Ch. 32

Enjoy x


The following weekend after Harry's birthday , Louis gave him a note on Friday evening .

i have another birthday surprise :) tomorrow, saturday noon, your mum, step dad, sister and friends from back home are coming over for lunch

Harry gaped and looked up at Louis , who was smiling with his lower lip between his teeth .

"What ? When - how ?" Harry stuttered , "But I - I literally talked to my mum this morning and she said nothing ."

Louis rolled his eyes playfully and typed in his phone in the notes , showing it to Harry .

thats why its called a surprise

Harry grinned and wrapped his arms around Louis tightly , pressing kiss after kiss to his cheek , "You are just full of surprises , aren't you ?"

Louis laughed a bit and squirmed for him to let go , though Harry didn't falter and picked him up in his arms , carrying him to the couch . He fell back with Louis on his chest , they laughed together before Louis lifted himself off Harry's chest to sit next to him .

Harry propped his arms behind his head , "Could I atleast help with making the food for tomorrow ?" He pouted when Louis shook his head , "But whyyy , I just want to help ."

Louis shook his head again , Harry deepened his pout , "Please ? Pretty please ?" Louis bit his lower lip , Harry's face was too cute . So to make him stop pouting he tickled him a bit under his arm , Harry smiled and lowered his arm , grabbing Louis' hand , "No way you'll tickle me without me getting you back ."


On Saturday morning Louis woke up early to help Geoff , Liam and Zayn with cooking the food and making the salads .

Louis cut up the vegetables , Geoff was in charge of making two types of pasta , Zayn was in charge of the pasta toppings and Liam was making garlic bread .

Around ten a.m there was a knock on the door , Geoff dried his hands and went to open , smiling widely at Harry . "Hi , good morning . Come in ."

"Good morning ." Harry smiled and walked in , patting his shoulder , "Thought I'd come and see if I could help you guys ." He walked with Geoff to the kitchen .

Geoff chuckled , "Louis already instructed us not to let you help , sorry boy ." He shook his head , Louis lifted his head up and blushed soft pink , giving Harry a cute smile .

Harry glared at him playfully , "Seriously ?"

Louis nodded proudly and went back to making the salad , Harry greeted Liam and Zayn before going to Louis , he put his arm around his waist and leaned in to kiss his cheek , "Stand up now ."

Louis looked up at him confused , Harry pulled his chair back a bit , "Just want you to sit on my lap , bub . Stand up ." Louis stood up and let Harry sit down on the chair , then sitting down on his lap .

Harry pulled them closer to the table and let his arms rest around Louis' small waist , pressing a kiss to his shoulder , "Please be careful with the knife ."

The three other guys pretended not to look , but the smiles on their faces gave it away . Not that the couple noticed .


Harry convinced Louis to let him atleast help with making the table (definitely not because Harry tickled him until he agreed) , they opened up their kitchen table and covered it with a white table mat , put plates and utensils all around it with drink glasses and wooden blocks for the hot pans .

Louis was sitting in the living room fully dressed up , biting on his nails nervously , while Harry went to his place to get ready aswell and wait for his family ; it would be their first time coming over to his new place .

Zayn walked into the living room and gave Louis a smile , "Hey , it'll be okay ." He sat next to him on the couch , a comforting hand on his knee . "I know that meeting your boyfriend's family can be really scary , trust me when I say I was extremely nervous meeting you guys . But they're going to love you ."

Louis sighed and opened the notes on his phone , typing in and turning his phone to Zayn .

what if they dont like me bc im mute? or they think im weird?

Zayn rubbed his knee , "You make Harry really happy , that's already a reason for them to like you . You're a good person , you're kind , you're really cute - of course it'll take a bit of adjustment to the fact that you don't express yourself vocally , as it took me and I'm sure it took Harry aswell , but it's not a reason not to like you ."

Louis took a deep breath , head snapping towards the window when he heard a car outside . He peeked outside , seeing two cars parking outside Harry's place . Out of one car stepped out a girl with short black hair and a long coat , out of the second car stepped out a mature couple - and Louis knew exactly who they were .

He covered his eyes and sunk into the couch , Zayn tugged on his arm , "Cheer up Lou , you'll be okay ."

