Ch. 3

Enjoy x


"I'm really sorry Lou , Dad and I got caught up in work today and we can't pick you up from school . Hope you're okay with taking the bus back home . x - Lima Bean"

"Yeah , it's okay . I'll let you know when I get home . x - Lou Boo"

Louis sighed and shut his phone , taking out his money as he walked to the bus stop . Minutes later his bus arrived , he walked in and paid the driver , picking a seat closest to the front door . Thirty five minutes later he reached his stop , getting off the bus and walking the rest of his way home .

He reached his house and walked up the pathway while his hands searched for the house keys in his bag . His heart sped up a little bit when he couldn't find it , so he looked for the spare key Goeff always kept in a hole in the wall . His heart skipped a beat when the key wasn't there . He didn't want to worry his brother and father about it , they were already having their problems with their workplaces , so he just sat on the bench on the porch , hugging his hoodie around himself .

Fifteen minutes later he heard a car , he looked up in hopes it would be Liam or Geoff , but it was Harry , who parked his car in his driveway . He bit his lower lip and looked away , though when he heard the car door open , he looked back to him .

Harry shut his car door and circled it to go up to his door , stopping when he noticed Louis , Louis quickly lowered his gaze as his cheeks turned red .

Harry smiled to himself , though the smile faltered when he noticed the house was completely dark , and Louis was sitting outside for no reason .

He crossed the road and walked up the pathway towards Louis . "Hey , what are you doing sitting outside ?"

Louis bit his lower lip and looked around , before taking his phone out and opening his Notes , typing in a quick answer . 

I don't have a key

"Oh , that's not nice ." Harry pouted a little . "Want to come stay at my place until your dad or brother come back home ?"

Louis' eyes widened a little , before he shook his head softly , as if saying it's okay .

"I insist , it's quite chilly outside ." Harry said and held his hand out , "Come on , I'll make you something warm to drink ."

Louis looked at his hand , then up to his face , he was smiling ever so gently but Louis was so nervous . Harry was making him nervous , because he was nice and attractive and caring and just - everything no one else was .

"Also , I can assure you Fuji and Mojo will absolutely enjoy having you over ." Harry said with a soft grin , his dimple becoming deeper . He knew this would win Louis over .

And as he expected , Louis got up from his seat , though didn't take his offered hand , which Harry knew wasn't easy for him so he was okay with it , at least he got him to agree to come to his place .

They crossed the road to Harry's house and walked up the pathway to the door , Harry put the key in the keyhole , and while unlocking the door they both could hear the two dogs racing to the door .

Harry opened the door and walked in , Mojo was quick to jump up on him . "Hey there you beast !" Harry caught him and pressed a kiss to his head , before turning his attention to Fuji who was barking in excitement for attention .

Harry let go of the two dogs and turned back to the door , seeing Louis shyly standing at the front . He smiled at him , "Come on in ."

Louis stepped inside and let Harry close the door behind him , he looked around a little before his attention was on Mojo and Fuji , who were nudging his legs and wagging their tails happily .

"Go sit in the living room while I make us something warm to drink ." Harry said and carefully took Louis' school bag off his shoulder , Louis watched Harry placing the bag down by the entrace . 

Harry guided Louis into the living room and gestured to the couch , "Have a sit , also text your dad and brother to let them know you're staying here until they get home , wouldn't want them to worry ."

Louis sat on the end of the couch and pulled his phone out , Fuji jumped on the couch next to him and sat down , placing his head on Louis' lap . Louis' lips twitched with a smile , he texted Liam and Geoff quickly before turning his attention to the large dog .

Mojo was sitting at his feet , letting his head rest against Louis' knee as he looked up at him . Louis kept one hand on Fuji's head , his other hand petting Mojo .

Harry peeked into the living room and smiled to himself ; it was a good , theraputic way to let Louis relax and hopefully be able to trust him . Because quite honestly , Harry had a thing for him that he couldn't explain yet .

He just enjoyed seeing Louis interacting with his dogs , it was truly pure ; he had the smallest , mostly faint smile on his red lips , his blue eyes mesmerized with the dogs as they held so much softness and warmth .

The kettle finished warming up the water , he poured it into two mugs and brought it over to Louis , before returning to the kitchen to bring over a plate with two cupcakes .

"Look what i've got for us ." Harry said as he walked into the living room on the second time , Louis' eyes evidently lit up at the sight of the cupcakes , and it made Harry grin . He placed the plate on the table , "Here you go ."

Louis brought his hand up , pressed the tips of his fingers to his chin and moved his hand forward , saying 'thank you' in sign language . Harry smiled even wider , his dimple growing deeper . "You're welcome ."

He took Fuji off Louis' lap and watched as Louis eyed the cupcakes on the plate , though made no move to reach for them . 

