
Thank you for reading the book , hope you enjoyed it x


-Three Years Later-

"Louis Tomlinson-Payne ."

The crowd clapped as Louis and Beau walked over to the school principal , next to him stood Helene , who was grinning brightly at him . He shook both their hands and received his diploma , telling Beau to sit as the principal put a the official red therapy-dog strapper around Beau .

They walked off the stage and back to their seats , Louis leaned down to kiss Beau lovingly between his ears , then down the bridge of his nose , before sitting up and continuing to pet him .

He turned to look at his family , grinning when they all sent him kisses .

Soon enough the Ceremony was over , Louis hurried back to his family . He jumped into Harry's arms , wrapping him in a tight hug . Harry squeezed him back almost painfully , kissing the side of his head over and over .

"You did it , baby , you fucking did it ." He grinned , Louis pulled back to kiss him properly , holding the back of his head .

Harry hummed , "So proud of you , bub ."

Louis pulled back to breathe , pressing one more kiss to his lips before pulling back from their cuddle to hug Liam aswell .

Liam squeezed him and kissed his temple , "So proud of you , Lou ." He rocked them side to side , Louis squeezed him back , "I'm so happy I did it ."

They pulled back from the hug , Louis cuddled with Geoff for a bit , then hugged Zayn aswell .

"Let's go , now , we need to get started on dinner ." Harry held his arm open , Louis pressed himself to his side , "What are we making ?"

"We are making some home-made sushi , while you are sitting back and watching ." Harry wrapped both his arms around his waist sideways , Louis pouted , "I want to help ."

"Today is about you , bubba . So no ." Harry kissed the tip of his nose .

"Louis ?"

Louis turned his head and smiled when he saw Helene , he pulled back from Harry and handed him Beau's leash , going to hug her .

Helene held him tightly , "You have no idea how bittersweet this is for me ." She pulled back to look at him , "I'm so happy for you , I'm proud of you for getting your diploma , but I'm also sad I won't be seeing you next year ."

"Yeah , it really is bittersweet ." Louis chuckled , "But I'll come visit , I promise ."

"Please do , I would love to hear about your new job ." She nodded , they hugged once more before Helene shook the hands of Harry , Geoff , Liam and Zayn , who introduced themselves .



"Have you finished packing ?" Harry asked , chuckling when he saw Louis sitting ontop of his suitcase , trying to zip it .

"Almost ." He wiggled his knees a bit ontop of the suitcase , then pulled the zipper across the suitcase . "Thank god ." He stood up , Harry kissed his cheek and took the suitcase , "Go get dressed , we're leaving in a bit ."

It was a week after Louis' training school Graduation , and to celebrate they planned a short getaway to an island in Greece .

Once dressed and ready to leave , Louis grabbed his small backpack and walked downstairs , greeting Gemma with a hug .

"Have fun , send cute pictures ." Gemma hugged the two ; she was staying over at Harry's house for the four-five days they wouldn't be there , to watch over Mojo and Fuji , while Zayn watched over Beau at his place .

"We will ." Harry hugged her , then turned to Louis , "Passport ?"

"Here ." Louis patted his bag .

"Phone chargers ?"

"Check ."

"Money ?"

"Check ."

"Came ---"

"Hazzie , we already checked everything four times ." Louis grabbed his cheeks to stop him , Harry kissed him quickly , "Okay , okay . So we're ready to leave ."

"We are ."

"Good , our taxi should be here any second now ." Harry said , Louis nodded and went to say goodbye to Mojo and Fuji , kissing and petting them .

"Be good to your auntie ." He pouted when Harry had to pull him away as the taxi parked outside the house , they said goodbye to Gemma and left .

The driver loaded the trunk with their suitcases , Harry opened the backseat door and let Louis in first , getting in next to him . Louis grabbed Harry's hand and laced their fingers , Harry squeezed his hand , "Have you heard anything from the place you applied to ?"

"Not yet ." Louis shook his head , "I'm not worried , though . I know what they're looking for , and my application fits right in . They're hiring people to train the dogs so kids and teens who struggle socially will improve , and I know I can do that . I just need to wait for their reply , as long as it doesn't take too long because then I'll look somewhere else ."

Harry nodded and brought his hand up to his lips , kissing his knuckles a few times . "I love it when you talk highly about yourself . I'll never get tired of it ."

"Stop it ." Louis shook his head with a chuckle , Harry squeezed his hand , "I'm serious . I'm happy you know what you worth ."


"It's so hot here ." Louis sighed as he and Harry left the airport , Harry chuckled , "Yeah , it is . But it's perfect , we can spend some time chilling on the beach and getting some tanning-time ."

Louis smiled , he took Harry's suitcase from him so he could call them a taxi to the resort they had a room reservasion at .


"Look how pretty the view is ." Louis stepped out to the balcony of the room , Harry hugged him from behind and nodded , "We are definitely going to the beach tomorrow morning ."

