Chapter 9: Octavio!!

Your POV

I was tampering around with the Hypnotic Glasses that I took from Eliza. Turns out this thing has a hidden camera near the lenses of the glasses so they could monitor where the wearer is headed. I managed to get the stored recordings and right now I am playing it on my computer.

Y/N: Alright. Let's see what you got.

I played all the recorded footage of the glasses and it was nothing out of the ordinary, just some footage of Eliza patrolling around one of the areas that me and Four have been to before. But something caught my attention...there's an every single footage. She was wearing the same Hypnotic Glasses that has a hold of the entire Octoling/Octarian Race.

Then...came the interesting parts, there were brand new areas we've never been to before. The final footage shows a Giant Octopus wearing green glasses with some sort of blinds instead of lenses. Marie told me about him before...Octavio. I saw where the location of this footage and I encrypted it on my hud and the location was shown.

I decided to grab my phone and I dialed Marie to tell her what I just found. The phone kept ringing and I set my phone down for a moment and I grabbed the Activator for Bulwark. I attached it to my chest and tapped it twice and the armor materialized over my body. When my phone stopped ringing, I took my helmet off and I put the phone against my ear.

Marie: Hello?

Y/N: Marie, it's Y/N.

Marie: Oh, hey love. What's up?

Y/N: I got some intel...I know where Octavio is...

Marie:...Come to the! I'll get a hold of Four, just come here as soon as you can!

Y/N: I'm on my way.

I then hang up the call and I put my phone on the table and I put my helmet back on. I proceeded to exit my room and I walked downstairs. I saw Eliza and Cameron talking to each other and I passed them and went to the door.

Eliza: Y/N? Where you headed?

Y/N: Somewhere...important. Just...stay here until I get back. See you later.

I then proceeded to walk out of my door and I exit the mansion, I activated the Invisibility Module I had on Bulwark and I went invisible to the human eye...or Inkling/Octoling eye in this case.
I proceeded to sprint in inhuman speeds and when I finally built up enough speed, I jumped to one of the building and I jumped from building to building until I finally reached the Square.

There aren't that many Inkling around so I proceeded to drop down on the street and I silently made my way to the grates, the entrance to Octo Valley. I lifted up the grates and I jumped in the hole and I put the grate back on, then I swam to the Valley.


I reached the Valley and I saw Marie preparing her Charger, and she was wearing her Squid Sister outfit. She then noticed me and she power walked towards me and gave me a hug.

Marie: I prepared as soon as you hang up. Four will arrive shortly and I will be on standby when things go south.

Y/N: That's good to hear. I pinpointed the exact location of Octavio...and wherever he is...your cousin might be too.

Then Four emerged from the pipes and she made her way towards us.

Four: I came here as soon as you called, Marie. What's up?

Marie: Y/N managed to pinpoint Octavio's location. Wherever he is, Callie might be there too.

Y/N: This is the final area...where the last battle will commence...

Marie: Get going you two. I can't wait to put this piece of carp back in a globe.

I nodded and I walked towards the final Kettle. I gestured Four to go first and she did with a nod. She stepped on the grates and she transformed into her Squid Form and she passed through the grates. I lifted up the grates but before I jumped down, I looked at Marie and she gave me an assuring nod. I nodded back and I jumped down the pipes and made our way to the final area.

Change Scene

I arrived at the end of the pipe and I lifted up the grates, Four stepped on the Jump Pad and she went to the main platform, for some reason it's bigger than last time. I then ran and I jumped over the wide gap and landed beside Four.

Marie: Let's go, Four! Let's go, Spartacus!

Y/N: Wait a second...are we...being watched by Octolings? This place looks like a Stadium!

Then I saw a stage in the middle of the platform we were standing on. And there, I saw the Inkling. She had a mark of the Octoling on her side and she was wearing all black and her tentacles where black as well...and she was wearing one of the Hypnotic Glasses.

Marie: Wait a that?

Four: Oh my Cod, no way! It can't be!

Y/N: Why? Who is it?

The inkling turned around and faced us, and she wasn't in a good mood.

