Blaire's fingers paused as she was turning the page of her book, eyes darting up in panic. "What? What do you mean Jacob's gone?"
Embry was pulling at his hair, stepping into her room. "Was running patrol. Bella and Edward-"
"Are getting married," Blaire sighed. She removed the letter from under her history book, showing the wedding invitation to him. "Just received this in the mail today. Alice wants me to be a bridesmaid."
Embry collapsed on her bed as she swung around in her desk chair. His face was ridden with both anger and exhaustion. "I can't believe that bloodsucker had the guts to send Jake a wedding invitation. When he phased, he didn't even wait for me or Quil. He just started running, and Sam let him go. I wonder how far he is now."
Blaire made her way over to the bed, sitting beside her imprint. She pressed a kiss on his forehead. "Go to sleep. You need it."
"Are you saying I'm not pretty?" He chuckled, hand finding hers.
"You're always handsome," she whispered back, brushing his hair from his forehead. "Don't worry. I'll be here when you wake up."
"Promise?" He asked, voice already drifting off. Blaire smiled when he was finally asleep, pulling a blanket over his warm body.
Making sure he had fully succumbed to his slumber, Blaire tiptoed to her closet. She took out a box stashed underneath piles of clothes. Glancing back at her imprint to check he wasn't looking, she removed the lid. It was a secret she wouldn't dare tell Embry — a secret that would never leave her room. In the poorly painted box was college acceptance letters for early admission. Blaire pulled out her Stanford University letter, staring meekly at it. She felt guilt rising up in her. She couldn't imagine how hurt Embry would feel if he ever discovered what Blaire had spent the last few months doing — filling out college applications and sending them away without thinking about him in her future.
But eventually, that might be what it must come down to. Blaire might have to leave, with or without Embry in the picture.
A knock on the door made her go into a frenzy, quickly shoving the letters and the box back into her closet. She scrambled over to her desk chair, where she sat calmly, acting as if nothing had happened.
Dahlia's head peeked in. "Sam's called a pack meeting about Jake. Has Embry told you?"
"About the wedding? Yeah, I received an invitation."
Dahlia's lips tightened. "Seth got one too. Looks like you two are the bloodsuckers' favorite werewolves."
"Don't be like that, Dahlia," Blaire sighed. She stood from her desk and followed her sister out the door. Dahlia's eyebrows scrunched.
"You're not going to wake Embry?"
"He's very tired, just let him rest."
Sam wasn't pleased by Embry's absence, but with one harsh glare from Blaire, he kept his lips shut. His hands slammed down on Emily's wooden kitchen table, face stern. The pack was listening intently, not knowing what their alpha was going to say next. Sam had let Jacob go willingly, but Blaire was sure he didn't estimate how long Jacob would actually be gone for.
When Sam still didn't speak, Paul decided to voice his opinion. "Are we just going to do nothing, Sam? We're just going to let him run off? We might not ever see him again!"
Quil was more hurt than the others. Jacob, Embry, and him were the best of friends, after all. Blaire squeezed his shoulder comfortingly.
"He needs time," Sam responded calmly.
Dahlia and Leah were in the corner of the room, holding hands. Leah scoffed at Sam's words. "Time? From what? Bella's getting married to that bloodsucker, and Jake has no chance."
"Leah," Dahlia warned. Leah exhaled and leaned back, not saying another word.
"Someone should go get him after a week or two," Blaire commented.
Sam shook his head. "Jake will come back when he's ready."
Jared scoffed, throwing his hands up in the air. "When he's ready? Who knows when that will be?"
"Exactly my point. We don't know how long it'll take Jake to heal from his heartbreak. The best we can do for him as his pack members, as his brothers and sisters, is to give him the space he wants," Sam said. His gaze drifted to Seth and Blaire. "Now, you two received invitations to the wedding, am I correct?"
Seth looked elated that he actually had gotten an invitation, but Blaire didn't know how to feel. Sure, Bella and her connected when Victoria was still hunting them, but that was when Blaire was a human. Things might be a different story now.
Once they both nodded, Sam gave his seal of approval. "Good. I want you two there to look out for anything suspicious."
Blaire's eyebrows raised. "You want us to spy?"
"Of course," Sam spoke as if it was obvious. "If not for me, then for Jake."
Blaire curled her bottom lip.
After Alice handed Blaire a dark, red dress, Blaire couldn't help but raise questions. Alice stopped her before she could pester. "I've talked with the whole family, and they've agreed that making you a bridesmaid would only make you uncomfortable. I asked Bella, and she simply said that you showing up to the wedding would be lovely. I've chosen this dress for you because I think it compliments your facial structure."
