Ch. 36

Enjoy x


"Did you finish packing ?" Harry asked as he zipped his suitcase closed , Louis went into the bathroom , "Just a minute ."

Harry smiled and took his time putting his shoes on and looking around the room one more time to make sure they wouldn't forget anything .

Louis packed his toiletries and put it inside his suitcase , having a bit of difficulty with zipping it closed . Harry walked over and leaned down on his suitcase , Louis smiled and zipped it , "Thanks ."

Harry smiled back and took Louis' suitcase off the bed , "We'll leave the suitcases at the reception and go out for breakfast , then we need to get a taxi to the train station ."

Louis nodded and put his shoes on , he made sure he had everything with him before looking back at the room , pouting a bit ; he was having such an amazing time in Paris , he didn't want it to end .

Harry put his arm around his waist and kissed his cheek a few times , "We'll go on more trips , I promise ." Louis smiled up at him and nodded , the two grabbed all of their things and walked out of the room .


"Waffles today ?" Harry looked down at the menu , Louis smiled and nodded , "With milkshakes ?"

"Oh , definitely . Was thinking of trying this banana and strawberry milkshake . Which one do you want ?" Harry put his menu down when Louis pointed at his milkshake , "The oreo milkshake ."

Harry nodded , "It looks really good . Do you want chocolate or maple syrup on your waffle ?"

Louis bit his lower lip , "Maple ."

Harry grabbed his hand across the table , "Alright bub ." He smiled , and just as he went to talk again the waitress came over to collect their orders . Harry gave her their orders and thanked her before she left , then turned back to Louis .

"I just wanted to say that it means so much to me that you trust me , and talk to me . I take none of it for granted . I'm sad too that our trip is about to end , but I had the best time I could ever have ."

Louis smiled and squeezed Harry's hand , "Thank you for being there . It means more than you think ."

Harry kissed the back of his hand , before standing up and joining Louis on the same side of the booth . He lifted his head up and let Louis cuddle into his side , he fit his arms around his waist and kissed his forehead , "Are Liam and Geoff picking us up ?"

Louis shook his head , "Liam is at the firestation , and dad is working late ." He pouted a bit , Harry poked his cheek gently , "Don't worry about it , we'll get a taxi , go see your dad , and then we'll go see Liam too if you're not too tired ."

"Yes please ." Louis grinned , Harry pecked his lips quickly before turning to thank the waitress who brought them their milkshakes .


After breakfast they went back to the hotel to get their suitcases , and got into a taxi to the train station . Louis was already growing sleepy , Harry smiled and rubbed his thumb on the back of his hand , "We'll be on the train soon , then you'll have enough time to nap ."

Louis smiled back and nodded , not resisting the yawn escaping his lips .

Thirty minutes later they reached the station , Harry paid the driver who helped them take their suitcases out of the trunk . They went through security quickly and found their gate , Harry nodded towards a seat , "Sit here bub , I'll go buy us water bottles ."

Louis bit his lower lip worriedly at the thought of being left alone , Harry kissed his forehead then his cheek , "I'll be right over there in the store , alright ? It'll take less than five minutes , text me whenever ."

"Okay ." Louis nodded lightly , Harry kissed his cheek again and made sure Louis was sat comfortably with the two suitcases right next to him , before going into the store . He quickly bought two water bottles , and before going back he made another stop to buy them a few mini-muffins .

He went back to Louis , who gave him a relieved smile , then looked down at the small box in his hand . Harry smiled and handed it to Louis , "Hold it ."

Louis took the box , Harry put the two water bottles inside his backpack and turned back to Louis , "Brought us muffins , couldn't resist when I saw them ."

Louis chuckled quietly and opened the box a bit , and if he weren't still full from breakfast he would have taken one , but he didn't want to get sick on the train . He closed the box and looked up at Harry , who was on his phone .

"Harry ."