???: I told you to leave...

Marie: Callie...why?

Y/N: That's her?!

Callie: Now you leave me no choice...*poses* Prepare to be rocked!

Y/N: Did...did she just pull out a Jojo Pose?!

Callie: Hey, DJ!

Then the stage started to rise up, and it revealed a DJ Booth, it was the same large octopus I saw in the footage...Octavio. They were on a flying DJ Booth and there were speakers at the side of the Booth and a few Ink Bomb Launchers and two Giant Fists. Then underneath the Booth, I saw the Great Zapfish, it was "sucked" into the Flying DJ Booth and used it as a power source. Then the Booth let out a horn which sounded like it belonged to a Cruiser Ship. The, Octavio spoke.

Octavio: Octavio in da houuuuuuuuse! GYA HA HA! I REMIXED CALLIE'S BRAIN!

( I swear every time I hear him say "I REMIXED CALLIE'S BRIAN" it sounds like a skullfuck! )

Callie: Time for our first song of the night: Bomb Rush Blush!

Y/N: That doesn't sound good...

Then the fists started to build up energy and the fist ejected and was sent flying towards us, me and Four dodged to the side and the other fist was sent towards me but I managed to avoid it, but barely. 

Four: Spartacus, distract Octavio for a bit! I need to ink some areas of the platform!

Y/N: No problem.

I then proceeded to run in front of the booth and started to agitate the DJ.

Y/N: Hey! You think your songs and beats are good? They're so terrible I want to throw up right now! 

Octavio: How dare you! I'll cross-fade you to the depths where your kind belongs, human! 

Y/N: You're welcome to try, ugly! I've killed bigger, and much worse than you!

Then the fists started to charge up again and the fist was sent flying towards me, I dodged to the side and I managed to get a hold on to the chain that kept the fist attached to the booth. I pulled as hard as I can and the fist along with the chain tore off the booth. I pulled the fist closer towards me and I started to use it like a flail, I then turned to Octavio with a psychotic grin plastered across my face.

Y/N: Thanks for letting me use your toys, dipshit!

I then sent the giant flail fist towards the flying booth, it collided with the booth with a loud metal clashing to another metal, causing the booth shake violently and Callie to lose her balance.

Octavio: GRAAAHK!

Marie: That's it, Spartacus! Show no mercy!

I pulled back the flail again and I proceeded to fling the fist to the side of the booth, making it shake violently again. I was about to bring down the fist from above but Octavio managed to maneuver the booth out of the way.

Y/N: Come here, Octavio!

Octavio: No! Stay away from me! You're crazy!

I chased after the booth that was flying around the entre platform and I managed to catch up and I threw the fist towards the booth again, directly hitting it at the back, knocking Octavio off. The fist flail broke and it was left in pieces, I then turned my attention towards Octavio and I gestured for to kick his ass.

Marie: Octavio is exposed! This is your chance, Four!

Four then proceeded to shoot Octavio with ink a few time and it sent him flying back to the booth. 

Callie: HNNNNG! Come on, Octavio! 


Callie: HMPH!

Marie: Callie! It's me! Your cousin Marie! Try to remember!

Y/N: It's no use, Marie. She still has those fucking glasses on!


Octavio: GYAH HA HA! Comin' with that hotness!

Y/N: Get ready, Four!

Four then proceeded to turn into her Squid Form and submerged herself in the ink puddles she made earlier. She was filling up her tank with ink. She then turned back to normal again and I prepared for the next icoming attack.

Four: Why aren't you using your guns?

Y/N: Callie's still up there. I can't risk getting her caught in the flying lasers- watch out!

I ran towards her and she noticed another Ink Bomb right beside her. I went in front of the bomb and shielded Four with my armor. The Ink blast took away a large amount if integrity of my armor, but it's nothing serious.

Then I saw one of the fists building up pressure again and the fist was sent flying towards us. Four transformed into her Squid Form to evade the attack, I merely stepped to the side and grabbed the giant metal fist by the side and I maneuvered the fist back towards Octavio's Flying DJ Booth, causing it to shake violently again.

