Ch. 47

Enjoy x


Louis woke up first , squished into Harry under the soft sheets , the two of them still in the living room in front of the fireplace , which died hours ago . He wiggled around a bit , scrunching his nose at the feeling of his and Harry's sticky with sweat bodies pressed together .

Harry hummed and shifted closer when Louis moved away , "Where are you going ?" He whispered , his voice deep and rough from sleep . Louis' cheeks painted pink , letting Harry pull him closer .

"Is your voice back , bubbie ?" Harry asked , resting his hand on Louis' cheek , Louis cleared his throat , "I-I - yes ."

"Good . Was worried ." Harry kissed his forehead . "You feeling alright ?"

Louis nodded , biting his lower lip . "B-bit sore , kind of ." 

Harry gave him a gentle smile and pressed a longer kiss to his forehead , "We should go shower before breakfast ."

"Yeah , we're gross ." Louis chuckled quietly , feeling Harry's chest rising with a huffed laugh . 

"Do you want your tea before or after shower ?" Harry asked , combing Louis' hair back and thumbing behind his ear . Louis leaned into his hand , "After . Shower first ."

"Okay ." Harry smiled , pecking his lips shortly before untangling from around him and sitting up , stretching his arms up and arching his legs .

"Oh no ." Louis pouted , Harry turned to look at him , "What happened ?"

"Your back . 's all red from my nails ." Louis sat up and traced the reddening scratches , "Sorry ."

Harry smirked to himself , "When you see your neck and hips you'll realize we're even . I covered you up in lovebites , bubba ."

Louis moved the covers off a bit to show his right hip , blushing when he saw the red teeth marks . Harry handed him his boxers to wear , they got into their underwear quickly and hurried up the stairs to the shower to stay warm .

Louis prepared clothes for himself and for Harry , along with their towels , while Harry was preparing the shower . He walked into the bathroom and closed the door , blushing when he saw Harry was already naked , so he pulled his boxers off and stepped into the shower first , wanting to blame his red cheeks on the hot water .

Harry stepped under the shower head behind him , hands on his waist , "I'll do your hair ." He brought his hands up to Louis' hair to make sure it's all wet , then reached for the shampoo . He poured it into his hand and massaged Louis' hair , taking his time rubbing his scalp .

Louis closed his eyes and smiled softly at the gesture , stepping under the running water to wash the shampoo off , then taking Harry's shampoo to wash his hair for him . Harry smiled and stood with his back to Louis and his head tilted backwards , for Louis to have better access . When he was done he let Harry wash his hair from the shampoo while he soaped himself and put a bit of hair conditioner on . 

He washed himself off and stepped out of the shower , quickly wrapping himself in a large towel . Harry followed and wrapped the towel around his waist , before leaing in and pressing a kiss to the lovebite on Louis' shoulder at the base of his neck . "What do you want for breakfast ?"

Louis held the towel around himself with one hand , brushing his teeth with the other . He mumbled 'everything' around a mouthfull of toothpaste , Harry laughed and grabbed his toothbrush , "Anything specific or are you good with whatever ?"

"Wha'ev'r ." Louis mumbled before washing his mouth , putting his toothbrush back down , "I'm fine with whatever there is ."

Harry nodded and watched Louis stepping out of the bathroom to dry himself in their bedroom , he put his boxers on and smoothed himself in body lotion . He put his sweater and sweatpants on , giggling when Harry grabbed him and pushed his nose against his neck to sniff him , pushing him away , "Creep ."

"Love your smell ." Harry grinned and sniffed him again , letting Louis push him away . He quickly got dressed and followed Louis down to the kitchen , where Louis sat on the counter texting Liam and Geoff on his phone , while he was cooking their breakfast .

"Hazzie , tea or hot chocolate ?" Louis asked as he put his phone down and jumped off the counter , Harry smiled at the nickname , "Whichever you feel like having ."

Louis took two mugs and quickly made their hot chocolate drinks , bringing them to the counter where the stools were . He smiled when Harry brought their plates to the counter and the two sat down , Harry grabbed Louis' legs and brought his calves to rest on his lap , "We're going back home today , in the afternoon ."

"Sadly ." Louis pouted a bit and poked his scrambled egg with his fork , "But Liam promised to come over , so I'm looking forward to seeing him ."

