Ch. 43
Sorry for the really late update , finally managed to get a job after a long time of sitting home .
Enjoy x
"Bubbie ."
"Bub ."
"Bubba , wake up ."
Louis groaned and stuffed his face into his pillow , he tried lifting the covers over his head but Harry grabbed his hand to stop him . "Get up now , breakfast is ready ." He rubbed Louis' shoulder , leaning down to kiss his cheek a few times .
"Mm ." Louis fluttered his eyes open , "What time 's it ?"
Harry smiled at his soft , raspy morning voice , "A bit after nine . Liam and I made breakfast , he went to wake Zayn up ."
Louis nodded and closed his eyes , Harry peeled the covers off Louis and wrapped his arms around his waist , "Hold my shoulders ." He waited for Louis' arms to wrap around his shoulders properly before helping him off the bed to brush his teeth . "Go , love , I'll have clothes ready for you ."
Louis waddled sleepily into the bathroom to brush his teeth and use the toilet , he washed his face and walked out , seeing the bed was made and clothes sitting neatly on the bed . He changed and left the bedroom to go down the stairs , smiling when Mojo waited for him at the bottom of the stairs .
"Hi pup ." He smiled and kissed his head , scratching behind his ear . Mojo followed Louis to the kitchen , Harry and Liam finished placing all the plates on the table , Zayn was making them all coffee (and hot chocolate for Louis) .
"Good morning ." Liam smiled and kissed Louis' forehead , Louis wrapped his arms around Liam's middle and cuddled him , still kind of sleepy . Liam wrapped his arms around his shoulders , "Did you have a good sleep ?"
Louis nodded , looking at the table . "Breakfast looks good ."
"Kudos to Harry , he brought out his baker side ." Liam smiled and let go of Louis , nudging him towards Harry , before going to Zayn .
Harry smiled and sat down at the table , he brought Louis into his lap and pouted his lips , "Give me a 'good morning' kiss ." He held his waist , Louis cupped his cheeks and leaned in , pressing a gentle kiss to his lips . He pulled back shortly after with pink cheeks ; he could feel Liam and Zayn's eyes on them from the other side of the kitchen .
"We're going to the lake after breakfast ." Harry rubbed Louis' side , "I need to go to the grocery store to buy a few small things for our little picnic . Also after the picnic we'll give the pups a good wash ."
Louis nodded and tucked Harry's hair from his forehead and behind his ears , Harry smiled at him and kissed him again .
After breakfast Harry drove to the grocery store , Louis and Zayn cleared the table and Liam did the dishes .
"Zee , could you fetch the speaker from my bag ?" Liam asked while he was cutting up a few fruits for their picnic , Zayn stood up from the stool , "Sure , which pocket ?"
"I think the one on the inside , if not then the small one on the outside ." Liam said , Louis smiled when he handed him half a strawberry .
"Did you wash them with salt water ?" Louis asked as he looked down at the piece , Liam nodded , "Yeah , you've seen the videos too ?"
"Yes , gross ." Louis scrunched his nose before taking a bite , Liam smiled before nudging his hip against Louis' , "I have a question ."
"Okay ." Louis finished his strawberry , reaching for a grape from the tupperware box .
Liam smirked slightly , "Have you and Harry done anything last night ?"
The grape slipped from between Louis' fingers , cheeks heating up . He bit his lower lip and looked away , then reaching down to pick up the grape and put it in the garbage bag .
"Is that a yes ?" Liam chuckled , Louis crossed his arms over his chest , "I d-don't have to tell you anything ."
"I know , I just - nevermind ." Liam laughed softly and focused back on the fruits ; he had quite a few questions , but decided against asking as he figured it was none of his business . Even though he really wanted to hug Louis and tell him he's proud of him , which would make things so much more uncomfortable and awkward .
Zayn walked into the kitchen and placed the speaker on the counter , "Did any of us bring a blanket to sit outside ?"
"We brought one . It's in Harry's car ." Louis nodded , smiling when Fuji walked into the kitchen . He checked their water bowls , seeing they were almost empty . He took an empty bottle and filled it , then went to their bowls to fill them .
