don't care about your local crime rates! Which way did they go?"
"They headed into the forest, up the river I suspect." The guard captain replied, pointing in the direction he believed the Avatar had gone in.
"Ready the river boats." Zhao ordered the soldiers behind him, 'We're going after the Avatar."
Xiaodan amused herself by creating small spheres of air and watching them dance around the tips of her fingers while Aang laid down on the ground next to her with Momo resting on his chest, Katara and Sokka resting on the other side of the fire in the middle of the small hut.
Xiaodan turned her head and Aang jerked into a sitting position, which sent Momo jumping into Xiaodan's lap, when Chey walked into the hut and sat down across from them, leaning against the wall.
"What happened?" Aang asked anticipatorily as he and Xiaodan looked at Chey curiously, "Can I see Jeong Jeong now?"
"He won't see you." Chey said sadly, his head bowed and his eyes clenched tightly, "He's very angry that I brought you here. He wants you to leave immediately."
"What?" Xiaodan questioned in shock, looking at Chey in confusion.
"Finally! Let's hit the road." Sokka said at the same time as he sat up slightly, then stretched out again.
"Why won't he see me?" Aang asked, ignoring Sokka as he looked at Chey.
"He says you're not ready." Chey replied, "Says you haven't mastered Waterbending and Earthbending yet."
Aang's eyes went wide and he looked at Chey in shock, "Wait, how does he know that?"
"He saw the way you walking into camp. He could tell."
Xiaodan tapped her chin thoughtfully, "So he's not going to teach Aang Firebending because he hasn't mastered Waterbending and Earthbending first?"
Chey nodded his head to the white-haired girl, "Yeah."
"That actually makes a little sense." Xiaodan commented then quickly began to explain when she saw the look on Aang's face, "I'm just saying it makes sense because Firebending is technically the spiritual opposite of Airbending. Besides, according to the legend, you're supposed to follow the cycle, aren't you?"
"I'm going in, anyway! Aang stated firmly then jumped to his feet and left the hut.
Xiaodan watched her brother leave then looked at Chey, who was staring at the flap covering the hut's entrance.
"Don't worry," She stated calmly, a serene smile on her tanned and tattooed face, "If he is meant to learn Firebending now, then he will learn."
"What if he isn't supposed to learn now?" Chey questioned in a low mutter, looking at the girl in slight dismay.
"Then he truly isn't read to learn." Xiaodan replied then laid down on the ground and Momo curled up on her stomach.
Aang stood outside the Jeong Jeong's hut and took a deep, calming breath then walked inside. He frowned slightly when he saw the white-haired man sitting cross-legged with his back to Aang amidst a semicircle of lit candles.
"Get out." Jeong Jeong commanded severely.
Aang made to step forward and paused. He took another deep breath then walked forward.
"Master, I need to learn Firebending." Aang stated calmly as he stopped just outside the semicircle of candles with his head bowed.
"Only a fool seeks his own destruction."
"I'm the Avatar," Aang tried again as he sat cross-legged on the ground, "It's my destiny to-"
"Destiny? What would a boy know of destiny? If a fish lives its whole life in this river, does he know the river's destiny?" Jeong Jeong demanded rhetorically without turning around, "No! Only that it runs on and on out of his control! He may follow where it flows, but he cannot see the end. He cannot imagine the ocean."
"Okay…" Aang said in wary confusion, "But it's the Avatar's duty to master all of the bending disciplines."
"To master the bending disciplines, you must first master discipline itself." Jeong Jeong retorted heatedly, "But you have no interest in this, so I have no interest in you! Now, get out!"
"Please, I have to learn." Aang pleaded, "This could be my only chance."
"Are you deaf? How can I teach you of you refuse to listen?" The master Firebender questioned harshly as he whirled around to face Aang, "Before learning Firebending you must learn water and earth. Water is cool and soothing, earth is steady and stable, but fire, fire is alive!"
Jeong Jeong moved his hand around one of the candle flames, causing it to grow and shrink, to dance and move, "It breathes, it grows, without the bender, a rock will not throw itself! But fire will spread and destroy everything in its path if one does not have the will to control it! That is destiny! You are not ready! You are too weak!"
