Ch. 41
Enjoy x
"But - but I haven't seen you at all this week ." Louis mumbled into the phone .
"I know , it's just been extra-extra busy ." Harry sighed , "I'm sorry love . I'll try my best , but I also have to work ."
Louis bit his lower lip , "Okay . We'll talk tomorrow ?"
"Yes , I'll call you when I can . Sorry again , love you bub ."
"Love you ."
They hung up , Louis sighed and put his phone down . It's been six days since he's seen Harry , and as much as he wanted to see his boyfriend he knew Harry was fully committed to the bakery , so he didn't complain . Not much , at least .
He pouted and settled down in his bed under the covers , bringing his blanket up to his chin to stay warm .
It was four days later , Louis decided to take a bus and go visit Harry at the bakery after school . After a twenty minutes ride he got off at his station and walked to the bakery a few stores away .
He walked in and smiled nicely at Samantha , who was behind the desk . Samantha smiled back , "Hi Louis , haven't seen you lately . You doing good ?"
Louis nodded , "Yeah . U-uhm , is Harry here ?"
Samantha nodded , "He's in his office ." She pointed her thumb backwards over her shoulder , Louis thanked her and walked behind the desk to the back . From inside the office he could hear Harry talking quite loudly .
He knocked softly on the door , though Harry kept talking - probably couldn't hear it . He knocked again a bit louder , frowning when Harry groaned and called him to come in .
Harry looked up as the door opened , jaw clenching when he saw Louis walking in . He sighed out and ran his hands over his face , "For god's sake , Lou , what are you doing here ?"
Louis bit his lower lip , "I - I wanted to visit you . See if I can help ."
"No , I'm sorry , there's nothing you can do to help ." Harry shook his head , "Please , just go home ."
"But I - you - you're stressed ." Louis walked closer to his desk , "I can help you ."
"Don't make me repeat myself ." Harry shook his head .
Louis' frown deepened . "Why are you like this ? I'm here to help y-"
"Louis , for fuck's sake , just go , okay ? You can't help and you're being very annoying . Just go , I'm stressed out enough without you here ." Harry glared at him ; he couldn't even process his own words coming out of his mouth .
Without saying another word , Louis turned on his heels and walked out of Harry's office , tears stinging his eyes and a lump in his throat .
For some reason , he couldn't put all of the blame on Harry . He knew Harry was stressed , yet still pushed his buttons when he knew he shouldn't have .
Later that day , after Louis stopped crying and refused to tell Geoff what was wrong , he went downstairs to the living room , where Geoff was sitting watching TV . He wordlessly lied on the couch and put his head on Geoff's lap , Geoff gave him a light smile , "Hey there ."
"Hi ." Louis whispered back , Geoff moved Louis' fringe from his forehead , "You don't have to tell me , and we don't have to talk . I just want you to know that everything will be better soon , I promise you it will ."
Louis looked up at him with glossy eyes , he swallowed thickly , "H-Harry and I had a fight ."
Geoff nodded , "It's hard to fight with someone you love . But that's what every couple who care about each other goes through . No fight , no love ."
"I h-hate it ." Louis whispered , his lower lip trembling as he tried not to cry again .
"I know it feels bad . But you come out of these situations stronger and wiser , you learn for the future . Everything is going to be okay ." Geoff wiped the corner of his eye , "Don't let yourself drown in the pain , pick up the pieces and try to fix it , no matter who's fault it is . If you both care about each other , you wouldn't let one fight end your relationship . And I'm pretty confident that you two love each other very much ."
Louis sighed and nodded , he wiped his eyes and sat up , giving Geoff a faint smile , "Thanks ."
Geoff pinched his cheek softly , "Anytime ."
It was the day after , Louis walked out of the school building at the end of his classes , frowning when he saw Harry waiting for him . He slowly stopped walking , Harry lifted his sunglasses to rest ontop of his head and straightened up with the bouquet of flowers , taking a few steps towards Louis , who was a good thirty feet away from him .
Louis looked away from him ; he didn't want to be disrespectful , completely ignore him and just walk over to the bus stop , so he stood there as Harry walked over to him .
When Harry reached him he reached out to hold his hand , but Louis slowly pulled his hand back . Harry's heart clenched , but he couldn't complain - he was an arsehole to him , he deserved it .
