Chapter 13: .........

Your POV

Y/N: Shit. Shit! SHIT! SHIIIIIT! 

I begin to panic, as I found myself in complete darkness, the only light source that can be seen was the light coming off of my Hud, and that light is dim as Hell. The slimy feeling of this...thing's insides, makes it worse, like some sort of substance of blight. 

Y/N: Okay, get a hold of yourself asshole, breathe. This isn't the first time this happened, although the other one was a machine, this isn't that different either. Just....

I tried standing up, but to no avail, I keep slipping. I try to grab something to hold on to, nothing as well. 

Y/N: ...Well shit... 

Then, an idea pops up in my head...a rather bad one, but if it get me out of here, then I'll do it. I pulled a holographic screen from my Hud, and I started looking for it, files, an items fly by as I keep on looking for it...until I finally saw it...Rage Serum...just one. 

I pressed the holographic screen, and the syringe materialized itself in front of me. I caught the syringe, and I hastily removed my helmet, and I injected it into my neck. I let out  groan of pain, as I felt the large needle pierce my skin. As soon as the syringe was empty, I removed the syringe, and I threw it away, and I placed my helmet back on just as fast as I removed it. I take in a deep breathe, as I prepare myself for what's about to happen next... 

Y/N: ...Wait, I haven't used this drug in 12,000 years...oh shit- GAH! 

Suddenly, immense pain shot throughout my body, and I groaned in pain because of it. I then held my head in immense pain, and my breathing becomes unstable, my eyes begin to turn red...bloodshot red. 

Marie's POV

He's...he's gone? Just like that? My eyes begin to swell up, and tears begin to form in my eyes, as I drop to my knees, Callie right beside me, who was...too shocked to even do anything. I cover my mouth, as I begin to sob. 

Callie: Marie...I-I'm sorry...I should have-

Marie: Don't. S-shut up... 

The Maws in front of us begins to retreat back into the water. But suddenly, muffled screaming can be heard within the Maws, I began to cry more as I hear Y/N's screams of pain as...Woomy knows what happens in there... Then, the Maws stops, and it suddenly begins to roar in pain. 

Callie: What the heck?

Marie: H-huh? 

Suddenly, a hand punched through the Maw's guts, and it was a bloody, armored hand...and that hand belonged to Y/N.

Marie: Y/N? Y/N! 

Callie: How did he do that?! 

Y/N then begins to burst his way through the Maw's, causing it to thrash and roar in pain even more. I then heard Y/N let out a war cry, and he bursts through the Maws' insides completely. he landed in front of us, covered in slimy, green muck, and blood. The Maws, still alive, goes to devour Y/N again. But he, however, catches the beast by the jaws, and he was holding it back with his bare hands. 

Callie: Wooaahh! Go, Y/N! Go! Beat his ass! 

Y/N didn't respond with words, but with an angry grunt. He pushed the Maws back, slowly. The Maws roared, and pushed back, and it seems Y/N is angrier than it right now, heck, he may even be angrier than anything else in this city right now! Y/N lets out another war cry, and he stepped on the lower jaw of the Maws, and he stomped his leg, effectively snapping the jaws of the mighty beast, effectively killing it. 

Y/N lets go of the Maws, and the dead body drops in front of him, his breathing like...that of an animal. He rears his hand back, and he started punching the already dead Maws, brutally beating it as if killing it was still not enough. 

Callie: Oh Woomy he's pissed...

Marie: M-maybe too pissed. 

Callie: Yeah, I gotta reel him in. Hey, Y/N! Chill out! 

Callie says, as she begins to make her way towards Y/N, who is seen ripping the Maws head off, and...did...did he just roar into the sky? 

Marie: C-Callie! Get over here! There's something wrong with him! 

Callie: Apart from being too angry to die? I'm sure he's fine

Marie: Callie, no!

As soon as she reaches Y/N within a 7 feet radius, Y/N immediately turns his head towards Callie lightning fast, blood still dripping from his armor, making him all the more terrifying. Callie, was about to call out to Y/N again, but she was met with him throwing a punch to her direction instead. Callie, however, managed to transform into a squid, and swim her way out of the line of attack. 

Callie: O-oh carp he's THAT angry?! 

Marie: Get over, woomy-damnit! 

Y/N: Red Crown, where the fuck is that extraction I requested?! 

Marie: What the...

Y/N: ...Well I don't fucking care, get us out of here! This place is overrun and my team is fucking DYING! You hear me?! DYING!! JUST GET US THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! 

