Ch. 44

Enjoy x


"Lou , could you check the bathroom to make sure we packed everything ?" Harry poked his head into the room , Louis nodded , "Okay ." He finished packing his small suitcase , smiling when Fuji walked into the room . 

He went to the bathroom and double-checked the drawers , shower and cabinet to make sure they wouldn't forget anything . He walked out of the bathroom and smiled when he saw Fuji sitting on the bed next to his suitcase , he pet the dog before zipping his suitcase closed . Just as he took the suitcase off the bed , Harry walked into the room .

"We didn't forget anything in the bathroom , right ?" Harry asked as he took Louis' suitcase for him , Louis shook his head , "No , I checked ."

"Alright , now come downstairs to eat something ." Harry carried the suitcase , "Fuji , pup , come on , off the bed ." Harry called , Fuji hurried off the bed and followed the couple down the stairs . Harry put Louis' suitcase by the door with the other three , before joining Liam , Zayn and Louis at the table .

Louis sipped on the orange juice , Harry kissed his temple , "Is your head feeling better ?" He asked , Louis nodded , "Much better ."

Harry smiled , biting his lower lip , "You were such a cute tipsy last night ."

"Felt weird , to be honest ." Louis blushed light pink , "Like , light-headed . But it was okay ."

Harry kissed his cheek , "Eat , bub , you need food ." He filled both their plates .


"In the car , pups ." Harry opened the backseat door , letting the two dogs in and closing the door behind them . Louis locked the cabin door and walked to where Harry was standing , with Zayn and Liam .

"This weekend was great , we should do it again ." Liam held his arm open for Louis , who wrapped his arms around his middle sideways .

"Yeah , definitely ." Harry nodded , "Are we still having dinner with Geoff ? We haven't talked about it ."

"Oh , yes . I texted him when I woke up , told him we slept in . We'll have dinner at my place ." Liam nodded , his hand rubbing Louis' shoulder .

"What should I cook ?" Harry asked , Liam shook his head , "Don't worry about it , I -"

"No , come on , I should make something too ." 

"Dessert ?" Louis asked , Harry smiled at him , "Want to help me make brownies ?"

Louis smiled wider and nodded , Liam gave Louis' small shoulders a soft squeeze , "Alright , brownies sound good . We'll see you tonight , seven at my place ."

Louis gave Liam a hug , then went to hug Zayn , before going with Harry to his car . They put their seatbelts on , Harry pulled out of the parking spot , resting his hand on Louis' thigh when they reached the main road . "I had a lot of fun this weekend ."

"Me too ." Louis nodded , letting his hand rest on Harry's hand in his lap . Harry smiled , "Now , about our anniversary ."

Louis blushed softly , "What were you thinking about ?"

Harry bit his lower lip , "I uh - I want us to plan our anniversary together . Do stuff we both want and love ."

"Okay ." Louis smiled . "Can I - can I come over after school tomorrow ?"

"You can always come over , you know that ." Harry gave his thigh a gentle squeeze . "I can't believe it's been a year ."

"I know ." Louis locked his fingers with Harry's , "It's been a good year ."

"Absolutely ." Harry brought Louis' hand to his lips , kissing the back of it , "I - I want to point out the progress you've done ."

Louis blushed and looked down to their locked hands , glancing at Harry from under his eyelashes .

"You've improved so much since we first met , and I'm so proud of you . You've been so brave , and you continue to amaze me every day . Look at you now , look what you managed in a year . I'm proud . I love you ."

Louis held Harry's hand with both his small ones , "You have a big role in that progress , you know . You've been so supportive , and - and patient . I love you ."

Harry smiled softly , bringing Louis' hand to his lips to pepper kisses all over , only stopping when Louis pulled his hand away with a soft giggle .


Geoff smiled at Louis , as he and Harry walked through the front door . Louis smiled back and hugged him , Geoff rubbed his back , "Did you have a fun weekend ?"

Louis nodded into his shoulder , pulling back so Geoff could greet Harry aswell .

"Do you guys want to eat something ? I'm about to make a snack ." Geoff asked as he walked to the kitchen .

"What snack ?" Louis asked as he followed Geoff , Harry took the time to carry Louis' suitcase up to his room .

Geoff opened the pantry , "What about some grilled cheese ?" He took out bread , Louis smiled , "Perfect ."

