Ch. 45

Enjoy x


Louis grinned as he opened his bedroom door for Harry ; he was halfway done with packing up for his anniversary getaway with Harry .

Harry smiled back , he grabbed Louis' waist and pulled him to his chest , "Hi bubba ." He kissed his forehead , looking over his head to the suitcase on Louis' bed , "You're not done yet ?"

"No , I just need a few more things ." Louis said and pulled back from his arms , returning to the closet . Harry sat on his bed and watched Louis filling his suitcase , before grabbing the toiletries bag and going to the bathroom .

Over the past two weeks , the couple planned their anniversary weekend off together . They didn't really mind the place , or what they were going to be doing , they only cared about being with each other .

And true to his word , Louis help with paying for the getaway , even though Harry promised him he could pay it all . He did love spoil Louis , and Louis was flattered , but he didn't Harry to pay for everything on his own - he couldn't rely on other people's money , ever .

Louis walked back into his room and placed the toiletries bag in his suitcase , counting off his fingers to make sure he had everything . He bit his lower lip when he realized the gift he bought for Harry was still hidden in his closet , and he didn't want to take it out with Harry in the room - he wanted it to be a surprise . How was he going to get Harry to leave the room for ten seconds ?

But luckily , Harry stood up from the bed , "I'll go wee real quick , be back in a minute ." He said and left the room . Louis sighed in relief and quickly took the small gift out of the closet , shoving it into his suitcase under a few clothes , before adding the last few things in and zipping it closed . He put his shoes on just as Harry walked back into the room , he grabbed Louis' suitcase from the bed , "All set ?"

Louis nodded , he stood up and walked towards the door , though was pulled back with Harry's arm across his torso , "You haven't kissed me hello yet ." He pouted , Louis smiled and brought his head down to his level , pressing a gentle kiss to his lips .

Harry hummed and let go of the suitcase to wrap both arms around Louis , he squished him a bit and smiled when Louis let out a soft giggle .

"Let's get going ." Harry mumbled , pressing one more kiss to Louis' lips before letting him go , taking the suitcase with him as he walked out of the room . Louis followed him out of the room and down the stairs , he went to hug Geoff before he left .

"Have fun , let me know if you two need any help ." Geoff hugged Louis tightly , then patted Harry's shoulder . The two smiled and walked out of the house hand in hand .

"Did Zayn take the pups ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded , "Yeah , he stopped by earlier today to pick them up . I really hope they don't trash his place ." Harry chuckled .

"They're good pups , they'll be okay ." Louis smiled , watching Harry hoisting the suitcase into the backseat of his car , before getting into the passenger's seat .

Harry sat in the driver's seat and started the car , handing Louis the AUX chord . "You're in charge of the songs ." Louis reached to take the chord , though Harry pulled it away and leaned closer , a smile on his lips , "Kiss me ."

"You're kissy today ." Louis blushed light pink , pressing a kiss to Harry's lips . Harry smiled with his eyes still closed , letting Louis peck his lips over and over . "I'm happy to chill with you for a whole weekend . Had a hard time at the bakery these past four weeks ."

"I know ." Louis pouted a bit , his fingers brushing Harry's jawline . "You need this break , clear your head ."

"Yeah . And you need a break from your finals . How many left do you have ?" Harry rested his hand on Louis' knee , his thumb rubbing his thigh .

"Two more . Then I'm officially done and graduated ." Louis said , Harry smiled , "I'm letting you know , I'm going to show up to your graduation ceremony with the biggest sign I can find , and print out 'my boyfriend is the bestest' ."

Louis laughed , pressing his palm to Harry's face , "You wouldn't ."

"I will ." Harry chuckled and took Louis' hand off his face to hold in his large one , "And I'll colour the letters in with crayons , bring confetti rollers , I'll legit glitter bomb the whole place ." He grinned as he watched Louis laughing into his palm , hiding behind his fringe .

"Stop , you would never ." Louis giggled , squishing Harry's cheeks with one hand . Harry pouted his lips and leaned forward , Louis met him halfway and pecked his lips , "We should get going ."

"Will you kiss me more when we get there ?" Harry asked , his words slightly muffled from his cheeks still being squished . Louis nodded with a smile , "Yes ."


Harry stepped out of the driver's seat and stretched his body ; after long three hours and a half , they made it to the cabins resort . Louis stepped out of the car and tightened his jacket around himself , as the wind was quite chilly .

"I'm pretty hungry , what should we cook ?" Harry asked , pulling their suitcases out of the backseat . Louis took his suitcase , waiting for Harry to lock the car before taking his hand . "I - I don't know ."

"What do you feel like having ?" Harry asked , "Pasta ? Chicken ?" He walked them to the reception , Louis gave him a smile , "Mac and cheese ."

"With or without chicken bits ?"

"With . Always with ."

Harry smiled , he kissed his temple as they reached the reception . Soon they got the keys to their cabin , and one of the employees took them with a golf cart to their cabin .