The candle flames shot up into the air and illuminated the whole hut before going completely dark in Jeong Jeong's eyes. A single candle suddenly sparked to life in front of Jeong Jeong, illuminating a completely different place than his hut. Jeong Jeong gasped quietly when Avatar Roku appeared in front of him, his hands folded in the sleeves of his robes.
"You think I am weak?" Roku asked coolly, looking down at the Deserter.
"Avatar Roku." Jeong Jeong murmured in awe then hurried to answer the previous Avatar's question, "No! No! I did not mean that."
"I have mastered the elements a thousand times in a thousand lifetimes." Avatar Roku stated sternly, "Now, I must do it once again. You will teach the Avatar Firebending."
As he spoke the last word, Avatar Roku lifted his hand and set the tree that was behind Jeong Jeong on fire.
Jeong Jeong bowed his head in submission to the previous Avatar, "Yes, yes I will teach you…"
"Really?" Aang asked excitedly, completely unaware of the vision Jeong Jeong just had of his past life as he threw his arms in the air in excitement, "That's great!"
Jeong groaned in dismay and closed his eyes tiredly, already fearing how this was going to end.
"Widen your stance." Jeong Jeong commanded as he stood in front of Aang, who was standing on a flat stone in the river.
Aang shifted his feet farther apart, his elbows bent with his fists even with his hips.
"Wider! Bender your knees." Jeong Jeong barked and Aang shifted his feet further apart again and bent his knees, "Now, concentrate."
Aang's expression twisted into one of concentration and Jeong Jeong nodded in approval.
"Good, good." The master Firebender praised then began walking away.
"Wait!" Aang called out, his concentration failing as he stared at his teacher, "What do I do now?
"Silence!" Jeong Jeong snapped as he turned around to glare sternly at the young Avatar, "Talking is not concentrating! Look at your friends, are talking?"
Aang looked over to where Katara was practicing her Waterbending on the riverbank a few feet away while Xiaodan meditated a foot or so away from her.
"Even that oaf knows to concentrate on what he's doing!" Jeong Jeong stated harshly as he gestured to where Sokka was sitting on a rock a few feet from Katara and Xiaodan with a fishing pole in hand.
"Hey!" Sokka protested in indignant annoyance as he glowered at the former Fire Nation admiral.
Aang looked away from Sokka and back at Jeong Jeong in exasperated confusion.
"But What am I concentrating on?"
"Feel the heat of the sun." Jeong Jeong replied, gesturing with one hand towards the sun high in the sky and Aang turned to look at it over his shoulder while Jeong Jeong continued to talk, "It is the greatest source of fire. Yet, it in complete balance with nature!"
Aang looked at Jeong Jeong with an excited expression, "So when do I get to make some fire?"
"Concentrate!" Jeong snapped again then walked away.
Aang took a deep breath then blushed when he heard Katara and Sokka laughing at him. The young Airbender turned around to look at them but they stopped and gave him innocent looks. Aang scowled then smiled slightly when he caught Xiaodan giving him a reassuring and encouraging smile. Aang took another deep breath and closed his eyes, concentrating on the heat of the sun on his back.
"Are we coming up here so I don't burn anything with my fire blasts?" Aang asked eagerly as he followed Jeong Jeong up the sloping mountain path towards the top.
"No fire yet."
"Power in Firebending comes from the breath." Jeong Jeong explained as stopped at the top of the small mountain and looked down at the valley below with Aang appearing at his side a moment later, "That is why you must master proper breath control."
"You brought me up here to breathe?" Aang asked in disbelief.
"Assume your stance." Jeong Jeong ordered and Aang assumed horse-stance from earlier.
"Wider." Jeong Jeong commanded, his back was to the young Airbender and his hands clasped behind his back.
"You're not even look-"
"Wider!" The older man barked and waited until he heard Aang's feet shift further apart, "Now, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth…without talking."
Aang opened his mouth then closed again and began to breathe in through his nose and out his mouth.
"Good." Jeong Jeong praised and began walking back down the mountain, "Keep going."
Xiaodan stood on the riverbank outside Jeong Jeong's hut with her left foot tucked against her inner right thigh and her hands pressed together in front of her. Her eyes were closed and her breathing even as she meditated to the soothing sounds of the wind in the trees and the water flowing over the rocks in the river.