Harry walked into the kitchen , Geoff took a pan out of the cabinet , "We're making grilled cheese , want some ?"

"Sure , sounds great ." Harry nodded , he pulled a bar stool out and sat down , Louis stood at the other side of the island counter , preparing the sandwiches while Geoff heated the pan .

"Geoff , I wanted to ask you something ." Harry asked , Geoff turned to look at Harry , a playful smile on his lips , "It's a little bit early asking for Louis' hand in marrige ."

A squeak left Louis' lips and he quickly covered his mouth , cheeks painting red with blush . Geoff laughed and patted Louis' shoulder , "I'm only kidding ."

Harry laughed and ran his fingers through his hair . "So uh , you're a graphic designer , and I'm renovating the bakery . I would love for you to design a logo for the bakery , with payment of course ."

Geoff shook his head , "You're mistaken to think that I'll charge you for this ."

"Come on Geoff , -"

"If you're going to pay I won't design anything . Try me ."

Harry looked down at his hands , but couldn't help the smile on his lips . Geoff smiled , "I'd love to design the logo ."

Louis walked around the island , he wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders and pecked his cheek , "Use the money for the rest of the renovation ."

"Or , I could use it for out little anniversary getaway ?" Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist , pulling him closer to stand between his knees . Louis poked his dimple , "We're splitting it in half , you know ."

"Bub , you -"

"Shh ." Louis squished Harry's cheeks , "I'll pay half . It's from both of us ."

Harry leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his lips , "Fine . You don't have too , though ."

"Shush ." Louis squished his cheeks , Harry smiled and kissed him once more , before pulling away , "Got to wee real quick ."


"Hazzie , where's the whisk ?" Louis opened the drawer near the sink , Harry looked behind him and opened a different drawer , pulling out the whisk , "There you go ."

Louis smiled and took the whisk , he grabbed the bowl and started whisking the ingredients for the brownies . Harry moved to the beat of the song playing from the speaker , standing behind Louis and wrapping his arms around his waist , "I love it when we bake together ." He put his chin on his shoulder .

"I prefer to eat it than bake it ." Louis chuckled , Harry laughed , "I'll gladly feed you anything you'd like , bubbie ." He pressed a kiss to his neck , leaning in to press a few more kisses when Louis shied away from the ticklish kisses .

"Mojo , heeelp ." Louis put the whisk down in the bowl as he tried wiggling out of Harry's arms , Harry blew a raspberry on his neck , "You can never escape me ." He laughed along with Louis .

"Alright , alright ." Harry let go , he took the bowl to where the tray was ready and poured the batter in . He put the tray in the oven and turned to Louis , "The brownies take about fourty miutes in the oven , do you want to go shower until it's ready ?"

"I - I think it's better if one of us stays to watch it ." Louis looked over to the oven , Harry pouted , "Please ? A quick shower ." He put his hands on Louis' hips , pulling him closer , "Want to shower with you ." He pressed their noses together .

Louis smiled , hands resting on Harry's biceps , "Okay . Quick , though ."

Harry grinned and pressed a noisy kiss to Louis' lips , he wrapped his arms tightly around his waist and picked him off his feet , "Yaaayyy !"

Louis laughed and wrapped his arms around his shoulders , "You're silly ."

After the two showered (a shower filled with kisses , soap and gentle caresses) Harry dried himself quickly , pulling on his boxers , "Bub , I'm going downstairs for a minute to check on the brownies , okay ?"

"Okay ." Louis nodded as he held his towel around himself , shivering a bit . He finished drying and pulled on his boxers , hurriedly pulling on one of Harry's hoodies to stay warm .

Harry walked into the room , smiling at Louis , "The brownies are ready , smells really good in the kitchen ." He sat on the bed , Louis hung his towel in the bathroom and walked over , tucking Harry's hair behind his ear , "We should bake together some more ."

"I'd love to bake with you all the time ." Harry brought Louis to stand between his knees , "You make the cutest face when you eat anything with chocolate ."

Louis cupped his cheeks , "You know I love chocolate ."

"I know I love you ."

Louis blushed softly , "I love you too ."


Louis , Harry and Geoff walked into Liam's place , greeting the couple in the kitchen . Harry put the box of brownies on the counter and helped Zayn bring the food to the table , while Louis and Geoff hugged Liam .

"Alright , alright , before we eat ." Geoff brought the four guys closer to him , "There's a small thing we need to do before ."

