Ch. 6
Enjoy x
Liam asked Harry to pick Louis up from school on one Thursday , since Geoff was away for two days and Liam was busy till late that night . Harry of course agreed , he was quite giddy about spending time with the smaller boy .
When Louis got Liam's text during his lunch time , his heart skipped a beat , he hadn't seen Harry all week and was happy he was going to see him . He didn't want to admit he was crushing on the tall lad , though he hundred percent was .
Harry waited by the school gates , he heard the bell ringing and moments later students rolled out of the building , some walked to the bus stop , some into their cars parked in the school's parking lot .
Soon enough he saw Louis walking out of the building , looking smaller than the students around him Harry almost missed him .
Louis looked around a bit , a frown on his face when he didn't see Harry . When his eyes landed on Harry walking towards him his face lit evidently .
"Hey Louis ." Harry smiled , Louis walked up to him and waved a little .
"Ready to go ?" Harry asked and offered his hand , when he realized Louis wouldn't take it . Louis nodded at him , and before Harry took his hand back Louis wrapped his much -so so much- smaller hand around Harry's .
Harry was speechless for a few seconds as he looked at their hands before tightening his hand around Louis' softly , smiling at him . They walked to Harry's car hand in hand , Harry opened the passenger's door for him , making Louis blush as he sat himself in .
Harry got into the driver's seat and started the car , "I made us something to eat back at my place , do you like mac n cheese with chicken ?"
Louis nodded his head , Harry smiled , "Great ."
After about a minute spent in silence Harry glanced over at Louis . "How was school today ?"
Louis lifted his thumb up and nodded once , as if saying it was okay . Harry nodded , "Good . Anything unusual ?" He asked cautiously , Louis shook his head .
"Alright ." Harry smiled softly , "Mojo and Fuji missed you quite a lot , to be honest . They bark for you when they see you through the window ."
A smile tugged on his lips , he couldn't control it ; he liked the two dogs a lot . And Harry . He liked him a lot . like , a lot .
Ten minutes later they reached Harry's place , Harry parked in the driveway and the two got out of the car . As Harry was unlocking the house , they could hear the two dogs racing to the door at hearing the key rustling in the keyhole .
Harry pushed the door open and let out an 'oof' when Mojo jumped on him and barked in excitement . "Ugh , you're heavy ." He sighed and placed the dog down on all fours , pecking his head along with Fuji's .
Louis stepped into the house and closed the door , Harry turned to him , "You can put your bag here in the entrace , let's go eat ."
Louis took his schoolbag off his shoulders and placed it neatly at the front , turning to the two dogs who were nudging him for his attention . Louis smiled softly and pet the two dogs , knowing Harry was watching them from the kitchen entrace .
He stood up straight and looked over to Harry , who smiled at him , "I'm going to wash my hands , want to come ?"
Louis nodded and followed Harry to the guest bathroom on the first floor , Harry turned the tap on and placed his hands under the running water , gesturing for Louis to join him . Louis blushed and walked closer , washing his hands in the water as Harry was washing his own hands with soap .
They switched again , Louis used the soap and Harry washed his hands in the water . When he was done he flicked water droplets from his hand to Louis' face playfully , Louis turned his face away and smiled shyly .
Harry dried his hands and waited for Louis to be done aswell , chuckling when Louis got him back and flicked water droplets at him aswell .
They walked to the kitchen , Harry told Louis to sit at the table while he got the food . Louis went to sit at the table and smiled at Mojo and Fuji who were sitting next to him , Harry placed two bowls of mac n cheese at the table along with two forks . "I'm going to get these two their own bowls of food , you can start ."
Harry filled Fuji's and Mojo's bowls with food and placed it in their corner , the two dogs racing to eat . When he went back to the table he smiled fondly when he saw Louis hadn't touched his food , as he wanted to wait for Harry to join him .
He sat across the table from Louis and picked up his fork , Louis following his actions and they started eating . Harry glanced at Louis once in every few moments ; Louis was just too cute . He held his fork delicately and ate in small bites , lips in a tiny pout as he chewed .
Harry then brushed his shoe against Louis' , and when Louis looked up at him he winked at him , causing Louis to blush and smile down at the table . Harry nudged Louis' foot again , smirking when Louis pushed his foot away gently .
When Harry nudged Louis' foot again and Louis looked up at him , a giggle escaped his lips as Harry made a funny face , he slapped his hand against his mouth as his cheeks turned red . Harry grinned at him , "Don't cover your smile ."
Louis only blushed harder .
Harry was cleaning the kitchen and doing the dishes while Louis did his homework at the table , Harry found it absolutely adorable how Louis had his lower lip between his teeth as he focused on writing .