He stayed with the two dogs for a bit , then went to sit on the couch with his phone . Mojo sat on the couch next to him , head on his lap , Louis smiled and pet him with one hand , going through the pictures Zayn sent on their small groupchat .
A short while later Harry walked into the living room , Louis smiled at him , "Got everything ?"
Harry leaned in and kissed him , then kissed his cheek , "Yeah , Zayn said he'll take care of packing everything to go . Also got the blanket from the car , we forgot it yesterday ."
Louis nodded , smiling as he watched Harry and Mojo ; he sat on the edge of the couch and massaged Mojo's belly , then started tapping a rhyme . Mojo pretended to bite him , Harry grabbed Mojo's head and landed a kiss between his ears , standing up from the couch , "Let's go . Come on pups , time for a walk ."
The two dogs leaped up from the seats at the word 'walk' , Louis laughed and stood up from the couch aswell . Harry took his hand , "We should wear something comfy , also the weather is really nice outside so we're getting in the lake ."
"No way . The water's freezing cold ." Louis shook his head as he followed Harry up to their bedroom , Harry chuckled , "Stop worrying about it , it'll be fun ."
As they were changing his clothes , Louis shyly looked at Harry . "H-Hazzie ."
Harry couldn't help his smile , "Bubbie ."
"Liam - he - he heard us . L-last night ." Louis blushed as he finished pulling his thin sweatpants on , tying the string at the front to tighten it around his small waist .
Harry smirked to himself , "How do you know he did ?"
"He told m-me ." Louis fiddled with the hem of his shirt , Harry sat next to him on the bed and put his arm around his waist , pulling him into his side , "Was he teasing you ?"
Louis bit his lower lip , "A little bit ."
Harry smiled and kissed his cheek , "You're so cute . If you want to get him back , I can tell you what I saw yesterday ."
Louis looked up with a grin , "Wh-what did you see ?"
Harry leaned a bit closer , "When you fell asleep on my shoulder , when we were sitting around the fire , I pretended not to see the two of them grabbing each other's crotches under the blanket ."
Louis let out a giggle and covered his mouth , Harry laughed a bit and kissed his cheek again , "You can tell Liam you pretended to be asleep and you saw them . Now come on , the lake is waiting . Also the pups are probably impatient ."
They went downstairs , Liam and Zayn finished getting the food packed into a reusable grocery bag and put the blanket next to it , and went to change their clothes .
Harry clapped his hands twice , "Pups ! Come here , pups ."
The two dogs ran out of the living room barking excitedly , Harry laughed and pet them , "Aren't you excited to go outside and get muddy , eh ?"
Louis smiled at the three and pulled his phone out to take a picture , before going to the kitchen . He hung the bag on his shoulder and carried the blanket under his other arm , Harry looked up and hurried to take the bag from him , "I've got this ."
"I can carry that ." Louis reached for the strap , Harry took his hand and laced their fingers together , "Don't worry about it ."
Liam and Zayn walked into the living room , Harry and Liam made sure the doors were locked before walking out of the cabin . The two dogs ran around happily , Harry held Louis' hand as they walked to the yard , then down the wooden stairs to the lake shore .
Zayn helped Louis lay the blanket down on the sand under a tree , Harry put the bag down and looked into it , groaning , "I forgot the fucking tennis ball for the pups ."
Louis chuckled as he watched him hurrying up the wodden stairs to the cabin , he sat down on the blanket with Zayn , while Liam kicked his shoes off and took off his socks , going to test the water .
"How cold is it , from one to ten ?" Zayn asked leaning back on his hands , Liam walked back to the blanket , "I'd say about six or seven ."
"Yup , not getting in ." Zayn scrunched his nose , Louis laughed and took his shoes and socks off aswell , reaching into the bag to take out the fruit boxes .
Liam joined them on the blanket , laying on his back with his head on Zayn's lap , Zayn smiled down at him and poked his cheek , then proceeded to squish his cheeks with one hand , making his lips pout like a fish .
