Chapter 3: The Dishonored Samurai

A 29 years old Samurai by the name of Koji, he has a short hair with a white skin. Child of the famous clan General Masaharu Genji. The clan was last known as the last of the war they ever anticipated and it is the war against the red band rebellion. The clan was slaughtered to their last piece in which only Koji was the one left, only because his mother has safely hid him under a straw hat while the rebel attacks.

Koji wipes his sleeve on his father's helmet and place it down on his family's Gusoku Kake. He stands and walks toward the main door of his family clan's home, looking at his servant and samurai practicing in the lawn. With a smile, Koji takes a Bokken and stands facing one of his best friend Mitsuhade. Mitsuhade smile and prepare to attack before he says "You really think you can defeat me Koji?" Koji chuckles and raises his Bokken, with both his hand holding the holder, the both begins to round each other with their eyes fixed on themselves.

Koji fixes his eyes on Mitsuhade's. His best friend ever since he is a child, Mitsuhade has a long hair stops on his shoulder, he ties his hair to a bun on back of his head while strays of his front hair covers his forehead. Mitsuhade is known to be at least a year older than Koji.

Mitsuhade charges and raises his Bokken, slashing toward Koji's head. Quickly Koji parries the attack and skits aside before he tries to thrust his Bokken toward Mitsuhade. Mitsuhade quickly spins and hits Koji's Bokken with his, they both holds on their Bokken and tries to push each other while glaring among themselves. After some struggles, Koji thrust his pommel forward and hits Mitsuhade's face with it before he knocks Mitsuhade using his shoulder. Losing balance, Mitsuhade backs away almost stumbled before he looks front only to find Koji's Bokken has presses its point on Mitsuhade's chest.

Mitsuhadesigh and raises his arms in defeat, with a smirk Koji lowers his bokken andslides it into his belt. "A Samurai should never surrender, if I were you Iwould just stay quiet until the blade thrust into my body." Mitsuhade smirksand softly punches Koji's arm while shaking his head while they walk around thegarden. "I only surrender because I know it's a practice. If that was a realfight you wouldn't even able to pin me like that." They both chuckles tothemselves as they talked. Mitsuhade then sigh as he looks at Koji "Does itever bother you that you were the last living of your clan?" Koji just smileand nods, saying that it has bothers him for quite sometimes. But that was 29years ago, Koji has now live a life of the last samurai from his clan for 28years so it would be weird if he has not moved on. Mitsuhade just nods as theywalk toward the cliff behind the clan home.

"If my clan were still alive, I wouldn't have become the person you see now. I might be weaker. It might be me the one who'd surrender in a practice earlier." Koji chuckles. Mitsuhade shakes his head and smacks Koji on the back of his head. They both chuckles as they look at the sunsets. Koji then scrunches his nose as he looks back toward his house. "Smokes?" Mitsuhade pointed. They both nods at each other before the runs toward the house and sees that the roof has been burned, some of the servant was slaughtered and Koji's samurai is fighting against the Date clan. Koji quickly draws his bokken and runs toward the enemy, hits them on the side and legs to throw them off and turns around to knocks his shoulder against an enemy. Mitsuhade runs inside of their Katana and tanto. Mitsuhade throws The Masaharu clan Katana to Koji, which he easily catches it by the cover, quickly holds on the handle and draws his blade into slashing on the Samurai enemy legs. Koji pulls his blade up and thrust it on the enemy's head before he kicks his enemy down.

Mitsuhade later joins in the fight and slain some of the enemy Samurai. Mitsuhade later finds himself cornered by five Samurai. Koji throws a hay stack toward the Samurai and runs to block the Samurai from Mitsuhade, they both realizes how outnumbered they are. Koji draws his tanto and thrust it on the Samurai closest to him before he yells to Mitsuhade signaling that they should run. Both of them takes off and runs away from the attacker.

As they both scatters into the forest behind the house, they finally finds themselves in a dead end, standing between a group of Samurai attacker and a cliff. Both Koji and Mitsuhade turns around, waiting for the enemy to catch up. "I don't understand, how did the enemy overpowers your Samurai?" Mitsuhade asks. Koji sigh and draws his blade "Because some of them is among the enemy." Mitsuhade eyes widen in horror before he turns toward the forest as the sound of the enemy closing in. Koji groans anger as they both ready for the attack "I'll fight beside you until the end!" Koji yells. As the Enemy shown escapes the forest and charge toward both Koji and Mitsuhade. They begin to blocks the attack and slain more of the Samurai. As they fight, a Samurai sneaks behind Koji and slashes his blade on Koji's left arm. Koji backs away, clutching on his injured arm and thrust his blade into the enemy's chest. He looks around and finds that Mitsuhade has also been injured on his left leg.

Theyboth blocks and deflect the enemy's attack as they are closing in to the edgeof the cliff. The enemy suddenly stops and the general finally shows himselffrom behind his army. The general takes off his helmet and smiles cockilytoward both injured Samurai standing in front of him. He looks around, lookingat all his fallen army and smile as he claps his hands. "Quite the number youtwo able to slain on your own, color me impress, Koji. And Mitsuhade too. I cansee why you two are regarded highly in this town." Koji groans and steps closertoward the general, but still leaves a lots of space between them. "You arefrom the Kurosawa clan. Son of General Nanobu. You are Kurosawa Takayuki, aren'tyou?" Takayuki smiles and claps his hands, praises the knowledge within Koji'smind. Takayuki then draws his blade and nearing Koji. "Would you favor me aduel? Samurai?" Takayuki says as he raises his blade. Both Koji and Mitsuhaderaises their blade and walks near Takayuki, closing in the distance. Takayukisignals his men to steps aside and watch.

Three of them waits for the right time, a red leave meets the ground. Quickly Mitsuhade charges toward General Takayuki and slashes his blade only to have his attack easily blocked and deflected. Koji runs toward Takayuki but was effortlessly kicked on the chest. Koji stumbled backward and tries to collect himself, clutching to his injured arm. Mitsuhade spins around and charges his blade pointed toward Takayuki and tries to stabs him in the chest. Takayuki deflects the attack and slashes Mitsuhade side with his blade in the process. Mitsuhade falls to his knees, holding on his bleeding side. Koji grunts in frustration and slashes his blade on Takayuki's face. Takayuki then slashes his blade on Koji's chest, Koji was able to jumps back but the blade cuts bit of his chest open. Koji groans and tries to keep standing as he holds on his wound. Takayuki swipes a blood off his cheek and looks at it. Takayuki then turns to Koji in anger, he slashes his blade toward Koji but he was able to blocks it. Koji's Katana flies away from him as he blocks it, Takayuki then kicks Koji on the chest, making him falls back down the cliff.

Mitsuhade eyes widen as his best friend falls from the cliff. He turns to Takayuki and prepare for an attack but couldn't even lift his blade. Mitsuhade stays on his knees as he looks down, preparing for any consequences. Koji grunts and screams as he falls. His back and head hits numerous of branches and was knocked out by it. His being is no longer known by the Kurosawa clan. Assuming he is dead, the Kurosawa turns back and walks away, bringing Mitsuhade with them.

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