Ch. 30

Enjoy x


"It's Zayn's birthday tomorrow . I'm meeting his family for the first time ." Liam lied next to Louis in his bed , Louis smiled and turned on his side to face him , Liam remained on his back looking up at the ceiling . "I'm kind of nervous , you know . My boyfriend's family . A lot of pressure ."

Louis nodded , placing his hand comfortingly on Liam's shoulder , giving it a squeeze before reaching for his phone . He opened the notes and typed in quickly , turning it to Liam .

i know, its harrys bday soon too and i might meet his family then, i dont know how ill handle it

He erased it after Liam read and typed again , showing it to Liam .

but what i do know is that zayns family is going to love you, bc youre nice and a good person

Liam smiled and grabbed Louis' hand , giving it a squeeze , "Thanks . I really hope they will . Means a lot to me ." Louis nodded along , when there was a knock on the door . The two brothers turned their heads , Harry opened the door , "Hi there ."

"Hi mate ." Liam smiled , "Come in , we were just talking ."

"I wasn't interrupting anything , was I ?" Harry asked and walked into Louis' room , closing the door behind him . Louis shook his head , him and Liam scooting over on the bed so they could squeeze Harry in aswell , Louis in the middle of the two .

Harry toed his shoes off and lied on his side next to Louis , throwing his arm across his tummy . "I brought cupcakes , put the bag in the kitchen for dessert ."

Louis smiled and brought one hand to rest on Harry's arm , Liam smiled watching them being soft with each other .

"Alright , I'll leave you to it . Might aswell help dad finish making dinner ." Liam sat up , reaching his hand up to mess Louis' hair lightly , "No funny business ." He teased , Louis pushed his hand away with pink blush on his cheeks , Harry smiled , "No promises ." He teased back , before purposefully laying himself ontop of Louis and pretending to makeout with him .

"God help me ." Liam groaned and walked out of the room , though couldn't help but smile when Louis laughed , closing the door behind him .

Harry moved off him , holding himself on his elbow . "Now give me a proper kiss , will you ."

Louis smiled , leaning in and pressing a peck to Harry's cheek close to his mouth , Harry smiled back but shook his head , "I meant a proper proper kiss , bubba ." He smiled wider when Louis blushed .

"You're going to have to kiss me yourself if you want one , bub ." Harry leaned his head closer so their noses touched , though made no move to lean closer for a kiss - he wanted to push Louis out of his comfort zone just a little bit , show him that he can initiate kisses more often , and initiate anything if he wanted to .

Louis bit his lower lip , he did want to kiss Harry , but felt like he was too shy to initiate a proper kiss that wasn't a peck or a gentle press of lips . But then something clicked in his brain , and before he could think twice he rolled over , lifting one knee up over Harry's body and moving to straddle his hips .

Harry's chest warmed up inside when Louis sat on his stomach , hands cupping his cheeks with their lips pressed tightly together . He wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and squeezed him closer , and couldn't help but smile into their kiss .

The second Louis realized what he was doing , he pulled back from the kiss , cheeks turning red from blush . Harry was beaming up at him , Louis sat up a bit with one hand on Harry's chest , his other hand on his mouth .

"You should kiss me like that more often ." Harry put his hands on his hips , "Want you to always be comfortable with initiating kisses . Or anything you'd like ."

Louis bit his lower lip , cheeks still red with blush . He lowered himself and stuffed his face into Harry's neck , Harry wrapped his arms around him and kissed the side of his head . "Is school going alright ?"

Louis nodded , Harry rubbed his back , "Have you started thinking about what you want to study ?" Louis shook his head , before sitting up still on Harry's lower stomach , reaching for his phone . He opened his notes and started typing , smiling softly to himself when he felt Harry's hands sneaking under his shirt to rest on his hips and turning the phone to Harry when he was done .

i have a few stuff that i thought about but i cant decide on one thing yet

"What have you been thinking about ?" Harry asked , thumbs rubbing on his soft , warm skin , watching as he typed again .

thought about psychology, medic school, service dog training

Harry smiled , "You want to be a service dog trainer ? It sounds good . You love dogs ."

Louis nodded and typed in quickly .

yeah, i do love dogs, and training the dogs to be service dogs would make me happy to help others

Harry cooed , "You're precious . You'll do amazing in whatever you choose , bub . I believe in you ." He mirrored Louis' smile , Louis put his phone aside and leaned back down to cuddle into Harry . 