Harry smiled , "I'll take the time to treat the pups , probably . Give them a bath , they need one . And tomorrow I'm back at the bakery , missed my little place ."

"I have school tomorrow , but it's a short day . We're only preparing for the very last finals ." Louis said and took a sip of his hot chocolate , "I could come to the bakery after school to work if you need help ."

"You wouldn't want more time to study ?" 

"I'm going to study for four hours just on one subject , I think it's enough for one day ." Louis smiled , "It'll be good to take my mind off the finals for a bit ."

"Alright bub . Want to have lunch too ?"

"Yeah ." Louis nodded with the same smile , he finished his plate and was halfway through his hot chocolate mug , Harry rubbed his hands on Louis' calves , "We should go out today . Check out , and just go explore wherever ."

"Any ideas ?" Louis asked , he finished his hot chocolate and put his mug down , Harry smiled and finished his food and drink , "I actually saw there's an Arcade not far from here , that could be fun ."

Louis grinned and nodded , "Haven't been to an Arcade in years ."


"Thank you ." Harry smiled at the employee , who handed them two small bags with twenty coins each . Harry handed Louis one of the small bags and looked around the place , "Where do you want to go first ?" He put his arm around his waist , Louis shook his head , "I don't mind . As long as we try everything ."

Harry nodded , "Alright then , let's try this one first ." He walked them to the Pinball , "Starting with the basic stuff ." He put a coin in the machine , "You're going first ."

Louis smiled and positioned his hands on either side of the machine on the buttons , Harry stood by his side and rooted for him , letting out a cheery 'yes' every time Louis managed to flick the ball away . They both scrunched their noses at the same time when Louis missed and the game was over , Harry pecked his cheek , "Good job , bub ."

Louis smiled and turned to peck his cheek , but then the machine printed out his tickets . He turned to the machine and grinned , grabbing the tickets and folding them to hold them better .

"Your turn ." Louis put a coin in the machine , Harry held his bottom lip between his teeth as he focused , Louis stood next to him with his hand on his shoulder , giving it a gentle squeeze of encouragement every short bit . He pretended to be annoyed when Harry managed to beat his score , Harry bumped their hips together playfully , "You're distracting meee ."

When Harry's game was over and the tickets were printed , they decided to put their coins in one bag and use the other one for their tickets . They moved on to the basketball machine , working together to score as much as they could . 

"Yes ! We're so good !" Harry cheered when they were done , he grabbed Louis' waist and kissed him quickly before taking the tickets the machine printed for them . Louis giggled at his enthusiasm and took his hand , Harry let him walk them to the air-hockey machine . They put their coins and stood on either side , Harry smirked , "Prepare to lose ."

"You wish ." Louis hit the disc towards Harry , who hit it back towards him . The disc went back and forth between the two , Louis grinned and did a small victory jump when he managed to score . Harry shook his head and pulled the disc back out , "Alright then , you asked for it ."

"Sore loser ." Louis giggled , sticking his tongue back out at Harry when Harry made a sour face with his tongue out .

They kept hitting the disc over one another , it took a while but Louis managed to score again . He grinned and pinched the air playfully , before he walked around the table to Harry to kiss his cheek , "Cheer up ."

"I need at least a hundred kisses to cheer up ." Harry pouted , though couldn't keep the smirk off his face . Louis blushed lightly and squished his cheeks together with one hand , "Later . Promise ." He held his pinky out for Harry , Harry linked their pinky fingers together , "You know I'll have to chop off your pinky if you break the promise ."

"I want to see you try ." Louis walked back around the table to his side .


Louis held his fingers , Harry's hands engulfing his smaller ones , waiting for the employee behind the counter to tell them how many tickets they managed to gather in the two and a half hours they spent in the Arcade .

The girl smiled , "Congatulations , you won two thousand , five hundred and fifty seven tickets ."

Louis' jaw dropped , he turned to Harry , "It's so much ."

She printed out a receipt with the number of tickets , "There you go . Hand this over to the guy over there and choose your gifts ."

"Thank you ." Harry said as Louis took the ticket , the two walked over to the guy at the other end of the counter and Louis handed him the tickets , his eyes already racking the shelves .

"Alright , choose whichever gift you'd like and let me know ." The guy nodded with a smile and went to help the other three kids stood at the counter aswell .