Louis smiled at the two , taking a few pictures on his phone . He giggled when Harry photobombed in the background , Harry sent him a wink and turned to Mojo and Fuji , throwing the ball along the shore , before going to sit next to Louis on the blanket .
"I brought drinks and cups ." Harry put the two bottles and cups down , turning to wrap his arm around Louis' waist and opening his mouth for Louis to feed him . Louis smiled and fed Harry a grape , Harry pecked his cheek , "Want to go in the water a bit ?"
Louis shook his head , "No , 's too cold . Liam tested it , it's freezing ."
"Only a six out of ten , it's not really bad ." Liam looked upside down at them .
"Still cold ." Louis took a bite of his melon , Harry took the other half from his hand , "I'll get you in the lake eventually anyway , you can't escape that ."
Louis took the melon before Harry could put it in his mouth and ate it quickly , "Mine ."
Harry scrunched his nose , "Sharing is caring ."
Louis turned to Mojo , who ran over to them with the ball in his mouth . He took the ball and threw it away , wiping his hand on Harry's shirt from the slobber . Harry looked down at his shirt , then at Louis , moving back and forth dramatically .
"I don't have a napkin ." Louis bit back a giggle , Harry sighed out loudly and moved to kneel next to Louis , "That's it ."
He scooped Louis up bridal style , one arm around his back and the other under his thighs , "You're going in the lake ."
"No !" Louis kicked his feet , arms holding Harry by the neck tightly , though he couldn't help but laugh . "Put me down ! Harry !"
Harry grinned as he walked into the lake , the water was cold but he kept on walking in until it reached his knees . He leaned down with Louis in his arms , "I'm going to drop you in ."
"No , Harry ." Louis kicked his feet and giggled , holding his shoulders and neck tighter . Harry laughed and stood back up , pressing a kiss to his cheek . Just then , Mojo and Fuji ran over to them , splashing water all around , getting the two wet .
"No ! Oh no !" Harry laughed and hurried out of the lake , putting Louis down on the sand . Louis laughed and hugged his arms around himself from the cold , walking back to the blanket . He sat down , Harry kept playing with the dogs .
Liam sat up and ate a strawberry , looking at Zayn , "Want to get in ?"
"The water's too cold , Li ." Zayn pouted , Liam pouted back , "Well Harry and Lou were already in , and they're still alive . Come on , let's at least try ."
Zayn huffed , "Fine . But we're not swimming or anything , I can't swim ."
Liam grinned and stood up , taking Zayn's hand to help him up . They walked hand in hand , Liam dipped his feet in and turned to Zayn , "Come on , it's not so bad ."
Zayn stepped into the water , "Nope , no , it's cold , I'm out ." He tried walking back , but Liam had a tight grip on his hand . They tugged at each other for a bit , before Liam completely leaned back and let Zayn support his weight , but they ended up falling into the water , Zayn ontop of Liam .
Liam laughed when Zayn let out a shriek , "Fuck you ! God , this is so cold !"
"It's not so bad !" Liam laughed loudly , Zayn sat up from his body and splashed him in the face , "Idiot ."
Liam splashed him back , and very quickly the two of them were drenched . Louis grinned at them from his seat on the blanket munching on fruits , taking pictures and videos . He smirked when he saw them approaching Harry , before launching a full on splashing attack on the poor guy , making him squeal .
Harry ran into the lake and splashed them back , Mojo and Fuji hurrying in right after him , barking and overall happy to be involved .
Louis chuckled to himself and looked down at his phone , sending the pictures and videos on their groupchat and some of them to Geoff .
Harry looked over to Louis and smiled mischievously , he creeped up behind him and towered over him from behind , letting the cold water droplets fall on Louis' head and back . Louis gasped and looked up behind him , Harry smirked , "Your turn ."
He grabbed the smaller boy bridal style once again , Louis quickly dropped his phone on the blanket so it wouldn't get wet , gasping again at how cold Harry's clothes were .