Marie: That's definitely a psychotic break!

Callie: What does that mean?!

Marie: He's seeing things that aren't there! So whatever happened to him in there, something must have caused him to go insane as he is right now! 

Callie: S-so, what do we do?

Marie: We can't! He's a literal tank, and he's gone insane! 

Y/N: You two! I don't know what the fuck you are, but you better state your name and rank, soldiers, and you better PRAY to whatever God you worship that you're not one of the guys I kill! 

Callie: W-w-woah! Y/N, chill! It's us-

Y/N suddenly leapt high into the air, and he rears his hand back, as if he was about to punch something. Then, I realized what he was gonna do, and I immediately stood up and grabbed Callie out of the way, right before Y/N landed right where we were, and he punched the ground beneath him, sending a shockwave that sent everything flying in all directions. Good thing I pulled ourselves outta there. 

Callie: He's really scary! You're dating this guy?! 

Marie: Shut up, Callie! This isn't the man I love! That's someone else! 

Y/N: How do you know my name?! 

Marie: Y/N, please! Listen to me, it's me! Marie-

Y/N: AARRGGHH! Red Crown, where the fuck is that air-support?! Rorke! Get on that fucking Gatling-gun! Athena,  you better be hitting those shots, cause we're fucking running out of Energy Cells! 

Y/N said, as he turns around, and started talking to...people that weren't even there, pointing at  things when in reality there's nothing there. 

Marie: I...I think he's reliving his time as a soldier!

Callie: Ya think?! He's saying all that crazy, advanced stuff, it's obvious he's seeing shit that aren't there! 

Marie: We have no choice but to run! We can't deal with him, he's too strong! 

Callie: And we CAN'T just leave him here! He'll get lonely! Insane or not! He-

Before Callie could finish her sentence, I saw Y/N, in the corner of my eyes, pick up a MASSIVE piece of metal, and he hurls it at us. I widened my eyes in shock, and I pushed Callie away as hard as I can, and I looked to my side as I begin to transform back into a squid and swim in the ink. 

Y/N leaps back into the air, and lands in front of Callie. He started throwing a barrage of punches at Callie, but Callie, on the other hand, just keeps on dodging and ducking from the incoming punches the would more likely feel like getting hit by a truck. 

Y/N: Stay still! You little shit! 

Callie: Marie! Help meeeeee! 

Marie: CALLIE! Oh, Woomy. Y/N, I'm so sorry for this! 

I grab the barrel of my sniper, and I let out a scream as I ran forward, and I hit Y/N at the back of his head as an attempt to knock him didn't, it did, however, turn his attention to me. 

Y/N: ...

Marie: O-okay, Y/N, I don't know if you can hear me-

He turns around, and he started walking towards me, slowly. I start to back away as well, and I found myself against the wall, as the man I love, now advancing, getting closer and closer, with the intent to hurt, and quite possibly, kill me. 

I was pressed up against the wall, and he reached over to me, and he puts his fingers around my neck, and he tightly squeezes, making sure I cannot breathe. I grab his hands, and I look into his helmet and I see his blood red eyes...seeing nothing but pure hatred.

Y/N: Last chance, fucking state your name! Cause I really wanna break your neck right now! HAHAHAHAHA!

Marie: I-I don't gack P-please! Y/N! 

I keep punching his hands, hoping that he lets go of me. I begin to thrash, and I accidentally kicked his helmet, which in turn, kind of loosened it up. I kicked it again, and again, until it was finally loose enough foe me to kick it off his head completely. 

Marie: C-Callie! Sh-shoot- ack him!

Callie: What?! B-but Marie! It'll hurt him!

Marie: Please! Just do it!

Callie, hesitantly picks up her splatshot, and aimed it at Y/N. She pulls the trigger, and a ball of ink was shot out the barrel of the weapon, and the ink landed right at Y/N's head.

Y/N: Gah! What the Hell? Oh- shit! This burns! AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!! IT BURNS! OH GOD IT BURNS!

As I hear him scream in pain, he lets go of me, and I take in a deep breathe, coughing as well in the process. I transformed into a squid and I swam away from him, and got closer to Callie and I grabbed my sniper as well. Y/N drops to his knees, still screaming and writhing in pain.

He was...grabbing his face all over, blood and ink mixing altogether in his face at the process. He started to repeatedly slam his head in the ground, both in anger, and in an attempt to make the pain stop...through brute force. Then...he stops...he lets out a frustrated groan, and he punches the ground beneath him, and he looks towards us, blood dripping from his chin, and down to his armor.

