Ch. 46

Enjoy x


Harry pulled his shirt over his head and lied back down on his front as Louis walked into the bedroom with a hot water bottle in his hands , Louis gave him a soft smile , "Where does it hurt ?"

They started their morning with tea and cookies in bed , and Harry saying the pain in his back is quite hurting , so Louis went to get the hot water bottle ready .

"My spine , kind of under my shoulders . Like , the middle of my back ." Harry said , his head turned to the side on the mattress as he watched Louis straddling his lower back . Louis pressed two finges into his spine and moved up and down , until Harry told him where it hurt .

Louis put the bottle on Harry's spine to soothe the pain , letting it rest there as he rubbed his shoulders and nape with his thumbs . He took the bottle off so it wouldn't leave a red burn mark , and started with massaging the knot out of his back , using a bit of his body lotion .

Harry relaxed into the massage , it hurt but it was a good kind of pain , tolerable . He closed his eyes and let himself enjoy it , he lowered his hand to graze his fingers at Louis' knee affectionately , Louis smiled , "Is it better ?"

"So much better . You make everything better ." Harry's voice was muffled into the mattress , Louis blushed softly and finished massaging , placing the hot water bottle on Harry's back , moving his hands to rub up and down the sides of Harry's torso .

"Let's make breakfast ." Louis reached his hand up to push Harry's hair from his face , Harry smiled , "You hungry , bub ?"

Louis nodded , poking Harry's dimple , "Very ."

"Okay ." Harry lifted his head up , Louis moved off him and took the water bottle with him , hugging it to his torso . The cabin was nicely warm , so Harry stayed shirtless as he shuffled out of bed , following Louis to the kitchen .

Louis sat on the counter with the toaster next to him , as he placed two bread pieces inside . Harry worked on making eggs and bacon , songs playing from the speaker he brought . He made quirky dance moves to the beat of the song , making Louis laugh at him .

"What are you laughing at ?" Harry chuckled , grabbing Louis' waist , "Come here ." He pulled him carefully off the counter and into his arms , moving them side to side . Louis moved his arms to wrap around Harry's shoulders , grinning into his chest . He laughed when Harry dipped him backwards , letting his head tip back .

Harry mischievously looked at Louis' exposed neck , leaning down to blow a raspberry against his skin . He grinned when Louis let out a squeak that turned into a laugh , he brought them back up and kissed his cheek , "Cutie ."


Harry had a bag over his shoulders , filled with water bottles , snacks and fruit , Louis had his camera on his neck with a sling , a small map of the hiking site in his hands . 

"Let's go up this trail ." Harry motioned out the trail that went up the hill , "On the map it shows there's picnic tables . And you could take pictures ."

Louis nodded , He folded the map and the two started walking up the trail . Harry kept close to Louis , holding his hand as they walked . 

"The pups would've loved this hike ." Louis said with a smile , Harry smiled , "Oh , they would've had so much fun . But it's about us , we'll have enough times taking them on hikes ." He pulled Louis closer to his side , Louis grinned into his bicep .

Louis took pictures while going up the trail , some pictures of the view , some of Harry . Harry gave him a few good poses , before sticking his hip out to the side while making a dramatic pose , Louis giggled behind the camera and took several pictures .

"My turn now ." Harry took the camera carefully off Louis' neck , holding it to his eye as he took his pictures . Louis blushed under the attention of the camera but let Harry be , going ahead of Harry up the trail .

Harry smirked to himself as he kept taking pictures , the shape of Louis' body looked too unreal not to capture . He put the camera down and caught up to his smaller boyfriend , he took his hand and laced their fingers , "When's your interview for the school ?"

"In three weeks , a bit before Graduation ." Louis bit his lower lip , "I - I'm nervous for it ."

"Don't be , you'll do great . They'll be more than lucky to have you as their student ." Harry leaned in to kiss his temple , "Believe in yourself , be yourself , give them your pretty smile and you'll get in ."

Louis blushed soft pink , leaning his head on Harry's shoulder . "You think so ?"

"Absolutely . It worked on me , didn't it ?" Harry smirked , Louis rolled his eyes and gave his shoulder a light push , "Idiot ."