The resort was a large place ; each cabin had it's own privacy , and in order to move around the cabins the employees used golf carts . The employee parked in front of the cabin , helping them with their suitcases up the short pathway and to the door .

Harry thanked the guy and tipped him , before handing Louis the key to open the door . Louis took the key and unlocked the door , he walked inside and held the door open for Harry to walk in with their suitcases .

"It's really pretty . Looks bigger than the pictures online ." Louis closed the door , looking around the cabin . They had a nice kitchen , not too large , just enough for two people to work around . The living room had a fireplace and a large TV , soft couches and even a bean bag . Behind the glass doors there was another part of the living room , which had an indoor heated pool . Up the stairs was their bedroom and bathroom , with a balcony that had a lounge .

Harry put their suitcases upstairs while Louis prepared the ingredients for their late lunch , Harry walked back downstairs and stood behind Louis , grabbing his jacket , "Get comfy , bub ." He helped Louis shrug the jacket off , he put it on the hanger and kicked his shoes off by the door , going back to Louis .

Louis felt Harry's hands on his hips turning him around , and before he could ask anything Harry grabbed his waist and picked him up , sitting him on the countertop . He watched as Harry pulled his shoes off , giggling a bit , "I could do that myself ."

Harry smiled and pecked him quickly , "Wanted to be chivalrous ." He put Louis' shoes by the door next to his own shoes , then returned to the kitchen to start making their lunch .

"I'm not making us a bunch of it , like usual . Because we have our fancy dinner tonight ." Harry said , Louis smiled and reached his hand out to tuck his hair back from his forehead , "We should go hiking tomorrow ."

"Oh , absolutely ." Harry smiled , letting the pot on the stove heat up as he stood between Louis' knees , hands on his hips , "Then we can relax in the heated pool , and have dinner in front of the fireplace ." He leaned his head forward , rubbing his nose against Louis' .

Louis giggled , "And kiss ?"

"A whole bunch of kissing ." Harry smirked , wrapping his arms around Louis and pressing a sweet kiss to his lips . Louis poked his dimple , "Is your back still hurting ?"

Harry scrunched his nose , sighing , "Kind of , yeah . I've been doing some stretches and excersices this past week to ease it , but it's still there , sometimes I feel it more , sometimes less ."

"I brought a hot bottle . And I can massage your back ." Louis tucked his hair behind his ear , Harry smiled and leaned into his touch , "Thanks , bubbie . Sounds lovely ." He kissed the heel of his palm , Louis smiled and leaned in to peck the corner of his lips .


Louis pulled the clothes he prepared out of his suitcase , making sure the gift is still hidden , before staring the get dressed .

"Should I wear these shoes , or these ?" Harry held out two pairs of shoes , his clothes layed out on the bed while he stood in his boxers . Louis turned to him , his towel still around his body , biting his lower lip as he looked over the outfit , then the clothes .

"These ones ." He pointed to the pair Harry held in his left hand , Harry smiled and put that pair down by the bed , the other pair he put down next to his suitcase . He pulled on the skinny trousers and pink polka dot button up Louis got him for his birthday , he buttoned the shirt halfway leaving his chest slightly revealed , then sat on the bed to put his socks and shoes on .

Louis pulled on his clothes , a high waisted black skinny jeans and a white tight fitting soft sweater , which was slightly cropped , just enough to cover his stomach a bit past the high waited jeans . He put his shoes on and sprayed his sweet perfume on , turning to Harry .

"I love your sweater ." Harry smiled , standing up from his seat on the bed to stand in front of Louis . He held the hem of Louis' sweater , tugging it down a bit to make sure his skin wasn't showing . "Lift your arms up ."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows but lifted his arms above his head for a second , before dropping them down . "What for ?"

"Wanted to make sure your tummy wasn't showing from under the sweate ." Harry smoothed the sweater down , "That tummy is for my eyes only ." He clawed his hand at his stomach to tickle him gently , Louis giggled and pushed his hand away , "Y-You're one to talk ." 

Harry raised his eyebrow at him , Louis shook his head and buttoned Harry's shirt up a bit more , leaving the two top ones open , rather than having only two buttons buttoned . "Don't show your chest . 's mine ."

Harry grinned at his confidence , he wrapped his arms around him and kissed him , "All yours , bubba ." He kissed him once more before going to the mirror , he fixed his hair and sprayed his perfume on .

Louis ruffled his hair into a soft fringe , before kneeling in front of his suitcase and secretly pulling the gift out , standing up and hiding it behind his back .

"Hazzie ."

Harry turned to face him with a smile on his lips , his eyes almost immediately going to where his hands were behind his back . He took a few steps towards him , "What are you hiding ?"

Louis shuffled a bit on his feet , before pulling the small box out from behind him , smiling with blush on his cheeks . "Happy anniversary ."

"Aw , bubbie ." Harry took the box with one hand , his other hand resting on Louis' waist as he kissed him , "Wait , I'll get your present , too ." He went to his suitcase and pulled out a box , returning to Louis and handing it to him with a smile , "Happy anniversary ."

