Chapter 3: First Mission

Your POV

I arrived at the area where we would find the last Zapfish in the sector of the Octo Canyon. 4 stepped on a launchpad and she turned into her squid form and jumped over to the main platform.

I took a few steps back and I ran and when I am nearing the edge I jumped and reached the main platform of where 4 was. I looked towards her and she looked back at me and we both nodded and we both took out our weapons.

In front of us was the last Zapfish of the first sector of Octo Canyon, and under it was a puddle of purple ink, and from the puddle of the purple ink emerged a tentacle......why am I getting hentai vibes? It grabbed the Zapfish into the puddle.

A golden light starts to show from the puddle and a machine of some sort. So it seems that the Zapfishes are powering the machines that the Octarians or Octolings made. And the light faded and it showed an oversized machine that looks like an oven.

I readied my weapon and so did 4 and I started blasting away some of it's parts but it is still attacking us, I'm guessing that the tentacle on top of that machine is the main problem.

Marie: Looks like the tentacle up there is the source of the trouble.

Y/N: Kind of figured it out already!

Marie: The end of those loaves look deadly. That's why I never eat the end slices.

One of the loaves of bread shot out of the machine and both me and 4 dodged and started shooting at machine, I was shooting the eyes of the machine so 4 could have an opening, she started shooting at the machine covering it with Ink and I was distracting it by running around it and forcing it to shoot out more loaves of bread so I could overload the machine. I finally managed to destroy one of it's eye and 4 finally has an opening.

Y/N: 4 get up there now!

Agent 4: Roger that!

4 went up the path covered in ink and she transformed into her squid form and when she finally reached the top of the machine and she started "splatting" the tentacle with her "Splatterrshot". The tentacle exploded and 4 jumped back and away from the machine and I was right beside her.

Another tentacle then emerged from the machine and I knew that the machine was entering it's second phase, some of it's parts were replaced, including the damaged eye and it shot out a couple pillars made out of the same purple ink, better that I stay away from those things, I might get caught and get sent flying out of the platform.


Y/N: Now's not the time, Marie!

Marie: Oh, wait...those are just columns of ink.

Y/N: Ya think?

Marie: But there fewer walls on the oven to climb now.

Y/N: 4, I want you to distract it this time while I take out it's eye again and so I can have an opening to get rid of the tentacle.

Agent 4: Got it, and stay safe.

Y/N: You too.

4 ran towards the machine catching it's attention and started following her, every loaves of bread that the machine shoots out she easily dodges it. I almost got hit by one of the loaves of bread from the machine but I still kept shooting the eye and at the same time not too often because I don't want it to chase after me, I finally managed to destroy the eye and the machine is now blind again.

The machine is overloading again and all of the loaves of bread shot out, I took the chance and I jumped on of the bread and onto another one so I could reach the machine, as I got there I started blasting the tentacle and it suddenly exploded due to the heat of the laser beams that I kept shooting it with.

I jumped back away from the machine and 4 went back right beside me again and I changed the Battery Cell of my weapon because I know that sooner or later it will run out and I can't let the enemy use the time of me reloading as an opportunity.

The machine was entering it's third and final phase, another tentacle showed up and it repaired it's damaged eye again and the loaves of bread are now covered in steel plating and at the other side of the machine some sort of glazing machine appeared and it is shooting ink. It shouldn't be a problem for me but for 4 it's a big problem.

Marie:Wait...armored bread? But...armor? On bread?

Y/N: I doesn't make sense.

Marie: Uh...some kind of...glazing machine...has appeared. Be careful.

Y/N: It shouldn't be much of a problem to me but it's about 4 that I'm concerned about. Alright, 4. This is it's last phase, I distract it and I try to remove it's armor so you could make a path that you could take to the top of that machine, let's end it here and now.

Agent 4: Good luck!

I nodded and she started shooting at the walls of the machine so she could make a ink path that she could travel to the top, I started shooting at one of the loaf of bread on the machine and one of them shot out and I started shooting at it's steel plating causing it to beak away enabling 4 to shoot some ink on the bread, another loaf of bread shoot out of the machine and I almost got hit by the bread, I grabbed the plating and I tore it apart using only my hands.

I started running around it and it kept trying to hit me with one of it's loaf of bread but I easily dodge it all the time. I saw the eye of the machine and I kept on shooting it until it explodes and the machine starts to overload again.