Blaire ran her hands down the mahogany colored gown. "Thank you, Alice. It's gorgeous."
Alice smiled in appreciation. "And, I know we didn't send him an invitation, but if you want to bring Embry-"
"It's fine," Blaire shrugged off. "He wouldn't be the greatest company anyways. I'll be happy to attend alone. And if it's alright with you, I'd love to be a bridesmaid."
Alice's smile grew bigger. She didn't even bother questioning Bella's other 'friends' from school, seeing as they never really cared about her as much as Alice would've liked. But the vampire knew that the new female shapeshifter would be the exact type of company Bella would want.
So, on the day of Bella's wedding, Blaire woke up extra early to slip her silver bridesmaid gown on. As she was fixing her hair in the mirror, Embry showed up from behind her, kissing her exposed shoulder. "You look breathtaking, Blaire."
"Thanks, you sap," she teased, leaning back to give him a kiss on the cheek. She could tell her imprint was uncomfortable at the thought of Blaire attending a wedding full of vampires, but he shoved his thoughts aside since Blaire was happy.
There was a knock at her front door. Embry rushed to get it, and stood in the doorway was Sam, lips spread into a thin line. "Meeting at Emily's. We think Jake's coming back tonight for Bella's wedding."
"Oh," Embry frowned, hoping he would get to drive Blaire to the Cullen's house. He complied to Sam's orders and kissed Blaire goodbye. When Embry left, Sam still stood in the middle of her living room.
"Yes, Sam?"
"I know about the colleges you applied to."
Blaire's fingers faltered for a second on the clips she was putting into her hair. Her hands began to tremble, and Sam continued with his newfound information.
"Caleb told me the week after you submitted them." She silently cursed her father for being such a gossip. He swore to her he wouldn't tell a soul. "Have you told Embry?"
"No," Blaire spat. "And you will not tell him, do you understand?"
She moved past him to reach for the door handle, and Sam sighed, reaching for her wrist. "Blaire, I'm simply asking you to tell him when you leave. He deserves that much."
"I have made so many sacrifices for this pack, do you know that?" Blaire quipped, fingers clenched around her only way to exit. "I have given up children and desperately needed school time. I will never let you take away my dreams, Sam."
"And I'm not asking you to," he responded flatly. "I'm asking you to tell your imprint, your soulmate, that you're planning on leaving him."
Blaire tore her wrist away from his grasp and left her home. She drove to the Cullen house in a state of flurried anger, furious at Sam for poking into her business. He would never understand Blaire's perspective — no one could. Her hands loosened around the wheel when she arrived at her destination. Alice was by her side in a millisecond, words flying from her mouth.
"You're a little late, but it's fine. I have to do your makeup and hair before Bella gets here."
Blaire pointed to the top of her head. "I've already done my hair, Alice."
The vampire paid no attention to Blaire's handiwork. She didn't even get a chance to say hello to the other family members in the living room as she was rushed upstairs. Alice sat her down on a chair and began redoing Blaire's hair so it matched her own and Rosalie's.
"How are you, Blaire? You seem tense today."
She fiddled with her fingers. "Just thinking about Embry."
Alice clapped excitedly. "Yes! When should I start planning your wedding?"
"I don't think that's an option coming up anytime soon," Blaire murmured under her breath. She knew Alice heard it, but the vampire didn't bother to comment.
As soon as she finished, she allowed Blaire to check herself in the mirror. Although it was Bella and Edward's big day, Blaire felt incredibly beautiful. Alice put on silver eyeshadow to match the bridesmaid dresses, and mascara that made her eyes pop. Her lips were lined with a simple baby pink color, but Blaire knew she could never try to make herself look this good if she tried.
She suddenly wished she had taken Alice up on that offer to invite Embry.
"I have to run," she chirped. "Picking up Bella. Rosalie, Esme, and Carlisle are downstairs if you want to speak with them."
Blaire was still running her fingers across her cheek, not registering that the girl in the mirror was her. Alice chuckled at her before her figure swept away, leaving the room.
She had finally remembered that Alice had left her, and she was the only shapeshifter in the house. She made her way downstairs. She found Esme and Carlisle talking gently to one another, and Rosalie was glaring at her.
She didn't get a good glimpse at the room before Alice dragged her upstairs, but she could see it now. White blossoms were hung around the room in garlands, and the aura was intoxicated by a numerous amount of flower smells. Alice really went all the way for the wedding.
