Ch. 50

My heart is breaking , I loved writing this book so much . Even though it's the last chapter , there will be an Epilogue as well as a Characters Asks .

Enjoy x


Louis woke up first , smiling when he felt Harry's arms laying heavily around him . He snuggled closer and rubbed his hand up and down Harry's back , his skin sleep-warm and soft . He's always loved Harry's massive back and wide shoulders , he loved his arms , long legs - just him . He loved him .

Harry stirred from next to him , smiling when he felt Louis rubbing his back . "G'morning , bubba ."

"Morning ." Louis smiled , "I need to go to the bathroom ."

Harry pouted but let him slip out of bed , relaxing back into the warm sheets . When Louis returned he laid next to Harry , Harry grabbed his hand and put it under his head facing up , so Louis' palm was cupping his cheek inbetween his head and the pillow .

Louis rubbed his thumb on Harry's cheek , smiling when Harry kissed his palm and closed his eyes . "Want to cuddle for a bit before we get up ?"

Harry hummed , turning his head to kiss his palm again . He then trailed the kisses up his arm , pressing his lips softly to his wrist and up to the crook of his elbow . He smiled against his skin when Louis started to giggle , trailing the kisses up to his inner bicep .

Louis laughed and pushed at his head as he got too close to his underarm , "No , Hazzie , don't ." He blocked him , Harry smiled and lifted his head up , pressing a quick kiss to his lips , "Such a cutie ."


"I'm nervous ." Louis shuffled a bit in his seat , Zayn gave him a reassuring smile , "You don't have to look if it's too much ." He said as he put on latex gloves .

As Louis wanted , he was getting the tattoo he wanted after Graduation . And Zayn , as he worked at a tattoo parlor , offered to do it for him to lessen his nervousness . And there he was , along with Harry and Liam , sitting with his arm out towards Zayn as he wiped his skin with disinfectant . He wanted Geoff to be there too , but he was away on a business trip .

Louis pursed his lips and squeezed Harry's hand , Harry kissed his knuckles a few times , "Just relax , bub , it won't be as painful as you think it'll be . It will sting , but it won't pierce through your skin hard enough to draw blood ."

"Harry is right ." Liam smiled , "It'll be over before you realize ."

Louis nodded his head , turning his head to look at the tattoo gun as Zayn switched it on . He put a comforting hand on Louis' forearm , where the small tattoo would be (a

: the same spot Louis' stick figure is) . 

"I'm starting , okay ?" He waited for Louis' nod before going in . Louis gasped softly and turned to look at Harry with worried eyes , Harry couldn't help but smile , "Doesn't hurt so bad , does it ?"

"N-not really ." Louis shook his head , Harry kissed his knuckles , the back of his hand , then turned his hand over to kiss his palm . Louis smiled at the gesture , scrunching his face when the stinging pain got a bit too much .

"We're halfway through , Lou ." Zayn smiled up at him , "You're doing great ."

Louis sighed in relief . "I don't want to look yet . How does it look ?"

"Looks proper good , Zayn is going a real good job ." Liam smiled and rubbed Zayn's back .

"We're done ." Zayn smiled , Louis' knee jumped happily , "Can I look ?"

"Yeah , you can look . Or if you want , you can wait until I finish cleaning up and wrapping it ." Zayn said as he switched the gun off .

"I'll wait ." Louis nodded .

Zayn worked on cleaning his new tattoo and wrapping it , Liam leaned in and kissed Louis' forehead , "Proud of you ."

Louis smiled up at him , when Zayn said he was done . He closed his eyes and counted to three before opening them , looking down at the crook of his elbow . He grinned at the words tattooed on his skin in cursive letters .

darling , just hold on

He felt Harry kissing his cheek lovingly , he turned his head to kiss him quickly before looking back down at his new tattoo .

"I love it ." Louis couldn't wipe off his smile . He placed his hand on Zayn's arm and squeezed softly , "Thank you ."

"It was my pleasure , really ." Zayn put his hand over Louis' , "Looks good on you ."


"Why can't I see ?" Louis giggled , holding Harry's wrists from where his large hands were covering Louis' eyes , as they walked up the pathway to Louis' house .

Harry kissed the back of his head , "It's for your surprise , don't want to ruin it ."

They walked carefully up the front stairs , Liam opened the door for them , letting the two in , then following behind Zayn and closing the door .

"Alright , we're going to the living room ." Harry told Louis as they turned , he helped him sit down on the couch with his hands still covering his eyes .

