Ch. 42
This one is extra long , because I love you .
Enjoy x
"Lou , Harry is here , are you all packed up ?" Liam walked into Louis' room , Louis looked up at him as he finished zipping his small suitcase , "Yeah , ready ."
"Good ." Liam took his suitcase for him , helping him carry it down the stairs .
The two couples , Louis and Harry along with Zayn and Liam , were on their way to a short getaway at the lake cabin for the weekend .
Harry was talking to Geoff as the two brothers walked over to them , he took Louis' suitcase from Liam and held his arm open for Louis , "Hi love ."
Louis smiled and pressed himself to Harry's side , stretching up on his tip-toes to peck his cheek . "Hey ."
"Harry , did you text me the address ? I need to go pick up Zayn ." Liam asked as he grabbed his car keys , Harry nodded , "Yeah , we'll meet you there . Might take us a bit , we need to make a stop to buy some groceries ."
"Alright . See you there ." Liam smiled and walked out of the house .
Geoff looked over at Louis and smiled , "You two are getting older too quickly for my liking ."
Louis smiled back and walked over to hug him , "We'll be okay ."
"I know you will ." Geoff rubbed his back , Louis pulled away from the hug , "Love you ."
"Love you more ." Geoff smiled and squeezed his shoulders , "Go , have fun on your weekend , text me whenever ."
Louis nodded and moved back to Harry's side , Geoff put his hand on Harry's shoulder , "Keep him safe ."
"Always ." Harry assured him , Geoff patted his shoulder and nodded , "Good . Now go , I won't hold you back anymore ." He took a step back , watching the two walking out of the house .
"You want to come with me or stay in the car with the pups ?" Harry asked , Louis looked back to the two dogs , "I'll - I'll take the pups for a pee break over there ." Louis nodded towards the open field next to the store , Harry nodded and handed him the car keys , "Alright . Please be careful , keep your phone in your front pocket . I'll try not to take too long ."
Louis nodded and grabbed the leashes , he got out of the passenger's seat and opened the backseat door , clasping the leashes and taking the dogs out , while Harry went to buy the groceries the would need .
"Go on , pups ." Louis said softly as he reached the field , looking away when the two dogs did their business . He let the two walk him around a bit , before he took them back to the car and put them in the backseat . He took their leashes off and closed the car door , staying outside just for a bit longer to stretch his legs , before getting back into the car and locking the doors until Harry would return .
Mojo leaned his head to the front , Louis turned to look at him and smiled , "Hi there ." He scratched behind his ear , giggling when Mojo licked his cheek . He leaned away and wiped it off , looking back down at his phone .
He jumped startled when there was a knock on his window , sighing out when he saw it was just Harry . He unlocked the car , Harry opened the passenger's door , "Got our stuff ." He put the two paper bags at Louis' feet , Louis nodded and closed the door as Harry went to the driver's side .
Harry pulled up in front of the lake cabin , just in time for Liam and Zayn to park aswell . Harry pulled the keys out of the switch , "The cabin key is attached to my car keys ." He handed it to Louis , "Take the pups first ."
Louis took the keys and got out of the car , he clasped the leashes on Mojo and Fuji and turned to the cabin . He smiled at Liam and Zayn as the two were carrying their suitcases to the door , he hugged them and unlocked the door , letting the two dogs in .
"Oh , it's really nice here ." Zayn looked around , Louis smiled and nodded , "Yeah . Wait 'til you see the lake ." He took the leashes off and turned to go help Harry with their stuff . Harry walked in with their two suitcases , "There's only the groceries left , Lou ."
Louis nodded and fetched it , he carried it to the kitchen and Zayn helped him unpack while Harry showed Liam to the bedrooms on the second floor .
Harry walked back down the stairs with four bowls for Mojo and Fuji's food and water , he filled two bowls with water and let the dogs drink .
"Alright , so tonight we're having a barbecue and bonfire , Zayn did you and Liam get the meat and chicken breast ? We can go to the grocery store if we need ."