"Are they here yet ?" Liam walked downstairs to the living room , Zayn turned to face him , "They just got to Harry's place , probably would take them a few minutes . Now come over , Louis needs a bit of reassurance ."

Liam sat on Louis' other side , "Hey , look at me ." He tugged on his wrists , but Louis stubbornly kept his hands on his eyes . Liam playfully poked at his fingers for a gap so he could look at him , Louis peeked between his fingers at a smiling Liam .

"They will absolutely love you ." Liam pushed his soft fringe from his forehead , "I promise . You'll be okay , and I'll be there , Harry will be there , Zayn , dad , Harry's friends - you're not by yourself ."

Louis took his hands off his face , holding his bottom lip between his teeth before holding his arms out for Liam to hug him . Liam smiled and hugged him tightly , rubbing his back , "We're here for you , Lou ."

A short while later Harry's hometown friends arrived aswell , and while Geoff kept Louis busy with the finishing touches on the food (so he wouldn't overthink) , there was a knock on the door , causing Louis to freeze and almost drop the wooden spoon into the pasta .

Liam opened the door and gave Harry a smile , letting him in , "Hey , come on in ." Harry patted his shoulder and turned to his family , "This is Liam , he's Louis' older step-brother ." Harry introduced them , Liam turned to the three with a smile .

"These are my mum Anne and step-dad Robin , and my sister Gemma ."

Liam shook their hands , "Hi , lovely meeting you ." He looked over his shoulder before turning back to them , "Well the food is almost ready , so let's go to the living room for a bit while I help my dad finish it all ."

Harry leaned closer to Liam , "Is Louis in the kitchen ?"

Liam nodded , "Yeah , he's really nervous . Really really nervous ."

Harry nodded and gave his shoulder a squeeze , going to the kitchen . He smiled when he saw Louis , the smaller boy looked up with worried eyes when he walked into the kitchen .

"Come here , bub ." Harry wrapped his arms around him , Louis buried his face in his chest . Harry kissed the top of his head , "They're waiting to meet my lovely boyfriend . Don't worry too much , my mum already loves you because you're amazing . I told her a lot about you ."

Louis nodded into his chest and pulled back , Harry grabbed his cheeks and pressed a long , gentle kiss to his lips . "You're amazing , please remember that ." He kissed him once more , Louis pulled his phone out of his back pocket and opened his notes , typing in and showing it to Harry .

do they know im mute? are they okay with it?

"They do know , bub , told them a long time ago ." Harry smiled , "They're fully okay with it ."

Louis pursed his lips and nodded , stuffing his phone back into his pocket . Harry grabbed his hand with a soft smile and pressed another kiss to his lips before pulling him along to the living room .

Louis clutched Harry's hand with small hand , his other hand holding his bicep .

Harry caught his family's attention , "Alright , I know you've been waiting for this , and so I want you to meet my beautiful boyfriend ." He turned to Louis with a smile and put his arm around his waist , "This is my Louis ."

Louis looked up at the three with wide eyes as Harry pointed to each one . "This is my lovely mum Anne , my step-dad Robin , and older sister Gemma ." Louis gave them a shy smile , waving a little .

"Hi , it's so good to finally meet you ." Anne smiled softly , "Harry talks a lot about you , all good things I can assure you . I've been waiting to meet the boy who makes my son so happy ."

Louis smiled with blush on his cheeks , looking up at Harry and shying away when he kissed his cheek . He turned to wave hello to Harry's friends , before Geoff stood up from the couch , "Let's go sit at the table , I can't be the only one starving ."

"Oh you bet ." Niall smiled and stood up right after him , pulling chuckles from his friends . Everyone gathered around the table and found their seats , Louis sat between Harry and Liam while Zayn , Geoff and an insisting Mitch went to get the food .

Harry put his hand on Louis' knee , Louis turned to give him a soft smile and wrapped his hand around his bicep . 

"Tell us a bit about yourselves ." Robin turned his attention to Louis and Liam , Liam put his arm on the back of Louis' chair , "Louis is a senior in high school , and I'm working as a full-time firefighter ."