"Please can I see now ?" Louis asked , Harry chuckled , "I'm taking my hands off but keep your eyes closed , okay ?"

"Okay ."

Harry took his hands off Louis' eyes and made a gesture for Liam to start recording his reaction , then walked out of the living room .

Louis pursed his lips as he listened to the sounds around him , trying to guess what was going on . 

"Alright bubbie . Open your eyes ."

Louis took a deep breath and fluttered his eyes open , letting out an audible gasp as he covered his mouth . Harry was sitting on the floor in front of him , holding a tiny German Shepherd puppy that was wearing the collar Harry got for their anniversary .

Harry grinned at his reaction , "Say hello to your trainee puppy , Beau ."

Louis' jaw was hung open in awe , he reached his hands out to grab the tiny puppy from Harry . He smiled as he held him carefully , cupping his face with his hand , "Hi , Beau ." He grinned wider when Beau licked his hand .

"We signed the papers for you , so you're the owner of this cute little puppy ." Liam said from behind the camera , "We adopted him a few days ago and Zayn watched over him ."

"Is that why I couldn't come over ?" Louis chuckled , Zayn laughed , "Yes , he was there and I had nowhere else to put him , couldn't risk that ."

"It's alright . It's perfect ." Louis smiled as he looked down at Beau , scratching softly behind his ear , "He's so cute ."

"Like his owner ." Harry smiled up at the two , fingers tracing over Louis' anklet . Louis leaned his ankle into Harry's touch , "I love him already . Thank you all so much ."

"You're welcome ." Harry squeezed his hand around his ankle , "You sit here and have your quality time with little Beau while we make us lunch , alright ?"

Louis held Beau with one arm , leaning forward to kiss Harry , cupping his cheek with his free hand . Harry hummed and kissed back , pulling back with a chuckle when Beau licked Louis' chin for attention .

He stood up from the floor and followed Liam and Zayn to the kitchen , Louis pulled his phone out of his pocket and started taking pictures of Beau ; he took a few selfies with him , then sat down on the floor with him as he took more pictures . When he was done he put his phone aside and played with the puppy for a bit , he couldn't get enough of him .

Harry joined him in the living room , sitting cross-legged next to him , "Can you even imagine how adorable it would be introducing him to Mojo and Fuji ?"

"I know , those two love other dogs . Think about them cuddling together ." Louis cooed , scratching Beau's belly .

Harry moved to lay on his front with his arms crossed under his chin , letting Beau lick at his cheeks as he smiled with his lips pursed . Louis smiled at the two , filming them on his phone .



"Hi bub , are you home ?"

"No , I'm at the shopping centre ." Louis stopped halfway down the aisle , grabbing a few chewing toys , "I'm getting some stuff for Beau . Spoiling him a bit ."

It was the day after , Geoff still away on his business trip , so Louis busied himself with caring for Beau most of the day .

"Lucky pup . Will you spoil me too ?"

"Sure . Dinner on me tonight ." Louis smiled into the phone , pressing it to his ear with his shoulder as he grabbed a dragon stuffie .

"What were you thinking about cooking ? Want to be excited ."

"How about the chicken stuffed from your birthday ?"

"Oooh , sounds proper good . Dinner , cuddles on the couch , then tomorrow we can take the pups to the park ?"

"Sounds like a plan ." Louis bit his lower lip . "Also , I wanted to bring Beau over to introduce him to Mojo and Fuji ."

"Aw , it'll be so cute . Alright baby , I need to get back to work , I'll see you tonight . Love you ."

"Love you , Hazzie ."

Once done getting new stuff for Beau , Louis paid and left the store , taking the bus back home . He excitedly showed Beau his new toys and took pictures and videos .

"I'll come get you soon , alright ?" He kissed the top of Beau's head , then went downstairs and took ingredients from the kitchen , going across the street to Harry's house and using the spare key he had to get inside .

"Hi , pups ." He smiled and went to put the ingerdients in the kitchen , then greeting the two dogs . They could smell Beau on his clothes , so he let them sniff away at his pants so they'd get used to the scent .

He took the rest of the ingredients from Harry's kitchen and started making their dinner , playing songs in the background .

Just as he put the tray in the oven he heard Harry's car in the driveway , smiling as he looked out of the window . The two dogs recognized the noise and marched to the door to greet Harry .

Louis smiled as he drained the potatoes , before adding butter and starting to mash them . He heard the front door opening and Harry greeting the pups just as excitedly as they were greeting him .

"Bubbie ?"