"No , we brought it , it's in the backseat ." Zayn said , "I'll go get it . We also brought marshmallows and a few beers ." He smiled and took Liam's car keys , walking out of the cabin .
Liam walked into the kitchen , squeezing Zayn's hip on his way . "So we have everything for tonight ?"
"Let's check ." Harry opened the fridge .
Louis jumped up to sit on the counter , watching Liam and Harry listing off things for their dinner , seconds later Zayn walked into the kitchen with two cooling kits , placing them in the fridge . "We need to marinate the chicken soon , H did you buy teriyaki ?"
"I did , Lou where did you put it ?" Harry turned to Louis , Louis pointed to the cabinet next to the fridge , "It's there ."
"Alright . We still have a bit of time before we need to start preparing everything , want to go for a walk to see the lake ?" Harry asked , the three nodded .
Before Louis jumped off the counter Harry walked over to him and stood between his knees , giving him a small pout , "I haven't kissed you properly today ."
Louis put his hands on Harry's cheeks , rubbing his thumbs against the slightly prickly skin , "You poor thing ." He smiled and pulled Harry's face closer , pressing a gentle kiss to his lips . Harry hummed and wrapped his arms tighter around Louis , Louis pulled his head away , "They're waiting for us ."
Harry pouted and pecked his lips quickly , "Fine ." He grabbed Louis' waist in his hands and helped him off the counter . The two joined Liam and Zayn , Harry called for Mojo and Fuji to walk with them .
The two dogs ran outside with the two couples following , walking down the wooden stairs to the shore .
"Oh , it's really beautiful ." Liam smiled , Zayn nodded , "Yeah . I hope tomorrow would be warm enough so we can hang here ."
"Oh , we're one hundred percent having a picnic here tomorrow ." Harry nodded , "Maybe get in the lake too ."
"The water is freezing , though ." Louis said , Harry poked his cheek , "Don't be a baby , we'll be fine ."
Liam lit the grill , smiling and thanking Louis when he brought him a jacket . He put the jacket on before placing his arm around Louis' shoulders , "Is everything ready inside ?"
"Yeah , just tell us when to bring it out ." Louis nodded , Liam rubbed his shoulder , "How's school going ?"
"It's fine . Lots of revising . Finals ." Louis leaned his head on Liam's shoulder , "I needed this small break from it ."
"Can't believe you're about to graduate high school ." Liam smiled , "Have you got any response from the school you applied to ?"
"Not yet ." Louis shook his head , "I hope I would get one soon , though ."
"I hope so too ." Liam squeezed him , smiling at Zayn when he brought out two bowls , one with steaks and one with chicken breast . "Do you need anything else , Li ?"
"Um , did we bring the sausages or not ? I can't remember ." Liam said , Zayn put the two bowls on the small table next to the grill , "We brought one package , should I take it out ?"
"Yeah . Do you want to grill onions and tomatos too ?" Liam took his arm off Louis' shoulders and reached for the chicken breast , placing the pieces one by one on the grill with the barbecue forceps .
"I'll go get it ." Louis said and walked into the cabin , Harry was in the kitchen finishing their two salads . He looked up when Louis walked in , "Does Liam need anything else ?"
"Yeah , he'll cook the sausages too , and onions and tomatos ." Louis said and opened the fridge , taking the stuff out and carrying them out carefully .
Harry joined them outside , Mojo and Fuji already by the grill at the smell . "Do we need anything else ?"
"No , we have everything . You all can sit down , it'll take about thirty minutes for everything to be ready ." Liam said and flipped the chicken breast over , Harry took a chair and sat down , pulling Louis to sit on his lap . Louis smiled and turned a bit on his side , leaning against his chest .
"Are you cold ?" Harry asked quietly , Louis traced the collar of his shirt with his finger , "No , I'm good ."
"You sure ?"
Louis nodded , smiling when Harry brought his hand up to kiss his knuckles .