They reached the top of the hill , sitting at a picnic table with their snacks and fruit . Harry handed Louis a water bottle and took another one for himself , Louis put the bottle down when he was done and took the camera from Harry , going to the edge of the hill to take more pictures .

Louis busied himself a bit around to take pictures of the flowers and everything he could find , while Harry had to take an important phone call from the bakery . He went back when he heard Harry finishing the call , sitting ontop of the table with his feet on the lower seat .

"Sorry about that , bubbie . Had to help them fix something ." Harry stood between Louis' knees , his hands on his waist . Louis put his camera down , giving Harry a smile , "It's alright . You're the manager , can't take you away from your job ."

Harry leaned in and kissed Louis softly , Louis cupped his cheeks and held him closer . Harry smiled against his lips , "Want some fruit ?"

Louis nodded , Harry pecked him quickly before pulling back a bit , he took the fruit box into his hands and sat on the table next to Louis , taking the lid off and handing him the box . Louis took a strawberry out , feeding it to Harry , then taking a grape for himself .

Harry placed his chin on Louis' shoulder as he showed him pictures he saved on his phone of ideas for the bakery renovation , Louis smiled and kept feeding them both , pointing out things he liked . 

"Which pictures do you think will fit the most ?" Harry asked , Louis finished his bite , "I think some pictures from Paris would look nice . But I'd need to go through my laptop , and I haven't had much time lately ."

"It's alright , it could wait . No pressure bubba ." Harry kissed his shoulder , before opening the front camera on his phone . They took a few selfies ; one of them smiling , one of them sticking their tongues out , one of Louis squishing Harry's cheeks , one of Harry kissing Louis' cheek , one of Louis kissing Harry's cheek , one of Louis pushing the tip of Harry's nose upwards and giggling , and a few more of them simply kissing .

"Ayoo , relationship goals cheeeeck ." Harry smiled at the pictures , Louis laughed and put his palm over his mouth , "Niall and Adam turned you into a bigger idiot ."

Harry grinned and kissed his palm , before nibbling on his soft skin playfully . Louis giggled and took his hand off , wiping it on Harry's sleeve .


They returned to their cabin , deciding to order room service for lunch . Louis showered while Harry ordered their food , when he finished he went down to the living room . He sat on the couch next to Harry , Harry leaned in and kissed him softly , "I'll go shower quickly before our food gets here ."

Louis nodded and grabbed the TV remote , pulling his feet onto the couch as he surfed the channels . He settled on watching old episodes of The Big Bang Theory . By the end of the episode Harry joined him on the couch , he brought Louis' feet into his lap , "I'm repaying you for rubbing my back ." He took one foot into his hands and massaged the bottom of it , Louis smiled and relaxed into the couch , "Should we get in the pool tonight ?"

"Absolutely ." Harry smiled , "We'll eat , take a bit of a nap , then we'll get in the pool . We still have ice cream in the freezer ."

"Perfect ." Louis smiled wider , Harry opened his mouth to talk but there was a knock on their cabin door . He pressed a kiss to Louis' big toe , "I'll massage you later ." He stood up from the couch and grabbed the tip he had ready on the counter , letting the room service in . Their plates and drinks were placed on the small table , Harry tipped the guy and locked the door behind him .

Louis sat at the table and pulled the chair next to him out for Harry , Harry smiled and sat down , kissing Louis' cheek softly . "Bon appetite ." He poked a small ravioli in his fork , feeding it to Louis , who giggled and covered his mouth with his hand .


Harry stepped into the heated pool , sighing as he let his body relax . He crossed his arms on the edge and leaned his chin on his forearms , waiting for Louis to join him . He smiled and lifted his head up when he saw Louis approaching the pool , in only his swim trunks .

Louis stepped into the pool towards Harry's open arms , "Don't let go ." He wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders , Harry kissed his cheek and grabbed Louis' thighs , guiding them to wrap around his waist , "Never ."

He held Louis closer , rubbing his back softly as he kissed his shoulder . Louis ran his fingers through Harry's hair , shying away when Harry kissed his neck . He let out a giggle and grabbed Harry's cheeks to stop him , "Hazzie ."

Harry just smiled and pressed one more kiss to his lips . "Bubbie ."

"I - I have a question ." Louis bit his lower lip , his thumb tracing Harry's dimple . Harry leaned into his hand , "What is it ?"