"I'm here ." Louis turned to look over his shoulder , smiling at Harry who walked into the kitchen , "Hi ."

"Hi bubbie ." Harry smiled as he hugged him from behind , watching his small hands mashing the potatoes . He pressed a warm kiss to his neck , "Want to go shower while I do this ?"

Louis put the mill down and turned his head a bit , "Or we can shower together ?"

Harry smiled wider , "'Course we can ." He pressed his nose to Louis' shoulder , "Want to take a bath ?"

"Okay ." Louis smiled , shying a bit away when Harry kissed his neck . "Take this , I'll go check on the oven ."

Harry took the mill and continued Louis' work , Louis opened the oven door and peeked inside . "It should be ready in ten minutes or so , I'm going to get Beau quickly ." He said and walked out of the house .

He crossed the street back to his house , going up to his room and grabbed Beau , along with his new water and food bowls . He locked the house down behind him and went back to Harry's house , he opened the door , "Hazzie ?"

"We're waiting in the living room ."

Louis walked inside and closed the door behind him , placing his house keys and the bowls down and shifted Beau in his arms , going to the living room .

Harry was sitting on the floor , holding Mojo and Fuji's collars as he smiled at Louis and Beau . Louis smiled back , grinning at the two large dogs' reactions to the puppy in his arms , tilting their heads adorably .

Louis sat down aswell  , Harry let the two dogs go and moved to sit closer aswell . They both watched Mojo and Fuji sniffing Beau for a bit , as Beau did the same . Louis kissed Beau's head between his ears , then moved to pet Mojo as if to show Beau they were no danger .

He pet Fuji aswell and put Beau down on the floor , letting him walk between the two dogs' legs as they let him wander around .

"They're so cute ." Louis smiled as he pet Mojo , Harry leaned in and kissed Louis' cheek , going to kiss his lips but then the oven went off .

"Go fill up the bath for us ." Harry nodded , "I'll turn the oven off ."

Louis smiled and stood up from the floor , he walked up the stairs with Fuji following him curiously but stopped when Louis walked into the bathroom . Louis giggled , "Come in , Fuji ."

Fuji looked at him warily before walking away ; it was no secret to Louis and Harry that Fuji and Mojo hated bath time .

Louis sat at the edge of the tub and turned the faucet on , waiting for the water to warm up before plugging the tub and adding soap to make it bubbly . He took the time to prepare towels and clothes for him and Harry , when he finished filling the tub Harry walked into the bathroom , "Is it ready ?"

"Yeah . Is our dinner okay ?" Louis asked , pulling his socks off his feet .

"Dinner smells so good ." Harry bit his lower lip , pulling his shirt over his head . He turned so his back faces Louis , "Do I have something on my back ?"

Louis turned to him , laughing when he saw the white powder and sesame seeds . "You've got flour and sesame seeds all over your back ." He giggled as he used his shirt to wipe them away .

"I had a feeling ." Harry chuckled as he unbuttoned his pants .

Louis was undressed first , so he got into the tub and sat down at one end , bending his legs for Harry to sit on the other end . He melted into the warmth and leaned back , hands reaching out to grab Louis' ankles .

Harry watched as Louis scooted closer , knees inbetween Harry's thighs as he leaned in to kiss him . He hummed and moved his hands to rest on Louis' hips , rubbing his hands up to his sides , then down to his thighs , "Turn around , I'll wash your hair ."

Louis kissed him once more before pulling back and turning to sit with his back to Harry , tilting his head backwards as Harry used a cup to wet his hair , then softly massaging the shampoo in .

When he finished , Harry washed the shampoo out of his hair kissing the back of his head . Louis turned to face him with a smile , "Now you ."

Harry smiled as he turned carefully , sighing out when Louis washed his hair . He closed his eyes and relaxed into the gentle scrubs , Louis washed the shampoo from his hair and leaned back when Harry turned back around to face him .

"Don't . Come closer ." Harry reached his hands out to grab him , Louis raised his eyebrows playfully , "Don't come closer ?" He repeated as he leaned further away to his end of the tub , Harry grumbled and grabbed him by the backs of his knees and dragged him closer .

Louis giggled and wrapped his arms around his shoulders , following Harry's manhandling and wrapping his legs around his waist . Harry held him tightly by the waist and pressed their lips together , lifting Louis up to sit properly on his lap .

They couldn't ignore the close contact any longer , Harry pulled back from the kisses just a bit , "Want you . Can I ?"

Louis nodded , tangling his fingers in Harry's hair . "Slowly ."