"And the water is literally turquise , this is so pretty ." Louis smiled , then wiggled out of Harry's arms , "I need my camera ."

Harry smiled as he went to unpack a bit of their suitcases , putting their toiletries in the bathroom and a bit of clothes in the drawers under the TV . He glanced over at Louis , who was taking pictures from the balcony .

"Bubbie , we should go eat something ." He said as he walked outside , Louis nodded and turned to look at him , "Okay . I just want to shower , the airplane made me icky ."

Harry chuckled and followed him back inside , "Care if I joined you ?"

Louis giggled and grabbed him by his shirt , "Come on , then ." He walked backwards to the bathroom , Harry grabbed his hips and leaned down to kiss him as he shut the door with his foot .

After shower they got dressed , they wore jean shorts and loose button-ups , and left to go for a restaurant to eat their early dinner .

"Why is everything here so pretty ?" Louis wrapped his hand around Harry's bicep as he looked around ; the trees were covered in fairy lights , Harry chuckled , "A pretty view for a pretty boy ." He brought him closer to his side , Louis elbowed him gently , "Cheesy ."

They picked a cute little restaurant and got their table at a balcony watching over the view , a waiter stopped at their table to hand over menus and said he'd be back later to collect their orders .

"Should we try something new ?" Harry asked , Louis eyed the menu . "Been wanting to try Njoki , what do you say ?"

"Mmh , looks proper good ." Harry nodded .


After dinner they took a short walk around the place , stopping at a local pub to get drinks .

They returned to their room sleepy , Harry threw his clothes off and fell face first on the bed , "So tired ."

Louis smiled and locked the door , he kicked his shoes off and wiggled out of his jeans , "Turn around ." He patted Harry's calf as he unbuttoned his shirt , Harry flipped to lay on his back and sat with his head against the pillows . Louis crawled into his lap and straddled his waist , grabbing his cheeks as he kissed him .

Harry hummed and held him around his waist , moving his hands to rub up and down his back .

"My favourite kisses ." Harry smiled and kissed him again , Louis sat up a bit and put his hands on Harry's chest pecs , "Can I stay like this ? While - while we -"

Harry smirked softly and nodded , he sat up and moved Louis a bit to sit on his hips , "'s perfect , bubba ." He held his waist in his hands and kissed him , bringing their chests together .



Harry laid their blanket on the sand , Louis took pictures of the beach , "So pretty ."

"Come here , bub , I'll do your shoulders ." Harry took the sunscreen bottle out of the small bag they brought , Louis pouted a bit but walked over , pulling his button up off with his back turned to Harry .

Harry rub the sunscreen on his shoulders and down his back , Louis then turned and took the bottle , "Turn around ." He smiled as he used two hands to cover Harry's shoulders and back with sunscreen . 

"Let's go in the water ." Harry said , and in a swift move tossed Louis over his shoulder . Louis gasped and punched his back lightly , "Nooo ! Put me down !"

Harry chuckled and went into the water , putting Louis down when the water got to his knees . Louis pouted and splashed him , "That wasn't nice ."

"Heeey ." Harry laughed and splashed him back , Louis turned his back to him and splashed him again blindly , giggling . He turned to look at him , Harry wobbled a bit and fell backwards into the water , making Louis laugh .

"You think it's funny ?" Harry stood up , Louis tried running away but Harry caught him quickly , picking him up around his waist and walking deeper into the water . He held him tightly when the water reached his shoulders , knowing Louis won't reach the bottom that deep .

Louis wrapped his arms and legs around him , kissing him quickly , Harry scrunched his nose , "More ."

Louis kissed him against , longer this time , Harry smiled and rubbed their noses together , "More more ."

Louis giggled and kissed him again , then kissed his cheeks , chin and nose a few times , before kissing his lips again .

Harry smiled and carried him out of the water , letting him down on the sand . "Tanning-time ?"

"Yeah ." Louis smiled and pushed his hair back from his forehead , he grabbed the sunscreen bottle and rubbed a bit more on his shoulders , down his arms and chest , then laid on his front on the blanket with his arms under his head .

Harry lied next to him on his back and crossed his arm behind his head , sighing softly . 

"We should travel somewhere with the pups next time ." Louis said , Harry smiled , "Definitely . Would love to take them to the beach again , they haven't been to one in forever ."


That same day on the afternoon , Harry told Louis there's a spot nearby with a great view he wanted to take him to . They got dressed nicely , grabbed their phones and camera , and left their room .

"Where is it ?" Louis asked , his hand holding Harry's as they walked , Harry smiled , "Just up here , it looked really nice when I looked for cute spots on Google ."

Louis chuckled , then stopped to listen when he heard something . Harry turned to look at him , "What's up ?"

"It might sound weird , but I think I heard someone laughing like Niall ." Louis said with a chuckle , Harry laughed , "Why would Niall be in Greece ?"

"I know , that's why I said it was weird ." Louis giggled and they walked again , quickly reaching the spot .

