Oh For Goodness Sake...100 facts

^Rule the World by Walk Off The Earth-an excellent song.

I was nominated by aries464 to do the 100 facts thing. Here goes. I'll try not to get mad.

1-Real name: Thea (not TEE-ah, THEE-ah)

2-Nicknames: Call me by any other name and I break you. Right sis? (SteampunkPotato is fine though)

3-Favourite colour: Probably purple or green

4-Gender: Female. ESTROGEN! ESTROGEN!

5-Elementary School: Camille J. LeRouge

6-Middle School: Camille J. LeRouge

7-High School: Notre Dame

8-College: RDC or U of A or something else-it really depends on the program

9-Hair: Sandy blonde although some is dyed red-brown

10-Tall or Short: Average, but tall compared to my friends.

11-Sweats or Jeans: Jeans

12-Phone or Camera: iPad mini

13-Health Freak: Not really.

14-Orange or Apple: Depends. Apples would be nice if I didn't have braces, and oranges are great at Christmastime.

15-Do I have a crush on someone: *eye roll* Fine.

16-Guy or Girl Friends: I kept reading this over trying to figure out whether it's asking what the gender of my friends are, or what gender I want my partner to be. I mean the crush question was right before it. My friends are all girls and I want a male partner.

17-Piercings: Yes, but I don't really use them.

18-Pepsi or Coke: I don't see the difference. Coke I guess.

19-Have I been in an airplane: Yes

20-Have I ever been in a relationship: Nope

21-Have I ever been in a car accident: No

22-Have I ever been in a fist fight: Yes, and I won.

23-Best Friend: I have two friends and were kinda all co-best friends. I'm not going to mention them online without their consent.

24-First Award: A participation award from skating.

25-First Crush: Do not remind me.

26-First Word: Mommy or something like that.

27-Talents: Art, I understand the sciences pretty well too, dance? In elementary, I played a mean 'it' in tag. And skiing.

28- Last person I talked to: My sister. She asked me if I had a belt.

29-Last person I texted: My friend, whose contact is 'SARCASTIC PINEAPPLE'. So a pineapple, then.

30-Last person I watched a movie with: My sister.

31-Last thing I ate: An apricot.

32-Last movie or TV show I watched: House Hunters

33-Last song I listened to: Lean on, by Major Lazer and DJ Snake.

34-Last thing I bought: A green iced tea from Tim Hortons.

35-Last person I hugged: My mom hug-ambushed me. Does that count?

36-Food: Pancakes

37-Drink: Homemade iced tea and/or lemonade.

38-Bottoms: Reasonably skinny jeans.

39-Flowers: Lilacs

40-Animals: MANATEES AND OWLS! And obviously dragons. But I think they meant from real life.

41-Colours: I was already asked this, so ask me what my favourite ice cream flavour is.
41-Ice cream flavour: Mint chip

42-Movie: Avatar (blue people), Tower Heist, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, Maleficent, Legend of the Guardians: the owls of Ga'Hoole, Edward Scissorhands, Emperor's New Groove, Lord of the Rings, but I'll watch anything as long as there's no big, corny number at the end where all the characters sing.

43-Subject: Science, Art, and English if there's a good teacher.

Have I ever...
44-Fallen in love: Ehhh...not with real people.

45-Celebrated Halloween: Yep.

46-Had my heart broken: Yeppers, when my favourite show ended.

47-Went over the texts on my phone: Nope.

48-Had someone like me: Yepper-doodle-doo.

49-Hated the way someone changed: Yes. Let's just say my friend group used to have five people (including myself) in it.

50-Got PG: No. Ask me if I ever got braces or glasses.
50-Got braces or glasses: Yes to braces, no to glasses. I've had 5 years and counting worth of dental work.

51-Had an abortion: TAKE A WILD GUESS BUDDY. Ask me if I ever stole anything.
51-Stolen anything: Only candy from the bulk section when I was four. Heheheh...

52-Did anything I regret: Yepper-doodle-dandy.

53-Broken a promise: Yes.

54-Hidden a secret: Better change that to a plural, honey.

55-Pretended to be happy: Monthly. *glares*

56-Met someone who changed my life: Not really.

57-Pretended to be sick: Yes, and I was pretty good at it, too.

58-Left the country: Only a few times.

59-Tried something new and liked it: Three words: Amusement. Park. Rides.

60-Cried over silly things: Nope. Only children movies deserve my tears. Ok maybe, then.

61-Ran a mile: Probably.

62-Gone to the beach with my friends: Yes.

63-Gotten into an argument with my friends: No, but they always find a to argue amongst themselves.

64-Disliked someone: ANGEL FROM MAXIMUM RIDE. Oh? From real life? Yes.

65-Stayed single for at least two years: Yes.

66-Eating: Nothing.

67-Drinking: Nothing, but I'm thirsty.

68-Listening to: Based on the video above, what do you think?

69-Sitting or laying: Aggressively pacing, thinking of answers.

70-Plans for today: Going to a drive-in movie theatre and eating at an Indian restaurant.

71-Waiting for: I don't know...food?

72-Want kids: No, but I feel like that might change over time.

73-Want to get married: No, but I feel like that might change over time.

74-Want to travel: Only to certain places.

What I look for in a partner...
75-Lips or eyes: Don't care.

76-Shorter or taller: Don't care.

77-Younger or older: Don't care.

78-Romantic or spontaneous: Culinary skills.

79-Troublemaker or hesitant: Taste in media.

80-Looks or personality: How familiar he is with botany.

Have I ever...
81-Lost glasses: Never owned them in the first place.

82-Snuck out of the house: Home is where the wi-fi is, so no.

83-Held a knife or gun in defence: Nope.

84-Killed somebody: Sorry, not that ambitious.

85-Broken someone's heart: No.

86-Been in love: Wasn't I already asked this? Ask me if I ever snuck outside food into place that doesn't allow it.
86-Snuck outside food into a theatre, stadium, etc: I snuck some candy into a theatre once.

87-Broken a bone: Nope.

88-Cried when someone died: Only fictional people- I've never cried when someone I knew died.

Believe in...
89-Yourself: Ehh...

90-Miracles: Depends on circumstances.

91-Love at first sight: No

92-Heaven: Yes.

93-Santa Claus: No.

94-Aliens: But do they believe in me?

95-Ghosts: I suppose.

96-Is there a person I'd like to be with right now: I haven't seen any of my friends in awhile.

97-Do I know who my real friends are: Yes.

98-Believe in God: Yes.

99-Post this as 100 truths: If you meant the title, does it look like I did?

100-Who am I going to tag: TAG BUSTERS!

The unfortunate few:
Luckily, if you're tagged, you are in no way forced to do this.

Au revoir!

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