Ch. 29
Enjoy x
On New Years Eve , Zayn was throwing a party at his place and he invited Louis and Harry . Now , before leaving the house , Louis had second thoughts about going . Not only that , he couldn't stop thinking about having his first New Years kiss with Harry later that night .
"It'll be fun ." Harry looked over to Louis from his place sitting on the bed , while Louis was fixing his clothes in the mirror . Louis sighed and turned to Harry , sitting next to him while typing in the notes on his phone .
im not a big fan of parties, or crowded places in general
"I know bub , that's why I'll be there with you the whole time ." Harry put his arm around him , "I uh , I also don't plan on staying for the whole party , you know ."
Louis furrowed his eyebrows , Harry gave him a gentle smile and leaned in to peck his cheek , "Want to take you somewhere special before midnight ."
Louis' heart skipped a beat as he tried forcing himself not to blush , but failed and bit his lower lip , typing in his phone .
where are we going?
"I'll tell you later . Want to keep it a surprise for a bit longer ." Harry kissed his temple before standing up , "Now let's go ."
Louis clutched Harry's hand tightly as they walked into Zayn's house , the place was filled with people . Harry brought his arm to wrap around Louis' waist as he looked around , before giving Louis' hip a squeeze , "I found Liam and Zayn , let's go ."
He led them through the crowd , bringing Louis in front of him with both his hands on his waist . Zayn noticed them and smiled , tapping Liam's shoulder .
He brought Louis into a hug and pecked his temple , "I'm so happy you two are here ." He pulled back and gave Harry a hug aswell . Harry patted his back , "Yeah , took us a bit , made a wrong turn ."
Liam hugged Louis into his side , "You alright ?"
Louis nodded and gave him a smile , when one of the three guys who were standing with Liam and Zayn spoke up .
"Who's the little one , Liam ?" One asked , making Louis shrink closer to his brother .
Liam rubbed his arm , "This is my little brother Louis , and this is Harry his boyfriend ."
"Aw , he's taken ? Shame ." One chuckled , Liam gave the guy a tight smile , "Watch it , Connor ."
"Lou , let's go grab a drink ." Harry held his hand out for Louis , Liam let go of him and nudged him over to Harry . Louis took Harry's hand , Harry led him away from the group , "Who was that guy ?"
Louis shrugged his shoulders , before biting back a giggle . Harry grabbed a beer for himself and filled a cup of coke for Louis , before noticing that Louis was kind of smirking .
"What are you smiling about ?" Harry asked , and couldn't help but smile just from seeing Louis smiling . Louis pointed to him before pulling his phone out , typing in quickly in the notes .
you were jealous
Harry pouted his lips , before a smile took over . "Okay , yeah , maybe ."
Louis grinned , Harry put his arm around his waist , "I'm allowed to , okay ? I'm your boyfriend ." He led them back to Zayn and Liam , who were standing with the same three guys . Harry brought Louis to stand in front of him with his arms around his waist from behind , Louis put his free hand on Harry's hand that rested on his stomach .
Harry took a sip of his beer , glancing over at the guy who was eyeing Louis , only to find him looking at Louis , who was oblivious since Liam was talking to him . But he said nothing ; he coudln't go off at a guy for just looking at his boyfriend .
"So yeah , Connor and Rob are friends from the fire station , and this is Zayn's friend Kyle ." Liam introduced the three guys to Louis , Louis gave them a small wave and clung closer to Harry , who tightened his arm around him and kissed his temple .
"I'm going to walk around everyone , now , excuse me ." Zayn gave the group a smile and squeezed Liam's bicep , before leaving to greet other guests .
"Want to go sit down ?" Liam asked , "The couches are free , we should go before someone else does ."
The group agreed and hurried to sit on the couches , only to find there was one less seat . Harry held his hand out for Louis , "Come sit ."
"Oi , my lap is more comfortable , little one ." Connor smirked , Harry turned to glare at him , "Fuck off ." He brought Louis to sit on hip lap .
Liam turned to Connor , "What's up with you ?"
"Hey , I was only joking ." Connor held his hands up , Harry shook his head , "Wasn't funny at all , lad . I'm not your friend , I don't know when you're joking or not . Cut it out ."
Louis felt blush covering his cheeks , deep-red blush , from all the attnetion . He put his small hand on Harry's cheek , Harry turned his head to face him , "Sorry love ."
Connor stood up from his seat , "Fuck you guys , I'm going to find actually fun people around here ." He walked off .
Liam sighed and turned to Louis , "You alright you two ?"
Louis nodded , Harry sighed and nodded aswell , "I'm good ."
"Sorry about him , he isn't like that at all ." Liam shook his head , Robert joined in , "Yeah , he'd drank a bit so I wasn't as surprised when he said anything . Doesn't make it okay though ."
"You two are cute though , don't let that jerk ruin it ." Kyle said with a smile , Harry cracked a smile , "Thanks ."
Louis rubbed his thumb on his cheek tenderly , Harry turned his head and pressed a kiss to his palm .
It was eleven p.m , Harry was just taking Louis out of Zayn's house after they said goodbye to Zayn and Liam .
They got into the car , Louis turned his phone towards Harry with the notes open .
are you finally going to tell me what were doing?
Harry smiled , "Yes . So ," He switched the engine on , "We'll make a quick stop at my place , I have everything we need ready , just load to car and go . I know it's freezing cold outside but we wouldn't be outside for long , or like , not exactly outside but not exactly in ."
Louis furrowed his eyebrows in confusion , Harry smiled , "Once we get everything in the car and start driving I'll tell you ." He laughed when Louis let out a small whine .