"I want to - to get a tattoo . W-Will you go with me ?" 

Harry smiled wider , "Of course . Do you know what you want to get ?"

Louis nodded , "I have a few ideas ."

"Tell me ."

"I was thinking about the words my mum used to say , 'just hold on' . Uhm , thought about 'given a chance' ." Louis smiled as Harry nodded along . Harry kissed his cheek , "These sound lovely . When were you thinking about going ?"

"After Graduation . After I'm officially done with high school . As a little celebration ." Louis moved Harry's hair from his forehead .

"Okay . I'll go with you ." Harry smiled , Louis leaned in and pecked him quickly , "Thank you ."

"I also want to ask you a question ." Harry tightened his grip around Louis , "Well , not exactly a question , but still . When do you want to go get you a puppy ?"

Louis chuckled , "As much as I'd love to get one as soon as I can , I'll wait for the interview first ."

"Which breed do you want ?"

"Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers are the most common , in dog therapy . I was thinking about a Golden Retriever . I also did a bit of research about breeds with high intuition and friendly nature , and there's also German Shepherd , Border Collie , Beagle ." Louis rambled on  , "And I - I would absolutely love a German Shepherd , but they're less common to find or adopt ."

Harry listened closely , he loved it when Louis talked about something he was passionate about ; you could tell he loved dogs , and the idea of working with dogs , and when Louis said he'd like a German Shepherd he made it his mission to find one for Louis to adopt . He could already picture the two of them , living with three fully grown dogs in a house with a large backyard , the two of them laying on the grass on a blanket while the three dogs run around .

"Okay . So after the interview , and the official confirmation that you're in , we'll go and adopt one for you ." Harry smiled , Louis grinned and wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders , clinging onto him in a cuddle .

Harry cooed and held him tighter , purposefully squeezing him in his arms to knock the air out of him . Louis giggled and tapped his shoulder to let go , but Harry shook his head and held him tightly still , so tightly he could hold Louis' sides . 

"You'll squish me do death ." Louis laughed into Harry's shoulder as he tried pulling away , but Harry was too strong . He mischievously brought his hands down to Harry's underarms and tickled him to let go , Harry laughed and loosened his grip , Louis pulled away from the cuddle and held his ribs , still giggling , "You broke my ribs , Hazzie ."

"Aw nooo , I didn't mean to ." Harry grinned , "Let me check you up ." He brought Louis closer , holding him around the waist with one arm , his other hand feeling around his ribs , "Which ones did I break ?" He asked , purposefully tickling to make Louis laugh .

Louis did his best to push away from Harry , laughing heartedly as he squirmed . Harry stopped and wrapped his arm around his waist , kissing his cheek .

"You're so mean ." Louis giggled into his shoulder , Harry smiled and brought his thighs to wrap around his waist , moving through the pool until he reached the steps . He sat down with Louis on his lap , "Kissy ."

Louis grabbed his cheeks , pressing their lips together in a gentle kiss . Harry relaxed into the warmth of the pool , Louis' hands on his cheeks , letting the smaller boy in his lap press kiss after kiss to his lips as much as he wanted . He held his hips , pulling him closer to press their fronts together .

"Hazzie ."

Harry opened his eyes when Louis spoke softly against his lips , Louis gave him a soft smile with pink cheeks , "I love you ." He said quietly , Harry bit his lower lip , "I love you ."

"L-Let's get out ?" Louis asked , slightly nervous . Harry nodded and let Louis move off his lap , they got out of the pool and wrapped themselves in the towels in the cabinet . After drying themselves they walked into the main area , then Louis grabbed Harry's hand and walked with him up the stairs to the bedroom .

Louis went for a quick body wash in the shower , he walked out with his boxers and one of Harry's shirts , giggling when Harry gave his bum a soft pat on his way into the shower to wash himself aswell . Louis sat on the bed and took a deep breath , before sitting up and going to his suitcase , making sure the two things he brought were there .

When he heard the shower stop he quickly busied himself with his phone , answering Geoff's text , then sending some pictures to Zayn from their morning hike . He texted Liam when Harry walked out of the shower in his boxers , "I put the wood by the fireplace , want to go down there ?"