That same weekend Zayn celebrated his birthday with friends , and he invited Harry and Louis aswell . The problem was - they went out to a bar , and Louis' first reaction was to say no .

Harry was now in his room , dressed and ready , while Louis was still in a hoodie three sizes too big for him and sweatpants .

"We'll have fun , and we wouldn't be there for long ." Harry held Louis' hand , Louis looked down at his lap ; He wanted to be brave enough to face it and go , but at the same time he didn't - too loud , drunk people , and he didn't want Harry to feel like he was there to babysit him .

He grabbed his phone and typed in the notes , turning the phone to Harry .

you should go have fun. i dont want to go and make you feel like youre there to babysit me

Harry shook his head , "I wouldn't have fun without you being there ."

Louis shook his head , Harry scooted closer and rubbed their noses in an eskimo kiss . "I want to show my pretty boyfriend off ... can I show you off ? Want you to come along so everyone will see how pretty my boyfriend is ." He said in a cute voice , "Want to have fun with said pretty boyfriend . Want to dance with my pretty boyfriend . Want to -"

Harry was cut off by Louis covering his mouth with his hand , cheeks red with blush but a smile on his face . Harry smiled and kissed his palm , "Did I convince you ?" He grinned widely when Louis nodded , moving Louis' hand from his lips to kiss him , "Go get dressed bubba , we'll leave when you're ready ."


Louis clutched Harry's arm tightly with both his hands , Harry turned his head and smiled at him , "Come here ." He brought Louis closer back to chest , leaning down to Louis' ear so he could hear him , "I can see them at a table ."

They walked through the place , Harry kept his arms around Louis . They reached the table , Harry put his hand on Zayn's shoulder . Zayn turned in his seat and smiled at them , standing up from his chair to hug them .

Liam turned his head and smiled at the couple , bringing Louis into a hug . "I'm so happy you're here . Proud of you ." Louis smiled lightly into his shoulder before pulling back , sitting next to Liam with Harry sitting next to him .

Harry scooted closer with his chair to Louis , wrapping his arm around him , "What do you want to drink ?" Louis bit his lower lip , Harry rubbed his side , "Do you want coke or anything with alcohol ?" Louis nodded when Harry said coke , Harry nodded and asked a passing waitress to get them two cokes . 

Liam turned his attention to Louis , placing his hand on his knee and leaning closer to his ear , "You okay , Lou ?"

Louis nodded , Liam smiled , "Both Zayn and I are really happy you came . We know it's still hard for you , but we're happy you're here ." Louis smiled at him and nodded along , Liam squeezed his knee , "We have some french fries we couldn't finish , want some ?" He handed him a plate with french fries , Louis brought the plate closer and took one for himself , before turning to Harry and holding one fry up in front of his lips .

Harry took it with his teeth and gave Louis a smile , turning to thank the waitress who put two glasses of coke in front of them . Louis pulled his glass closer and took a sip , just as he put it down he felt two hands grabbing his sides from behind the chair he was sitting at . He jumped and grabbed the hands to push them away , turning around and sighing in relief when he saw it was Zayn .

Zayn gave him an apologetic smile , "Sorry Lou . Just wanted to tell you that I'm really happy you're both here . Thank you for coming , I hope you have a great night ."

Louis smiled with pink blush on his cheeks , nodding and giving Zayn's hand a squeeze . Zayn leaned down and gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek , pulling back and turning to smile at Harry , giving his shoulder a squeeze , "Thank you for coming , keep taking good care of him ."

"Always ." Harry smiled , turning to Louis and holding his hand .

"Alright , I'll go back to my seat now so you can go back to being cute ." Zayn chuckled and winked before returning to his seat .

Louis turned back to the table with the same cute smile , Harry smiled at his profile before scooting closer and wrapping his arms around him , "Told you it was a good idea to come ." He kissed his cheek , making the smaller boy smile and nod .

It was a while later , that Louis felt something nudging his foot . He sighed but made no comment , as he told himself it was just Harry being cheeky . He shifted his feet away , though seconds later he felt a nudge again . He turned his head to Harry with furrowed eyebrows , Harry smiled at him , "You okay ?"

Louis nodded and turned his head to Liam , who was sitting right next to him , but Liam was busy whispering in Zayn's ear . That was when he felt someone's foot bumping his again . He looked under the table , Harry confusedly looked under the table aswell , "What is it ?"