"You're not blood-brothers , right ? Harry said something about it ." Gemma asked , Liam nodded , "Yeah , we're step-brothers . When we were really young my dad , Geoff , and his mum got married , but sadly we lost Jay to Leukemia about three years ago ."

"Oh , I'm sorry ." Anne gave the two a gentle smile , "I'm sure she's looking over you both and is proud of you ."

The two brothers nodded , Liam gave Louis' shoulder a soft squeeze . 

Once the table was filled with food , Harry first grabbed Louis' plate to fill it for him . He knew Louis couldn't eat much because he had a small stomach , though still filled it with one more spoonfull than what Louis asked . He put Louis' plate in front of him and smiled , tapping his cheek for Louis to kiss . Louis blushed , fully aware that just across the table were sat Harry's family , yet still leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek as a thank you .

Harry smiled in victory and started filling his own plate , keeping one hand on Louis' knee as they ate .


"I hope I raised him well , hope he treats you good ." Anne told Louis , Louis smiled and nodded , wrapping his hand around Harry's inner bicep .

Harry pouted , "Of course I do . I'm charming ."

"You sure do know how to be annoying too , darling ." Anne teased , smiling when Louis chuckled and nodded at her words .

"Oi , you love me ." Harry squeezed Louis' hip softly , Louis smiled and nodded , leaning his head on his shoulder . Anne smiled at them , before holding her hand out for Louis , "Come here , honey ."

Louis detached himself from Harry's side and took her hand , she pulled him closer and hugged him , "It was lovely meeting you and your family today , and thank you for keeping my boy happy . He really loves you ." She rubbed his back , Louis smiled and nodded lightly .

They pulled back , Anne kept him close to her , "Cover for me ." She said quietly before reaching into her purse , Louis furrowed his eyebrows but covered her purse away from Harry's sight , while Harry was busy talking to Gemma and Robin .

She pulled out a few pictures , "These are for you , baby Harry pictures ." She winked , Louis couldn't help but laugh as he took the pictures . Anne rubbed his arm , "They're yours to keep ." Louis signed 'thank you' with his hand as he mouthed it , Anne winked at him again and Louis hid the pictures inside his jacket . He let Robin and Gemma hug him goodbye aswell , before turning to say goodbye to Harry's hometown friends .

"Saw Anne slipping something to you ." Niall smirked , Louis bit his lower lip and let Niall have a peek , Niall laughed as quietly as he could , "Oh my god , this woman is a legend ." Louis smiled and nodded , hiding the pictures again .

After saying goodbye to everyone Louis unknowingly let out a sigh of relief , Harry turned to him and smiled , "Wasn't so bad , was it bub ?" He wrapped his arms around his waist , furrowing his eyebrows when he felt something inside Louis' jacket . "What do you have there ?"

Louis shook his head and pulled away from Harry , holding his jacket closed . Harry raised his eyebrow in suspicion , "Why can't I see ?"

Louis pursed his lips and shook his head again , moving back when Harry reached out to him . He giggled and ran upstairs with Harry right behind him , he managed to get into his room but wasn't quick enough to close the door .

He squealed when Harry grabbed him and tossed the both of them on the bed , laughing when he felt Harry's hands sneaking into his jacket , half tickling half looking for what he hid . He turned on his front to shield the pictures , as he kept laughing and kicking his legs while Harry tickled him .

"Show me what you're hiding ." Harry stopped , Louis sat up and reached for his notepad and pen , scribbling down a note quickly .

okay but you cant touch it or try to take it away

Harry chuckled , "Okay , just please let me see ."

Louis reached into his jacket and pulled out the pictures , Harry looked confused but then his eyes widened in horror when he realized who was in the pictures . Louis giggled at his expression and looked through the pictures , cooing inaudibly and giving Harry a cute smile .

"I can't believe my mum gave you baby pictures of me ." Harry sighed and fell on his back on the bed , "Atleast tell me if I was a cute baby ."

Louis smiled and nodded , Harry smiled aswell , "I loved today , thank you for making it happen bubbie ." He opened his arms for Louis , Louis put the pictures down and cuddled into his chest .


Hope you liked it x


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