Louis smiled and nodded , he grabbed two blankets and two pillows from the closet , Harry took three more blankets and two pillows with him aswell and followed Louis out of the room and down to the living room .

Harry put the wood inside of the fireplace and lit it , while Louis cusioned the floor with the blankets and pillows , making a nest . He took a few pictures of the nest on his phone , before putting it down on the couch . "I'll be right back ." He went up the stairs , retrieving the two things he had in his suitcase . He went back down and hid the two things under one of the pillows while Harry was still busy with the fireplace .

Once done , Harry sighed and went to wash his hands , before joining Louis inside of the nest . He smiled and sat down , watching as Louis crawled into his lap , sitting with his legs around Harry and hands holding his shoulders .

Louis brought Harry closer and kissed him softly , Harry smiled and held him closer , when Louis pulled back from the kiss . He watched , slightly confused , as Louis shuffled a bit backwards , before his jaw fell open as Louis pulled his shirt over his head , throwing it aside .

"Bub - ..." Harry was cut off by Louis nodding his head , lower lip between his teeth . "I l-love you ."

Harry grabbed his waist and pulled him back into his chest , kissing him hard . Louis wrapped his arms around his neck , letting out a soft giggle when Harry flipped them over to lay above him . Harry pressed their hips together , grinding down slowly . Louis gasped breathly and arched his back , Harry pressed his nose to Louis' , "One hundred percent sure , baby ?"

Louis nodded , "One hundred percent . Ready . Want it ."

Harry smiled , pressing a sweet kiss to his lips . "We - we don't have -"

"We do ." Louis cut him off , turning his head and reaching his hand out to under the pillow , pulling out a condom and lube with blush on his cheeks . Harry grinned wider , not helping the light chuckle escaping his lips . "Alright bub . Love you ."

"Love you ." Louis smiled with pink cheeks , he bent his knees to press his thighs to Harry's hips , bucking his hips up against Harry's .


Harry kissed Louis' teary cheeks tenderly , their foreheads damp with sweat , as well as the rest of their bodies . "I'm going to pull out , okay bubba ?" Harry said raspily close to Louis' ear , Louis nodded and bent his knees a bit more , whimpering as Harry pulled out slowly .

"Was it too much ?" Harry asked , Louis shook his head and gave him a smile , though couldn't find his voice to tell him he loved it . He wiped his cheeks and pushed his fringe from his forehead , while Harry moved to press kisses to his chest and collarbones . He looked up worriedly , "Did you lose your voice ?"

Louis nodded , letting out a soft giggle . Harry smiled at hearing him laughing , before the smile turned into a playful smirk , "Was I so good that you lost your voice ?" He chuckled , laughing along with Louis as Louis gave him a weak shove to the shoulder .

"Want me to get you some water ? It'll help ." Harry rubbed his side gently , Louis nodded and signed 'thank you' with his hand . Harry pressed one more kiss to his red swollen lips before moving off , chuckling when Louis made a face at the stickiness between them .

Harry retrieved two water bottles from the fridge , Kinder chocolate bars and tissue paper . He returned to the nest in front of the fireplace and sat in front of Louis , who sat up and wrapped himself in a blanket to stay warm . Harry uncapped the bottle and handed it to him , placing the chocolate bars on the closest pillow .

He took the time to wipe himself off while Louis drank his water , and when Louis handed him the bottle back he took a few sips himself , capping the bottle and laying Louis on his back . He grabbed the tissue and wiped Louis' stomach and thighs off , leaning down to kiss his tummy a few times .

Louis giggled when Harry nipped playfully on his belly button , grabbing his head to make him stop . Harry smiled and layed next to Louis on his side , Louis turned to face him and brought the blanket over the two of them , snuggling closer to Harry .

Harry traced his fingertips along Louis' back , Louis relaxed into his chest with his thigh over his hip , Harry's leg slotted between his knees and feet tangled together .

"Are you feeling alright ?" Harry whispered close to his ear , pressing his palm to the small of his back , fingers feeling for the dimples . Louis nodded with a tired smile , leaning in to press a kiss to Harry's nose . Harry pressed their faces close , so they could kiss without having to stretch closer to the other .

They fell asleep in front of the fireplace , tangled in each other , warm , comfy and in love .


Hope you liked it x


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