As she meditated, Xiaodan let her thoughts wander as they pleased, a smile forming on her lips as she thought about Iroh. Her smile disappeared quickly when her thoughts wandered away from Iroh's wellbeing towards that of a certain grumpy, banished prince. Orange eyes snapped open and Xiaodan dropped her left foot back to the ground as her hands fell back to her sides, a frown forming on her tanned and tattooed face.
"Why in the Spirits' name am I thinking about Prince Firebug?" She muttered to herself then shook her head, "I should find some shade, clearly I've been out in the sun to long."
Xiaodan shook her head again and head back to the hut she and her friends had stayed the previous night in.
"What are you doing?" Jeong Jeong demanded when he saw Aang enter his hut, "I did not tell you to stop!"
"I've been breathing for hours!" Aang protested as he stopped in front of the semicircle of candles.
"You want to stop breathing?" Jeong Jeong questioned sarcastically as he picked up his teacup.
"I want you to stop wasting my time!" Aang exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air in exasperation, "I already know who to squat and breathe and feel the sun! I wanna know how to shoot fire out of my fingertips!"
Jeong Jeong sighed gruffly and put his teacup down as he closed his eyes, "I had a pupil conce who had no interest in learning discipline. He was only concerned with the power of fire; how he could use it to destroy his opponents and wipe out the obstacles in his path…But fire is a horrible burden to bear. Its nature is to consume and without control it destroys everything around it."
"Learn restraint, or risk destroying yourself and everything you love." Jeong Jeong stated as he poured more tea into his cup.
Aang stared at the former Fire Nation admiral for a moment then quietly left the hut. Jeong Jeong sighed quietly and took a sip of his tea.
Jeong Jeong exited his hut a few hours later, pausing just outside when he saw the young Avatar sitting cross-legged on the rock in the river a foot or so away from the bank he was standing on. Aang's head was bowed and his eyes were closed, his hands loosely clasped in his lap.
"I thought about what you said," Aang stated without looking up, his voice calm and sincere, "I promise I'll be more patient."
Jeong Jeong looked at the bald boy for a moment, "We're going to work with fire now."
"Oh yeah!" Aang cheered and Airbending himself in the air in excitement before realizing what he did and becoming serious again, "I mean, let us begin."
Jeong Jeong snatched a leaf as it fell through the air, pressing his thumb and forefinger to the center which rapidly began to smolder as he walked to the edge of the riverbank.
"Concentrate on the fire." The Firebending master instructed as he handed Aang the leave with the smoldering center, "I want you to keep the flame from reaching the edges of the leaf for as long as you can."
Aang groaned quietly and shifted into his stance when one of the tribal men suddenly rushed out of the trees towards Jeong Jeong and Aang.
"Master!" The man exclaimed, slightly out of breath, "There is trouble!"
"What's going on?" Aang asked, instantly worried as he straightened slightly.
"Concentrate on your leaf!" Jeong Jeong barked as he and the tribal man hurried back into the forest.
Aang scowled at Jeong Jeong's back, "This is theworst Firebending instruction ever! All he does is leave me for hours to concentrate or breathe!"
"I'm sure there's a good reason." Katara said reassuring from the riverbank where she had continued to practice Waterbending and Aang pouted at her.
"How can this be the worst Firebending instruction ever?" Xiaodan quipped in amusement as she lounged near Katara with her bare feet in the water, "This is the first time you've been instructed in Firebending in this lifetime."
Aang stuck his tongue out her childishly and Xiaodan returned the gestured, her orange eyes glittering with mischief.
"But I'm ready to do so much more." Aang stated matter-of-factly, then his eyes widened as an idea came to him.
He looked down at his feet for a moment then shifted into his horse-stance and began breathing though his nose and out his mouth as he concentrated on the leaf. Xiaodan sat up on her elbows and watched him along with Katara, both of their eyes widening when the leaf burned up completely and became a small flame.
"I did it!" Aang exclaimed excitedly as he looked at the tiny flame in his hand, "I made fire!"
"Aang, that's great, but you should take it slow." Katara suggested as she walked further along the bank until she was directly across from the rock Aang was standing on.
Aang took a deep breath and made a slamming motion with his fist, causing the fire to shoot up into the air slightly.
"Careful!" Katara gasped, cringing backwards as Aang wobbled on the rock and almost fell into the river before regaining his balance.
"Now that's Firebending." Aang said excitedly as he looked over at the two girls with a grin, the fireball still in his hand.
