Ch. 33
Enjoy x
"Are you excited ?" Liam asked , watching Louis packing his suitcase . Louis smiled softly and nodded , biting his lower lip as he pulled out of his closet more clothes .
Liam shifted in his laying spot on Louis' bed , now leaned back against the headboard , "But a good kind of excited , right ?"
Again , Louis nodded , then grabbed his phone and typed in , showing it to Liam .
yeah, but at the same time im a bit scared. first time out of the uk and all
Liam nodded , "Yeah , it can be pretty scary . But you have Harry with you ." He smiled , then pouted , "God I'm really jealous of you . Paris on Valentine's , this is picture perfect ."
Louis chuckled and started folding his clothes properly , fitting them into outfits one by one .
"Do you need me to help you with anything ?" Liam asked , Louis gave him a smile but shook his head , grabbing his phone to type in .
i have pretty much everything i need, ill be fine
"Alright ." Liam nodded , "When's your train tomorrow ?"
Louis handed Liam his phone , showing him the text of details Harry sent him . Liam took the phone , "So your train leaves at eleven , and it's about two hours away from here . Oh and you have security and stuff to go through , and boarding , so you need to be there like an hour and a half earlier . So uhh ... that means we're leaving at like seven in the morning . Then from London to Paris it takes like two and a half hours , so you'll be at your hotel around three in the afternoon if you include the time from when you get off the train and get a taxi . That's a decent hour , hopefully the weather is nice and not too cold ." He handed Louis his phone back .
Louis took his phone and typed in his notes , handing it to Liam .
harry and i checked the weather this morning and it said tomorrow the 13th is cloudy, the 14th is sunny but still chilly, and the 15th is rainy
Liam nodded , "Did he tell you where you're going in Paris ? Like specific places ? Or is he being a bum and keeping it a surprise ?"
Louis laughed and typed in his phone .
he only said the Eiffel Tower on the 14th and an Aquarium on the 15th , the rest i think we'll just make up on the spot
"I'm so happy for you ." Liam smiled , "I'm proud of you , how far you've come . You should be proud of yourself ."
Louis woke up early in the morning , and he couldn't help the smile immediately spreading on his lips . He was laying in bed quietly for barely a minute before the door opened , Liam walked in and started jumping on his bed , "Time to get uuup !"
Louis groaned , Liam grabbed one of the pillows and smacked him lightly a few times , "Get up , get up , get up , get up ." He put the pillow down , "Dad and I are making breakfast , come downstairs , Harry is joining us soon ." Liam said before leaving the room .
Louis sighed and tucked himself tighter under the covers , closing his eyes and relaxing . About ten minutes later the door opened again , Louis groaned and grabbed a pillow , throwing it at the door .
"Woah , hey , what's that for ?"
Louis looked up and laughed when he saw Harry , Harry chuckled and put the pillow down on the bed , toeing his shoes off , "Why were you trying to kill me ?"
Louis grabbed his phone from the night stand and opened his notes , squinting a bit as he typed in and showed it to Harry , who crawled into bed next to him .
thought you were liam coming to bug me to get out of bed
Harry laughed , before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to Louis' cheek , "I'm really excited ."
Louis smiled and nodded , rolling closer to Harry and leaning his head on his shoulder . Harry put his arm around him over the blanket , bringing him closer , "Are you fully packed ?" He rubbed his back , Louis nodded and let his arm rest over Harry's middle .
Harry squeezed him before tilting his head up for a kiss , Louis whined and pursed his lips together , turning his head away . Harry chuckled , "Oi , give me a kiss , I don't care about morning breath at this point ."
Louis shook his head and pushed Harry's face away , making a quick move to roll out of bed and run to his bathroom , knowing if he stayed in bed longer Harry would probably wrestle him down for a kiss .
He washed his face and brushed his teeth , walking out of the bathroom and back to his room . Harry was still laying in bed , and opened his arms as Louis walked into the room , "Now can I have my kiss ?"
Louis walked over and lied in bed next to him , Harry cupped his cheek and kissed him softly , chuckling when Louis' stomach growled . He sat up and lifted Louis over his shoulder , holding him tightly as he carried him down the stairs to the kitchen .
"Brought a package ." Harry smiled as he entered the kitchen , placing Louis ontop on the counter . Louis pouted at him , Harry smiled and kissed his cheek .
"Break it up , lovebirds , you two need to eat now . We're leaving to the train station soon ." Geoff said with a smile as he and Liam placed the food on the table .
Harry helped Louis off the counter and the four sat around the table , Louis couldn't keep the smile off his face .