Harry looked up from his phone , Louis scooted over a bit in his seat and patted the half-seat , Harry smiled and sat down next to his smaller boyfriend , linking their arms together . At first he was confused , then Louis leaned closer to his ear . "There's a guy staring at me ."

Harry's face hardened , he placed a possessive hand on his thigh , "Where ?"

"Gray sweater . Black suitcase . On our right ." Louis squeezed his fingers a bit into Harry's bicep , Harry looked up and quickly found the guy shamelessly staring at Louis . The guy looked back at him , Harry raised his eyebrows at him as if asking what he wanted . The guy just looked away .

"He's not looking anymore ." Harry assured Louis , Louis nodded and leaned his cheek on his shoulder .

Soon enough they went through the gate , got on the first class carriage and sat in their seats . Harry smiled when Louis yawned again , he kissed the side of his head , "Get some rest , love ."

Louis put his head on his shoulder , and just before falling asleep he lifted his head up to peck Harry's cheek . Harry smiled and held his hand as he napped , letting himself sleep for a bit aswell .


"I'm coming home , I'm coming home , tell the world I'm coming hooooome ." Harry sang as he and Louis made their way off the train and to the exit , Louis laughed and grabbed his free hand as they walked through all the people .

The two made it out of the train station , when their eyes landed on ... Zayn ?

"Heard you two needed a lift back home ." Zayn gave the two a smile , the couple grinned back at him . Louis wrapped his arms around him in a hug , Zayn rubbed his back , "I was thinking about asking if you had a good time , but I think the answer is rhetorical , judging by the pictures you sent us and posted on your Instagram ."

Louis laughed and nodded , before biting his lower lip and squeezing Zayn lightly . "Thank you ."

"Oh shit-" Zayn pulled back quickly to look at Louis with wide eyes , Louis smiled at him and nodded , "Thank you ."

Zayn wordlessly pulled him into another tight hug , Harry grinned at them and pulled his phone out to take a picture .

"What the- when- was I- what ??" Zayn pulled back , Louis smiled with tears in his eyes , "U-uhm , yeah . I'm getting back there , slowly ."

"Oh Lou ." Zayn pulled him into yet another hug , "I'm so happy . Wait ! Does Liam know ? Your dad ? Do they know ?"

Louis shook his head , "No . Want to surprise them too ."

"Okay ." Zayn smiled and kissed his temple before pulling back , "Fuck , you got me all emotional ." He dried his eyes and turned to hug Harry , "How much did you cry when he talked ?"

"Cried so much , for like an hour straight ." Harry chuckled and patted Zayn's shoulder , Zayn laughed a bit , "Relatable ."

They pulled back , Zayn took Louis' suitcase from him , "My car is parked down the street , let's go , looks like it's going to rain soon ."

The three walked side by side , once at Zayn's car they loaded the trunk and got into the car , Louis went into the backseat and Harry sat in the passenger's .

"We have quite a ride back , so if you two need a nap you can take your time ." Zayn pulled out of the parking spot , "Also Liam asked to see you two , so just before I take you back home we'll make a quick stop at the firestation ."

Harry looked at the backseat and smiled , "You still sleepy , bub ?"

"A bit ." Louis smiled back at him , Harry handed him his coat , "You can use it as a blanket , or bunch in up into a pillow ." Louis thanked him and took the coat , wrapping it around himself as he lied down across the backseat on his side and closed his eyes , letting the hum of the car to lull him into a light nap .

Zayn smiled at Louis through the rearview mirror , then turned to Harry , "Feel free not to share , but I'm a bit curious about what he said the first time he talked to you ."

Harry smiled , "He , uh - we were sitting in front of the Eiffel Tower , and we kissed , he was in my lap and he spoke right into my face - told me he loves me ." Harry grinned , "Hearing him saying my name for the first time made my insides melt ."

"God , you two are so precious ." Zayn chuckled , "I want to be there when Liam cries like a baby ."

