Ch. 20

Enjoy x


Harry kept glancing at Louis as they packed their clothes and belongings into their bags , getting ready to leave the lake cabin . He noticed his expression looked sad on the verge of blank . Leaving the lake cabin couldn't be the reason he was so sad .

"Bub ." Harry said softly , Louis turned to face him with slightly pink cheeks . He was still not entirely used to Harry's pet names for him . Harry sat on the bed and patted the space next to him , "Come sit with me ."

Louis put the shirts down next to his bag and sat next to Harry , Harry wrapped his arm around his waist and pressed their sides together .

"What's up , love ? Why are you upset ?"

Louis felt his heart fluttering in his chest . It still surprised him that Harry could see through him and notice when he was upset when he tried hiding it . He bit his lower lip , not sure he wanted to tell him .

Harry rubbed his side gently , "I want to help , I don't like seeing you sad . And I know it's not because we're leaving the lake cabin , is it ?"

Louis shook his head , looking down at his lap . He sighed before pulling his phone out of his pocket and opening his notes , typing in while Harry watched .

just dont feel like going back to school . it sucks

Harry smiled softly and kissed his temple , "You'll be fine , just one more year and you're done ." He said , though it didn't do much cheering up . Harry took another look at Louis and pursed his lips . "It's not the only reason , is it ?"

Louis shook his head .

"Want to tell me what it is , then ?"

Louis stared ahead for a few seconds before typing in his notes again , slowly .

bullying , dealing with people 

Harry bit his lower lip , feeling his heart squeezing in his chest . He kissed his temple , then his cheek , "Don't worry about any of this , love . You're amazing , and you're everything , and I love you and I'll always be there for you ."

Louis rubbed his eyes when they got watery , Harry wrapped both his arms around his waist and embraced the smaller boy into his chest . He kissed his temple a few more times and rubbed his back before pulling back to look at him . "You're not on your own . I'm here , and I'll stay here by your side ."

Louis let his head rest on Harry's shoulder , face in his neck to hide his blush .


"Come on pups , in the car ." Harry opened the backseat door for Mojo and Fuji , who quickly jumped into the car . Harry closed their door and opened the passenger's door for Louis , who smiled shyly and got into the car .

Harry got in the driver's seat and handed the AUX chord to Louis , "We have about two and a half hours drive back , and we'll probably have lunch when we get there . So you're in charge of entertaining us with songs ."

Louis took the chord and plugged it into his phone as Harry pulled out of the driveway .

Mojo was laying on the seats calmly , while Fuji was being a bit restless , trying to get to sit with Louis in the front . Harry chuckled and slowed down the car , "Help him , Lou ?"

Louis smiled and carefully helped the dog to the front , sitting at his feet with his head on Louis' knees . Harry smiled at the two , Louis pet the large dog softly to help him relax . Harry reached over to pet Fuji quickly , "Spoiled little pup ."

Looking over at Harry , Louis noticed him driving with one hand on the wheel , his other resting on his lap . He hesitated for about a minute or so before reaching over to grab Harry's hand , intertwining their fingers together .

Harry smiled widely down at their hands , looking at Louis briefly before back to the road . Louis blushed softly , smiling wider when Harry brought their hands up and kissed the back of his hand a few times . "Love when you hold my hand ."

Louis only blushed harder .


Tow , almost three hours later , as they got back to their town , Louis' stomach grumbled hungrily . Louis placed his hand over his stomach and rubbed it softly , Harry turned to him and smiled , "You hungry ?"

Louis nodded , Harry smiled , "We'll have lunch soon bub . Just need to put the pups back home . Want to text Liam and Geoff to ask if they want to join us ?"

Louis bit his lower lip and nodded , smiling as he quickly texted them if they were free . The two were quick to reply that they were free and would wait for the two of them to get back home so they can go out all four of them .

Twenty minutes later they reached home , Harry parked in his driveway and sighed out , turning to smile at Louis , "Home sweet home ."

Louis smiled and opened his door , holding Fuji by his leash . He took Mojo out with a leash aswell while Harry got their bags . They walked into Harry's house , Louis unleashed the two dogs , Harry put his bag down by the door , "Let's go to your place ."

Louis followed Harry out of the house and across the street , a smile spreading on his lips as he opened the door . Geoff just walked out of the kitchen , he grinned at the couple and pulled Louis into a hug .

"Oh , Lou . We missed you ." He rubbed his back , "Liam is upstairs still getting ready ."

Louis nodded against his shoulder and pulled back , smiling when Geoff kissed his forehead , "Go upstairs , I'll have Harry ."

Harry smiled at Geoff and followed him into the kitchen as Louis hurried up the stairs .

Geoff handed Harry a cup of water , Harry thanked him and took the cup .

"How was the weekend ?" Geoff asked , Harry smiled widely , "It was amazing , went really well . Felt good to be away for a bit ."

Geoff nodded , "I hope you took care of him . Though I think I know the answer , by the smile on his face when he walked in ."

Harry chuckled softly , "I took care of him , made sure he ate , had a good night sleep , always smiling ." Harry looked down at the cup before back at Geoff . "I care about him a lot ."

Geoff smiled , "I can tell . But still , don't forget you're the first person he got close with . He's going to hold on to you . If it's too much for you , know that now there's no way it wouldn't break his heart ."

"I know ." Harry bit his lower lip . "I love him , though . There's no pulling back ."

