Ch. 19

Enjoy x


Louis woke up to a large body walking on the bed next to him and nudging his shoulder , he rubbed his eyes open and smiled when he saw Mojo looking down at him . He brought his hand up and pet him behind his ears , groaning when the large dog licked his cheek .

Harry walked into the room and smiled at the two , Fuji following close behind . "Good morning ."

Louis pushed Mojo away gently and smiled shyly at Harry , turning his back to him and bringing the covers up over his head so Harry wouldn't see his messy bedhead . He felt Harry's body crawling into bed with him before the sheets were battled off him , he quickly tried fixing his hair but Harry caught his hands .

"Don't , you look cute ." He smiled at his red cheeks , leaning down to peck his nose . "Go brush your teeth bub , breakfast is almost ready ."

Louis pushed himself out of bed and smiled at Fuji , who was sitting patiently next to the bed waiting for Louis' attention . Louis pet him softly and kissed the top of his head before going to the bathroom .

He freshened up and walked out of the room to the kitchen , smiling at the delicious smell around the room . Harry turned to him when he walked in , "Sit down , I'm bringing everything over ."

Louis walked over to him and took two plates before Harry could protest and brought them to the table , biting back a chuckle when Harry sighed playfully . He gasped when Harry hugged his waist from behind and pushed his nose into his neck , "Why won't you let me be a gentleman and bring you over the food myself ?"

He laughed softly at the ticklish feeling in his neck and twisted in his hold , Harry turned him to face him and pressed their lips together . They pulled back , Harry kissed his forehead , "Now please sit down because we need to eat ."

Louis sat down at the table and let Harry bring over the rest of the food , smiling and signing 'thank you' with his hand . Harry smiled and took his hand , kissing the back of it , "Eat up , the Zoo is waiting for us ."


The couple held hands as they walked into the zoo , a little map in Louis' hands . They stopped walking to look down on the map , Harry put his arm around Louis , "Where do you want to go first ?"

Louis looked down at the map , shivering when he felt Harry's fingers sneaking under his shirt to touch his hip lightly . He pointed down at the map and smiled , Harry nodded , "Wild parrots it is  , then ."

It's been a really long time since the last time Louis were to a Zoo , and he was internally excited because he loved it .

They reached the enclosure , Harry pulled Louis to stand right in front of it so he could get a good view of the parrots . He couldn't help but smile at the excited spark in Louis' eyes as he looked at the colourful birds .

He kissed his cheek and they moved along , stopping by every enclosure so Louis could see what was inside .

At the monkeys Harry playfully picked Louis up by his waist and told him to 'rejoin his true family' , making Louis gasp and blush when people looked , punching Harry's chest softly when he was put down .

At the Underwater World Louis couldn't help but giggle and point to a certain frog , typing in his phone 'you two look the same' and laughing when Harry made an offended face .

At the bears Harry called 'bear-hug' and secured his arms around Louis , and no matter how much Louis tried pulling out he couldn't , making him laugh and whine for Harry to let go so they could move on .

At the lions Harry snuck up behind Louis and bent down , wrapping his arms around Louis' thighs and picking him up while chanting The Lion King opening . Louis blushed deeply when people looked and cupped his mouth to stop laughing .

They made it in time to the feeding hour of the giraffes , Harry fed the giraffe with Louis holding the same leaf , since he was a little scared . Louis had to crane his neck to look at the giraffe and giggled , pointing between Harry and the giraffe as if saying they were the same .

Two hours later they were done , they walked out of the Zoo hand in hand to Harry's car .

"Did you have fun ?" Harry asked , even though he already knew the answer . Louis nodded with a smile on his face , the same wide smile he had on since they walked in . Harry brought him closer and wrapped his arm around his waist , "Good . That's what we're here for ."

They reached the car , Harry opened the passenger's door for Louis . Once they were both inside Harry turned the car on , "Now , how about a nice little lunch , then we'll take the pups out to the lake ?"

Louis nodded and clapsed his hands on his lap ; if he didn't he would reach over and squeeze Harry's cheeks . Harry placed his hand on his knee with his palm up , silently asking Louis to hold his hand . Louis took his large hand in his small one , Harry brought his hand up and kissed the back of it .


After lunch they returned to the lakehouse , the two dogs greeted them as they opened the door . Harry playfully grabbed Louis and threw him over his shoulder , making him squeal in surprise .

Harry tossed him on the bed , "Go get into your swim trunks ."

Louis huffed half-heartedly , making Harry laugh before he belly-flopped on him and kissed his lips repeatedly . Louis laughed and pushed Harry away , Harry got off him and patted his tummy , "Swim trunks , bub ."