Harry laughed quietly , looking back at Louis to make sure he was comfy , "Oh yeah , he will definitely cry like a baby ."


"Hey , sleepyhead ." Zayn smiled at Louis through the rearview as Louis sat up , Louis rubbed his eyes , "We there ?"

"Ten more minutes ." Harry said and handed Louis a water bottle , Louis took it , "Firestation first , right ?"

"Yeah , we're almost there ." Zayn nodded .

Louis rolled his shoulders a bit and twisted his torso , letting out a soft whine . Harry turned to him , "What's wrong ?"

"My back hurts ." Louis leaned back into the seat and pulled Harry's coat closer , Harry smiled , "I'll give you a massage when we get home , promise ."

Soon Zayn parked in front of the firestation , and Liam was already waiting for them at the front .

The three unloaded from the car , Louis grinned and speed-walked up to Liam , who walked over aswell and caught Louis into a cuddle , picking him up off his feet . Louis chuckled and squeezed his arms around his shoulders , Liam spinned them in a circle , "You're baaack !"

Zayn and Harry watched the two with wide smiles on their faces , waiting almost impatiently for Louis to talk to him .

Liam put Louis down on his feet , "I'm guessing you had a great trip ?"

Louis nodded into his shoulder , then pulled back to look at him . He kept his hands on his shoulders and gave him a soft smile , "I love you , Li ."

Liam's jaw dropped in shock , eyes widening . He couldn't find it in him to speak . He grabbed Louis' head in his hands and looked into his eyes , Louis grinned with glossy eyes , "I love you so much ."

"I love you so so much , Lou ." Liam wrapped his arms around Louis and pressed his face into his hair , "God , I love you so much ." He let his tears wet Louis' hair , Louis rubbed his back softly . "Don't cry ."

Liam laughed softly into his hair , "You talk to me for the first time in years and tell me not to cry ? How heartless ." He squeezed him into his chest , Louis smiled and looked up at him , Liam kissed his forehead , "Love you ."

"Love you ."

He took a deep breath and let go of Louis , wiping his cheeks and turning to Zayn and Harry , who smiled at him .

"Knew you were going to cry like a baby ." Zayn teased as Liam gave Harry a hug , Liam shot him a glare , "Don't judge . Bet you two were the same ."

"You have no idea ." Harry smiled and pulled back from the hug , Liam greeted Zayn with a kiss , "Thanks for picking them up ."

"It was more than okay . And more than worth it ." Zayn nodded and wiped under his eyes , pecking his lips again .

Liam smiled at him and turned to Louis and Harry , who were cuddling to keep themselves warm , "Do you want to come in for coffee , or you're tired and want to go home ?"

Louis looked up at Harry , who smiled at him and turned back to Liam , "I think we'll go home , we need a proper shower . We also have Geoff to surprise , aswell ."

Liam nodded and opened his arms for Louis , "One more cuddle ."

Louis smiled and walked into his arms , the two brothers snuggled for a bit longer before Liam let go , "Go home , I'll see you tomorrow yeah ?"

"Okay ." Louis nodded , Liam kissed his temple and turned to say goodbye to Zayn , before the three loaded back into the car .


Louis took a deep breath as he opened the door to his house , Harry following right behind him with Louis' suitcase .

Geoff walked out of the living room and smiled at the two , "Welcome home ."

Louis grinned and went to hug him , Harry smiled at him and put Louis' suitcase down by the front . "I'll go make us some tea , go sit in the living room ."

"Thanks ." Geoff smiled and walked with Louis to the living room , he sat down and Louis sat right next to him .

"Did you have a good trip to Paris ?" Geoff asked and brushed Louis' fringe from his forehead , Louis smiled widely and nodded , leaning his head on his shoulder . Geoff leaned his head on Louis' head , "I'm really proud of you , you know that ? You've come so far , you're more adventurous and open , and that makes me really happy ."