"Aang, Katara's right about taking it slow." Xiaodan stated as she got to her feet, her expression apprehensive, "There was a reason Jeong Jeong wanted you to keep the leaf from burning."
"It'll be fine, Xia. Don't worry so much." Aang replied dismissively then he launched a stream of fire in the opposite direction.
"Be careful!" Xiaodan snapped as she moved closer to Katara, feeling more apprehensive the long Aang continued to play with the fire.
"Aang, you'll hurt yourself." Katara warned, her voice just as worried and apprehensive as Xiaodan's.
Aang ignored them both and began tossing the fireball from hand-to-hand, bending and moving around as he did it.
"I wonder how that juggler did it." He mused to himself as he paused and looked at the fireball for a moment.
The girls watched as he closed his eyes and twisted into a crouch then stood up rapidly, spreading his arms out wide as he stood. A wide, delighted smile appeared on his face as the fire shout of surprise and fear along with Katara's cry of pain. Aang's eyes widened when he looked over at the two girls and saw Xiaodan had fallen onto her backside, her orange eyes wide with fright while Katara was crouched on the ground with her hands clutched to her chest.
"Katara! Xia!" Aang shouted as the fire dispersed and he jumped over to stand beside the crying Waterbender, "I'm so sorry!"
"Katara! What's wrong?" Sokka asked in concern as he rushed forward then glared up at Aang, "What did you do?!"
"I'm sorry!" Aang apologized desperately, his expression pained as he looked from the sobbing Katara to Xiaodan's frightened and shaken face and finally resting on Sokka's angry expression, "It was an accident!"
Sokka growled and lunged at the younger boy, tackling him to the ground.
"I told you we shouldn't mess around with this!" Sokka shouted as he glared down accusingly at Aang, "Look what you did! You burned my sister"
Katara, still sobbing lurched to her feet and ran away from them. Sokka was suddenly thrown off of Aang by a gust of air and he rolled to his feet glaring at Xiaodan who was now standing protectively in front of Aang as he shifted onto his backside, his hands propping him up as he looked around Xiaodan's body to look up at Sokka guiltily.
"He burned my sister!" Sokka shouted then pointed accusing at Jeong Jeong as the older man walked towards them, "This is all your fault!"
"I know." Jeong Jeong replied, looking away remorsefully for a moment then looking back at them sternly, "Now pack your thinks. You must leave immediately."
Aang looked up at Sokka from around Xiaodan, his eyes sorrowful and full of guilt.
"I'm sorry, I didn't…" Aang started to apologize but Sokka scowled at him and ran off, "I'm sorry!"
Jeong Jeong stopped beside Aang, looking down at him with a displeased and disappointed expression. Aang looked up at him pleadingly but the older man merely shook his head and turned his back on him, walking away.
Aang watched Jeong Jeong leave with tears gathering in his eyes and when Xiaodan wrapped her arms around him tightly, Aang hid his face against her neck as he sobbed quietly. Xiaodan cooed gentle words of comfort and rubbed his back, her chin resting on the top of her head as she looked out at the forest warily.
Katara panted and whimpered quietly as she clutched her hands to her chest, crouching by a small creek that branched out from the river. She whined quietly and pulled her hands away from her chest, looking at the angry red burns that marred her palms and fingers. Carefully, Katara lowered her hands into the creek, shuddering and clenching her teeth at the brief stinging pain before sighing as the water soothed the burns.
Katara opened her eyes and stared at her hands, her eyes widening and a soft gasp of surprise leaving her lips as her hands began to glow bluish-white under the water. She pulled her glowing hands out of the water and them up so she could stare at her palms in awe as the glow faded, leaving behind perfectly healed, unburned skin behind.
"You have healing abilities."
Katara lowered her hands and looked over her shoulder as Jeong Jeong walked towards her.
"The great benders of the Water Tribe sometimes have this ability." Jeong Jeong said as he crouched down next to the dark-haired girl, "I've always wished I were blessed like you, free from this burning curse."
"But you're a great master." Katara replied, looking at Jeong Jeong in confusion, "You have powers that I will never know."
"Water brings healing and life. But fire brings only destruction and pain." Jeong Jeong stated as he looked at his reflection in the water, "It forces those of us burdened with its care to walk a razor's edge between humanity and savagery. Eventually, we are torn apart."