4 finally had an opening and she shoots ink on the bread so she could climb up the machine one last time, she was about to shoot it again until the tentacle grabbed her and threw her off the top and she was now on he ground, incapacitated, with a glazing machine coming towards her. It was already too close.

I ran towards her and I slide on the ink and I covered her with my body so she doesn't get hit by the ink and the glazing machine was now shooting ink on top of me instead of 4. I felt the ink smash against my armor like a minigun shooting my armor. The glazing machine finally passed and I looked at her with an awkward look under my helmet and she has a faint blush on her face. I quickly stood up and I helped her up.

Agent 4 POV

I was thrown off the top of the Octo Oven and I am on the ground, I saw the glazing machine coming towards me and it was already too close. I'm about to die and I just got started and I am about to die, I failed Marie, Callie, The New Squidbeak Splatoon and everyone in Inkopolis.

I was ready to accept my fate but fate had other plans, Agent Spartacus ran towards me and he covered me using his body from the glazing machine. Now he's the one that the glazing machine was shooting ink, he took the hit for me.

I lay completely still as the ink shooting machine finally passed us and can't help but blush at what he did, he saved me and gave me a chance to keep on fighting. He stood up and he helped me up and I managed to stop blushing.

Your POV

Y/N: Come on 4! Let's end this now!

I grabbed her by the hand and I threw her to the top and I jumped after her, and as if time slowed down, both of us are shooting at the tentacle at the same time and we finally got rid of the last tentacle. The machine started malfunctioning and due to the damages that both me and 4 inflicted on it.

It blew up while we were still on top of it and it sent us flying. I looked to my side and saw 4 and I glided closer to her and grabbed her hand and I saw the edge of the platform, I grabbed onto the edge and we saw machine parts and ink fall of the edge. I threw 4 onto the platform and she landed in her feet, she immediately went closer to me and she helped me up the platform.

Marie: That guy was toast!

Y/N: Pun intended?

Marie: Maybe?

Y/N: *chuckles* Whatever, Marie. *turns to Agent 4* 4 you alright?

Agent 4: Y-yeah, thanks for saving me back there. I would've been splatted for sure. Thank you, Agent Spartacus.

Y/N: *smiles under his helmet* It's no problem, really. And me Y/N.

Agent 4: Thank you, Y/N.

Y/N: You're welcome, 4. Now let's take that Zapfish and get back.

We both approached the Zapfish and Agent 4 grabbed it, the Zapfish looks so damn adorable!

Marie's POV

Octo Canyon; Tentakeel Outpost

I was enjoying the peace and quiet in the Octo Canyon until I heared footsteps. I turned to the direction where it was coming from and saw both Agent 4 and Agent Spartacus with a Zapfish.

Agent 4 handed me the Zapfish and she left for the day. I was left alone with Agent Spartacus looking straight at me. I avoided making eye contact and kept hiding my blush behind the parasol.

I looked over and saw that he was in front of me and I was a blushing mess and I can feel his eyes looking at me. Then he took off his helmet and put it on the table and he sat on the table with his armor still on, he sighed and he fixed his hair.

Y/N: It's been a long day, hasn't it?

Marie: has. Do you have a place to stay?

Y/N:, I don't want any Inklings going to the place I'm staying at, it will be my choice to show myself to Inkopolis. I want peace and quiet for now.

Marie: You can stay at my place, it won't be a problem.

Y/N: Thank you so much, Marie. You're the first Inkling I know that actually gave me something nice.

Marie: *giggles* I am glad that I am the first.

Y/N: And uhhhhhh...

Marie: What is it?

Y/N: I know that we only met like hours ago but...I...I think I developed feelings for you.

Hearing this, my eyes widened and I blushed again, is he for eel? ( Yes, I said eel. )

Y/N: Everytime I think about heart races, everytime I see you smile I gain the courage to fight, and everytime I hear your voice, it gives me hope that everything will be okay. Marie...

He stood up and he went in front of me and I was a blushing mess, even messier than before. He grabbed my chin and he looked into my eyes.

Y/N: Marie...I love you.

Then he leans closer and gave me a kiss on the lips, after a few seconds he pulled back and I covered my mouth and blush harder than before.

Before he said anything, I returned the kiss, I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs locked on his hips, he lifted me up and held me on my thigh and set me down on the table and we kept kissing each other.