Louis nodded against his shoulder before looking up a bit , giving him a smile , "I love you dad ."

Geoff looked down at him , eyebrows raised in surprise . He let out a sigh and shut his eyes , pinching the bridge of his nose to try and stop his tears . Louis smiled softly and hugged him , Geoff wrapped his arms around him and rubbed his back .

Louis pulled back and smiled , Geoff caressed his cheek , "I love you too ." 

Harry walked into the living room with a tray with three mugs , he put it on the table , "Geoff this is yours , Lou this one's yours ." He took the mugs off the tray , the two thanked him . Harry sat next to Louis on the couch , Geoff turned to him , "Harry , who did you leave your dogs with ?"

"My sister Gemma , she took them to her house two days before we left , she'll bring them back in a few days when she gets a bit of time off work ." Harry said , letting Louis grab his hand to play with his rings .

Geoff nodded , then turned to Louis , "So I know you have school tomorrow , but you've already missed the whole week , and tomorrow is Friday , you don't have to go but I want you to get updated on what you missed ."

Louis nodded , then turned to sit with his back towards Harry . Harry smiled and started massaging his thumbs into his back , Geoff smiled at them before yawning widely , "I'm sorry boys but I'm really tired , had a long day ." He took his mug from the table and blew on it , then sipped slowly . "I'll go start getting ready for bed ."

The couple nodded , Louis took his mug from the table aswell and sipped on his tea , then turned his head a bit to Harry . "Harry ."

"Yes bub ."

"Uhm , can I - sleep over ?" He asked quietly , pink blush spreading on his cheeks . Harry smiled , "Of course you can bubba , you don't even need to ask ." He scooted closer and wrapped his arms around his waist , leaning his chin on his shoulder , "Let's go unpack your suitcase first , because I know your lazy arse wouldn't unpack it for like two more weeks until you run out of clothes ."

Louis laughed and nodded , he took another sip of his tea before putting the mug back on the table , he stood up from the couch and stretched his arms up .

Harry took his mug from the table while Louis took his and Geoff's empty mugs to the sink , he sipped on his tea and stood up to follow Louis and finish his tea on the way .

"Let's go unpack quickly so we can go shower and sleep ." Harry said and put his almost empty mug in the sink , before going to the front to get Louis' suitcase .


"Go shower while I unpack ." Harry nudged Louis towards his bathroom ; they were now at Harry's place , and Louis was getting sleepier every passing minute .

Louis grabbed clothes and went into the bathroom , while Harry placed his suitcase on the bed and started unpacking . He shoved the clothes into the laundry basket and put his shoes by the door , then the toiletries aside to put in the bathroom after Louis finished showering .

He put the empty suitcase aside and sighed out , taking his shirt off . He picked his phone up , furrowing his eyebrows when he saw Louis sent him a video ten minutes ago , most likely right before getting into the shower .

He opened the video and chuckled lightly when he realized it was a video of his reaction to Louis talking . He grinned as he watched the video a few times , looking up when the bathroom door opened and Louis walked out .

"Sneaky little one , recorded my reaction ." Harry teased and brought Louis to stand between his knees , his arms around him . Louis smiled sleepily and cupped the sides of his head , "I had to ."

Harry smiled and pressed his face into his tummy , rubbing his nose against him . Louis let out a giggle and pushed his head away , Harry smiled , "Get in bed , I'll shower really quickly ." He stood up from the bed and moved the soft covers back for him , Louis got into bed and watched Harry walking into the bathroom , not bothering to close the door all the way , which made him blush and turn with his back towards it as he pulled the covers over himself .

He was falling asleep quicker than he thought , because it felt like barely a minute before he felt Harry settling down behind him . He turned to face him , Harry opened his arms , "Come closer ."

Louis scooted closer and cupped his cheek , bringing him down into a kiss . Harry hummed and kissed him back , Louis smiled , "Good night ."

"Good night , bubba ."


Hope you liked it x


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