Ch. 24

Enjoy x


Before anyone felt , it was the end of November .

Both Geoff and Liam were growing worried , as it was nearing December - and they knew what it meant .

Louis pretended he didn't care , as he did every year , but as it neared December he was slowly shutting down . Away from Geoff , away from Liam , away from Harry .

Harry knew something was going on ; Louis was more tense , avoiding him some times , and when he came over to Louis' house the tension was suffocating . He thought about asking Louis about it , get him to say what's wrong , but he didn't know if Louis wanted to talk about it .

Liam , who wasn't living with Louis and Geoff , made sure to come over as often as he could ; he knew he needed to be there for Louis . He hoped that maybe this year Louis would be less numb and distant , that he would tell Harry about what happened .


"Hi love ." Harry smiled as Louis walked over to him , Louis gave him a tight smile and let him peck his cheek . Harry was picking him up from school , and as much as he wanted to let Harry cuddle him , he had to keep himself away . Or atleast that's what he wrongly kept telling himself .

They got into the car , Harry pulled out of the parking spot , "We're stopping at the bakery , before I left to pick you up I put vanilla cupcakes in the oven , by the time we get there it'll be ready and cool enough to eat ."

Louis bit hislower lip ; he wanted to shake his head no and just get Harry to drop him off at his house , but he wanted to have one last cupcake from Harry's bakery .

They drove in silence , which was still unusual . Their usual car rides were filled with songs , Harry singing along and making Louis laugh . Harry strongly disliked what happened to them , and promised himself that tonight he was going to talk to Louis .

He parked outside the bakery , "Want to come with me or stay here ?" He asked , Louis motioned with his hand he was staying in the car . Harry nodded and gave him a smile , "I'll be back in five ."

Louis nodded and watched him exiting the car , then entering the bakery . He looked down at his phone when he recieved a text from Liam .

hey lou, u home?

no ill be there in a bit

did harry pick u up?

yeah were at the bakery


also we need to talk

Louis sighed and closed his eyes ; it was inevitable and he knew it , as it happened every year . This year would be no different , except for the fact he has Harry now too .

knew it was coming

of course it was, we need to talk

it cant happen this year too

you know it will

and ill do my best to make sure it doesnt

Louis put his phone down and pressed his shaking hands between his knees , looking up when the door opened and Harry slid into the driver seat , two paper cups in one hand and two cupcakes in his other hand . He handed Louis the cupcakes and put the drinks in the cup holders before pulling out of the parking spot , "My place or yours ?"

Louis wanted to say neither ; Liam was at their place , and Harry's place was practically his second home that he would feel bad leaving . But eventually he picked Harry's place .

Once at Harry's place they got out of the car , Harry opened the front door and let Louis in , smiling when Mojo and Fuji greeted them happily . Louis pet the two dogs gently before following Harry to the living room , placing the two cupcakes down on the table .

Harry sat down on the couch and grabbed Louis' hand , gently tugging , "Come here ." He held his arm out , Louis came closer and let Harry pull him into his lap . He put one arm around his shoulders , Harry's arms wrapped around his waist to hug him tightly .

He cherished every second being in Harry's arms , closed his eyes and leaned against him . Harry tightened his grip around the smaller boy and kissed his cheek , leaning back against the couch with Louis on his chest .

They stayed cuddled for a while , the two dogs joined them on the couch . Louis pushed his face against Harry's neck so he wouldn't see how badly he was trying not to cry , biting his lower lip when Harry rubbed up and down his back and sides .

"Bubbie ."

Louis lifted his head up ; there we go .

"You haven't been like yourself lately . For like , the past month . You're distant , and you're blank . I'm here for you , and I hope you know that . I hope you know and realize just how much I love you and care about you ."

A tear slid down Louis' cheek , Harry wiped it away . "Will you tell me what's bothering you ?" He asked , though wasn't surprised when Louis just sighed and pushed his face back into his neck .

When he was calm enough , Louis pulled his face out of Harry's neck and sat up a little , reaching for his cupcake . He slowly upwrapped it before taking a bite , feeling Harry's hands on his waist , thumbs moving in slow circles .

Harry noticed he was eating his cupcake slower than usual ; his bites were smaller , and he looked deep in thoughts , as if focusing on the taste of the cupcake . It worried him , he didn't know what Louis was up to and he hoped it wasn't something bad .

Once finished with his cupcake Louis put the wrapper down on the table and stood up from his place on Harry's lap , going to his schoolbag which was in the entrace . Tears blurred his vision as he pulled an envelope out , stuffing it into his hoodie pocket . He sniffled and wiped his eyes before returning to the living room .

Harry looked up when he walked over , standing up from his seat when he noticed the tears in his eyes . He wrapped his arms around him , Louis melted against him and wrapped his arms around his middle , Harry kissed the top of his head , "Bub I'm really worried ."

Louis pulled back just a bit , lifting himself on his tip-toes and pressing a soft kiss to Harry's lips . Harry kissed back , putting as much love into the kiss before Louis pulled away . Louis pulled the envelope out of his pocket and handed it to Harry , refusing to look up at him .

Harry looked down at the envelope , which had his name written on it . He took the envelope from Louis , watching as Louis took three steps back , before turning to leave .

"Wait . Bub ." Harry grabbed his hand . "Stay here while I read it ?"

Louis didn't want to . He really didn't . But he felt like he owed it to Harry , so he nodded . Harry opened the envelope and pulled out a folded paper , unfolding it and reading it silently .

Dear Harry
Im sorry. so so sorry. I never meant for it to happen. never meant to fall for you, never meant to waste your time on me. you deserve so much better.
but thank you. thank you for showing me what love feels like, thank you for making me happy- even if it was for a short time. thank you for doing all you did for me.
none of this is your fault. I was stupid. stupid to believe an amazing person like you could have a happily ever after with me. youre not the problem here, I am. Im messed up and you dont deserve to put up with it. 
I wish you the best, because thats what you deserve.
youll always be in my heart Harry.
sincerely, Louis

Harry looked up from the paper with tears in his eyes ; Louis was standing a few feet away from him looking down at the floor , tears rolling down his cheeks .

"I hope you know this is bullshit ." Harry said quietly . "I'm not giving up on you ."

Louis wiped his cheeks and shook his head , gathering every ounce of courage before looking up at Harry and signing 'I love you' with his hand , before turning around and grabbing his schoolbag and running out of the house .

He crossed the street and ran up the pathway , opening the door and quickly making his way up the stairs to his room , ignoring Liam calling his name . He locked his door behind him and fell down on his bed , sobbing into the pillow . 

Liam bit his lower lip and picked his phone up , pressing Geoff's contact name .

"Hi dad . ... Yeah I'm home . ... Yes . ... Yeah , December Crisis is here ."


Sorry it's a bit short , hope you liked it x


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