Y/N: Well...chuckles Now you just pissed me off! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Callie: W-we're done for...

He begins to advance on us again, a terrifyingly bloody grin plastered across his face. He was about to lunge for us again, but suddenly, two more Maws appeared, which...has never, ever happened before.  The two Maws, luckily enough for us, caught the attention of Y/N.

Y/N: Rorke, fucking get on that Gatling gun, NOW!

Y/N runs towards the Maws, and the incoming horde of Salmonid in front of the Maws begin to advance as well. Y/N grabs one of the Maws by the jaw, and he took it down using his momentum, and he started pulling as hard as he can, and pulled the Maws out of the inkpool.

He slams the Maws in front of him, and he lets out another war cry, and he started mutilating the Maws in front of him, just as he did to the other one.

Callie: ...I-I think I'm starting to think that leaving him here would be best.

Marie: Let's...just get out of here...before I change my mind.

Callie: Oh, there you are again with that "I can fix him!" mentality. You can't!

Marie: ...s-sorry...

Callie: Let's just go...I'm...I'm pretty sure he doesn't wanna hurt us while we're here.

I just...sadly nodded, and I followed Callie to the pipes. Callie was the first to enter, and she immediately went through the grates. I look back to Y/N, and I see him letting out another war cry, as the horde seemingly overwhelmed him. I closed my eyes, and I she'd a single tear, and I stood on the grates, and saw Y/N look at me...before I went through the grates, and found myself back in Grizzco with Callie...

Callie: Marie!

I was brought back to reality by Callie calling out to me, and she ran forward, and she hugs me, tightly so.

Callie: I'm so, so sorry! If I would have listened to him, h-he wouldn't be like this! I-I'm sorry I ruined your date, please don't hate me?

I didn't respond, not with words at least. I shakily brought my hand around her, and hugged her as well, as I begin to sob...until that sob, turned into a bawl.






Callie's POV

Callie: In other news...the human, Y/N, still remains within the arena of Salmon Run in, still fighting everything that he sees. The Grizzco Industries have agreed to keep him in there, while...he finally calms down. Even though it's been 2 weeks, and little to no signs of him stopping...

Marie: ...

Callie, whispering: Uhh, Marie?

I look to my side, and saw Marie looking at the screen, that was showing a recent recording from Y/N. Covered in ink and blood. It's been a week since he ran out of ammunition, and now he's just beating stuff up with his fists, and has proven to be more than enough to deal with the enemies that we're coming after him.

Marie, covers her mouth in a very worried manner, and she slightly is still tearing up seeing Y/N like this. I cleared my throat, and that seemed to have caught her attention.

Marie: H-huh?

Callie: Your cue...

Marie: R-right, sorry. I uhh...

I looked at Marie, worried, as she stammers, her voice shaking, and her eyes puffy, and teary.

Marie: A-as if right now, Salmon Run is still off limits, as stated earlier, the arena is being used to contain Y/N as he...he still remains in a psychotic break. It is highly advised that you, attempt to enter Salmon Run. I repeat: Do not enter Salmon Run.

Suddenly, a cry was heard coming from the screen, making both me and Marie jump. It was Y/N, letting out another war cry... he's been doing that non stop, I'm surprised he can still do it at all. Then, he drops to his knees, and he pants heavily. He looks up, and sees another horde incoming, so he just stands up, and he assumed a fighting stance, and charged forward once more.

Marie: ...I-I can't do this.

Callie: What? But-

Marie: No-no, I can't! I just can't! I've been watching him fighting endlessly for 2 weeks! I can't take it anymore!

Marie walks away, going out of the camera's line of sight. I chased after her, and walked after her backstage. I find her sitting in a fetal position in the couch, crying.

Callie: Marie, oh, don't cry!

I ran towards her, and threw my arms wide open and hugged her.

Marie: Why isn't he still calming down? sob It's been 2 weeks, 2 damn weeks!

Callie: I-I'm pretty sure he's starting to calm down? Like- 3 days ago he stopped running around screaming people's names. Maybe that's a sign?

Marie: sniff M-maybe. I-I just...hope that he calms down soon... I hate myself thinking he'll be stuck there for more weeks to come, a month even!

Callie: ...Let's just hope that he doesn't stay like that for long... sigh Oh Y/N... what did you even do in there...?

I sighed, and I broke the hug, And wiped away Marie's tears, and looked at her.

Callie: Come on, let's go back to the stage. We still gotta do the weather report.