"Hey , look over here ."
The two turned their heads to look at Zayn , who was holding his phone up towards them . Louis hid his face in Harry's neck shyly , Harry wrapped his arms tighter around him and smiled at the camera .
Louis peeked up to make sure Zayn put his phone away , before sitting up , "I'll go get my speaker to put on songs for us ." He got off Harry's lap and walked into the cabin , skipping up the stairs to his and Harry's room .
He opened his suitcase and pulled out the speaker , bluetooth-connecting it to his phone . He returned to the yard and put the speaker on the table , pressing play on one of the playlists .
Harry pulled him back into his lap , chin hooked over his shoulder and arms tight around his waist , "Missed you ."
Louis rolled his eyes , "I was gone for a minute ."
"I still missed you ." He cooed into his neck , "Give me a kiss ."
Louis felt playful , so he tapped his cheek in Harry's direction . Harry pressed a few kisses to his cheek , before manhandling Louis to sit sideways on his lap so he could kiss his lips properly .
Zayn smiled at the couple as he pet Fuji , jumping when Liam squeezed his side , "Come cuddle ." He pulled him closer with one arm around his waist , his other hand holding the barbecue forceps .
"I'm really happy you managed to get a weekend off ." Zayn smiled , tracing Liam's cheek , "It's not like I don't see you , but a full weekend off is something we haven't had in months ."
"I know , I'm happy too ." Liam nodded , turning his head to the grill to flip over the sausages , after being done with the chicken breast . "I'll try to ask for one more often , but I can't promise because of my job . Others need their time off too ."
Zayn cupped the back of his head with both hands , "I know , I'm not complaining . Never ."
Liam smiled and kissed him , when out of nowhere he felt something hitting his back . He pulled back from the kiss and turned around , seeing Louis' shoe on the ground behind him . He turned to look at Louis , "What was that for ?"
"Our dinner is burning ." Louis giggled , high fiving Harry .
Liam sighed out playfully , Zayn chuckled and pulled back to let him take care of their dinner . Liam put the sausages on a metal tray , placing the steaks on the grill and handing Zayn the forceps , "Hold this for a second ."
Zayn took the forceps , Liam grabbed Louis' shoe from the ground and walked over to him , "Give me your foot ."
Louis smiled and lifted his foot up for Liam , thinking he was going to help him put his shoe back on , but Liam only grabbed his ankle and started tickling the bottom of his foot , "This is payback for interrupting us ."
Harry grinned watching Louis laughing , holding him tightly so he wouldn't squirm off his lap .
Liam stopped and grabbed the shoe again , helping Louis' foot into it . Louis kicked his stomach lightly and stuck his tongue out , Liam stuck his tongue out at him and turned to go back to the grill .
Soon enough their dinner was ready , Louis and Harry set the table and the four sat down to eat , giving the leftovers to Mojo and Fuji .
"I'll help you get woods ." Liam patted Harry's shoulder , Harry nodded and the two left Zayn and Louis to take care of the dishes while they set the fire pit .
"Bub , when you're done bring blankets , alright ?" Harry poked his head inside , Louis nodded , "Okay ."
Zayn smiled , "It's really cute that he calls you 'bub' ."
Louis blushed soft pink , smiling down at the plate he was drying , "He's silly ."
"He's in love ." Zayn bumped their hips softly , "On a different note , I forgot to ask you if you already have a file ready with pictures you want to print and sell ."
"Yeah ." Louis nodded , "Finished it two days ago . It's on my laptop ."
"Cool . We'll meet up during the week and I'll show you to the website that I use , it's really simple ." Zayn finished the dishes and helped Louis dry them , Louis nodded , "Okay . Thanks ."
Once done with the dishes the two grabbed two blankets and joined Harry and Liam at the fire pit , the two were sitting on two different garden sofas .
"Ooh , I'll go get the marshmallow ." Zayn handed Liam the blanket and jogged back inside .