Once done bathing , they got out of the tub and dried themselves , Louis pulled on a pair of boxers and one of Harry's shirts before walking down to the kitchen to reheat their dinner .

Harry joined him dressed in boxers and gym shorts , starting making the table . He smiled softly , "You alright , bubba ?"

Louis blushed soft-pink as he smiled , "I'm good . Just a bit , like , sore ." He looked away as Harry smirked .

"I'll make it up to you . Foot rub after dinner ?"

"Perfect ." Louis smiled as he pulled two plates out of the cabinet , pouring the mashed potatoes into the plates . He then put each piece of chicken stuffed on the plates next to the mash , carrying the two plates to the table .

"Mmm , smells so good ." Harry pulled two chairs out for them , sitting down next to him . He leaned closer and gave Louis a sweet kiss , "Thanks for dinner , bubbie ."

Louis smiled and poked his dimple , "The only meal I can cook , honestly ."

"I can always teach you ." Harry offered as he grabbed his fork and knife , "Would you want to ?"

"Yeah , it'll be fun ." Louis nodded as he scooped up a bit of the mash .


Louis leaned back on the couch with a blanket over his body , he lifted his legs up for Harry to sit down then placed his feet on his lap . Harry handed him the remote , "Are we watching Enola Holmes ?"

While they were cuddled on the couch , the two large dogs and puppy were laying together on the small nest Harry prepared for them , made of blankets , a few pillows and stuffies .

"Yes ." Louis smiled as he opened up Netflix , Harry started rubbing his feet for him , "Is it the same girl from Stranger Things ?"

"It is . She's really good ." Louis nodded , shifting a bit to face the screen better . 

Fifteen minutes into the movie Harry put Louis' feet down on the couch and crawled over to snuggle next to him , Louis smiled and wrapped his arms around his shoulders , "Comfy ?"

"Mhmm ." Harry nodded with a smile , kissing Louis' neck softly .

"You're not watching the movie ." Louis pouted a bit , Harry rested his arms around his waist , "I am , I just love kissing you , so I'm doing both ." And to prove his point , he kissed all over Louis' neck . Louis giggled and grabbed his face to stop him , "Okay , okay ."

Halfway into the movie Harry felt his eyes growing heavy , he sighed and turned his face to bury in Louis' neck , "I'm falling asleep ."

"Go ahead , I'll wake you up when it ends ." Louis rubbed his arm , Harry cuddled into Louis' tiny body and closed his eyes , nodding off .

When the movie ended Louis looked down at Harry , who was still napping halfway ontop of his chest . He smiled and rubbed his thumb on his shoulder , "Hazzie , get up . Let's go to bed ."

Harry shifted a bit and hummed , Louis managed to pull himself out of his arms and stood up from the couch , turning the TV off . "Hazzie ."

"Help me up ." Harry held his hands out , Louis chuckled and grabbed his hands , trying to pull him up . He managed to lift him up just a bit , before Harry gave him a soft tug and brought him down to his chest , holding him by his waist .

Louis laughed into his shoulder and tried rolling off , but Harry held him tightly , "You're mine now ." He held Louis closer and blew a raspberry on his neck , grinning at his cute laughter .

"Idiot ." Louis giggled as he sat up , straddling his hips as he tickled him back . Harry laughed and grabbed his wrists , easily pulling his hands away from his underarms . He sat up and landed a kiss on Louis' lips , "Hold tight ." He put Louis' hands on his shoulders , then moved his own hands to grab him under his thighs and stood up from the couch .

Louis held Harry tightly , pressing kisses all over the side of his face as Harry carried him up to bed . They reached the room , Harry moved to put Louis down but Louis clung onto him playfully , hanging off his torso .

Harry chuckled , "We need to get ready for bed , bub ." He tickled his waist , Louis let go and fell backwards onto the mattress , arms around himself for protection .

"Come on up , go brush your teeth , I forgot to check if the house is locked up ." Harry grabbed Louis' hands and pulled him up from bed , Louis went along and got into the bathroom to brush his teeth . When he was done he got into bed , Harry walked into the room and closed the door , "Warm up the bed for me ."

Louis snuggled into the covers and sighed softly , smiling and opening his arms for Harry when he walked out of the bathroom .

Harry got in next to Louis and shuffled closer , he brought Louis closer to cuddle into his side , head on his shoulder . Louis slung his arm around Harry's middle , lifting his head up to peck his cheek , "Love you ."

"Love you more , bubbie . Good night ."

"G'night ."


Hope you liked it x


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