Marie: sniff O-okay.

I smiled, and I stood up and started walking alongside Marie we head back to the stage. As soon as we get there, we saw the screen and...oh Woomy, he's gone.

Callie: Oh Woomy help us...he's gone!

Marie: W-what?! What do you mean?

Callie: I mean, he's GONE gone!

Y/N (voiceover): H-hello? cough

Then, hearing Y/N speak normally for the first time after 2 weeks, we both turned our heads to the screen, as we see Y/N slowly walk to the drone's camera, slowly, he can be seen clutching his side, and...he's finally calm.

Callie: Speak of the Devilfish and he shows up, Marie! Y/N's back!

Marie: F-finally?!

He can be seen dropping to his knees, and he begins to breathe deeply, panting, exhausted. He covers his mouth, but eventually, he started throwing up blood. Oh Woomy, that's not good. I ran to my tablet, and I turned on the mic for the drone.

Callie: H-hello? Y/N, can you hear me?

Y/N looks up, and he looks around, confused as he looks for the source of the voice. He finally sees the drone, and I flew it closer to him, as we get a good look of his tired, rather bloody face...rather bloody...yet handsome...face... ARGH! Stay focused, Callie! Be a professional, don't let nasty thoughts get to ya!

Callie: Can you get up? I dunno if you can talk right now, but put up a thumbs up if you can.

Y/N simply nods, and he held a thumbs up right at the camera. He stands up, groaning, still holding his side. He looks back, and started limping his way towards his helmet, and he picked it up and he begin to make his way back to the grates were. Y/N painfully lifts the grates open, and he jumped into the pipe head first. 

Callie: That did not look safe...

Marie: I'll go and see him Grizzco! 

Callie: But what about the reports?

Marie: Screw the reports! That's my man! 

Marie said, as she jumped over the table and she started running for the door. I just sighed, and I ran after her.

Change Scene: Your POV

Y/N: pant pant ... inhales My everything...FUCKING hurts...

I painfully groaned as I emerged from the pipes, and I climbed myself out of the damn thing, and I lay on the floor, covered in blood and ink, panting, and in much pain. I sat up, and I managed to make myself stand up, as my legs begin to wobble and weaken by the second.

I exit the building, and I found myself on the streets. Luckily enough, it seems to be empty right now. I started walking, my body feeling as if it could collapse at any moment. All I have to do now, is walk through Inkopolis Square, and back to my house, sounds easy enough, right? WRONG!

Y/N, internally: I can't fucking talk much, my throat hurts like Hell. My legs fucking feel like jelly, and I feel like collapsing. WHY THE FUCK DOES MY HEAD HURT SO MUCH?!

As I took another step, I finally collapsed to the ground, and I groaned in pain as I held my side, gritting my teeth, as blood can be seen on my teeth. I pant heavily, and I took in a deep breathe, and mustered up all the remaining strength I had to stand up.

Y/N, internally: Come on, motherfucker. Get your ass up, and walk. You've had worse, COME ON!

I leaned against the wall, to support myself and, you know, not fall flat on my fucking ass again. I started reaching the end of the street, and the Square was within my line of sight as well.

Y/N, internally: There it is...come on, keep moving jackass.

Then, suddenly, I saw...of course, there's other Inklings here, FUCK!

Y/N: ......God-DAMNIT!

I then instantly regretted speaking, as I begin to cough up blood again, and I drop to my knees, as more blood comes out. I looked up, and through all the crowd of Inkling I saw...Marie...squeezing her way through the crowd.

Marie: Y/N! Y/N, I'm coming! I- Ugh, GET OUT OF THE WAY, DAMNIT!

Marie...the first familiar face that I see after 2 weeks of that nightmare...I stood up, and I began to make my way closer to her, and I reached my hand out to her, disregarding that there's still blood dripping from my chin. Marie successfully pushes through the crowd, and she started running towards me.

As soon as I was about to collapse to the ground again...she caught me. I dunno how she's able to carry a person as big and heavy as me but...she does. 

Y/N: Ma...rie...

Marie didn't respond, but she started pampering my face with kisses, as if she hasn't seen me for weeks...which she did.

Marie: You had me so worried!

Y/N: I'm....sorry... Mistake...made...

Marie: I-it doesn't matter, you're here now. Let's get you to your house. Rest yourself against me, it's okay.

Y/N: N-no...might...hurt you... Can't...risk it...

Marie: Just shut up, and let me help you for once.

Marie told me, as she leaves a kiss on my cheek.