Louis sat next to Harry and threw the blanket over their laps , leaning against his side . Harry kissed his temple as he wrapped his arm around his waist , "Are the pups eating the leftovers ?"
"Yeah ." Louis nodded , watching Zayn sitting next to Liam with a bag of marshmallows and wooden skewers , he stabbed two marshmallows on a skewer and handed them around for everyone to roast them .
"I think it's time we head to bed ." Harry smiled softly , looking down at Louis who nodded off on his shoulder . Liam yawned into his palm and nodded , "Yeah , it's getting really late ." He stood up with Zayn , using the bucket of dirt to put out the small fire still burning .
"Want me to help you get him to bed ?" Liam asked Harry , nodding his head towards Louis . Harry shook his head and scooped the small boy in his arms easily , "I've got him , just the pups please . They stay in the living room area ."
Zayn helped the two dogs into the house , waiting for Harry , Louis and Liam to get inside before closing the glass doors and locking them , moving the blinds to cover them .
Harry carried Louis carefully up the stairs to their room , laying him down on the bed . He toed his shoes off by the door before sitting at Louis' feet , pulling his shoes off for him .
Louis stirred and looked up , Harry smiled , "Hey sleepy . I think you should shower before falling back asleep , we both smell like smoke and barbecue ."
"'m sleepy ." Louis whined quietly , Harry crawled above him and kissed his cheek a few times . "Want me to get in shower with you ?"
Louis fluttered his eyes open as he blushed , a smile spreading on his lips . "Okay ."
Harry kissed his cheek once more before moving off , Louis tiredly slipped out of bed and followed Harry to the bathroom .
"Harr - ... Hazzie ."
Harry snapped his head up at the nickname , a wide smile spread on his lips . "Hazzie ?" He walked over to Louis and put his hands on his waist , pulling him closer . Louis blushed deeper and nodded , "Yeah . Hazzie . 's your nickname ."
"How did you come up with this ?" Harry bumped his nose with Louis' forehead , Louis help his biceps , "I - I always say 'Harry has a big heart' . So uh , Harry hazza big heart . Hazza , Hazzie . Like Harry ."
Harry bit his lower lip with a grin on his face , "You're really fucking adorable ." He pressed their lips together , kissing Louis breathless . He pulled back and pecked the tip of his nose . "Did you want to ask me something ?"
Louis bit his lower lip , nodding , "Yeah . Um - b-boxers are fine , right ?"
"Of course , love ." Harry nodded , he pecked his lips once more before pulling away to take his clothes off . He pulled his shirt over his head , Louis turned to the shower and turned the tap on for the water to get warm , then started taking his clothes off .
The couple were undressed to their boxers , Harry left the bathroom quickly to fetch their towels , Louis stared at his back muscles and wide shoulders , shivering slightly (and not from the cold) .
When Harry returned he put their towels neatly on the conter top , Louis put his hand on his elbow to catch his attention . Harry turned to him , he opened his mouth to talk but before he could make a sound Louis grabbed the elastic of his boxers and slid them off .
And , Louis was beautiful . It was the first time he saw him fully , and he was breathtaking . Louis blushed deep red and turned to the shower stream , "Don't stare too much ." He mumbled before stepping in under the shower head .
Harry scrambled to push his boxers off , kicking them to the side along with their dirty clothes . He stood behind Louis , bringing his hands to rest on his waist . "'s this okay ?"
Louis nodded and took Harry's arms , pulling him closer and shivering at the feeling . Harry kissed the back of his head , then dropped a kiss to his shoulder . "You're so beautiful ." He kept his hands on Louis' tummy , knowing that it wasn't Louis' intention for them to get any further .
Louis reached for the shampoo bottle , turning around in Harry's arms . He poured shampoo into his hands and started massaging Harry's hair , giggling gently when he made his hair stick up in every direction . Harry smiled as he let Louis take his time , before leaning his head back to wash the shampoo off , running his hand through his hair a few times .