"You can eat your cupcake , it's okay . You can eat both cupcakes if you'd like ." Harry encouraged , and after Harry confirmed he could eat , Louis shyly reached for the cupcake , ripping a small piece and bringing it to his mouth .

Mojo brought his head closer to the cupcakes and smiffed , but Harry was quick to move him away . "The pups aren't allowed sweets , but they do like staring into your soul while you eat the sweets ." Harry said playfully as he pet Mojo , Louis looked down at his lap shyly .

Harry took his mug and blew on his tea before sipping on it , he placed the mug back down when his phone started ringing . He took Fuji off his lap and reached for his phone from the end of the table , seeing Liam's contact name .

"Hey Liam ." He said and looked at Louis , pressing the speaker button for Louis to hear the conversation .

"Hi Harry , thank you so so much for helping Louis out , I really appreciate it ."

"You're welcome . You're on speaker , Louis is right here ."

"Oh , hi Lou . I'm so sorry we didn't leave a key for you , I was sure you had one in your bag , since you always have one ."

Louis shook his head a little and looked at Harry , who got the message . "He says it's okay . Besides , I'm taking good care of him ."

"You'd better be . I'm protective over my baby brother ."

"Of course I am , made him some tea and gave him a cupcake , and the pups are loving his company ."

Louis blushed deeply at his and Liam's words and looked down to Mojo , forcing back a smile .

"Oh , that's so nice , he's always loved cupcakes . Well I really need to get back to work so I'll see you in about three hours . Thank you so much again , Harry ."

"You're welcome , anytime you need ."

They hung up , Harry placed his phone down and turned a bit to face Louis while Fuji made himself comfortable on Harry's lap again . Louis took a sip of his tea and placed the mug down , letting Mojo wedge himself between Louis and the arm of the couch , which caused Louis to scoot over a little and sit closer to Harry in the process .

"Hey , Louis , I uh - I know you're shy , and that it takes time for you to trust people , but I just want you to know that you - that you're fascinating me . I-I - I've known you for only a month now and honestly , I haven't met anyone who I'd like to know better more than you ."

Louis' cheeks heated up at his words , he didn't dare to look at him .

"I know it's early , but I'm here for you . Whatever you need ."

Louis blinked back tears at his words ; he hadn't heard anyone say this to him , ever . It was always mean words or people faking being nice to him , but Harry - he sounded to genuine that it made Louis so emotional . His bottom lip wobbled , so he bit on it softly and blinked back tears , though one managed to escape and land on his knee .

Mojo whined when he sensed Louis' anxiety , nudging closer to him and nuzzling his shoulder . 

Harry's lips twitched up in a sad smile , he didn't know this would be his reaction . He was kind of hoping Louis wouldn't run away from him , though his emotional reaction was a sign he actually wanted someone to be there for him .


Harry was halfway done with dinner while Louis was sitting at the kitchen table doing his homework with a snacks bowl next to him , when there was a knock on the door .

Harry dried his hands and went to open the door , smiling when he saw Liam standing there .

"Hi , come in ." He opened the door wider for him , Liam smiled back and walked in , "Thank you so so much ."

"You're welcome ." Harry smiled and patted his back before leading him to the kitchen table . "Louis , Liam is here ."

Louis looked up from his books , Liam went over to him and embraced him into his chest , "Hi Lou , I'm so sorry ."

Louis shook his head at him with blush on his cheeks , Liam moved back , "Alright , let's get you home , dad's already working on dinner ."

Louis nodded and collected his things back into his school bag , slinging it over his shoulder as he stood up from his seat . He looked up at Harry , who had a soft smile watching him and Liam .

He mouthed 'thank you' shyly and signed with his hand , Harry's smile widened , "You're always welcome , whenever ."

Louis blushed and followed Liam out of the house after he thanked Harry once again , he looked down at Mojo and Fuji as they too walked them to the door . He pet them both one last time before exiting the house , looking back once again to Harry and the dogs before the door closed behind them .


"You seem to be getting comfortable with Harry ." Liam said once dinner was finished , Louis blushed and nodded hesitantly . Liam smiled , "You have no idea how proud I am of you , Lou . I know how hard it is for you , and you're doing so great ."

Louis looked down to his lap , Liam placed his hand on his hand , rubbing his thumb on his knuckles . "Harry is a great guy , I could tell from the moment I met him . He's definitely good news . And I want you to know that from my side , it actually looks like he's quite into you ."

Louis froze in his seat , eyes growing wide before he shook his head no . Because no , it can't be , not in a thousand years .

"Don't think like that , you're an amazing boy , and he's a great guy , you'd both be lucky with each other . I approve ." Liam said , letting a small laugh escape when he saw how flustered Louis was , he poked his side softly , "If anything does happen , just let it happen , don't hold back ." He leaned in and kissed his forehead , "Now go get in shower , stinky one ."


Hope you liked it x


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