Y/N: Marie!!!

Everything around me shattered to a million pieces like glass and I realized I was just daydreaming. Dammit! I was enjoying that! I went back to reality and saw both Agent 4 and Agent Spartacus with the Zapfish.

I took the Zapfish and Agent 4 already left for the day, leaving only me and Agent Spartacus. This is just like what I daydreamed! He walked closer to me and he removed his helmet and set it on the table and he sat on the table.

Y/N: It's been a long day, hasn't it?

Marie: Yes, it has. Do you have a place to stay?

Y/N:, I don't want any Inklings going to the place I'm staying at, it will be my choice to show myself to Inkopolis. I want peace and quiet.

Marie: You can stay at my place, it won't be a problem.

Y/N: Thank you so much, Marie. But I'll have to decline.

Marie: I am glad that I- wait what?

Y/N: As much as I need to, I don't want to be a bother to you. And I'm sure you're still feeling bad knowing that your cousin is gone, she's like a sister to you.

Marie: Well I do feel bad, but I-

Y/N: Ah-ah-ah! I have made my decision. I can manage, I will see you later Marie. Just call me.

He stood up and put his helmet back on and walked towards the kettle, he removed the grates and went inside and put them back on again.

I just crossed my arms and pouted.

Marie: Why must Woomy treat me like this?!

Marina's POV


It was already dark and there weren't any vehicles around. The train station is closed at this time so I decided to walk back home, but at my way home I came across three Inklings on the way and now they won't stop bothering me.

Inkling Thug 1: Hey baby, what are you doing here all alone?

Inkling Thug 2: Don't worry miss, we're here for you.

Inklinh Thug 3: But first let's have some fun.

One of them tried touching me so I punched him in the face, the one from behind grabbed me so I stepped on his foot and kicked the last one in his midsection.

I ran through the streets, passing by the lights and taking turns in alleyways. I kept running until I got to a dead end. I saw the three thugs and I don't know what to do anymore. I curled up in the corner and tears flowing down my face and shouting for help.

Inkling Thug 2: You can't hide missy!

Inkling Thug 1: We're gonna have fun whether you want it or not.

Marina: Somebody please help!!!

Inkling Thug 3: Awww, scared?

I closed my eyes and hoped that I was back in the house just having a nightmare. Then I heared something drop on the ground and shooting was heared, and screams of pain were also heared.

I looked up and saw a man in a strange armor holding a Dualies and a knife on his belt.

He shot one thug that tried to touch me with his weapon four times on the head making him explode killing him and turned into a ink puddle, one was about to jump him when the tall figure took out his knife and plunged it into the neck of the thug.

The last one was about to run away but in the hands of the figure started materializing a weapon that looks similar to a Splat Charger. He aimed his weapon and looked through the scope and he pulled the trigger and it shot a long and bright red laser beam, the Inkling exploded and turned into a puddle.

I looked up at the figure and he was offering his hand, I took it and he helped me up and by the weapons he used I already know it's the human.

Y/N: You alright?

I didn't answer but I merely wrapped my arms around his torso and gave him a hug while sobbing lightly on his chest.

Marina: Thank you! *sob* I-I was so scared that I'm done for.

Y/N: Just stay away from the streets next time, can I walk you home?

Marina: *sniff* Y-yes please.

I let go of him and I walked beside him and we walked out of the alleyway, I don't care if he killed those thugs, they had it coming.


Your POV

We finally reached her house and I gotta say that the place looks nice.

Marina: Hey uhhh...thanks for saving me back there, i-is there anything that I can do to pay you back?

Y/N: No, you don't have to pay me, guess I'll see you later.

Marina: What about a place to stay? I know that you don't like Inklings surrounding you, so why not stay at our place? No one knows that we live here, even the press.

Y/N: Thanks for the offer but I have to pass. I don't want to be a bother.

I started walking away when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my abdomen, like my insides are getting eaten. I dropped to my knees and I was having a hard time to breathe and I am losing vision. Guess that 12,000 years of sleep without eating finally caught up to me, before I passed out I heared Marie call me and I collapsed to the ground and I fell unconscious.

And Finished.

Please keep in mind that the Inklings and Octolings will be taller in this story. I don't want them looking small when a human is around. Also, as for the Doom x Hazbin Hotel story I have, it will be On Hold for now. I still have to wait for the new episode of Hazbin to come out.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off.

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