Geoff felt his chest warm up . "You - you what ?"

Harry smiled softly , "I do . A lot . He's everything no one else is ."


Louis walked up the stairs and knocked softly on Liam's bedroom door , hearing him say 'come in' . He opened the door and walked in , smiling at him through the mirror . Liam turned to him with a grin on his lips , quickly wrapping his arms around his waist and lifting him up in a hug .

Louis grinned back and wrapped his arms around his shoulders , letting out a giggle when Liam squeezed him almost painfully . Liam put him down and pulled back , "How was it ?" He asked , and by the way Louis grinned , beaming like the sun , he knew it was good .

"I'm so happy for you ." Liam hugged him again , Louis smiled into his shoulder and pulled back , pulling his phone out to type in his notes .

it was so perfect , i had a really good time 

Liam smiled and kissed his cheek , "I'm glad . I'm so proud of you ."

Louis smiled and looked down at his phone , typing again.

he told me he loves me

He showed Liam the note , a hand on his mouth as he watched his reaction . Liam's eyes widened in surprise and his jaw fell open , "What ??"

Louis nodded , feeling his eyes tearing up . Liam held the sides of his face , "Did he really ?" He asked quietly , Louis nodded again .

"Oh my god , Lou ." Liam hugged him again , gentle but firm . He rubbed his back , "Holy shit , this is crazy . I'm so so happy for you ."

Louis squeezed his arms around Liam before pulling back to smile up at him , Liam kissed his forehead , "Mumma Jay would be so happy for you , Lou . You're making her very proud ."


"So tell us what you did , where did you go ." Geoff asked Louis and Harry after their orders were taken , Harry smiled down at Louis who sat next to him , "The day we arrived there we just chilled , walked the dogs around a bit , in the evening we ordered food and gave the hot tub a go . The next day we went to the Zoo , after that we took the pups to the lake , which was really fun . We cuddled a lot , this little one is a cuddler ."

Louis blushed and elbowed Harry softly , making him chuckle , "You know I love cuddle time ."

Geoff couldn't stop smiling at the two as Liam pretended to throw up . "Oh stop it , you're too cute I might have Diabetes ."

"Hey , don't joke about it ." Geoff said , Liam smiled and patted his shoulder , "I'm kidding , but they are being too cute with each other ."

Louis took a sip of his water to hide his smile , kicking Liam under the table to get him to stop . Liam squeezed his eyes half-shut at Louis before kicking him back gently , Louis nudged him again and let out a tiny chuckle when Liam nudged him back .

"I have a bit of an announcement , if we're already together ." Liam said once he was done kicking at Louis' feet , Louis sat up and watched a smile creeping on his big brother's lips .

"I got the job . I'll be a firefighter ." Liam said with a grin , Geoff and Harry congratulated him and Louis smiled widely , but inside he knew what it meant ; Liam was moving out .

Liam looked over to Louis , trying to catch his eyes but he just couldn't . He knew Louis all too well , but he had to wait for their lunch to be over to talk to him properly .


"I'm really happy we went away for the weekend ." Harry said , his arms wrapped around Louis as they stood at Louis' porch . Louis smiled into his shoulder and nodded , as if to say he enjoyed it aswell .

"Tomorrow morning I'm starting early at the bakery and finish quite late , but you can stop by if you want . And if you want to come spend the night at my place tomorrow , you're always welcome ." Harry said , "Text me if you want to come over , okay ?"

Louis nodded and stood up on his tip toes to stretch his neck up and kiss Harry quickly , Harry smiled and leaned down to kiss him . "I love you , bub ." He said quietly , making Louis blush and bite his lower lip , as he nodded and pecked Harry's lips quickly .

The two let go of each other , Harry stole one more kiss from Louis' lips before he let him walk into his house .

Louis walked into his room and kicked his shoes off near his bedroom door and changed into his comfy clothes , when there was a knock on his door .

He opened it , Liam smiled at him , "Can I come in ?" He asked , Louis nodded and opened the door for him . Liam sat crossed legged on the bed , Louis sat in front of him with his legs crossed aswell .

Liam put his hand on Louis' knee , "I know what you're thinking about ." He gave him a soft smile , Louis bit his lower lip and looked down to his lap .

"Lou , me moving out doesn't mean I'm forgetting about you or dad ." He rubbed his knee gently , "You're my little brother and I'll always be there for you , even if I'm not physically there . You can always come over , or I'll come over . I know it'll be different , but I'm not leaving you ."

Louis teared up , lower lip trembling as he held it between his teeth . Liam put his hands on his arms , "You're going to be okay , this isn't the end of the world . Anytime you need me I'll be here for you , and you know I'll always be there ."

Liam pouted as Louis nodded and wiped his cheeks , sniffling softly . He brought him into a hug , rubbing his back and squeezing him . "You're my baby brother , and I love you , and if you think you're getting rid of me that easily then you're wrong ." He tried lightening up the mood , smiling when Louis let out a soft chuckle against his shoulder .

"And if you think that means you're spared of being annoyed by me , then you're very wrong ." Liam wrestled him down on the bed before grabbing a pillow to hit him lightly , Louis laughed and blocked Liam with his arms over his head .

Liam laughed along and put the pillow down , laying next to Louis on the bed . Louis poked Liam's cheek , Liam turned his head towards him and smiled when Louis signed the words 'thank you' .


Hope you liked it x


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