Ch. 49
I don't think I ever said it , but next chapter is the last one . And after that will be an Epilogue and a Character Asks , so ... heads up ? I guess ?
Enjoy x
It was Graduation Day .
Louis was eager to get the ceremony done with and get out of there , as far away from the students , teachers and whole building as he could .
The ceremony was held outdoors , he was sitting among the students , all of them wearing gowns graduation caps . His knees were shaking , watching the front row of students starting to go on the small stage to receive the diploma and shake the principal's hand . He was sat on the fourth row on the right side , while Geoff , Liam , Zayn and Harry were sitting a few rows back with the rest of the families who could make it .
It took a bit of time before his row stood up to go on the stage , he waited in line , biting his lower lip . Four more students . Three more students . Two more . One - he's next .
"Louis Tomlinson-Payne ."
His legs almost gave in as he stepped into the stage , blocking out the sound of the clapping . He gave the principal a small , polite smile and shook his hand , taking the diploma with the other . Just then he heard three loud booming pops , his head snapped to the crowd in surprise .
He let out a laugh when he saw Harry , Liam and Zayn with confetti and glitter bombs , cheering for him while Geoff was filming them on his phone .
"Are these your family ?" The principal asked ; Louis almost rolled his eyes because , of course he wouldn't know . So he just nodded , the principal smiled , "Lovely guys . Good luck ."
Louis signed 'thank you' with his hand and went off the stage , sending the three a playful death glare as he walked back to his seat . He sat down and looked back at the four once more , grinning when they blew him kisses .
Louis let the crowd die down , taking his time to take the cap and gown off and dump them on his seat , for someone else to deal with them . He waited for a few more minutes for the students to scatter around to their families , before making his way over to his own family . He knew the place would be crowded , so he told them to wait for him near the right side of the Graduation sign at the entrace .
He found them quickly , Liam was the first to see him . He grinned when Liam smiled back and marched over , wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug . Louis wrapped his arms around his shoulders and squeezed him , "You're breaking my ribs ."
"Deal with it ." Liam squeezed him tighter , Louis kicked his feet a little as he pretended to gasp for air . Liam laughed and put him down , he pecked his cheek and walked with him under his arm over to the other waiting three .
Zayn brought him into a hug , rubbing his back , "That's it , you're done with school ." He caressed the back of his head , Louis smiled , "Yes , thank god . Been waiting for ages ."
"You did it , and you did so well ." Zayn smiled and kissed his temple and moved to stand next to Liam , Geoff hugged him next . Louis cuddled into him and smiled , Geoff kissed his head a few times , "I'm so proud of you , I knew you could do it ." He said with tears in his eyes .
Louis looked up at him and pouted , "Dad , don't cry ."
Geoff laughed softly , Louis laughed along and let Geoff cuddle him for a bit longer , letting go of him so he could go to Harry .
Harry grabbed him by his waist , Louis cupped his cheeks as they kissed deeply . He couldn't care less about the students and teachers being all around them , most likely watching . He was done with school and he wanted everyone to see that he had everything they thought he'd never have ; family , friends , love .
"I'm so happy for you , bubba . So proud of you ." Harry whispered between kisses , "Love you so much . Love you , love you , love you ."
Louis smiled and kissed him for a while longer , he could see Zayn taking pictures from the corner of his eye .
"Let's go out somewhere to have lunch ." Liam suggested once Harry and Louis had enough kisses for the next short while , he turned to Louis and put his hand on his shoulder , "What do you feel like eating ?"
"Why do I have to choose ?" Louis pouted a bit , leaning closer to Harry's side when he felt his arm wrapping around his waist .
"Because we're celebrating you today ." Zayn smiled , Harry kissed Louis' cheek , "Don't think about it too much , just choose something ."
Louis bit his lower lip , he could barely focus properly on thinking where to eat because the hand Harry had on his waist was subtly tickling him . He grabbed his hand to stop him , "Is Italian okay ?"
"It's perfect ." Geoff nodded , the other three nodding along .
"I just - I want to make a stop , before we go ." Louis said , biting his lower lip , "I want to go see mum ." He looked up at Harry , "Will you go with me ?"
"Of course , love ." Harry squeezed him into his side .
Louis had Harry's hand held tightly in his smaller one , walking through the cemetary with a small bouquet of flowers in his other hand .
They reached the grave , Louis let go of Harry's hand and sat down on the grass , he placed the flowers down before looking up at Harry , patting the spot next to him .
Harry sat down next to him , his hand resting on Louis' thigh as he kept quiet .
"Hi mumma ." Louis smiled , his voice already thick with tears . "I miss you ."
Harry rubbed his thumb on his leg to comfort him a bit , but stayed quiet as he listened .
"I-I'm sure you know this , but - I graduated today ." He sniffled , "Was hoping for you to b-be there , but it's alright . I've got dad , Liam , Zayn and Harry with me ." He stopped to take a deep breath , smiling when Harry wiped a single tear that ran down his cheek .
"I've improved . A lot . I know you're watching over u-us , so you know . I'm still working on it ." His fingers traced the flowers' petals , "I'm talking again , and I'm going out more . I found love ." He giggled shyly , "I r-remember you telling me that when the d-day comes I'll find my man , and he's right here ."
