Ch. 27

Enjoy x


On December twenty third , the day before Louis' birthday , Harry was excited . Two days ago he told Liam about his plan , and Liam was all in for it .

They went through the day as usual , and during the afternoon he made sure Louis wasn't home ; he asked Liam to take him out , to wherever he wanted as long as he wasn't home . Louis was oblivious ; it wasn't unusual for him and Liam to hang out . He wasn't really in the mood , as he'd been the whole month , but Liam managed to convince him to go out for a little while .

They were back home around eight at night , Liam parked the car outside his house , "Are you sleeping over at Harry's tonight ?"

Louis nodded and opened the door , Liam nodded aswell , "Alright , go get a bag ready , I'll come with you , Harry promised to give me his recipe book and told me to come today when I'm bringing you back home ."

Louis nodded and walked up to his room , fetching his overnight bag and stuffing in the last toiletries before walking down the stairs . While he was up , Liam texted Harry to let him know they were coming over in a minute .

"Let's go ." Liam said , they walked out of the house and locked the door . They crossed the street to Harry's house , walked up the pathway and knocked on the door . Harry opened the door with a smile , "Hi , come in ."

He kissed Louis' cheek and took the bag from his hands , putting it in the entrace . Liam and Harry exchanged knowing glances as they controlled their excitement , before Harry turned to Louis , "Let's go to the living room ." He said and put his hands on Louis' waist from behind , walking with him to the living room .

What Louis didn't expect , was to see a bunch of people there , balloons and decorations everywhere , and everyone called 'happy birthday !' as soon as he entered the living room . He jumped backwards in surprise and covered his mouth , Harry's arms tightening around his waist as everyone started singing .

There stood Geoff , Niall , Mitch , Adam , Sarah , Claire , Zayn , even a few workers from the bakery - Samantha , Les , Emmerson , Derek and Hance . Mojo and Fuji were also there , wagging their tails with birthday cones on their heads .

Tears filled Louis' eyes , Harry pushed him a little bit further into the room , kissing his cheek softly , "We're all here because we care about you , and we'll make your birthday happy again ."

Liam smiled watching them , feeling Geoff patting his shoulder .

Harry turned Louis around and hugged him into his chest , "I hope these are happy tears ." He whispered into his ear , smiling when Louis nodded lightly . He squeezed him and pulled back , wiping his cheeks , "Smile ?"

Louis couldn't help the watery smile on his lips , Harry cooed and kissed him quickly . When Louis turned around everyone took their turn giving him a hug and saying 'happy birthday' , Louis was smiling with tears still shining in his eyes .

Zayn gave him a soft squeeze and pressed a kiss to his temple , "I want you to know that Liam and Harry were a pain in the arse these past three days , they truly care about you so much ."

Louis nodded and gave Zayn a soft smile , Zayn took a step back and let Harry take Louis' hand and pull him to sit on the couch . The table was filled with snacks and drinks , a cake in the middle .

"Look at Fuji and Mojo ." Harry put his arm around Louis' waist , nodding towards the two dogs who were having the time of their lives getting attention from Harry's friends . He grinned when Louis smiled at the cones , not holding himself back from kissing his cheeks .

Louis smiled at Sarah when she handed him a cup with coke , she smiled and gave him a wink before pouring a cup for Harry aswell . Harry took the cup and turned to Louis , "Can't wait for a proper cuddle to sleep tonight ." He rubbed up and down his side .

Louis nodded with blush on his cheeks , taking a sip of his drink . He leaned a little against Harry's side , Harry kissed his temple , "Did you like our little surprise ?" He asked , smiling when Louis nodded and took a plate with crisps that Geoff passed him . As he put a crisp in his mouth , Harry squeezed his hip , "Want to guess what flavor they are ?"

He laughed a little when he realized they were salt and vinegar , his favorite . He took a crisp and held it up for Harry to bite , Harry took it between his teeth and pecked Louis' finger .

A short while later Liam and Zayn lit the candles on the cake and turned the lights off , and Louis couldn't help but grin with tears in his eyes as everyone sang 'happy birthday' .

"Make a wish ." Niall said , Louis closed his eyes and smiled , before opening them and blowing on the candles as everyone cheered . The lights were turned back on , Harry took the candles out of the cake as Zayn brought a knife and plates .

Louis was the first to get a piece , he smiled at Zayn when Zayn wished him happy birthday .

"Derek and Les made the cake , I gave them a recipe I thought you'd like ." Harry said , Louis nodded and pressed a soft peck to his cheek before signing 'thank you' with his hand to Derek and Les . The two smiled at him , Harry rubbed his back , "Take a bite ."

Louis picked his small spoon and scooped cake on it , smiling when the taste was sweet . He scooped more and brought it up to Harry , Harry smiled and took the bite .


By the end of the night Harry's friends were staying over , they let the couple cuddle on the couch as they cleaned the living room , filling two trash bags and sweeping the floor .

Harry had his arms wrapped around Louis , Louis leaned into his side with their legs tangled .

Liam , Zayn and Geoff got ready to leave , Louis got up to hug them before they left , chuckling when Liam picked him up off his feet and squeezed him .

"I love you , Lou ." He said , Louis squeezed him tightly and nodded into his shoulder . Liam put him down , Louis hugged Zayn and Geoff aswell , closing and locking the door behind them .