"You're freezing cold !" Louis tried squirming out of his arms , but Harry had a firm grip around him . Harry smiled and kissed his cheek , "You love me anyway ." He stepped into the water , letting Zayn and Liam splash them as he walked further in .
Louis squeaked and turned his face to hide in Harry's neck , feet kicking around , "So cold !"
Harry laughed along and put Louis down in the lake , Louis gave him a light shove to the chest , then splashed him , "Mean ."
"I love you . I love you ." Harry grinned and wrapped his arms around his waist , pressing kisses to his cheek . Louis sighed and nodded , "I love you ."
Harry kissed his lips , hands holding Louis' hips , Louis' hands on the sides of his ribs . Before he knew it , Louis gave him a push and he fell backwards into the water , Louis giggled and splashed him , "Revenge ."
"Heeey !" Harry wiped his face , Louis splashed him again , turning away when Harry splashed back .
"God , I never remembered showering the pups was so tough ." Harry sat down at the table ; while he and Louis were giving the two dogs a wash , Liam and Zayn went to order their lunch from a chinese place not far away .
He pulled the chair next to him for Louis to sit down , both of them were after shower and ready for a good nap . "At least we're done with that ."
Zayn handed the food containers around , "Is there anything planned for tonight ?"
Louis opened his noodles container , "I thought we were going to a bar ?"
"Yeah , we were supposed to ." Harry nodded , taking a bite of his chicken , "But I found out a few days ago that it was closed and a different store was opened instead . So maybe we can buy drinks and have a night in . We can drink at the fireplace , it was nice yesterday ."
"Lou , do you drink ?" Liam asked , Louis bit his lower lip , "I - I never tried , actually ."
"You don't have to , we have soft drinks too . We can get more , if you want anything specific ."
"I - I'll try the alcohol . Not sure how I'll like it , though ." Louis twisted his noodles a bit , Harry placed his large hand on his lower back , rubbing up and down his spine , "Don't feel pressured , we can just give up the drinking and go out to eat at a nice restaurant ."
"No , it's - it's okay ." Louis shook his head , Harry raised his eyebrow at him , "Are you sure ? We don't want you to be uncomfortable , we're here to have a good time all four of us ."
Louis bit his lower lip , "What if - what if I don't like it ?"
"Then we wouldn't drink , none of us ." Harry put his arm around his waist , "I promise ."
Louis looked away from Harry to look at Liam and Zayn , who nodded along , "Us too ."
"Okay ." Louis whispered , Harry leaned in and kissed his cheek , "Eat up , we need a nap ."
"Okay , so there's the few beers left from yesterday's barbecue , and we got this for the shots , this one for mixing with the redbull , and some soft drinks ." Liam placed the alcohol in the freezer , Louis took the tray out of the oven carefully and placed it on the counter on a towel , then going to check on the edamame in the pot on the stove .
"Harry , do you need help with the fire ?" Liam asked , Harry shook his head , "I've got this . Just keep your eye on the snacks ." He said and walked out of the cabin , making sure the two dogs didn't sneak outside .
Louis blew on the steaming hot sweet-potato fry before taking a bite , Zayn reached for one aswell , "Is it good ?"
"So good ." Louis nodded , taking another bite . "It's really hot ."
"Mm ." Zayn hummed , feeding the other half to Liam . Liam smiled , "Oh , it's really good ." He said , then turned to the stove to turn it off , draining the edamame before adding salt and lemon juice .
Louis scooped the sweet-potato fries from the tray to a metal bowl , and the regular french fries into a second bowl , taking ketchup and mayonnaise out of the fridge to put into small dressing bowls .
Once the snacks were ready Zayn helped Louis take the bowls outside , this time the two loveseats were right in front of each other instead of the two sides of the fireplace , with a small table in the middle for the snacks and drinks .
Harry made sure to put enough logs in the fireplace , keeping a few more logs next to them so they wouldn't have to go to the other side of the cabin to get them incase they needed more .
"Alright , I'm in charge of the drinks ." Zayn sat down on one of the loveseats , grabbing four shot glasses . Liam brought the two soft blankets from the night before , placing one on Louis and Harry's loveseat , then sitting down next to Zayn and throwing the blanket around their shoulders .