Harry smiled with tears in his eyes , giving Louis' leg a gentle squeeze .
"I've had this f-feeling , from the beginning , that you made our p-paths cross ." He chuckled , "You probably did , you always knew how to m-make things happen ." He grabbed Harry's hand with both his small ones , "I'm sad you're not here to meet him , you would've loved him so much . Watch over him , too . For me ."
Harry scooted closer and put his chin on Louis' shoulder , "You've raised an amazing son , Jay . You did a great job , both you and Geoff ." He turned his head to peck Louis' cheek , "I wish I could've met the woman who helped creating this beautiful human being . You've created a masterpiece ."
"Stop it ." Louis giggled , Harry chuckled and kissed his clothed shoulder . "Wish you were here to see Louis coming out of his shell , growing , yet still staying so tiny ." He cooed , Louis pinched his palm , "Hey ."
"I know you're watching over him , so you know all of these things ." Harry nuzzled Louis' shoulder , "So really , thank you for having me meet your lovely son and lovely family ."
The two stayed there for a little bit longer , Louis rearranged the bouquet of flowers on the ground and kissed the tips of his fingers , pressing them to the stone over Jay's name . "Love you , mumma ."
Harry did the same , before standing up from the grass and helping Louis up .
It was two days later , Friday night . Harry invited his hometown friends over for the weekend , along with Liam and Zayn , for a small celebration for Louis' Graduation . Geoff was away on a business trip , going Thursday to Tuesday , so Louis was staying at Harry's place .
Louis opened the door for Liam and Zayn , smiling at the two and letting them in , "Everyone's in the living room ." He scrunched his nose cutely when the two kissed his cheeks on the way into the house , he closed the door and joined them .
Harry scooted over , making room for Louis so squish himself between him and Niall . Louis smiled and fit his tiny body between the two , Niall put his hand on his knee , "Want me to make you a drink ?"
Louis nodded with a smile , sitting up a bit , "Not too strong , though ."
"Sure thing ." Niall smiled and started fixing Louis a drink , Harry handed Louis a plate of crisps , making him smile , "Salt and vinegar ?"
"You know it ." Harry smiled back , Louis grabbed a few crisps off the plate .
The group had already had shots , Louis only doing half a shot because his tolerance was very little , and he didn't want to drink a lot when he was still new to it .
Niall handed him his cup , Louis thanked him with a smile . Harry put his hand on Louis' thigh , his other hand holding his cup up towards his friends , "To Louis ."
Louis blushed as everyone raised their drinks and repeated Harry's words , he hid his face behind Harry's back shyly . Harry rubbed his thigh , "Look up ."
Louis pulled himself from behind him , Harry brought his arm to wrap around Louis , nudging Niall aswell . The three looked over to Liam , who was taking pictures of them .
"Have you thought about what you wanted to study ?" Mitch asked Louis , Louis nodded and put his cup on the table , "I'm studying therapy dog training , starting in October ."
"Oh my god , that sounds so cool ." Sarah smiled from next to him , "Dogs are the best ." She turned to Fuji and pet him , Louis smiled , "They really are . I'm excited to start ."
"Which dog breed are you getting to practice with ?" Niall asked , Louis bit his lower lip , "I'm not sure , yet . There are a lot of possible breeds , but my dream one is a German Shepherd ."
"German Shepherds are so fucking beautiful , but shed so much hair ." Claire held her cheeks , Louis chuckled , "I know , I've been thinking about it too . But I'm more than willing to deal with it if I get to adopt my dream dog and work at my dream job ."
"You're so lovely , Harry is one lucky guy ." Niall smiled at him , Louis blushed and wrapped his hand around Harry's bicep , knowing he was listening the whole time . Harry covered Louis' small hand with his own , "I really am , aren't I ?"
"Get in , guys , we're doing another shot ." Adam lined up the glasses , Louis and Sarah declined the second shot and watched the rest drinking . Harry turned to Louis with a wide smile on his lips , his eyes wide and a bit glossy , "Bubbie . Want to hear a joke ?"
Louis chuckled , "Okay ." He turned a bit in his seat to face him , Harry held his hand , "Knock knock ."
"Who'se there ?" Louis giggled .
"Keith ."
"Keith who ?"
"Keith me ." Harry leaned closer , Louis laughed and pecked him quickly .
"Wait , wait , I have another one ." Harry stole another kiss , "Knock knock ."
"Who'se there ?"
"Canoe ."
"Canoe who ?"
"Canoe give me another kiss ?" Harry grinned , Louis let out a sigh and kissed him again . "I've got one for you ."
"Go for it ." Harry smiled , Louis moved his hair behind his ear . "Knock knock ."
"Who'se there ?" Harry asked giddily ."
"Police ."
"Police who ?"
"Police stop telling these god-awful jokes ." Louis poked his dimple , turning to smile at Harry's friends who laughed at them .
Harry whined , "But they were really good ! I got you to kiss me ."
"I could've kissed you more without those jokes ." Louis tapped his nose gently .