When Louis sat up straight and looked across the table properly , his heart skipped a beat when he recognized Connor , the guy from New Years Eve at Zayn's , who was making comments to him . Connor wasn't looking at him , but he was smirking too obviously .

"What's wrong love ?" Harry handed Louis his phone , Louis bit his lower lip and opened the notes , typing in while Harry watched . 

someone keeps nudging my foot. i think its connor, the guy from new years 

Harry frowned and looked at Louis , then across the table at Connor . He put his arm around his waist , "Next time he does it again squeeze my hand , alright ?" Harry took his hand , Louis nodded and bit back a smile ; Harry was actually quite cute when he was jealous or protective .

Just as he felt a nudge again he squeezed Harry's hand , and without thinking much Harry pushed his foot out and kicked Connor's ankle lightly . Connor looked up in surprise , Harry glared , "Cut it out . I know what you're doing ."

Liam turned his attention to them , "What's going on ?"

"Connor is being a bitch again ." Harry told him , Louis slapped his middle lightly for cursing .

Liam sighed and turned to look at Connor , before turning to Louis , "I'll take care of him ."

Louis was about to shake his head , as he didn't want any unnecessarry attention , but Liam stood up from his seat and rounded the table , going up to Connor . He put his hand on his shoulder and took him to the side .

Harry turned his head to Louis , who sighed and looked down at his hands , Harry pulled him closer to his side , "Don't overthink about it . He shouldn't have done that ." He leaned in and kissed his cheek , a minute later Liam sat back down and put his hand on Louis' knee , "Sorry about him . He won't bother you anymore ."

"Thanks Li ." Harry nodded , Liam gave him a reassuring smile and pinched Louis' cheek , "Cheer up , it's okay ."

Harry looked at Louis and rubbed his back , leaning closer to his ear , "Do you feel like leaving ?"

Louis sighed sadly but nodded , Harry kissed his cheek sweetly , "Let's go , bub ." The two stood up from their seats , saying goodbye to Zayn and Liam before walking out of the bar .

Once inside Harry's car , Harry put his hand on Louis' knee , "Bubba ."

Louis looked up at him , Harry gave him a gentle smile , "I know tonight could've ended better , but I want you to know that I'm really proud of you . I know it took a lot of courage , and I'm so happy you went out of your comfort zone ."

Louis couldn't help but smile , he intertwined his fingers with Harry's and rubbed his thumb on Harry's knuckles . 


"Do you want to come over and spend the night ? Tomorrow is Sunday anyways , we can sleep in ." Harry asked as he parked his car in his driveway , Louis yawned into his palm and nodded slightly .

"Text your dad so he wouldn't worry ." Harry said and exited the car , Louis clicked off his seatbelt and texted Geoff quickly , just as he hit send Harry opened his door , reaching inside and scooping him out . He gasped and wrapped his arms around his neck , Harry smiled , "Let's get you right into bed ." He kicked the passenger's door close and locked the car , starting to walk up the pathway .

Louis looked over Harry's shoulder to his house before looking back at Harry , patting his shoulder and pointing to his house .

Harry shook his head , "I uh , I kind of figured you would sleep over at mine a lot , so you might aswell have some of your own stuff at my place . I got you small stuff , like a toothbrush , your favorite shampoo and body soap scent , a phone charger and a bit of clothes your size , even though I love it when you wear mine . Even got you cute slippers and fluffy socks ."

Louis smiled at him as he put him down to unlock the door , feeling confident enough to reach up on his tippy-toes to peck his cheek .

Harry grinned and opened the door , smiling when Mojo and Fuji greeted them . He saw Louis yawning again , so he picked him up again , "Bed time ." He walked up the stairs and put him down in his room , they quickly got ready for bed and tucked themselves under the covers .

"Bubba ."

Louis lifted his head from his chest , Harry tucked his hair behind his ear , "Give me a proper kiss ." He smiled wider when Louis blushed , because they both knew what it meant . Louis sat up sleepily and straddled Harry's body , cupping his cheeks as they kissed .

He pulled back and tucked his face into Harry's neck , closing his eyes . Harry rubbed his back before rolling on his side , kissing Louis once more . "Love our kisses . Love you ."

Louis nodded and ran his fingers through Harry's hair , pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek .


Hope you liked it x


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