Harry sat on the loveseat , holding his arm open for Louis , "Come sit , bub ."
Louis sat next to Harry , reaching for the blanket to cover both him and Harry . He looked at the shot glasses , Zayn handed him one , "I poured you half a shot . It's your first , don't want you to be overwhelmed ."
"Now , alcohol isn't supposed to taste good ." Harry gave Louis a smile , taking his shot glass from Zayn , "So just hold your breath and drink it down , try not to stop to taste it ."
Louis nodded , he looked down at his tiny glass , "Okay . Just - one gulp ?"
"Yes , exactly . It's half a shot , shouldn't be so bad ." Harry nodded , "And if you don't like it , or you feel like this isn't what you want , then you can stop and I'll get you something else ."
Louis gave him a smile , leaning in to peck his cheek gently . Harry smiled back and put his hand on his thigh , holding his shot glass up , "Cheers ."
The other three said 'cheers' , before drinking their shots . Louis squeezed his eyes shut and swallowed the half shot in one gulp , he put the glass down on the table and covered his mouth , coughing into his sweater .
Liam , Zayn and Harry laughed softly , Harry wrapped his arms around Louis , "You alright ?"
"Oh my god ." Louis giggled with his hands on his mouth , "That was pretty bad ."
"The few first shots are so bad ." Liam chuckled , "Then it gets bearable ."
Louis stuck his tongue out , "It tastes so weird ."
"I can kiss it away ." Harry smirked and grabbed Louis' face , kissing him deeply for barely two seconds before the two were giggling into each other's mouths and had to pull away .
"It's like the honeymoon phase is never over with you two ." Zayn chuckled , Liam nodded , "Oh absolutely , they've been like this since day one ."
Louis blushed at the attention and reached to grab a fry , he bit half of it , feeding the other half to Harry .
"Alright , let's get things moving ." Liam clapped and reached for the cups , then taking the vodka , "Lou , I'm pouring you a wee-bit of alcohol , is that okay ? Or you don't want to drink anymore ?"
Louis nodded , "It's okay . Not a lot , though ."
Liam nodded and poured a bit into the cup , mixing it with redbull and adding ice cubes , doing the same but with more vodka for the three of them . He handed the cups around , Harry put his cup on the table , "I uh , I actually have a bit of an announcement ."
"Oh ?" Liam sat up , Zayn right after him , "What is it ?"
Louis turned a bit in his seat to face Harry , eyebrows raised in surprise . "What are you talking about ?"
Harry smiled widely , he moved his arm off Louis' shoulders to lace their hands together . "I - I'm renovating the bakery . And I would love for the three of you to help ."
Louis grinned and put his cup on the table , moving closer to wrap his arms around Harry's neck . Harry chuckled and hugged Louis , kissing the side of his head .
"What were you thinking about ?" Louis pulled back from their hug , a smile permanent on his lips .
"Well , I made a small list on my phone , like colour I wanted , new decorations , replacing the front desk , stuff like these . I already have a few things done , and if you remember , when we were on the train back from Paris , I asked if I could buy some of your pictures to use to decorate the bakery ."
"Yeah , I remember . And I said you're not paying for the pictures ." Louis poked his dimple , Harry rolled his eyes , "Guys , tell him ."
"Actually no , I would do the same ." Zayn shook his head and sipped on his drink , Liam nodded , "Yeah ."
Harry huffed , "Anyway , I also want to ask Geoff to help with the logo , and like get stickers of it , business cards . Maybe , like , a social media page ."
"Ooh ! I can do some nice social media stuff ." Liam smiled , Zayn nodded , "Yeah , and Lou and I can take pictures of the products you make and let Liam post them ."
Harry bit his lower lip , "Thank you . Thank you guys so much ." He turned to Louis , bringing his hand up to his lips , kissing his knuckles a few times , "Up for it ?"
"Up for it ." Louis smiled .