Marie: Don't hold back, Spartacus!

Y/N: I'm not intending to, Marie!

Marie: Bomb Rush, incoming!

More Ink Bombs were shot at us, I picked up a bomb and threw it back to Octavio and it blew up as soon as it made contact with the booth. I then kicked the Ink Bomb that was beside me and it was sent flying towards directly at Octavio, knocking him off again.

Octavio: GRAAAAHK!

Marie: That's it! Kick his ass, baby!

And so, I did what thr lady wants, I quite literally kicked his ass. I picked him up and I kicked him like a soccer ball, sending him back to his booth, all battered up like a roadkilled raccoon.

Marie: Four, Spartacus, I'll be there soon!

I then proceeded to catch one of the incoming fist towards me again and this time, I tore it off again, giving me a brand new flail. I pulled the flail back and sent it towards the booth, hitting it directly up front. Octavio was about to do a Dash Punch towards me but I evaded and I sent the flail again to the Booth, knocking Octavio off once more.

I reared back my hand and I was about to smash him with the flail but he quite literally waddled away from the position he was standing on, Four managed to shoot him with Ink and he was sent flying back at the Booth.

Marie: I'm here, hold on!

Then, at the corner of my eye I saw Sheldon's Truck. Marie was on top of it and it was set up like a stage. Marie was holding her Charger, pointed at Callie. She took her time to aim, and when she finally got a clear shot, she pulled the trigger, directly hitring Callie, knocking off her Hypnotic Glasses.

Callie: AHHH!

Octavio: NOOOOO! The Hypnoshades!

Marie: YES! That was a direct hit with my special low-tide ink!

Callie: Unnhhh...

Marie: Now, you two! While Callie is stunned! Make Octavio pay!

Then me and Four looked at each other and both of us gave each other a nod. Four then aimed her weapon towards the incoming fist and she kept shooting at it until it was sent back to Octavio.

I proceeded to hit the booth with the flail I had and I was hitting the booth from the side, up front and at the back, even at the bottom part. We did all this, just to buy some time for the low-tide ink to work.

Marie: Keep it up, you two! I'm gonna sing from here!

Y/N & Four: How is that gonna help?!


Callie: My...My head...

Y/N: Holy crap, it's actually working.

Marie: The low-tide ink is working! Callie!

She then reached something from her back and she...pulled out a boombox. How the fuck can she pull a boombox out of knowhere?!

Marie: Remember! That heavenly melody!

Y/N: Yeah...that's gonna work...

Callie: The one and only...

Huh...I stand corrected. Callie leaned in closer, as if she was trying to listen to the music. Which one? There's literally two fucking songs playing right now!

Callie: I...I remember! YEAH!

Callie then proceeded to jump over the gap and reunite wirh her cousin. In mid-air, she started to glow and she went back to wearing her Squid Sister Outfit.

Y/N: is that even possible?!


Y/N: After so long...

Then, they started to sing something about...not giving in to death? What?

( I could jam to this song all day long!!! )

Then a drone did a fly by and dropped a package to four.

Sheldon: Four, I brought you a modded veraion of the Rainmaker! Hold down the trigger to build up pressure, and release it to shoot an ink missle!

Y/N: Rainmaker? Sounds fun to use...

Sheldon: Alright, Four! Show me what you can do with that modded Rainmaker!

Octavio: Rainmaker?! Oh Hell Nah!

He then proceeded to fly away, he was floating even higher than before.

Y/N: Oh no you don't!

I then jumped up, and I reached over 20 feet and the thrusters on my armor activated, keeping me elevated, and even lifting me up the sky. I materialized Dreadnought and I pointed it at Octavio.

Y/N: You're not leaving here with that Booth!

I then pulled the trigger and it sent hundreds of hot laser beams flying towards Octavio. He tried to shoot one of the fists towards me again, but I held the Dreadnought in one hand, and used my free hand to punch the incoming fist, it left a large dent in the shape of my fist on it, and it was sent back to Octavio again.