Harry kept his arm around Louis' waist , "Have you seen something you liked ?"

Louis bit his lower lip , nodding with pink blush on his cheeks . Harry smiled and pressed him into his chest , "Don't go all shy on me ."

"The - the stuffed brown Teddy Bear ." Louis nodded his head upwards , to the shelf that showed 'twenty five hundred tickets' . Harry cooed softly and leaned down to kiss his cheek , then turned to the employee , "We'd like the brown Teddy Bear , the one on the top shelf ."

The guy grabbed the ladder and climbed up to reached the stuffie , picking it up from the shelf and handing it over to Louis .

"Thank you ." Louis took it in his arms , it was almost his size and he loved it .

"You still have fifty seven tickets left , is there anything else you'd like ?" The employee asked the two , Harry nodded towards the small rubber balls , "I'll take a few of these , and the small stuffed bear on the shelf next to it ."

The employee grabbed three balls and the stuffed bear , placing the four items into a reusable bag and handing it over to Harry .

"Why another stuffie ?" Louis asked , Harry rubbed his back , "For your trainee pup , so you'll have matching stuffies . The rubber balls are for Mojo and Fuji ." He took the bag from the guy with a smile and said 'thank you' , keeping his arm around Louis as he walked them out of the Arcade .

"I'm really hungry ." Harry patted his stomach as they reached the car , they put their new gifts in the backseat and got into the driver's and passenger's seats .

"What do you want to eat ?" Harry asked as he switched the car on , Louis clicked his seatbelt and put both his hands on his tummy , "I'm feeling like having some pizza ."

"Oh , god , pizza sounds so good right now ." Harry pulled out of the parking spot , "Check on your phone where's the closest pizza place , I'm staaaarving ."


"Bubbie , wake up , we're back home ." Harry shook Louis gently , Louis stirred and pouted , "'m sleepy ."

"I know , bub . Let's get you in so you can change into comfy clothes ." Harry rubbed his knee , "I also saw Liam's car , so he's already here waiting for you ."

Louis nodded and pushed his door open , stepping out of the car with Harry following . He grabbed Louis' suitcase and handed him the Teddy Bear , going across the street to Louis' house .

Louis walked into the house and kicked his shoes off , holding the door open for Harry .

"I'm baack ." Louis announced , Geoff walked down the stairs with a smile and hugged him , pressing a kiss to the side of his head . "Did you have a nice weekend ?"

"Yeah . A lot of fun ." Louis smiled and pulled back , grinning when he saw Liam walking out of the living room . He wrapped his arms around his neck as Liam picked him up into a hug and squeezed him , Geoff smiled at the two brothers with Harry by his side .

"Alright boys , I'm leaving you be for a few hours . Going out with a few friends from work ." Geoff dismissed himself , the three waved goodbye .

Harry grabbed Louis' suitcase , "Go sit in the living room , I'll be right there ."

Liam brought Louis with him to the living room , they sat down pressed to each other's sides , Louis' head leaned on Liam's shoulder .

"So now that dad isn't around , I wanted to ask you ." Liam smirked , Louis lifted his head up from his shoulder , "What is it ?"

"You have a very obvious hickey on your neck ."

Louis blushed at the mention and covered the lovebite with his hand ; he didn't even realize he forgot to cover it up , or at least remember it was there so he would be prepared for the questions .

Liam chuckled and patted his knee , "It's alright , I'm not judging . I'm just a tiny bit surprised , and I'm happy for you ."

"Stop , it's already embarrassing ." Louis covered his face in his hands , Liam moved his arm to wrap around his shoulders , "I won't question you , don't worry . It's not my business anyway . But I'm just happy that you've stepped out of your comfort zone , you've made such amazing progress ."

Louis pouted , "C-can we not talk about this anymore ?"

"Okay , okay . No more ." Liam laughed , looking up as Harry walked into the living room with a tray with three tea mugs .

Harry put the tray down on the table and sat down next to Louis , "I put your Teddy on your bed ."

"Thanks ." Louis smiled , he laced his arm around Harry's arm and pulled him to cuddle closer to his side , now squished between Liam and Harry with his head leaned on Harry's shoulder .

"Zayn was at the bakery Friday afternoon , he took a few pictures ." Liam took his phone out , "He sent me a few he edited , have a look ."