"You have everything you need ?" Geoff asked , Louis sighed and nodded , giving him half an eye-roll though still smiled . "Enough clothes , your toiletries , your camera , batteries - your phone charger , you took it , right ? And - and your passport , and enough money , you -"
Louis cut Geoff off by putting his hands on his shoulders , giving him a smile and a nod , fingertips squeezing his shoulders . Geoff sighed and brought him into a hug , "Don't mind me too much , I'm just a little worried ." He rubbed Louis' back , Louis smiled and nodded , giving him a squeeze and pulling back to hug Liam . Liam lifted him off the ground and squeezed him almost painfully , Louis chuckled and squeezed him around the shoulders .
"Take care , have fun , send us loads of pictures ." Liam put him down and kissed the side of his head , just in time for Harry to walk back towards them with their train tickets .
"Alright , we have an hour and a bit to go through security and passport check . We have time to get a drink after that if we go now ." Harry said and put the tickets in his jacket pocket , Louis nodded and smiled , though inside his heart was hammering from excitement .
Harry took both their suitcases , they said their last goodbyes to Geoff and Liam before walking away . He turned to smile at Louis , "I hope you're as excited as I am right now ."
Louis smiled back and nodded , grabbing his suitcase from Harry's hand so Harry will have a free hand to hold Louis' .
They got their passports checked , scanned their luggages and reached their gate , the screen showed the time the train leaves and the boarding .
Harry looked up at the screen , keeping Louis close to him . "We have twenty minutes before we board the train , want to get a drink ?"
Louis nodded , hoping a sugary drink would help calm down his nervousness . Everything around him was completely new , he was on his way to a whole different country , different language - but at the same time he was excited . He'd always dreamt of the time he would travel around the world with the guy he loved , and all these years he kept telling himself it would never happen - little did he know .
Harry pulled a chair out for Louis , "Sit here love , I'll get our drinks ."
Louis gave him a worried look , Harry kissed his forehead , "I'm a few steps away standing right here , okay ? I have my phone with me so just text me if anything happens . It'll only take five minutes ." He assured him , Louis nodded and sat down with their luggages right next to him .
Harry stood in the short line , looking over to Louis every few seconds to make sure he was okay . Louis was looking all around the train station , his eyes wide with curiosity and slight worry . It made Harry smile ; the Louis he met less than a year ago was so shy , so reserved that he wouldn't even stay in the same room as him . The Louis he was looking at was more open , up for adventures , yet still shy and reserved but much less than before .
He ordered their drinks and paid quickly , a minute later he recieved the two paper cups . He said thank you and took the two cups , returning to Louis who was smiling at him as he approached . Harry placed the two cups on the table and took the seat next to Louis , Louis showed him the text Zayn sent him .
Im sorry I couldnt tag along and say a proper goodbye to the two of you :( I hope you enjoy your trip to Paris , send us cute pictures (also to calm li down, your brother will be so worried and ill be the one dealing with him so pls do it for me), dont be afraid to try any food you think looks good, and just have fun because you two deserve this!!
Harry smiled , "Let's send him a selfie ." He opened the front camera on Louis' phone , Louis blushed softly and scooted closer to Harry , the two smiled and Harry took the picture , sending it to Zayn with a text back .
Louis picked up his paper cup and sipped , Harry gave him his phone back and put his arm around his waist , "When we get to our hotel it'll be around two thirty , maybe three , and so I was thinking we could go out to eat something and walk around . I mean I know we'll be tired from the long ride but it's better to go out so we can get to bed at a decent hour ."
Louis smiled at him and nodded , bringing his finger up and poking his dimple gently . Harry smiled and kissed his cheek , "I'm so happy we're doing this . I uh , haven't told you this , but - but I planned our Paris trip back in September . I wanted us to go on New Years , but - yeah , with everything that's happened I postponed it . And now thinking about it , Paris on Valentine's Day is like , perfect . The city of love on international love day ."
Harry ran his fingers through Louis' hair as he talked , Louis blushed soft-pink and smiled , leaning in shyly to peck his cheek before turning to sip on his hot chocolate . Harry smiled and tightened his arm around his waist , kissing his temple , "I love you ."
They boarded the train , Louis felt himself blushing as Harry lead them towards the second carriage , and Louis knew what it meant - it was the first class carriage . Harry only smiled and put their luggages at the assigned spot at the start of the carriage , before poking Louis' cheek , "Don't give me that look , I know what you're thinking and it's more than okay ." He grabbed his hand and pulled him down the aisle to their seats , letting Louis sit inside next to the window .
Louis typed in his phone and showed it to Harry .
you didnt have to, im fine with the basic one too. didnt have to pay the extra money, you couldve saved it
Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed Louis' hand , pressing multiple kisses to the back of it , "There's nothing you can do to stop me from spoiling you , bubba . Deal with it ."
Louis blushed even harder .
"Now sit back and relax , we have two and a half hours on this train ." Harry leaned back in his seat still holding Louis' hand in his larger one , "If you're tired you can nap , if not then I can put us a movie on Netflix on my phone ."
