Ch. 10
Enjoy x
Friday noon Louis walked out of the school , mentally sighing in relief as he was ready to do nothing the whole weekend ; finals were his death . He looked around the parking lot and spotted Liam waiting for him , he approached his brother with a small smile .
"Hi Lou ." Liam smiled , the two got into the car and Liam pulled out of the parking spot , "We're stopping at Harry's bakery , he asked to see you because he couldn't pick you up from school ."
Louis blushed at the mention of Harry but nodded anyway , Liam smiled and said nothing about his blush .
Twenty five minutes later Liam parked outside the bakery , they got out and walked into the place . There were two workers behind the counter , one of them being the young lad Liam talked to the other day .
"Hey ." Liam approached the young lad , "Is Harry here ?"
"Yes , he's in the back . I could go get him for you ?" The lad said , Liam nodded , "That would be good , thank you . Also tell him his Louis is here ." He said with a smirk , causing Louis to smack his arm in embarrassment .
"His - his what ?" The lad asked , eyebrows raised .
"His Louis . Just tell him that , you'll see how fast he drops everything ." Liam said , purposely ignoring Louis pinching his bicep .
"Uhm , uh - okay ." The lad said and walked towards the office . He couldn't help but fix his apron and shirt , push his hair back and clear his throat before knocking on the door .
"Come in ."
The lad opened the door , "Mr. Styles ."
Harry looked up and smiled , "Hi Andy , you alright ?"
"Yes , thank you . Uhm . I - I was told to say that , that your Louis is here ?" Andy said , jealousy bubbling inside of him at how quickly Harry pushed his desk chair back and stood up , "Has he been waiting for a long time ?" He asked as he rushed to collect his papers .
"No , he just arrived , like , barely a minute ago ." Andy said .
"Alright , thank you Andy . I'll be right out ." Harry said and placed his collected papers aside .
Andy nodded and closed the door , rolling his eyes to himself before walking back to the front desk . "He'll be right out ." He told Liam and Louis .
"Thanks ." Liam nodded , "Also , could we get one vanilla cuppa and one hot chocolate please ?"
Andy nodded and told the other girl behind the desk the order , she nodded and went to make their drinks .
Liam paid Andy and recieved his change back , before Harry walked out of the office , a smile spreading across his lips at the sight of Louis , wearing his hoodie he gave him a while ago .
Louis looked up and smiled at Harry , blush covering his cheeks as Harry smiled back . Harry rounded the desk and approached Louis , pressing a loving kiss to his cheek , "Hi love ." He wasn't sure how Louis felt with kissing in public , so he just wrapped his arm around his waist and brought him closer .
"Hi Liam , you doing good ?" Harry asked , Liam said yes and thanked the girl when she handed them their drinks , passing Louis his hot chocolate .
Harry turned to Andy , "They didn't pay for these , right ?"
"They did , actually , sir ." Andy said , trying not to glare at Louis .
Harry sighed and turned to them , "I told you you two aren't allowed to pay for stuff here , didn't I ?"
"Yeah well we're not going to listen because we're decent people ." Liam said back sassily .
"Lou , tell him ." Harry whined playfully , Louis just shrugged his shoulders and shook his head 'no' , biting back a smile , though failing and letting out a laugh when Harry prodded him in the ribs playfully .
"Well , Lou , I actually need to go grocery shopping , you want to come along ?" Liam asked , though he already knew the answer ; Louis hated grocery shopping .
Louis made a face at him , causing Harry to scrunch his nose in fondness .
Liam laughed , "I'll take that as a no ."
"Stay here with me until Liam is done ?" Harry asked , Louis looked up at him then back at Liam , who wiggled his eyebrows at him while sipping on his drink . He looked back up at Harry and nodded , Harry kissed his cheek , "Perfect ."
"Alright , I'll be back in an hour or so , alright ?" Liam said , the two nodded and said goodbye .
Meanwhile , Andy was growing more and more jealous of Louis .
"How did the mute kid manage to get Harry to himself ?" Andy mumbled to himself .
"Well maybe because he isn't an asshole like you ." The girl , Sam , rolled her eyes . It was clear they didn't like each other .
"Shut the fuck up , no one asked for your opinion ."
"And no one asked for yours ."
"Go mind your own business , you bitch ."
"Why would I , you don't mind your own business either ."
"Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone ."
Sam rolled her eyes again and went to grab a mop to wipe the counter and tables .