"Blaire," Esme grinned when she saw her. "Come and join us. You look divine."
Blaire smiled curtly. "Thank you."
"Not long before it's you and Embry up there, huh?" Carlisle asked. Blaire's fists clenched. She really wished people would stop bringing up her wedding. Now, all she wanted was the safe embrace of Embry's arms.
"Emily and Sam first," she joked, college applications and Sam's words echoing in the back of her mind. "And I believe Dahlia and Leah wish to tie the knot as soon as possible."
"That's lovely. Are you excited for the wedding?"
Blaire glanced around again. "Extremely. Alice brought out the big guns, didn't she?"
Carlisle chuckled. "Yes, but without Bella's permission. She just wanted to get married in a courthouse."
Blaire couldn't imagine not having a big wedding with everyone on the reservation coming to see her. Even if she did want a small wedding, she and Embry combined knew too many people for it to be considered minuscule.
It wasn't long before Alice showed up with Bella, hand covering her eyes so she wouldn't see what Alice had planned. She led the soon-to-be bride to the bathroom, and her groom arrived from his bachelor party not long after.
Blaire could see Jasper and Emmett's figures tense when they sensed her presence in the house. Edward enjoyed having Blaire around — she was a real, genuine friend to Bella.
She smiled when she saw him. "Happy wedding. I hope you're prepared."
"Been ready my whole life," Edward responded.
Blaire wasn't the only guest for long. People began piling in as Edward left to get ready. She was ecstatic when she saw Seth, Sue, and Billy coming up the steps. She took her place next to Rosalie and Esme as a bridesmaid, feeling completely out of place. Seth approached her, signature grin on his face.
"You look happy. Aren't you and Embry-"
"Don't, Seth," she warned. "I've already heard the wedding talk so many times today."
"Shouldn't you be excited?" Seth asked, eyebrows furrowed. "I thought marrying your soulmate would be more riveting for you."
He saw the biting of her bottom lip, and concern filled him. What was Blaire planning?
He couldn't ask, as there was a whistle indicating for everyone to take their places. Seth hurried to his seat next to his mother, and Edward came down the aisle to stand next to Carlisle. Angela Weber's father was going to be the one to marry the two, which Blaire thought was adorable.
The music roared, and everyone's heads turned to face the direction of the stairs. Bella slowly descended down, gripping her father's forearm. Blaire couldn't help it, but when she blinked, she saw herself in Bella's place. She saw a girl filled with no dreams or aspirations, wearing a gown that didn't fit her right.
Her fingers tightened around the flowers she was holding. She felt selfish for thinking about herself when it was Bella and Edward's special day.
The ceremony breezed by. She could tell Bella and Edward were trying to make it as quick as possible, but their gaze never drifted apart from one another. Blaire erupted into applause when they kissed, confirming their marriage. She couldn't help but feel her eyes water, emotional about everything.
Not only was she emotional that Bella and Edward were now married, but that she came to the realization that she had to leave Embry, and they never would be betrothed as long as her dreams were still alive.
She came home right after Bella and Edward left for their honeymoon. The house was silent, and Blaire knew Dahlia was sound asleep. Caleb was still awake, reading a book lazily on the couch.
"Have fun?"
"I'm leaving."
The words were abrupt, and Blaire didn't feel any remorse for saying them. Caleb didn't glance up from his book. "I knew you would be. How many campuses are you going to visit?"
"I don't know," she sighed. "Will you tell Embry not to worry? I won't be gone long."
"You're making a mistake, Blaire," Caleb shook his head in disappointment. "Not telling him is going to crush his heart."
"Being a shapeshifter is crushing my dreams," she countered to her father, lips pursed. "I'm not going to let anyone decide my future for me."
She swore she saw a smile ghosting her father's lips. "I know, Blaire. Leave tonight. Sam already knows your decision."
Her eyes shut tight before she went up the stairs. "Do you think I'll come back if I leave?"
He set his book down on his lap, glancing at his eldest daughter. "If you want my honest opinion, it's going to be a no. But for some reason, my conscience is telling me that you'll come back if we need you."
"Tell him I love him."
"I will."
lmao this chapter is for those of you who thought blaire wasn't going to have her happy ending (of course she is, this is a fanfic!!)
and the thing that amuses me the most is the people who read secret scars and genuinely thought dahlia and paul were going to be together when i dropped so many hints about dahlia and leah
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