Katara glanced over at Jeong Jeong and opened her mouth to say something but the water in fronted of them was suddenly blasted with fire. Jeong Jeong leapt to his feet and took a defensive stance, dispersing the flames that washed over him and Katara. The master Firebender's eyes narrowed when he saw the Fire Nation river boats sailing towards them.
"Get to your friends and flee!" Jeong Jeong orders Katara and the girl stumbled backwards before turning to run, "Do not come back here or you will be destroyed! Hurry!"
The former Fire Nation admiral waited until the girl was out of sight then turned to face the river boats as they continued to launch fireballs at him. Jeong Jeong shifted into a wide horse-stance and began motions with his arms, Firebending a massive wall of fire in front of three river boats to keep them from continuing down the river.
The boats turned and docked on the riverbank, harmlessly surrounding Jeong Jeong.
"Don't worry, men." Zhao stated confidently as he jumped from one of the boats and walked onto the bank, "My old teacher gave up fighting a long time ago."
Jeong Jeong's eyes narrowed as he watched his former student part through the wall of fire in front of him, a smirk on his face.
"Haven't you, Master Jeong Jeong?"
Jeong Jeong stared at Zhao coldly then let the massive wall of fire fall away easily.
"Katara!" Sokka shouted when he saw his sister running towards him as he prepared Appa for their departure, "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, we've got to get out of here." Katara replied urgently then looked around, "Where's Aang and Xia?"
Sokka gestured to Jeong Jeong's cottage and Katara hurried into the small hut, pausing when she saw Xiaodan leaning against the wall by the door before her blue eyes found Aang sitting cross-legged amidst a semicircle of lit candles with his back to her.
"Jeong Jeong tried to tell me I wasn't ready. I wouldn't listen." Aang said quietly without looking at the dark-haired girl, "I'm never going to Firebend again."
"You'll have to eventually." Katara reasoned as she walked closer, stopping just outside the semicircle of candles.
"No," Aang denied firmly, his tone nonnegotiable as he glared down at his hands folded in his lap, "Never again."
"It's okay, Aang. I'm healed."
"What? How?" Aang demanded in surprise as he looked over his shoulder and Xiaodan straightened to look at the Waterbender's back curiously.
"I'll explain later. But right now, we have to get out of here." Katara replied, her tone urgent, "Zhao and his soldiers are attacking."
Aang jumped to his feet and spun around to face Katara, "Where?"
"By the river." Katara responded as she pointed in the direction of the river, "They've captured Jeong Jeong."
"I have to help him!" Aang exclaimed and made to rush out of the hut but Xiaodan stopped him by grabbing his upper arm.
Aang turned to look at her with a determined and stubborn expression on his face, "I have to help him, Xia."
"I know." Xiaodan stated calmly, "I just wanted to tell that Zhao is cunning and cruel, but also prideful and arrogant."
Aang nodded and moved to leave again but Xiaodan tightened her grip briefly and Aang turned to look at her with exasperation.
"Be careful, little brother." She said firmly as she let his arm go, "I'll help Katara and Sokka finish getting Appa ready, so try to stay alive and out of Zhao's hands until we get there."
Aang grinned slightly and nodded in confirmation then rushed out of the hut in the direction Katara had pointed. Xiaodan waited a moment after Aang had left then grabbed Katara's arm.
"Come on," The white-haired girl said brusquely as they both hurried from the small cottage and towards Sokka and Appa, "Let's hurry up so we can leave as quickly as possible."
Katara nodded and the two girls began helping Sokka pack up their things as fast as they could, both of them hoping and praying that Aang would be okay.
"Look at you. You were once so great." Zhao sneered as he looked his former teacher up and down with his men standing behind him, "I can't believe my former master has become nothing more than a simple savage."
"It is you who have embraced savagery, Zhao." Jeong Jeong replied stoically.
"It's Admiral Zhao, now." Zhao corrected with a haughty smirk.
"That title will not help you against the Avatar." Jeong Jeong retorted heatedly, "Do not try to fight him! You are no match!"
Zhao looked at his former master in amusement, "I think I can handle a child."
"I have never seen such raw power…" Jeong Jeong replied, looking away from Zhao.