Just as he was finishing with the dishes he heard Louis letting out a sigh , sounding frustrated or annoyed . He turned to face him , Louis ran his hand through his hair and bit his lip harder .
Harry dried his hands with a towel , "Are you alright ?"
Louis looked up and blinked , then nodded . Harry raised an eyebrow questioningly , Louis sighed and tapped his pen on the paper , rolling his eyes . Harry smiled , "Why don't you take a break eh ?"
Louis shook his head and pinched his fingers close together , as if saying he's almost done and there wasn't much left for him to do .
Harry walked over and sat next to him , looking down at the paper . Louis turned it a little towards him , and he found himself staring at Harry's profile which made him blush . Harry pressed his lips together ; he knew Louis was staring at him , so he was holding back a smirk so Louis wouldn't know he knew he was staring .
"Alright , I think I got it ." Harry said , breaking Louis out of his small trance to face the paper . Harry explained the problem to Louis , Louis followed his instructions and nodded , writing down the answer . He loved Harry's deep , raspy voice , he wanted him to talk forever . It made him feel warm and comforted .
"Do you need any more help ?" Harry asked , Louis shook his head no and gave him a tiny smile , signing 'thank you' with his hand . Harry smiled widely , "Alright . If you need help you can always ask me ."
Louis nodded and sent him one more smile before going back to his papers . Harry really wanted to lean in and press a peck to his soft cheek , but he bit his lip in resistance and got up from his seat , smiling at Mojo who entered the kitchen .
"Hey there ." He leaned in and kissed between Mojo's ears , Mojo sloppily licked his cheek , making him laugh a little and wipe his cheek .
Louis watched them and smiled softly ; he liked seeing Harry interacting with his dogs , it was really cute .
Mojo then walked over to Louis and placed his head on his thigh , looking up at him as if asking to be pet . Louis smiled and pet him gently , his hand moving delicately across his fur and scratching behind his ears .
Harry watched them and bit his lower lip ; Louis was such a delicate person , he didn't understand how could people not like him ; he's polite , cute , thoughtful and beautiful . yeah , beautiful .
Louis went back to his homework , though Mojo wasn't having it ; he nudged Louis' leg and whined at him , Louis pet him softly for a few more seconds before going back to his paper . This time Mojo jumped up , his front legs on Louis' seat to catch his attention . Louis couldn't help the tiny chuckle leaving his lips , he placed his pen down and turned his attnetion to Mojo .
"He's not disturbing you , is he ?" Harry asked with a fond smile on his lips , Louis blushed when he realized Harry was watching them and shook his head no . He helped Mojo down from his chair and went back to his paper , enjoying the feeling of Mojo next to him , his head on his knee .
When he was done with his homework he stood up from his seat and collected his papers and books , placing them inside his school bag before he started organizing the table .
Harry walked back into the kitchen and saw Louis cleaning the table . "Oh no , you don't need to . I'll do it later ." He walked over to him and took the small vase from his hands . "Don't worry about it , go make yourself comfy in the living room , I'll put a movie on for us ."
Louis felt bad for leaving the table a mess , he shook his head and tried reaching for the scattered notes but Harry took both his hands in his larger ones , "No no . Off to the living room ." He pulled him gently along , leading him into the living room . "Sit on the couch , I'll be right back ."
Louis sat on the couch and watched as Harry left the living room . He hugged his arms around himself , hands rubbing up and down his arms as he shivered .
Harry peeked into the living room to make sure Louis is still seated , frowning a bit when he saw Louis hugging himself . He quickly finished with the table and walked up the stairs to his room , fetching Louis a hoodie of his to wear . He walked into the living room and handed Louis the hoodie , "There , wear it while I turn the heat up a bit more ."
Louis looked up at him then at the hoodie , hesitant at first . Harry rolled his eyes playfully with a smile , unfolding the hoodie and placing it on Louis' lap , "When I come back I expect you to wear it , if you don't I'll have to roll you up in a blanket like a burrito ." He said playfully while walking out of the living room , grinning when he heard a tiny giggle escaping Louis' lips .
When he was back he smiled widely at the sight of Louis' small form drowning in his hoodie , he grabbed the soft blanket from the back of the couch and threw it over Louis' lap , "What movie do you want to watch ?"
He handed Louis the remote to choose a movie , Louis took the remote and scrolled through the movies , picking A random animation movie and handing the remote back to Harry , who took it but placed it next to Louis' leg .
By the time the movie was over Louis was asleep on the couch , Harry smiled at the sight of Louis snuggled into his hoodie under the soft blanket . He tucked the blanket around his small frame to keep him warm and sat on the other end of the couch with his own blanket , he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back , his eyes fluttering shut .