Louis took the phone and swiped through the pictures , Harry looking down at the phone with him with a smile on his face , "These are really good . Looks proper delicious ."

"I'm going to open a few social media profiles next week and start posting , so Lou you're going to grab your camera and take some more pictures so we'll constantly have something to post ." Liam took the phone back when Louis handed it over , "And Harry , we're going to write a short description to post , and I need the bakery's phone number ."

"Thanks , sounds perfect ." Harry smiled , Louis poked Harry's dimple softly , "When are you planning on starting the renovation ?"

"I was thinking on waiting until after you graduate , I'd like you to help me but I don't want to put more pressure on you . So after you're officially finished we'll start ."

"You don't have to wait , you can start and I'll join in when I'm done ." Louis rubbed his hand up and down his bicep , Harry held his smaller hand , "I'll wait , Lou ."

Louis pouted his lips a bit and nodded , Liam sighed out loud playfully , "I can never hang out with you guys , you're always cheesy and romantic . Cut it out ."

"Sorry ." Louis giggled , he wrapped his other arm around Liam's arm , "How's it going at the firestation ?"

Liam patted Louis' hand that rested in the crook of his elbow . "It's going really well , loving it , really . I need to be back there in two days for a shift , so Zayn and I are having a date night tomorrow ."

"I miss Zee ." Louis smiled , "I texted him the pictures I took when we hiked yesterday , and we're planning on going to print out a few pictures for me to sale , possibly next week ."

Liam ruffled his hair gently , "Sounds really nice . Don't hog my boyfriend up too much , he might like you more than he likes me ."

"How do you know he doesn't already ?" Louis asked cheekily , barely holding back his laughter at Liam's raised eyebrows . "Excuse me ?" Both Liam and Harry asked at the same time , making Louis laugh more .

"I'm jokinggg ." Louis squeezed both their biceps where his hands rested , Harry looked at Liam over Louis' head , Liam looked back at him with a knowing look . "Are we thinking the same thing ?"

"I think we are ." Harry smirked . Louis looked back and forth between the two of them , "What's going on ?"

Liam smirked back at Harry , before the two of them turned their attention to Louis and tickle-attacked him . Louis gasped and quickly fell into a fit of giggles , quickly realizing that it was impossible to try to push four hands away from his sides and belly . 

He slid off the couch to the floor , successfully stopping Liam and Harry from tickling him any more . Liam looked down at him and chuckled , "Never try to steal my boyfriend away from me ."

Harry grabbed Louis' hands and pulled him up from the floor , bringing him to sit on his lap with his feet propped on Liam's lap . Louis leaned on his chest with his arms around his middle , Harry kissed the top of his head , "Want to come over to stay the night ? The pups are still with Zayn so I'll be lonely ."

Louis nodded , "Yeah , actually feeling sleepy again ."

Liam massaged Louis' foot with his thumbs , "You can nap for a bit , I'll chat with Harry ."

Louis slowly fell into a light sleep on Harry's chest , waking up when he was being picked up and carried . He opened his eyes and saw that Harry was just stepping out of the door , he squirmed a bit , "I'm up , I can walk ."

"No bub , you don't have any shoes on ." Harry kept him in his arms as he walked with him across the street , he put him down right in front of the door and unlocked it , hurrying the two of them inside .

He locked the door behind them and nudged Louis towards the stairs , "Go upstairs , get ready for bed . I'll be right there ."

Louis walked up the stairs to Harry's bedroom and threw his clothes off , pulling on one of Harry's jumpers and grabbing a pair of sweatpants his size , going to brush his teeth quickly . He got right into bed , Harry walked into the room with both his and Louis' phones and plugged them into their chargers .

"Want to cuddle , Hazzie ." Louis brought the blankets up to stay warm , Harry smiled and pulled his shirt off over his head , "I'll join you in a minute , got to brush my teeth ." He pulled his jeans and socks off , getting into comfy bed clothes and going to brush his teeth .

When he was back in the room he slipped into bed in front of Louis , pulling him into his chest and smiling when Louis snuggled into his neck with an arm thrown over him .

"Good night , bubbie ."

Louis lifted his head up a bit and pecked his cheek quickly , "Night , Hazzie ."


Hope you liked it x


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