It was a few hours later , the four were slightly tipsy and very giggly . Since it was Louis' first time drinking , his alcohol tolerance was none , and he was very tipsy minutes after taking his shot . He finished his drink , and was now leaning his head on Harry's shoulder as the four calmed down from another giggling fit .
"Oh shit , it's one thirty a.m ." Liam checked his phone , "We should get in bed , we're leaving tomorrow . I kind of promised dad we'll have lunch with him , might have to make it a dinner though ."
Louis yawned into his palm , whining when Harry stood up from the loveseat , making Louis fall on his side after losing his balance on his shoulder .
"Sit up , bub , let's get you some water ." Harry held his hands out for Louis to take , Louis pouted , "I'm tired ."
"I know , come on , let's drink some water and get you in bed ." Harry grabbed Louis' hands , Louis let Harry pull him up .
"Go on , we'll ake care of the drinks and the fire ." Liam said , reaching for the bucket of dirt to pour over the fire to put it out .
Harry held Louis' waist to balance him , "Want me to carry you ?"
Louis nodded and held his arms out , Harry cooed and grabbed him by the backs of his thighs , holding him on his hips with a tight grip as he carried him to the cabin . He walked in and placed Louis on the couch , "Sit here , I'll get you water ."
"Come baaack ." Louis pouted , "I'm cold ."
"Just a second , baby ." Harry smiled ; tipsy Louis was just too adorable . He took a water bottle from the fridge and went back to the living room , "I want you to drink the whole bottle , it'll help reduce your headache tomorrow ."
Louis took the bottle and uncapped it , leaning his head back to drink . He drank half of it before pulling the bottle away , handing it back to Harry , "Done ."
"All of it , bub ." Harry nudged it back towards him , Louis closed his eyes , "No . You . You need to drink , too ."
Harry smiled and took the bottle , "Sweet bubbie ." He drank the rest of the bottle , taking the cap from Louis' hands , "Alright , bedtime now ."
"Cuddles ?" Louis asked , letting Harry pull him off the couch . Harry kissed his cheek lovingly , "Loads of cuddles ."
"Yay ." Louis smiled , he almost tripped going up the stairs but Harry caught him , Louis giggled , "Oopsie ."
"Careful , bub ." Harry chuckled , holding his waist the rest of the way .
They walked into their bedroom , Harry sat Louis down on the bed , "Take your shoes and clothes off , I'll get you clothes ." He went to Louis' suitcase , pulling out soft sweatpants , then taking a jumper out of his own suitcase .
He turned to face Louis , letting out a laugh when he saw he took his shoes and socks off , rolled his shirt up to his middle , and stayed laying on his back on the bed . He put the clothes next to Louis , Louis pouted , "I can't undo the button ." He patted his jeans' front button .
Harry bit his lower lip , he grabbed Louis' jeans and helped him undo the button . Louis giggled from Harry's fingers brushing his tummy , making it tickle .
"Get changed , now , I'll be back in a minute ." Harry smiled , and before he could resist himself he leaned down , pressing several kisses to Louis' bare tummy , grinning wider when Louis laughed and pushed his head away .
He walked back downstairs to make sure Liam and Zayn were handling the drinks and snack bowls , Liam patted his shoulder , "We'll wash the dishes tomorrow . Also we locked the doors . We're off to sleep , good night ."
"Good night ." Harry nodded , he made sure Mojo and Fuji's water bowls were filled , then double-checked the doors and windows around the cabin , before going back upstairs to the bedroom .
He walked in and closed the door quietly behind him , seeing Louis was changed and under the covers , his clothes tossed around the room . He took the clothes and folded them , placing them on Louis' suitcase , before changing out of his clothes to clean sweatpants and a shirt .
Louis turned to face him , holding his arm out , "Cuddle ."
Harry scooted closer , Louis' arms hugged around his middle , Harry held him close and kissed the top of his head , "Good night , bubbie ."
"Good night , Hazzie ."
Made sure it was extra long , and sorry if it sucks , I'm super tired and some of the parts are a bit rushed . Also I don't have the patience to proof-read for mistakes so yeah .
Hope you still liked it x
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