Harry fell face down on Louis' lap , his nose squished into his knee . Louis rubbed his massive back , using his nails to trace over his shoulder blades and down his spine .
"Hazzie , sit up . I forgive you for using such awful jokes with me ." Louis teased , making Niall laugh from next to him . Harry shrugged his shoulder , Louis smiled in mischief and turned to Niall , whispering , "Just watch ."
Niall held up a single finger to tell him to wait , then pulled his phone out and started filming the two .
Louis smiled widely , he brought his hands to under Harry's arms and tickled him gently , Harry laughed and rolled away , falling off Louis to the floor , landing on his back . Louis , Niall and Sarah laughed at him , Harry crossed his arms over his chest with his hands under his arms to protect himself , "Bubbaaaa ."
"Haaaaaz ." He nudged him with his shoe lightly , "Come back up here ." He held his hands out to help him up , Harry grabbed his hands , "You're not getting away with this ."
Louis giggled at his silliness , Harry let go of his hands to grab his ankle , which at first Louis didn't mind . Then he gasped when Harry pulled his shoe off too quickly for him to comprehend , locking his ankle in his arm and tickling the bottom of his foot .
"N-no !" Louis laughed and tried pulling his ankle out of the grip , but Harry was too strong . He pushed him with his other foot , luckily with his shoe still on so Harry couldn't tickle that one too , while reaching his hands down to grab at Harry's hand to stop him .
Harry grinned as he watched him laughing , he let go of his foot and sat up , grabbing his shoe and putting his foot back in .
"You're so domestic , that's sickeningly cute ." Mitch shook his head , Harry smiled as he pulled himself back up to sit next to Louis .
Louis hugged Liam and Zayn , "I'll see you in the morning ?" He asked , Liam nodded , "Yes , text me when you wake up ."
"Okay . Have a good night ." He smiled at the two ; they were staying the night at Liam's old room at home across the street , while Louis stayed with Harry and the rest of his friends .
Harry , with the help of a much sober Mitch , was halfway done with the air mattress in the living room for Niall , Adam and Claire to sleep on , while Mitch and Sarah took the guest bedroom .
"Thanks ." Louis smiled at Niall , who handed him a cup of ice water . Niall put his arm around his shoulders , "I've got to tell you , it makes me really happy to see you talking and laughing with us . The first time we met you barely looked up at us , so this is a massive change . It's incredible ."
Louis smiled , "You should really thank your friend and his two pups ."
Niall smiled wider and squeezed his shoulder , "He's lovely , isn't he ?"
"He's one of my favourite human beings ." Louis turned to look at Harry , who was done with the air mattress and gave Mitch a playful shove to make him lose balance and tip over on the mattress .
"He's also one of the most annoying human beings ." Niall chuckled , Louis giggled along , "He really is ."
"You two are taking really good care of each other , I love it ." Niall smiled when Harry joined them , Harry wrapped both his arms around Louis' shoulders and hugged him to his chest , "He's caring , treats me really well ."
Louis smiled and wrapped his arms around his torso , "Let's go to bed now ?"
"Yeah , let's go ." Harry kissed the top of his head and slowly let go , Niall patted their shoulders , "Have a good night ." He took Mojo and Fuji with him to the living room .
"Good night , first to wake up makes breakfast ." Harry announced for everyone to hear , Louis chuckled when he heard them groaning . He took Harry's hand and walked with him up the stairs to his master bedroom , closing the door behind them .
Harry threw off his clothes , staying only in his boxers . He pouted , "I forgot my water downstairs ."
Louis took his jeans and shirt off , grabbing one of Harry's oversized shirts and pulling it over his head , "I'll go get us bottles ." He walked to the door , barely making it halfway to it before Harry grabbed his hips , "No ."
"Why not ?" Louis turned to look at him , Harry put his hands on his bum , "You're not wearing any pants , don't want anyone to see you ."
"The shirt is covering enough ." Louis pulled at the hem of the shirt , showing Harry is was almost down to his knees . Harry still pouted , Louis put his hands on his cheeks and kissed him quickly , "I'll be back in less than a minute ."
"Sixty , fifty nine , fifty eight ..." Harry started counting , Louis rolled his eyes and walked out of the room , going downstairs to the kitchen . He grabbed two bottles and ran back up to the room , Harry was in the same spot , "Seven , six , five ..."
Louis rolled his eyes and closed the door behind him , handing Harry a bottle . Harry smiled and took it , "Thanks bub ." He moved to sit on the bed , uncapping the bottle and gulping down half of it .
Louis put his bottle on the beside table and went to brush his teeth , smiling when Harry joined him . Harry smiled back at him through the mirror , resting his hand on his lower back while they brushed their teeth .
Once done Louis went to bed and got under the covers , taking his bottle to drink a bit of water while Harry settled down next to him . He held his arms out towards Louis , making grabby hands , "Come cuddle ."
Louis turned the bed lamp off and shifted closer , Harry wrapped his arms around his waist , face pressed to Louis' chest . "Good night , bubbie ."
"G'night , Hazzie ." Louis smiled , one arm cradling Harry's head , his other resting around his shoulders .
Hope you liked it x
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