Y/N: Stop...kisses... Blood...and Ink...I still...have...

Marie: I stink too.

Y/N: Not...nice...

Marie giggles, as she guides me back through the crowd. I then saw Callie making her way towards me, and she went by my side as well, supporting me and making sure I don't fall on my ass...again. 

Callie: Okay, big guy. Let's not make anymore badass war-cries, cool? 

I couldn't help but smile, and I held out a thumbs up for Callie. She giggles as we continue to walk. Eventually, they set me down in front of their studio, and I sat on the pavement. 

Marie: Wait here, okay? We'll look for a cab. 

Callie: You'll be okay, right? 

I nod. Marie smiles, and she planted a kiss on my cheek again, as they walk away, looking for a vehicle to take me home. I hang my head low, and I let out a tired, yet relieved sigh... I heard...running heading right for me...a rather...familiar one. I lift my head up, and saw...Four? 

Y/N: Four...? What- 

She didn't respond, even cut me off, and she jumped, and held her arms out, and tackled me to other ground, making me let out a pained groan again. 

Y/N: Damnit...

I look down, and see Four...crying her eyes out, making a somewhat cute...yet rather silly face, as her eyes were flowing with tears. 

(Like this)

Four: Y/N! I WAS SO WORRIEEEEED! Don't do that again! 

I cringed, as the tears that Four was crying was now dripping inside my armor. Not on it, IN it. 


Four: sniff S-sorry. 

Four finally gets off of me, and she helped me sit upright once more. She hugged me again, this time, without tackling me. I let out a low chuckle, as I placed my hand, still armored, on her head. 

Four: You had us all worried, ya know...

Y/N: I...know... I'm...sorry... 

Four: Even Marina couldn't sit still during her reports...

Y/N: Marine...Pearl... How...are they...? Are they...okay? Did I...h-h...hurt...anyone...?

Four: Y/ never left the Salmon Run Arena, it's okay. 

I let out a relieved sigh, and my mind is finally at ease, knowing that I didn't hurt anyone...except for Marie... 

Y/N: M-Marie I-...I almost...broke her neck... Shit... I'm...such a...fuckin animal... 

Four:  Y/N, calm down... Marie talked to me and Callie about it...we know you were experiencing a Psychotic Break after...being swallowed by that Maws. It's not your fault, please, don't beat yourself up, you're already hurt so much. 

Y/N: don't...get it... I almost...killed her... And you know...what I felt? I-I hear her fucking neck snap...a-and I don't...I don't know if I can ever face her after that... Or anyone at all... 

Four: ...Do you regret it? 

Y/N: H-huh?

Four: Do you regret feeling that way? Do you feel...angry...and disgusted? 

Y/N: ...Of course I fucking do...

Four: Then you're fine... There's more messed up people out there that kill without remorse... You feeling bad for even almost killing Marie makes you a better person than them... Heck, you, worrying about everyone's safety while you look like hammered shit proves more than enough that you're still a good person! 

Y/N: ...Strange...hearing you...swear... 

Four: Ehehe~ Sorry, I kinda got angry when you said you're a bad guy when you, in fact, are not. 

Y/N: ...I be...a...good...person...

Four: H-huh? 

Y/N: ...Nor...will I so...

I felt Four tighten her hug around me, and... sigh It seems that I upset her by saying that...dumbass. 

Y/N: But...doesn't mean...I...won't...change...

Four looks up, and she smiles. I couldn't help but smile back, as she hugs me again, tightly so. Then, I saw a familiar flying truck appear in my peripheral vision. I looked to see Sheldon's truck, with Marie and Callie on board.

The truck lands in front of me, and I begin to stand back up as soon as Four broke the hug.

Y/N: I'll see you...around...Four...

Four: Bye, Y/N. Do get some rest.

I nodded, as I managed to get on the truck, and I groaned as I lay on the metal floor. Marie sat beside me, and she held my hand, as she looked at me happily...


Despite the fact that...I almost killed her...

Y/N: Marie...

Marie: Yes, love?

Y/N: ...N-nothing I...I missed you...I missed all of you...

Marie smiles, as she gives me another kiss, which made my heart went cold with the memory of almost killing her at the back of my head.

I placed my hand over my face, and I sigh, as tears begin to form in my eyes, silently cursing and mentally kicking myself for almost killing the woman that I love...

Marie looks at me, and she gently smiles, and she begins to caress my face, which in turn...started making me cry even more, as the truck takes me back to my house...where it's safe...with friends...

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