It caused Octavio's Booth to shake violently once again. Four eventually joined me as I saw her riding the ride rail. How can she do that? Must be the shoes. I then proceeded to keep on shooting Octavio and Four was shooting ink missiles towards Octavio. Octavio was confused on which one of us should he take core of first, but both of us are a high threat to him right now. Big mistake, he should've chosen one already.

Then, my hud displayed the booth that Octavio is currently on couldn't take much more. Then, I de-materialized Dreadnought and Bulwark's Activator started to glow a bright light blue, signifying that I was charging up a powerful attack.

Then, I released the attack, the Activator shot out a large, beam of energy, hitting Octavio's booth directly. Octavio fell to the platform and he crashed, he was trying to restart the systems but to no avail, his ride was too damaged.

Y/N: It's all you, Four! End this!

Four nodded and jumped to thw inner ride rail directly leading down to Octavio. She then made her way down to Octavio, she jumped off and she hit Octavio by the head with the Rainmaker. Four then jumped off and she backed away from the booth. I landed right beside her.

Octavio: GUH! Not again! Cross-fade to blaaaaaaack...

The booth started to rise up again, and it was glowing green light. The booth literally took the shape of ball then it blew up right in front of us. Covering me and Four in green Ink. I shook the ink off while Four merely let it drip.

I looked around and the cheering died down, and all Octolings fell silent. All cheering, turned into murmurs and confusion.

Four: We won...we did it! We did it!

Four proceeded to jump towards me and I caught her by holding her by the hips and she was happily celebrating our victory. I just laughed along with her and how cute she looks when she's like this. Then, I saw the Great Zapfish and Octavio on the ground. I then gently set Four down and contacted Sheldon.

Y/N: Sheldon, you there?

Sheldon: I'm here. Want me to load up the Great Zapfish?

Y/N: You read my mind. And put Octavio in a better containment unit. Not a glass box, or globe at this point.

Marie: Four, Y/N...Good job. And...thank you. Both of you.

Y/N: No problem.

Marie: What are we gonna do with the Octolings down here? They sure as heck are confused right now...

Y/N: Leave that to me.

I then walked to the center of the platform and the cameras panned towards me and all Inklings were looking at me.

Y/N: Octolings! Listen to me. I know all of you are very confused right now, wondering why you are here, having no memory of anything at all. To answer all of that, all of you were hypnotized, forced to fight, forced to do the bidding...of him! *points to Octavio* It's because of him, that your kind has a bad name for the Inklings. It's because his need for war and glory and awesomeness...he forced all of you to do this. But worry not, we have taken care of him, and now you are free to do whatever you want. No more hiding, no more suffering in silence, it's time all of you move to the light. And if you think that Octavio will be after all of you...he won't, I will make sure of that. You are now free to roam the surface, no one will stop you from here. I know you and the Inklings have had your differences...but it's time to put that all aside now. Be a better kind...than us humans. That's my only request.

I then boarded to Sheldon's Truck, and I looked at all the Octolings again and said one final thing.

Y/N: Be free. All of you. You are now free to choose to be whoever you are.

Then, the truck that we were on started to fly away from the underground base that we were in. We eventually made it to the surface and saw that the sun was just about to set. I let out a sigh as I removed my helmet and I looked at Marie, who had Callie in her lap in Squid Form. I just smiled, knowing that the fight will be over for now.

Timeskip; One day later

I am currently on one of the buildings near Inkopolis Square, the streets are busy as usual and Inklings were having fun. Then the large screen where Pearl and Marina broadcasts their announcements turned on, and all the Inklings gathered around in front of the screen.

Pearl: Y'all know what time it is!

Marina: It's Off The Hook, coming at you LIVE from Inkopolis Square!

Pearl: Check it! Here are the current Regualr Battle Stages!

Marina was just about to pull up the image using her turntable but was immediately stopped by Pearl. Marina looked like she had a fucking stroke!

Pearl: HOLD YOUR SEAHORSES, MARINA! We have breaking news!

Marina: Wait...WHAT?!

Y/N: *smiles* Better listen to her, Marina.