Harry woke up to knocking on the door , he checked the time ; nine p.m .
He rubbed his eyes and moved the blanket off him , Mojo and Fuji were already at the door with their tails wagging . Harry unlocked the door and opened it , smiling sleepily at Liam . "Hey mate ." He opened the door wider for him to come in .
"Hey , sorry I woke you up ." Liam smiled back , Harry shook his head , "No , it's okay . I fell asleep crookedly anyway ."
Liam nodded . "How's Louis ?"
"He fell asleep on the couch ." Harry said and led Liam to the living room , Liam smiled at his brother , "Was he okay ?"
"Yeah , everything was perfect ." Harry nodded with a smile .
"He ate ? Did his homework ?" Liam asked , Harry nodded , "Yeah ."
Liam nodded , and looked back to Harry , "I want to ask you something ."
"Shoot ."
"You have a thing for Louis , don't you ?"
Harry chuckled nervously , "Am I that obvious ?"
"Mate , you're glowing when you look at him ." Liam said , making Harry laugh quietly to not wake Louis up .
Liam smiled , "Between you and me , Louis likes you too . He's just afraid . But whatever you do , keep it up because it's working ."
Harry grinned , "Yeah , okay ." He let out a breath . "I'm kind of afraid myself ."
"What are you afraid of ?"
"Screwing up with him . He's been through a lot already , and I don't want to make things difficult for him , or hurt him ."
"We always hurt the people we care about ." Liam said and crossed his arms over his chest , "I know what you're saying because I feel the same , I don't want to be the reason he's upset or anything but happy , but you can't never hurt someone you care about ."
Harry knew Liam is right . "So what are you saying ?"
"Give it a little bit more time , let him adjust to you some more . Then you can ask him out , and I promise you he won't say no . And if he does say no then he's overthinking or afraid , and just talk to him , I know you're good at comforting him ."
Harry bit his lower lip and nodded , before smiling lightly , "Thanks mate . It meant a lot ."
Liam smiled and patted Harry's shoulder , "Anytime . Now if I may , I'm going to take Louis home ." He walked over to Louis and moved his fringe off his forehead , "Lou ?" He rubbed his arm softly .
Louis shifted before his eyes fluttered open , smiling when he saw Liam . Liam smiled back , "Hey , sleepy . Ready to go home ?" He asked , Louis nodded and let Liam remove the blanket from around him . He stood up from the couch , Liam didn't comment about the huge hoodie he was wearing , knowing it was Harry's .
"Alright , we'll be going now . Thank you so so much Harry ." Liam said , Harry waved his hand dismissively , "It's nothing , really . I like having Louis , and the pups do aswell ."
Louis blushed at his words , Liam smiled widely at the two .
The three walked to the door with Mojo and Fuji following , Liam took Louis' school bag for him . Louis pet the two dogs one last time before turning to Harry . He gave him a genuine smile and signed 'thank you' , and before he walked out Harry opened his arms , "Goodbye hug ?"
And Louis almost melted right there and then . He was shaking as he walked into Harry's embrace , letting his arms rest around his middle as Harry's arms wrapped around his shoulders and middle . He couldn't help but admit it to himself that hugging Harry was probably his new favourite thing .
Louis pulled back with blush on his cheeks , and couldn't help the smile spreading on his lips as Harry grinned at him . "Good night , Lou ."
Louis waved goodbye and walked out of Harry's house with Liam . When they reached their pathway Liam threw Louis over his shoulder happily and spinned around , making Louis squeak and punch his shoulder to be put down , but found himself giggling along .
"What was that ! Did you really just hug Harry ?? Huh ?" Liam teased as he walked into the house and closed the door behind him .
He walked into their living room and dropped Louis down on the couch , "But seriously , where did it come from ?" Liam asked , "You really like him , don't you ?"
Louis bit his lower lip , nodding . He couldn't help the gentle smile on his lips .
Liam smiled back at him . "You know he likes you too , right ?"
Louis shrugged his shoulders , Liam continued , "I'm serious ! He really likes you , Lou . I mean , he gave you his hoodie and didn't even ask for it back ."
Louis looked down at his torso , realizing he's still wearing the hoodie Harry gave him . I'll have to give it back to him , he thought to himself .
"I think you should give him a chance , you're both happy around eachother ." Liam said and moved Louis' fringe from his forehead , "He treats you really well , and if he does anything stupid I'll be there to punch his brains out ."
Louis slapped Liam's arm , making him laugh . "Alright , alright . But , it's bedtime now , so go get into your pj's and get in bed , it's schoolnight ."
And Louis may have or haven't gone to sleep dressed in Harry's hoodie .
(He definitely did)
Hope you liked it x
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