"What is it ?" Liam asked , Geoff pulled an envelope out of his jacket's inside pocket , handing it to Louis with a smile , "This came in the mail on Friday noon ."

Louis took the envelope , flipping it over to see who it was from . His heart skipped a beat when he saw the name of the dog training school he applied to .

Harry grinned from next to him , rubbing his back , "Open it ."

Louis bit his lower lip , clutching the envelope in both hands . "What if - what if it says 'no' ?" He asked in a quiet voice .

"Then they would be missing on a great student , and you'll apply to a different one . It wouldn't be the end of the world , you'll just keep trying ." Zayn assured him .

"Go on ." Liam nudged his elbow gently .

Louis slowly opened the envelope , the four men watching him moved to stand in front of him , so none of them would get a glimpse of what's written until Louis read it out .

Louis unfolded the papers , taking a deep breath as his eyes skimmed over the words .

"Well ??" Harry asked impatiently , hands laced together in front of him .

"I - ..." Louis choked out , looking up from the paper . He broke into a grin , "I got in ."

The four cheered for him , Harry yelled out happily as he wrapped his arms around his waist , hoisting him up in the air and spinning in circles . "My baby ! I'm so proud ! Bubbie , this is incredible !" He put Louis back down on his feet , through kept his arms tightly around his waist as he pressed kiss after kiss to his cheek .

Louis giggled and put his hand on Harry's cheek to stop him , Harry stopped with a smile , "So proud ." He whispered and kissed him on the lips , letting his small boyfriend go so he could hug Geoff , Liam and Zayn aswell .


"Could we sleep over at mine tonight ?" Louis asked , Harry looked at Louis in the passenger's seat , "Yeah , sure . Is there anything wrong ?"

"No , no . Just - I want to wake up with dad , if - if that makes sense . I like our mornings ."

Harry smiled , "Sure , bub . I'll go get my stuff and make sure the pups have water , then I'll come over to yours ."

"Okay ." Louis smiled , Harry parked the car in his driveway , "I'll see you in five minutes ."

Louis crossed the street to his house , walking in with Geoff . 

"I thought you were spending the night at Harry's ?" Geoff asked as he unlocked the door , Louis smiled , "We're sleeping over here , in my room ."

"Oh , alright ." Geoff closed the door after he and Louis walked in , "I'm leaving the door unlocked , but remember to lock it after Harry ."

"Okay ." Louis nodded , Geoff kissed his forehead , "Good night , Lou ."

"Good night ." Louis smiled , he went to the kitchen to drink a bit of water , before going upstairs to his room . He tidied it as quickly as he could , making it presentable . Just as he finished putting his comfy clothes on , there was a soft knock on the house's front door .

Louis hurried down the stairs and opened the door , smiling at Harry . Harry walked in , Louis locked the door behind him and yawned .

"Cuddle time ?" Harry held his arm open for Louis , Louis fit himself under his arm , "Yeah . Love cuddles ."

Harry kissed the top of his head , walking with the smaller boy up the stairs to his room . He closed the door behind them , holding out a hoodie for Louis , "Brought you this to sleep with , I couldn't remember if you had any other hoodies here ."

Louis smiled and took the hoodie , shyly reaching for the hem of the sweater he was currently wearing and pulling it off , pulling Harry's huge hoodie over his head . He smoothed it down , Harry smiled , "I love when you wear my clothes , they're so big on you ."

"Because you're a giant ." Louis poked his dimple , Harry grinned wider and brought Louis into his chest , laying back against the pillows , "I love that I can easily do this ." He trailed his hands under Louis' jumper to rest on his waist , Louis gasped and pulled away , "C-cold hands ."

Harry pulled his hands out and kissed Louis' forehead , "We should sleep , you have school tomorrow and I'm going back to the bakery ."

Louis nodded , he slowly brought Harry's face down to his level and pecked his lips , cheeks pink with blush . Harry leaned in for a few more kisses , which stopped only when Louis pulled back to yawn into his hands .

"Bedtime ." Harry chuckled , kissing his cheek before sitting up to bring the covers over their bodies . Louis hummed as he pulled the covers up to his nose to stay warm , smiling when Harry settled down in front of him . He shifted closer , letting Harry wrap his arms around him .

"Good night , bubbie ."

"Night , Hazzie ."


Hope you liked it x


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