They reached Harry's house , Harry parked the car , "Wait here , it'll only take a minute ." He exited the car and ran up the pathway to the front door , unlocking it . He smiled when Mojo and Fuji greeted him but walked past them , then loaded the car with pillows , blankets and a backpack , before locking the house and returning to the car .
"Alright . So ." Harry put his seatbelt on , "You know that hill we always drive past on our way to the city ?"
Louis nodded , Harry smiled , "So a few days ago I went to check it out , and there's a really beautiful spot ontop of the hill , a clear road up and the view over the city was pretty . We'll open up the back of the car , lay the blankets and pillows so we can cuddle , I packed a bit of snacks and candy and we'll watch the fireworks from up there ."
Louis couldn't help but grin with pink blush on his cheeks , Harry smiled at him , "You like the idea ?" He asked , Louis nodded and bit his lower lip .
It took them fifteen minutes to get to the hill , Harry parked the car so the back was open to the city view . It was thirty minutes before midnight , Harry left the radio on for songs to play while he and Louis prepared the back of the car . They spread the blankets and put pillows around , Harry opened the backpack and pulled out fairy lights and snacks . He hung the fairy lights on the ceiling of the car before turning to Louis , who was smiling .
"Take your shoes off and get in ." Harry sat inside the kicked his shoes off , putting them on the passenger's seat . Louis took his shoes off aswell , letting Harry take them and put them on the passenger's seat aswell , before scooting up against the pillows .
Harry relaxed backwards against the pillows , Louis grabbed a blanket and covered himself , Harry smiled , "Is my baby cold ?" He brought him into his chest , Louis smiled and leaned his head on Harry's shoulder .
"Look how pretty the city looks ." Harry nodded , Louis turned his head to the view and nodded , then Harry leaned closer to his ear , "Though you're prettier ." He whispered , smiling when Louis shied away and pushed him from his ear .
Louis shyly scooted away from Harry (as much as he could in the tiny space) and grabbed a pack of gummy candy , Harry kept smiling at him before reaching for his feet , bringing them into his lap as he rubbed them .
"Feed me ." Harry opened his mouth , Louis held his hand out with a gummy worm , Harry took it with his teeth , "Do you have a new year resolution ?"
Louis nodded and put another gummy worm in his mouth to hide his smile , Harry smiled at him , "Can I know what it is ?" He asked , chuckling when Louis shook his head no .
"Will I know soon ?" He asked , Louis nodded and blushed soft-pink .
"Can you come here so I can kiss you ?" Harry smiled , raising his eyebrow when Louis shook his head teasingly . He held one foot with his hand , his other hand tickling the bottom of it , "I won't stop until you come here ."
Louis let out a small squeak and laughed , he tried pulling his foot back or kick at Harry's hands with his other foot , but Harry was stronger . So he scooted closer to him and reached his hands out for Harry's hands to stop him .
Harry stopped and grinned , "You're so cute when you laugh ." He tickled his foot again , grinning as he watched Louis laughing . Louis grabbed Harry's hands weakly and freed his foot , lightly punching Harry's shoulder .
"Hey , punch me again and I'll tickle you to death ." Harry threatened playfully , Louis brought the blanket up to hide his blush-covered face .
Harry scooted down to lie on his side and lifted the blanket up , fitting himself under it with Louis and pressing a kiss to his lips . Louis smiled and let Harry uncover their heads , sitting up and crossing his legs to look over the view of the city .
Harry wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him back , bringing him to cuddle against his side . Louis draped his arm around his middle , Harry pressed his lips to Louis' forehead , "I'm so happy to have you in my life . I love you bub ."
Louis bit his lower lip , he leaned up to kiss Harry's cheek softly before reaching for his phone and opening a note he wrote earlier that day , handing it to Harry . Harry took the phone from Louis' hand and read it to himself .
my harry
thank you for being such a great part of my life. thank you for everything you've done, thank you for not giving up. i never imagined having everything i have now, and im so grateful you walked into my life. im also sorry for what i made you go through, you didnt deserve being treated poorly like that.
i love you, ive never been happier. you make me so happy, hope the next year will be even better
lots of love, louis
Harry cooed and handed Louis his phone back , Louis took the phone and smiled when Harry grabbed his chin and tilted his head up for a kiss .
"I love you too bubbie . My bubba . Little bub ." Harry squeezed him in his arms , Louis smiled and let him be , even though he really wanted to slap him silly - but that meant he would risk himself getting tickled . Well maybe it was worth it .
"Ow , Lou ." Harry laughed when Louis slapped his cheek softly - it was more like a pat on the cheek than a slap - and rolled them over , holding Louis' hands in his own large ones as he leaned in and blew a soft raspberry on his neck , grinning when Louis giggled heartedly .
He pulled back and kissed his cheek a few times , then pressed their lips together again . He hummed , "We should save some kisses for midnight ."
Louis smiled when Harry pressed one last peck to his lips , before sitting up and reaching for the gummy candy . Louis sat up , Harry bit one end of a gummy worm and held the other end for Louis to bite . Louis took the other end with his teeth and leaned away , ripping the gummy in half and smiling when Harry pouted .
It was about ten minutes later that they heard the countdown on the radio , starting at fifteen seconds . Louis blushed softly when Harry grinned at him and pulled him closer , sitting the smaller boy on his lap with his legs on each side of him .
Louis wrapped his arms around his neck and shoulders , Harry rubbed their noses together before pressing their lips together as the faint sound of fireworks was heard from the city . Louis smiled into their kiss when Harry rocked them side to side , Harry held him tighter and hummed .
"I love you bubbie ." Harry mumbled , smiling when Louis nodded and kissed him again .
Hope you liked it x
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