Harry took Louis by the waist to one of the tables and they sat down next to each other , Louis pulled his phone out so he could type in the notes .
"How was school today ?" Harry asked , his arm resting around Louis' shoulders . Louis smiled and typed in 'it was fine' , Harry nodded and kissed his temple , "Could I get a kiss ?" He asked , making Louis blush deeply and look around the shop a little .
"Don't worry about anyone seeing us , I just want a kiss . A peck . Want to kiss you ." Harry said in a cute voice , making Louis smile and nod his head a little . Harry smiled and pecked Louis' lips , then again , then again , causing a tiny giggle to escape Louis' lips .
"How about we go out tomorrow evening , yeah ? Something casual ." Harry asked ; it's been two weeks since their first date , and even though he was busy he really wanted to take Louis on another date , get them a step closer to being a couple , officially that is .
Louis gave him a soft smile and nodded , Harry kissed his temple , "Perfect ." He nudged his nose against his hair ; he really loved the smell of Louis' shampoo .
"You getting ready for your finals ?" Harry asked , Louis pouted and nodded before typing , Its draining me and making me want to drop out .
Harry laughed softly into his temple , "You'll be fine love , just one more month then you're on summer break ."
Louis sipped on his hot chocolate and took his phone again , typing Remind me to give you your hoodie back .
Harry shook his head ,"No no , don't give it back . It looks better on you ." He dropped his arm from his shoulder to his waist .
But its yours
"Well it's yours now ." Harry smiled , his nose scrunching when Louis blushed softly . He signed 'thank you' with his hand , Harry kissed his lips quickly , "You're the cutest ."
Fourty minutes later Liam was done with grocery shopping and went to pick Louis up from the bakery , he parked outside and walked in , accidentally bumping into a guy who was on the way out .
"Oh shit , I'm really sorry ." Liam apologized , the guy smiled , "It's alright , didn't watch where I was going ."
Liam took a second to look at the guy ; dark hair , brown shining eyes , multiple tattoos . He was pretty attractive .
"Yeah , I uh ... I'm sorry ." Liam said , the guy shook his head , "I said it's okay . Although , you could repay me by giving me your number ? Maybe your Instagram ?"
Liam laughed but nodded , "Sure ." He pulled his phone out . "I'm Liam ."
"I'm Zayn . Just moved here last week ."
"Oh , that's nice . Where did you use to live ?"
"Bradford ."
"That's cool , Bradford is lovely ."
"It is ." Zayn nodded with a smile . "Doncaster is nice aswell ."
"Yeah , lovely green place ." Liam nodded . Zayn handed Liam his phone back with a smile , "I'll text you later , then . See you soon ?"
"I sure hope so ." Liam smirked , Zayn flashed one last smile before going to his car .
Liam chuckled to himself before approaching Sam , the girl , who was cleaning the counter , "Hey , is Harry still here with Louis ?"
"Yeah , they're at the back , want me to go get them ?"
"That would be nice , thank you ." Liam nodded , Sam put her mop down and went to tell the couple that Liam was back .
When the two walked out Liam couldn't help but smile at how wide Louis was smiling ; he appreciated every moment of his little brother smiling .
"Hi Lou . Ready to go home ?" He asked , Louis looked up at Harry and smiled when Harry kissed his temple , before nodding at Liam he was ready to go .
Harry turned Louis to face him , "I'll see you tomorrow on our date ?"
Louis nodded with a smile , wrapping his arms around Harry's middle in a hug . Harry cooed and squeezed the smaller boy into his chest , pressing his nose into his hair . He kissed the top of his head and pulled back a little , pecking Louis' lips softly .
"So you have a date with Harry tomorrow ?" Liam asked , he and Louis were in the kitchen . Louis was studying at the kitchen table while Liam was making dinner .
Louis nodded and grabbed the notepad , scribbling down something and handing the note to Liam . Yeah , tomorrow at seven p.m .
"Alright . Also , uh , I kind of bumped into someone at the bakery . His name is Zayn , moved here from Bradford . So uh , we - I gave him my number ."
Louis raised his eyebrows , then smiled at Liam knowingly . Liam laughed and shook his head , "Oh don't look at me like that ."
Louis giggled a little and raised his hands in mock surrender before going back to his books . Liam went back to cooking , though seconds later a crumpled paper landed on the counter next to him . Liam rolled his eyes and took the paper , unfolding it .
kissy kissy
Liam let out a laugh and threw the paper back at Louis , who laughed aswell .
A little filler . Hope you liked it x
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