Harry used the same shampoo on Louis , pressing soft kisses around his face as he massaged his hair , making him scrunch his nose and laugh .
"I'll do your back ." Louis turned Harry around , washing his back with body soap while Harry washed his arms and front . He loved his massive back and wide shoulders , taking his time with the soap .
"Turn around ." Harry grabbed the soap , Louis washed his arms while Harry washed his back , giggling when he tickled him around his waist .
Once done they stood under the shower head , Louis looked at his hands . "We should get out , I have grandpa hands ." He showed Harry his wrinked palm , Harry kissed his hand and turned the tap off , reaching out of the shower to grab a towel , wrapping it around Louis .
Louis shivered as he stepped out of the shower and onto the rug , Harry followed with a towel around his waist . They dried quickly and walked into their room , Louis pulled clothes out of his small suitcase and dressed quickly to stay warm .
He went back into the bathroom and smiled when he saw Harry brushing his teeth , he grabbed his own toothbrush and let out a tiny squeak when Harry pressed a foam-filled smooch to his cheek , laughing at his reaction .
"Mean ." Louis elbowed him in the ribs , washing the foam from his cheek . Harry finished and walked out of the bathroom to the bed , Louis brushed his teeth and went to bed , smiling when Harry patted his lap , "Come here ."
He let Harry pull him to straddle his lap as he leaned back against the bedpost , Louis put his hands on his shoulders . "Thank you for not t-trying to do anything , or push me to it ." He rubbed his thumbs against the fronts of his shoulders , Harry leaned in and kissed him , "Don't thank me for something like this , bubbie . I'll never force you into anything you're not comfortable with ."
"I know ." Louis nodded , bringing his hands to Harry's cheeks and leaning in to kiss him . Harry wrapped his arms tighter around his waist , gripping him close to his chest . He could feel Louis against his crotch , pulling back just a tiny bit to talk while their foreheads and noses are pressed together , "Bub ."
Louis bit his lower lip as he blushed , Harry gave him a gentle smile , "Will you let me help you ?" He whispered against his lips , Louis nodded and pressed another kiss to his lips , feeling one of Harry's arms unwrapping from around him and going down to his front .
"So good , bub . Amazing ." Harry whispered as Louis pulled his hand out of the front of his boxers , pulling his own hand out of Louis' boxers . "So amazing . Felt so good ."
Louis nodded , cheeks flushed as he caught his breath . "I - I ... I uh , it was - it was really good ."
Harry smiled , pressing a tender kiss to his bitten red lips . "Let's - let's go change our boxers and go to sleep . It's really late ."
Louis nodded , slowly moving off Harry's lap and stepping off the bed on wobbly legs , making Harry smile at him before he stood up from the bed , reaching for a new pair of boxers .
Once they both changed (and washed their hands) they settled back in bed under the covers , Harry held his arms open , "Come cuddle ."
Louis bit his lower lip playfully , before shaking his head , "We were attached all day today , I need a break from you ." He said as he turned to lie with his back to Harry , pressing his hand to his lips to stop himself from laughing .
Harry's jaw fell open in surprise , "You little - get here right now ." He grabbed his tiny waist in his large hands , pulling him into his chest as he tickled his sides and belly , "How dare you deny my cuddle ??"
Louis squirmed around the bed , laughing as quietly as he could , "Okay , okay , stop !"
"Say you're sorry ." Harry slowed down the tickles , though still digging into his sides softly to keep him laughing . Louis grabbed his hands , "I-I'm sorry , please , stop ." He giggled heartedly , Harry stopped , "That's right , you should be sorry ."
"You're a monster ." Louis wrapped his arms around his sides to shield himself , Harry smiled and held his arms open , "Turn around and cuddle me already ."
Louis shifted around to press against his chest , Harry put his arms around him and rubbed his back softly , "Good night bubbie ."
"Good night ."
"Good night ... ?"
"Good night , Hazzie ."
"That's better ."
Hope you liked it x
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