Zhao growled angrily, his lips curled into a snarl as he glared at his former teacher before his attention was grabbed by the Avatar running towards them, shouting his former master's name.
"We'll see." Zhao said with a smirk then waved his men forward as Jeong Jeong backed away, "Men! Take the deserter!"
Aang stopped short in horror as he watched the five Firebenders surrounding Jeong Jeong close in on him. Jeong Jeong smirked at the Fire Nation soldiers then spun around, wrapping himself in a ball of flames that sent the soldiers reeling backwards. The flames cleared a moment later and the soldiers surged forward only to pause when they saw the deserter had disappeared.
"It's a trick!" Zhao shouted as he pointed to the woods behind his soldiers, "He's run off into the woods. Find him!"
The soldiers disappeared into the trees and Zhao turned to face the young Avatar.
"Let's find out what my old master has taught you." Zhao sneered as he walked towards Aang who was running to meet him.
"You were Jeong Jeong's student?" Aang asked, pausing mid-step and recoiling from Zhao in surprise.
"Until I got bored." Zhao replied flippantly then launched a fireball at Aang, who leapt easily to the side.
Zhao threw another fireball and Aang ducked to avoid it. The two began circling warily, as the trees behind Aang caught on fire.
"I see he taught you how to duck and run like a coward." Zhao taunted with a scornful look, "But I doubt he showed you what a Firebender is truly capable of!"
Zhao twisted around and thrusted both of his fists forward, sending an large fire blast at Aang. The young Airbender kicked his feet in the air and balanced on the tip of his finger, using Airbending to keep himself up as the blast past harmless over him.
"Whoa!" Aang said as he flipped right-side up and looked over his shoulder, "Wild shot!"
"I'll show you wild!" Zhao roared with rage and launched another fire blast.
Aang smirked and twisted around, pushing himself into the air as he used Airbending to send the fire to either side of him. More fire blasts we launched at him and Aang rolled, ducked, and spun away to avoid them. Aang glanced at the fire burning the trees behind him then looked back at Zhao, understanding beginning to dawn on him.
"No self-control…" He muttered then he smirked as an idea came to him and he looked at the three river boats docked on the bank behind Zhao.
"Stand and fight Avatar!" Zhao barked angrily, pulling Aang's attention from the boats and back to him.
"Oh, were we fighting?" Aang asked mockingly as he smirked, "I thought you were just getting warmed up."
"I was!" Zhao growled in anger and launched another fireball, which Aang dodged easily.
Aang ran towards the boats, dodging the blasts Zhao sent at him then he paused and leapt into the air when the Admiral sent a crescent of fire at him.
"Is that all you got? Man, they'll make anyone an admiral these days!" Aang taunted and leapt to the side to dodge another fireball, then he ran towards the first boat and jumped onto the roof of the cabin.
"Ahoy!" Aang shouted as he faced Zhao then turned around and shook his butt at him, "I'm Admiral Zhao!"
Zhao roared in anger and Aang leapt of the cabin roof just as Zhao jumped onto the front of the boat and sent a blast of fire at him. Aang grinned as he landed on the back of the first boat then he jumped to the second one, the impish grin on his face widened when he turned to look at a furious Zhao again.
"I don't know why," Aang said as he walked along the rail of the second river boat then turned to face Zhao with a disappointed look on his face, "But I thought you'd be better than Zuko."
The young Airbender's eyes went wide and he flattened himself onto the deck just fast enough to avoid the wave of fire Zhao sent at him. Aang got back to his feet and looked over his shoulder at Zhao with a taunting expression on his face.
"Sloppy. Very sloppy." He ridiculed as he ran across the second boat then back-flipped onto the back of the last river boat, dodging into the cabin area just in time to avoid being burnt to a crisp by another fire blast.
Aang jumped through the window of the cabin area and landed on the other side of the deck, running towards the front as Zhao continued launching fireballs at him recklessly. Aang jumped onto a small raised platform in front of the cabin and pressed his back against the cabin, looking around the side to see where Zhao was. He was about to jump of the boat when the admiral suddenly leapt down in front of him from the top of the cabin, his fist pointed at Aang's face.
"Nowhere to run now, you little smart mouth!" Zhao snarled as Aang moved into a defensive stance.
Zhao sent a powerful fire blast at Aang, but the bald boy leapt into the air and flipped over Zhao with the help of some Airbending.