Louis smiled and took the box , then he and Harry opened their presents together .

Harry lifted the lid of the box , there were two metal bracelets inside , one had HS engraved on it , the other had LT . He smiled and pulled the one with his initials out , slipping it down on his wrist . "I love it , thank you bub ." He smiled at Louis , who stopped to see his reaction . Harry took the other bracelet out and slipped it onto Louis' wrist , kissing the back of his hand .

"Open your present ." Harry nodded towards the box in Louis' hands , Louis put the paperwrap away and opened the box , mouth gaping in awe . There was a dog collar inside , and a matching anklet for him . The collar was red , with a bone-shaped medal ID disc , that says Louis' name and his phone number . The anklet had a tiny dog shaped charm .

"The other side of the ID disc is blank , so when you get your trainee pup you can engrave it's name on it ." Harry rubbed his side softly , Louis grinned and looked up at him , "Thank you so much , I love it . I really love it ."

Harry smiled and kissed his cheek , Louis closed the box and put it in his suitcase , before returning to Harry and pulling him into a kiss . Harry hummed and wrapped his arms around Louis to bring him closer , "We should - we should get going . To be at the restaurant on time ."

Louis nodded , he pecked Harry one more time before pulling back , grabbing his phone from the bed , along with a bit of money . He took his coat and followed Harry downstairs , when there was a knock on the door .

Harry answered , smiling at the employee who came to drive them back to the reception area . They locked the cabin and got on the golf cart , getting to the reception area after a short ride . Louis tipped the guy shyly with blush on his cheeks , saying a quiet 'thank you' .


"You promised to tell me what happened to the dough machine ." Louis said and took a small bite of his salmon , "The day you left work all covered in flour ."

"Oh , god , that day was a nightmare ." Harry sighed , though smiled when Louis giggled . He turned a bit in his seat towards Louis , as they were sitting close to each other at a small round table , their dishes halfway done and a candle flickering on the table .

He wiped his lips , "Okay , so you saw that machine , right ? You know how it's supposed to work . So , everything was fine during the day , and towards the end of the day something went wrong and the flour just wasn't there . Les and I checked it a few times , because everything was okay but the flour pour . So I got a bit frustrated and gave the side of the machine a light kick ,-"

"Oh no ." Louis shook his head , "Stupid move ."

"Ugh , I know , and I paid for it . Seconds later , something got disconnected and the flour poured out , all over me , Les and the back of the bakery ."

Louis put his palm over his mouth to quieten his laughter , eyes crinkling . "Oh noooo ."

Harry chuckled , "Yeah , and cleaning it was horrible . We sweeped the floor for like an hour , and just closed the bakery for the rest of the day because of the mess . Took me fourty five minutes in the shower to wash the flour out of my hair ."

Louis kept giggling , shaking his head , "That will teach you not to kick machines ."

"Unfortunately , yes ." Harry scrunched his nose , "But if these stories make you laugh , I'll go kick machine around all day ." He leaned forward , leaning his chin on his hand with a grin .

Louis blushed , shaking his head as he poked his dimple , "You should find other ways to have stories to tell me ."

"I have lots of ways to make you laugh ." Harry smiled , "I can be goofy and act like an idiot . I can tell you jokes . I can kick my bakery machines and cover myself with flour ."

Louis giggled , making Harry grin wider .


"Sleepy bubbie ." Harry wrapped his arms tighter around Louis , as the two cuddled on the couch with a movie . Louis yawned into his palm , feeling his eyes growing heavy . "I'm falling asleep already . I think I'll go to bed ."

Harry kissed the top of his head , "Go upstairs , I'll join you in a bit . The movie ends in , like , ten minutes ."

Louis stood up from the couch and walked upstairs to the bedroom , he stripped off the clothes and wore comfy bed clothes , going to brush his teeth before getting into bed . He sent Geoff a quick 'good night' text , plugging his phone into his charger and settling down .

Harry walked into the bedroom minutes after , smiling at Louis . He pulled his clothes on , "Are you asleep already ?"

Louis smiled gently . "Not yet . Wanted to cuddle ." He let his eyes flutter open , Harry grinned at him and quickly pulled his jumper and sweater on , going to brush his teeth . He returned and plugged his phone to the charger , setting an alarm clock for the morning before getting in under the covers .

"Come cuddle , bubbie ." Harry wrapped his arms around him , Louis snuggled into his chest and sighed softly when Harry tucked his hands under his hoodie to rub his back .

"Love you ." Harry whispered against the top of his head , Louis lifted his head up with a smile , "Love you ."

Harry kissed him softly , Louis fisted the material of his jumper and tugged him slightly closer , before pulling back , "'m too sleepy ."

"Alright , alright ." Harry chuckled , he kissed his forehead , "Good night , bub ."

"Good night ."


Hope you liked it x


P.S - currently working on a long-arse one shot for my Imagines book , and I really hope it'll be up soon :)

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