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis from behind , "Go upstairs and change into pajamas . I'll take care of the idiots in the guest bedrooms ." He said and let go of Louis , grabbing his overnight bag and handing it to him , "You can take my clothes if you want . Have whatever you want , bub ."

Louis nodded and went upstairs to Harry's room , he shyly opened his closet doors and pulled out a large , soft hoodie and changed quickly into the hoodie and his own sweatpants , busying himself with his phone that he didn't notice Harry , until two arms wrapped around him and picked him up .

He squeaked , giggling when Harry dropped him down on the bed and hovered above him , pecking his nose , "Got the idiots to sleep . I'll change too ."

Louis blushed when Harry stood up and pulled his shirt over his head , looking away when he slid his jeans off . He turned his back to Harry and went to his overnight bag , taking out his toothbrush and going to the bathroom , Harry smiled , "Mind if I join you ?"

Louis smiled back and motioned him over , Harry stood next to him and picked his toothbrush up , brushing his teeth and looking at Louis through the mirror .  Louis washed his mouth from the paste , going back to the bedroom and plugging his phone into the charger .

Harry joined him , laying in bed with his arms open , "Come cuddle ."

Louis put his phone down and got under the covers , letting Harry gather him into his arms . He pressed their lips together , Louis cupped his cheek and let Harry roll over to lie ontop of him without crushing him under his weight .

"I love you ." Harry said , pulling back to smile at him . He peeked over to the clock on his beside table , before grinning and pressing kisses all over Louis' face , "It's officially your birthday bubba , happy eighteenth birthday ."

Louis smiled and shied away from the kisses , Harry pulled back and pushed Louis' fringe from his forehead , "Can I give the birthday boy cuddles and kisses ?" He asked , Louis nodded and melted into Harry's chest as he hugged him and kissed him again .


In the morning , Louis woke up to a large , warm hand rubbing up and down his back , and pans and sizzles in the background . He shifted a little bit and sighed , when he heard Harry talking .

"Good morning bub . Time to get up , Sarah and Adam are making breakfast . We also have a Christmas tree to decorate ."

He whined into the pillow , Harry kissed his shoulder , "Don't be grumpy little one , I'll tickle you ." He wiggled his fingers into his side , grinning when Louis laughed and squirmed closer to him .

Louis smiled shyly into the pillow , Harry leaned in and kissed his cheek , "Look up and give me kisses ." He said softly , smiling when Louis turned his head a bit to kiss him .

"Your dad , Liam and Zayn are joining us aswell ." Harry said through kisses , Louis slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes .

Harry held his hand as they walked down the stairs , the table was set with loads of food and Harry's friends bantering around the kitchen . Mojo and Fuji greeted them with happy tail wags , Louis pet the two and smiled when Harry hugged him from behind .

"Good morning to the cutest couple ever ." Claire smiled , turning everyone's attention to them .

Harry smiled when Louis blushed and turned to hide his face in his shoulder , he tightened his arms around him . "Leave us alone ." He gave them the middle finger when they aww'ed at them .

"I told Liam to put up a Christmas tree in your living room , so after breakfast we'll decorate it together ." Harry turned his attention back to Louis , "And unfortunately I'll be gone for two days . I promised my mum I'll see them on Christmas . So I'm going this afternoon with my mates and I'll be back on the twenty sixth ."

Louis pouted but nodded , Harry scrunched his nose and kissed his temple .

A knock on the door interrupted them , Harry pressed one last kiss to his head before going to open the door . He let the three in , Geoff was holding helium balloons and Liam had two gift bags in his hand .

Liam grinned and put the bags down , picking Louis up into a cuddle . "Happy birthday , Lou ."

Louis wrapped his arms around his shoulders , giving him a loving squeeze in return . Liam put him down , Geoff hugged him tightly , "Happy birthday ." He handed him the balloons , Louis smiled and took them from his hand .

Zayn pecked his cheek as he hugged him , "Happy birthday , little guy ." Louis smiled and rubbed his shoulder .

They went to the table , where all of them sat down to eat , filling the house with talks and laughs .


After decorating the Christmas tree at Louis' house , Harry took Louis back to his house , asking his friends to give them a bit of time alone .

"I want to give you your birthday and Christmas presents , before I go ." Harry said and sat Louis down on his bed , "Wait here ."

Louis bit his lip , watching Harry walking out of the room . He returned with one arm wrapped around a large stuffed bear , his other hand holding two gift bags . "Happy birthday , love ." Harry smiled and placed the stuffed bear in Louis' arms .

Louis held the large bear with a smile and pink cheeks , before putting it next to him to take the two gift bags . Harry watched with a soft smile as Louis opened the first bag , pulling out and unfolding a soft jumper in cream color , and another light gray one . He grinned when Louis leaned in and kissed his cheek , before he reached for the second gift bag .

He pulled a small box out , putting the empty bag down and opening the box . Inside there was an envelope , Louis took it out , furrowing his eyebrows when it was blank on the outside .

"Open it ." Harry encouraged , Louis carefully opened the envelope and took out a few papers , unfolding them . He read over the first paper with his brows still furrowed , but as soon as he realized what were the papers he gasped softly and looked up at Harry with wide eyes .

Harry grinned , "We're going to Paris on Valentine's ."

Louis looked down at the papers again , before up at Harry with the same surprised expression . Harry laughed lightly and sat next to him pressed to his side , arms wrapped around him , "I hope you like your presents ."


Hope you liked it x


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