"Hi love ." He said quietly and handed him the bouquet , Louis eyed the flowers before reaching his hands out and taking the bouquet without saying anything . Harry decided to try again , he held hia hand out for Louis to take , "Come on , I'll drop you off at home ."
Louis looked down at his offered hand , but shook his head and started walking towards his car . Harry took a deep breath to collect himself before following the smaller boy , the two got into the car and Harry started driving .
After a few minutes of silence , Harry stopped at a red light and turned his attention to Louis , "Bubbie ."
Louis stopped tracing the flowers petals and turned his head towards him , though looked down at the gear shift between them . Harry reached his hand out slowly , his fingers grazed Louis' elbow just a bit . "I'm taking you out tonight . Be ready at seven ."
Louis bit his lower lip though said nothing , a few seconds later he nodded and turned back to his flowers . Harry turned back to the road and clenched his jaw ; he desperately wanted to tell Louis how sorry he was for the day before , and for the past two weeks in general . Wanted to hold him and kiss him , wanted to tell him how much he loved him and how much he cared about him .
They reached Louis' house , Harry parked in front of the house and watched as Louis grabbed his school bag and flowers , and opened the door .
"Lou ."
Louis jumped out of the car and turned to Harry , Harry gave him a gentle smile . "I love you . See you tonight ."
Louis was ready a few minutes before seven , he went downstairs and got himself a glass of water . Geoff gave him a smile , "Is he taking you out ?"
"Yes ." Louis nodded , "In a bit ."
Geoff nodded , "Okay . It's still a school night , try not to get home late . And text me incase you're staying over at his place ."
Louis blushed softly but nodded , taking his glass with him to the living room . He texted Liam a bit , he told him about his fight with Harry though didn't give away any details of what was said between them , and asked for his advice .
Before he knew it , it was seven p.m , and there was a knock on the door . Louis stood up from the couch and put on his jacket , walking to the door and opening it , seeing Harry standing there .
"Hi . Ready to go ?" Harry smiled and held his hand out , Louis nodded and stepped out of the house , closing the door behind him . He turned to Harry and slowly took his hand , Harry brought his hand up to kiss his knuckles and walked them down the pathway to his car .
Harry opened the passenger's door for Louis , Louis said a quiet 'thank you' and got in , letting Harry close the door behind him . He looked at the backseat , seeing a few things there ; blankets , pillows , a backpack , a white box with the bakery's logo ontop .
"It's for later . " Harry said as he started the car , "Want to guess where we're going ?"
Louis looked once more at the backseat , pink blush spreading on his cheeks . "Th-the - the hill above the city ?" He asked quietly , "The one from New Years ?"
"Ding ding ding , that's a correct answer ." Harry smiled .
Harry parked the car at the top of the hill , he got out of the driver's seat and went to the back , opening it . Louis followed , watching as Harry organized the back of the car into a small blanket fort , placing the pillows around it and pulling snacks and drinks from the backpack , placing them near the bakery's box .
He turned to Louis , "Shoes off ." He sat inside and pulled his shoes off , Louis followed and let Harry take his shoes for him . They sat cross-legged in front of each other , their knees touching , Harry's hands holding Louis' small ones .
"I'm sorry . I'm really sorry , baby ." Harry brought Louis' hand up to kiss the back of it , "I've been having a hard time at work and I never meant to take it out on you . I usually go to the gym and do some boxing , or go for a run , it helps me clear my mind and settle down my stress . But I wasn't able to in the past few days , and it got bottled up , and I'm really , really sorry . I love you so much ."
"I - I'm sorry I annoyed you ." Louis said quietly , "I -"
"No . No ." Harry shook his head and cupped Louis' face , "You didn't annoy me at all , I promise you . I was being an arse , you didn't do anything wrong . You wanted to help ."
Louis bit his lower lip , his hands holding Harry's wrists , "You hurt me ."
"I know . I'm really sorry , bub . After you left yesterday I called my uncle , and he gave me some tools on how to handle my job . He really helped me , gave me some tips and advice from his own experience . So I'm building a schedule so manage my time at work , and um , I - I would love for you to help , if you're up for it ."
"I am ." Louis nodded , Harry leaned a bit forward and pressed their foreheads together , "Thank you . I love you ."
"I love you too ." Louis nodded , he placed his hands on Harry's jawline and caressed his cheeks gently , Harry moved his hands down to hold his waist , leaning his head closer to press his lips to Louis' .