"You've lost this battle." Aang stated confidently as he landed lightly behind fuming admiral with his arms crossed smugly over his chest.
Aang leapt into the air again when Zhao spun around and kicked a blast of fire at him. The young Avatar landed gently on the stern of the river boat and clasped his hands behind his back as he looked at the seething man in front of him.
"Are you crazy?" Zhao demanded angrily as he glowered at Aang, "You haven't thrown a single blow!"
"No, but you have." Aang agreed then gestured towards the three burning riverboats.
Zhao looked around and his mouth dropped as he watched his river boats burn and begin to sink into the river.
"Jeong Jeong said you had no restraint." Aang stated with a tsk then he dove into the water, swimming a few feet away from the burning boats and spat out some water as he resurfaced, a grin on his face as cupped his hand around his mouth, "Have a nice walk home!"
"Aang, come on! Let's go!"
Aang turned to look at the opposite bank where Appa was waiting with Katara and Sokka in the saddle and Xiaodan on the bison's head, the reins in her hands. Aang ran out of the water quickly and jumped onto Appa's head beside Xiaodan, who flicked the reins. Appa grumbled lowly as he took off into the air and started flying away.
"Wait!" Aang said suddenly looking at the other three worriedly, "Where's Jeong Jeong?"
"He disappeared." Sokka replied as the foursome looked down at the now abandoned huts, "They all did."
Chey walked down the stone path that lead into the village and looked around in confusion.
"Hey, where did everybody go?" He asked then his expression soured, "Very funny guys."
Xiaodan looked her brother over and her eyes widened when she got sight of the red burn on his arm.
"You're burned!" the white-haired girl gasped, picking his arm up gently to inspect it worriedly.
"Let me help with that." Katara said with a smile as she bended some water from her canteen, coating her entire hand.
The other three watched as the dark-haired girl laid her water-covered hand over the burn mark then took a deep breath through her nose then exhaled out her mouth. She held her hand on the burn for a moment then pulled away. The water covered Aang's arm for a second before falling away, leaving his arm completely healed.
"Wow, that's good water." Aang joked lightly and Xiaodan snickered quietly then looked at Katara in amazement.
"That's amazing, Katara." The white-haired girl praised the younger girl, a sincere smile on her tanned and tattooed face.
"When did you learn that?" Sokka asked curiously as he looked at his sister.
Katara smiled and shrugged slightly, "I guess I always knew."
"Oh… Well then tanks for all the first aid over the years." Sokka grumbled sarcastically as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, "Like when I fell into the greaseberry bramble. Or that time I had two fishhooks in my thumb!"
Xiaodan leaned back slightly when the young warrior thrusted his thumb in front of for emphasis and Aang quirked a brow in surprise.
"Two?" He questioned in shock and Katara giggled quietly.
"He tried to get the first fishhook out with another fishhook." The dark-haired explained in amusement, causing Xiaodan and Aang to chuckle.
"Oh, and the time that ming-snake bit me!" Sokka continued to rant sarcastically, "Thanks for healing that up! That was great, really helpful."
Xiaodan, Aang, and Katara shared exasperatedly amused looked as Sokka continued to rant. It was gonna be a long journey.
Zuko examined the lightweight staff in his hands through narrowed eyes, taking in the dark, flexible but firm wood. His sharp eyes could just barely make out the near seamlessly lines of the thin wood shafts that made up the four wings of the glider. The banished prince lightly trailed his fingers along the shafts that rested flush against the base of the staff, though he knew from a previous attempt that he would not be able to open the wings of the glider unless he could somehow mimic Airbending.
"Prince Zuko?"
Zuko glance at his uncle standing in the cabin's doorway then turned back to the glider the Avatar's sister had crafted while she had been a prisoner on his ship. The glider she had completed just before her escape.
Iroh watched his nephew stare at the glider for a moment before speaking again, "Would you like to join me for some tea, Prince Zuko?"
For a moment, the scarred teen didn't respond. Then he leaned the glider against the wall of the cabin and turned towards his uncle.
"Yes, Uncle."
Iroh smiled and lead the way to his own cabin where he had already heated up some tea. Zuko followed after him, hesitating a moment in the doorway of Xiaodan's former cabin to glance back at the finished glider then leaving the room and shutting the door behind him as he followed his uncle down the metal hall
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