The two quickly put their swim trunks on , Harry was shirtless while Louis put on one of Harry's t-shirts . They walked barefoot out of the back door down the outdoor wooden stairs to the lake shore with the two dogs running off excitedly , sniffing everything they could .

They reached the shore , the sand was soft under their feet . Harry walked to the water and dipped his foot inside , smiling and turning to Louis , "Come here bub , the water's nice ."

Louis walked closer and dipped his foot inside , smiling softly . It was really warm outside and the water was just perfect , not too cold but just right .

Harry walked farther in , smiling at the dogs enjoying their time in the water . He walked in until he was knee-deep and turned to Louis , holding his hand out , "Come on ."

Louis walked closer and held Harry's hand , following him into the water . He tapped Harry's arm , Harry turned to face him . One look at his slightly worried face made him smile reassuringly , "I know you can't swim bubba , but we don't have to go deep . I'll watch over you nontheless , alright ?" He kissed his hand , Louis nodded and gave him a smile .

The dogs ran over to them , Mojo wiggled himself making water sprinkle all over , Harry laughed and leaned down to kiss his head , "You two are definitely getting a shower after that ."

Louis smiled mischievously and waited for Harry to turn back to him , once he did he was taken aback when Louis splashed him , giggling at the face he pulled .

He wiped his face and looked over to Louis , smiling at his soft laugh . "You think this is funny , eh ?" He splashed him back two times worse , Louis squeaked and splashed him again . In a split second they got into a water fight , both of them getting the other soaked in seconds .

Harry lunged forward and wrapped his arms around Louis' waist to stop him , he picked him up and let himself fall backwards into the shallow water with Louis ontop of him .

He sat up with Louis on his lap , both of them laughing against each other . Louis moved Harry's hair from his face and smiled , letting Harry lean closer and press their lips together . They melted against each other , caught up in the moment , when Fuji  wiggled himself inbetween them in need of their attention .

The couple laughed and let the large dog lick their faces before running off after Mojo .

"Now where were we ?" Harry asked with a smirk and pulled Louis closer , Louis wrapped his arms around his neck and smiled into the kiss .


"Put their leashes on while I'm getting the soap ." Harry handed Louis the two leashes for Mojo and Fuji while he went into the cabin to fetch the dogs' bathing soap . He returned and smiled seeing the two dogs waiting patiently with Louis .

He didn't want to get the two wet and dirty dogs into the house , so he and Louis were bathing them in the yard with the hose .

"Give me your hands ." Harry told Louis , Louis cupped his hands together and let Harry pour soap into them , pouring a bit more on Fuji . Louis smiled as he started washing the dog's fur , his hands gently massaging his body .

Fuji was having the time of his life , being massaged and cleaned . He closed his eyes and relaxed into Louis' hands , making both Louis and Harry smile .

Harry washed Mojo , chuckling when the dog licked his cheek and tried nudging him .

Louis was done first , he washed the soap off Fuji with the garden hose , smiling at how relaxed he was . He finished and handed Harry the hose , laughing and turning away when Fuji wriggled and sprinkled water everywhere . Louis took a towel and dried him all over before letting him into the house , before helping Harry dry Mojo .

Once the two dogs were inside Harry sighed in relief , turning to Louis . "How about we shower and sit outside a bit ? We haven't tried the hammock yet ."

Louis smiled and nodded , getting in shower first . Once he was done he walked outside to the hammock and lied down on it waiting for Harry .

Harry showered quickly so Louis wouldn't have to wait much and was quick to get outside , he smiled at his small boyfriend laying on the hammock , swinging lightly .

He lied next to him , Louis smiled and held his hand , leaning his head back and closing his eyes to savour every second . He still couldn't take in the fact that Harry and he were in a relationship , and the fact Harry confessed his love less then twenty four hours ago . He knew he loved him back , knew for a while now . And he wanted to say it back , vocally say it back , but he couldn't , just not yet . It all felt too good to be true that it scared him .

Harry brought Louis' hand up and kissed his knuckles and fingers softly , he loved how soft his hands were . Always so soft .

Louis opened his eyes and smiled shyly , and with a burst of confidence he leaned in and kissed Harry quickly , pulling back with blush on his cheeks .

Harry grinned and kissed him again , his insides bursting with the need to squeeze Louis in his arms . So he did .

Louis laughed and pushed against him , laughing harder when he felt fingers tickling his sides . Harry was grinning like a mad person before stopping , pulling his head back to kiss Louis breathless .


Hope you liked it x


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