Louis smiled into their kiss , Harry felt the stretch and smiled back , "Come closer . I'm in need of a cuddle ." He picked Louis up a bit , Louis shifted to sit on Harry's crossed legs with his knees on each side of Harry's body .
Harry held his waist tightly in his arms as he kept pressing kisses to his lips , Louis wrapped his arms around his shoulders and neck , "Can I - can I see what's in the box ?"
"Not yet ." Harry mumbled into their kiss , "Want to kiss you some more ."
Louis smiled and grabbed Harry's cheeks , pulling him away . Harry pouted his lips and leaned forward , making Louis giggle and lean backwards playfully .
Harry huffed and wrestled Louis down , laying him on his back as he pressed quick kisses all over his face . "Let me love youuuuuu ."
Louis laughed and pushed him away half-heartedly , Harry pressed one last kiss to his lips before sitting up , "If you want a cupcake you're going to have to kiss me properly , bubba ."
"Do I have to ?" Louis sassed , though his smile gave away the playfullness . Harry gaped at him , "How rude of you ." He dug his fingers into his waist softly , tickling the smaller boy as Louis laughed and squirmed , barely able to fight Harry off .
Harry stopped and leaned down to kiss his cheek , then reached out to the box sitting aside . Louis caught his breath , his arms still wrapped around his middle to shield himself from any more tickles , Harry opened the box and took a cupcake out , "Sit up , bub ."
Louis shifted to sit up against the pillows and took the cupcake from Harry , Harry took himself a cupcake aswell and sat next to Louis , "Are you cold ?"
"A bit ." Louis mumbled around a mouthfull of cupcake , Harry handed Louis his cupcake , "Hold it ." He reached for a soft blanket and draped it over the two of them , taking his cupcake from Louis .
Louis was nodding off in the back of Harry's car , his head on Harry's chest . Harry had one arm around his shoulders , the other one caressing his back up and down .
"Bubbie ." Harry whispered against the top of his head , Louis hummed back and fluttered his eyes open . Harry kissed his head , "Let's go home , it's almost eleven p.m . You have school tomorrow ."
Louis groaned a bit but nodded , Harry squeezed him once before pulling back , "Want to come over ? Stay the night ?" He asked , smiling as Louis nodded and sat up .
They put their shoes back on , Harry waited for Louis to settle in the passenger's seat before covering him in a blanket , "Text your dad you're staying over ."
Louis pulled his phone out and texted Geoff , he got a reply quickly and put his phone down , nodding off as Harry started driving .
A short while later Harry parked in his driveway , cooing quietly at how adorable Louis looked . He got out of the driver's seat and went to the passenger's side , opening the door . He unbuckled Louis' seatbelt and picked him up , still wrapped in the blanket , and kicked the door shut with his foot .
Louis stirred and hummed as his eyes fluttered open , Harry squeezed him , "Shh , I'm getting you to bed ." He said softly , Louis shook his head , "I can walk . Need to change my clothes ." He squirmed a bit , Harry put him down in front of the door and unlocked it , "Get in , I'll get the stuff from the car and be there in a minute ."
Louis nodded and opened the door , smiling tiredly when Mojo and Fuji greeted him happily . He pet them and walked up the stairs with the two following him , he put the blanket down at the end of the bed and kicked his shoes off , going to Harry's closet . He took out a pair of sweatpants his size and one of Harry's jumpers , he changed quickly and went to brush his teeth . He could hear Harry from downstairs , and soon enough he walked into the room .
"Bub ?" Harry called as he threw his shoes and clothes off , Louis hummed from the bathroom around his toothbrush before washing his mouth , he walked out of the bathroom and blushed softly at the sight of Harry standing in front of his closet only in his boxers .
Harry turned to him and smiled , "Get in , I'll join you in a bit ." He said and pulled on his sweatpants and went to brush his teeth , Louis got into bed after plugging his phone into the charger . He settled on his side and smiled when Mojo lied at his feet , Harry got in next to him and turned the lights off , "Come here ."
Louis shifted closer and sighed in content at the feeling of Harry's arms around him , he pressed his head to his chest and giggled a bit in surprise when Harry's hand crawled under his shirt , sending ticklish shivers up his side .
Harry kissed the top of his head , "I love you , bubbie ."
"I love you ." Louis mumbled back into his chest , falling asleep seconds later .
Hope you liked it x
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