Louis put his head on Harry's shoulder , nodding and squeezing Harry's hand . Harry opened his Netflix , scrolling through the movies and letting Louis decide . Though when the doors of the train closed and the train started moving , Louis forgot all about the movie and focused on looking outside his window .
Harry smiled as he watched him , Louis turned to him and smiled with pink cheeks before turning his head back to the window . He reached for his camera from it's small pack , taking it out . Harry watched as he pressed a few buttons before bringing it up to his eye , his other eye squinted shut .
Louis pulled the camera away and sighed when he couldn't focus properly because the train was moving too fast , when Harry put his hand on his thigh , "Show me how to work the camera ." Louis showed him the buttons , focus , zoom in and out , then took a lense out of the pack and quickly fixed it on , showing Harry the difference it makes in the pictures .
Harry smiled , "Can I offer you something ?" He asked , Louis nodded and put the camera down . Harry rubbed his thumb on his knee , "I want to redecorate the bakery , and I was hoping I could buy a few pictures from you ."
Louis' cheeks turned a darker shade of pink , he picked up his phone and typed in as Harry watched .
course you can use them, its flattering. but youre not buying them, i wont let you pay
Harry shook his head , "Of course I'm paying , you dummy ."
Louis shook his head and typed in again .
youre not, you already spend so much money. youre not paying
"No bub , -" Harry shook his head , though Louis stopped him by squishing his cheeks and shaking his head at him as if to tell him not to try to fight him . Harry pouted deeper , "Please ?"
Louis shook his head again , squishing Harry's cheeks a bit and smiling to himself when he made Harry's lips move like a fish . Harry watched him , before leaning in to kiss him quickly .
"Stay close to me ." Harry handed Louis his suitcase and took his own , holding Louis' hand with his free hand . They walked off the train and got their passports checked , Louis stuck close to Harry as he lead them towards the Taxis checkpoint .
They waited for ten minutes before getting a taxi , the driver helped Harry load the trunk with their suitcases before opening the backseat door for the two of them . The couple got into the taxi , Harry told the driver the name of their hotel and held Louis' hand tightly .
Louis couldn't stop staring outside the window ; it was slightly similar to the UK's big cities , though something about it being french made it so much better for Louis . Harry watched the smaller boy with soft eyes ; he could tell he was tired , though hoped he could get him to hold it together for a bit longer .
"Baby ." Harry squeezed his hand , Louis turned to look at him . Harry smiled , "What do you feel like eating ?"
Louis bit his lower lip , looking back outside to maybe get an idea . He then pulled his phone out of his pocket and typed in .
something light, nothing too heavy. i dont mind
Harry grabbed his hand again , "I was thinking we could get to the hotel and see what restaurants they have on the same street , so we wouldn't need to drive anywhere , and we'll be close to the hotel since we're both tired ."
Louis nodded with a smile , giving Harry's hand a squeeze .
Harry handed Louis the key card to their hotel , "You go first ." Louis smiled and took the card , he scanned it and opened the door , rolling his suitcase with him as he looked around the room . Harry followed him in and closed the door , putting both their suitcases aside .
"Come look ." Harry grabbed Louis' waist from behind and took him towards the balcony , pointing out , "There's the Eiffel Tower , it's about a twenty minutes walk from the hotel ." He hugged him from behind .
Louis' eyes grew wide with excitement , the smile never leaving his face . Harry kissed his cheek lovingly , "You know what you have to do every time you get to a new hotel room ?" He asked , Louis turned to look at him with a questioning look on his face .
Harry smirked and let go of him , turning around and taking a few large steps , before jumping and belly-flopping on the bed with his arms spread to the sides . Louis laughed and shook his head , going to take his shoes off next to his suitcase .
After they ate and took a short stroll down the street , the couple returned to their hotel room tiredly .
Louis yawned into his palm and sat on the bed , Harry kicked his shoes off before kneeling in front of Louis to take his shoes off for him , "Get in shower first , okay ? So you can get right into bed ." He patted his knee and stood up , Louis nodded and went to his suitcase to take out clothes and toiletries .
After showering Louis walked out of the bathroom , Harry smiled , "Look , there's Spongebob in french . Kind of sounds funny , to be honest ." Louis laughed softly and put his dirty clothes aside , Harry stood up from the bed and moved the covers back for Louis , "Get in bub , I'll shower quickly and join you ."
Louis got in and brought the covers up , yawning into his palm . Harry smiled and took his clothes off to his boxers , Louis side-glanced at him with blush on his cheeks before forcing himself to focus on Spongebob .
Once Harry was done showering he put on sweatpants and got into bed with Louis , Louis opened his eyes half asleep as Harry settled down next to him .
"Come here , bubbie ." Harry pulled him closer , taking the remote from his hands to turn the TV off before reaching to switch off the bed lamps . "Good night ."
Hope you liked it x
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