"Oh , Hazzie , it's so pretty here ." Louis smiled and turned his camera on , going to the edge to look over at the view before taking his pictures .

Harry smiled watching him , his heart racing in his chest . He took a deep breath before feeling his phone buzzing in his pocket , he pulled it out quickly and smiled at the text he got , sending a quick reply .

He put his phone in his pocket and walked over to Louis , hugging him from behind and kissing his shoulder , up to his neck . Louis giggled and shied away from the neck kisses , Harry purposefully leaned closer and kissed a bit more , before pulling back a bit , "Love you , bub ."

"Love you ." Louis smiled and reached his hand up to squish his cheeks , lifting his camera up to his eye again .

Harry kissed the back of his head , he then turned his head and smiled widely at the group awating them ; their friends and family .

He reached his hand backwards , Liam put the small box in his hand and walked back to the group , who were all taking pictures and videos , Zayn with his camera .

"Bubbie ." Harry held the strap of his camera , lifting it over his head . Louis watched in confusion as Harry took the camera from his hands and put it down on the stone railing , "What is it ?"

Harry turned him around and took his hand , Louis jumped in surprise when he saw everyone there , grinning at them . "Wh-what --"

He watched as Harry lowered himself down on one knee , making him grin as his throat tightened , "Oh m-my god ." He chuckled , Harry held the small box up and opened it , eyes shining as he looked up at him .

"Will you marry me , Bubbie ?"

Louis laughed softly as everyone cheered , nodding his head as he cupped Harry's face , kissing him through wet chuckles .

"Say it . Say it ." Harry grinned , one hand still holding the box while his other hand moved to rest on Louis' hip , Louis sniffled , "Yes , y-yes ."

Everyone cheered for them , throwing red flower petals at them .

Harry stood up and took the ring out of the box , sliding it down on Louis' ring finger . Louis wrapped his arms around his shoulders standing on his tippy-toes to stretch himself up , face burying in his neck as he cried happily .

"Don't cry , bub ." Harry wrapped his arms fully around his waist , holding his sides from how tightly he was wrapped in his arms . They stayed cuddled for a short while longer before pulling back , sharing a few kisses .

They pulled back to greet their friends and family , Louis was snatched into a cuddle by Liam , who picked him up and twirled them around .

"I'm so happy for you . I'm happy we were able to surprise you ." He put him down , Louis smiled and wiped his cheeks , "You really did ."

He moved to hug Geoff , chuckling , "Don't cry , dad , we should both be done with crying ." 

Geoff squeezed him , "Let me have this moment for a bit longer . You've grown up so much ."

When Geoff had enough of hogging him up , Anne , Gemma and Michal were next in line , saying their congratulations .

Zayn then came to hug him aswell , "Got some really good pictures of the two of you ."

Louis chuckled , Zayn kissed his temple , "So happy for you , Lou ." They pulled back , and Louis was cuddled by all of Harry's home friends in a group hug . He laughed and let them squeeze him , when they pulled back he turned to Niall , "I heard you , you know ?"

"What ??" Niall gaped at him , Harry joined them and pulled Niall into a headlock , "He fucking heard you laughing , almost ruined the surprise ."

Niall laughed and pulled away from Harry's headlock , "Sorry lad ."

Harry moved closer to Louis and wrapped both his arms around his waist , "Let's take more pictures , Zayn is waiting ."

After taking some more pictures they all went out to dinner ,  then spent the rest of the night at a campfire on the beach .  As they all went back to their hotel rooms they promised to meet together in the morning for breakfast and go to the beach again .

Harry held the door open for Louis and walked into the room after him , locking the door . He kicked his shoes off and grabbed Louis' hips , lifting him up and dropping the two of them on the bed .

They laughed and kissed , rolling around the bed . Louis grabbed one of the pillows and whacked Harry gently with it , catching him off guard .

"What --" He was cut off with another hit to the side of his head , Louis giggled and tried hitting him again , but Harry grabbed the pillow from his hands and smacked him with it gently , before throwing it to the end of the bed and tickling his waist .

Louis laughed and pushed his hands off him , trying to roll away . Harry laughed along and grabbed his waist again , leaning down to kiss him . He moved Louis' legs to wrap around his hips and held his waist , manhandling him to lay with his head on the pillows , while Louis started unbutoning his shirt .


"Okay , okay , enough ." Louis giggled tiredly , squirming as Harry kept kissing all over his chest . Harry moved down to kiss his tummy and waist , making him laugh more .

"Oof , alright , alright , I'm done ." Harry chuckled when Louis started kicking him , too ticklish to handle the kisses .

He moved off to lay next to him , bringing Louis to cuddle into his chest , the white sheets covered them from the waist down to their knees , as their feet tangled at the end of the bed .

"I love you , bub ." Harry smiled against his forehead , bringing his hand up and kissing his ring . Louis smiled and put his hand on his cheek , bringing him down to kiss him , "Love you more ."


Hope you liked the book , love you all xxxx


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