Pearl: The Great Zapfish is back? THE GREAT ZAPFISH IS BACK! AW YEAH!

Marina: I'm so happy right now! I have to get a picture of this!

Pearl: Hmm...for some reason I remember it being bigger than that.

Marina: Yeah, for real. Was it always that small?

Y/N: I had to carry that fish up to the building, at least appreciate that it's already there...

Pearl: In other news, here are the current Battle stag-

Marina was about to pull up another picture again, but then again, she looked like she had a stroke when she slipped with her turntable.

Pearl: WAIT! Shut it, Marina! We've got another breakings news alert!

Marina: But I didn't say anythi-

Pearlf HOLY CARP! Callie's been found?! Are you guys seeing this?! Now THAT'S news!

Marina: Callie is back?! YAAAAAAAAAAY! I didn't know if I'd ever see her again!

Y/N: All thanks to me and The New Squidbeak Splatoon.

Pearlf We're glad you're back, Callie. Being the best is too easy without competition!

Marina: Seriously! It takes two to make the one and only Squid Sisters!  Let me guess, another breakings news?

Y/N: Oh? Another one?

Pearl: Heck yeah it is! Turns out, the drone actually worked!

Y/N: Wait a second...what drone?

Marina: Oh! You mean the one we used to look for the human?

Y/N: What the fuck? You guys are weird!

Pearl: Yeah that one. We found him right now! Check it!

Then again, Marina pulled up another live feed of myself pulled up in their teleprompter. I looked to my side and saw the drone, it had a camera and even a mic attached to it.


I shouted, and my voice spoke through the speakers that was connected to the giant screen.

Y/N: Bloody Hell.

Marina then fixed her mic and she spoke.

Marina: Y/N, can you hear us?

Y/N: Loud and clear, looks like you found me huh?

Marina: *giggles* Yup! We did!

Pearl: Yo, Y/N! How it hangin' my dude?

Y/N: You do know that I'm still not ready, right?

Pearl: This is to get you ready. You're taking too long man!

Y/N: Still trying to find a way to fit in. Then again, you're not the one who's possibly the last of your kind.

Pearl: I don't care! The way you're living right now is unhealthy for you!

Y/N: Alright, calm down, Ms. Fun Size!

Pearl: What did you say to me?

Y/N: Relax, be greatful I didn't pull out the "M" word.

Pearl: Which is?

Y/N: Midget.

Pearl: Oh you did not!

Y/N: See what I mean?!

Marina: Alright, break it up you two. Seriously Y/N, you need to try and fit in with us. We'll try and help you, kay? Do it for me please?

Y/N: *sigh* Fine. You know that I can't argue with you, you know that?

Marina: That's why I'm the one who said it. And everyone, please, try not to crowd around him too much. He doesn't like it.

Y/N: Yeah no shit.

Pearl: Yo, Marina! Let's drop a new track to celebrate for the goo things today, including Y/N who's finally starting to try and fit in.

Marina: How about it, Y/N?

Y/N: I'm down.

Marina: I've got just the jam. The next song request comes from Freshly Fried Boy. It's the new hit single from the Squid Sisters, Fresh Start!

Then the song started to playz and I can hear it play through the speakers. Damn, this song is lit!


The next day, I woke up from my bed and I sat uo and rubbed my eyes. I then let out a yawn and stretched my body, making a satisfying popping sound I then walked to mt bathroom with my eyes closed and I flipped the lights on and I grabbed my toothbrush and my toothpaste and started to brush my teeth.

After I finsihed, I spit out the water and I washed my face. Then I looked to the mirror and ai went wide-eyed as ai looked behind me to see Marina, holding a camera and her eyes were glinting and she was still in her sleepwear.


And Finished

Whoo! Abother chapter done. I enjoyed writing this chapter, nor gonna lie. Also, my apologies for updating a bit late, I've been busy and I'm tired and frustrated.

And I played A LOT of Warhammer Space Marine, gotta say, Titus is the best. Fuck Leandros.

Also, next chapter will be a Lemon, so...just a heads up.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly aigning off.

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