Chapter 19: Gems within a rat
Koji spins his handle before he charges toward Kobe and swings his blade on Kobe's head but was blocked and deflected. Kobe kicks Koji's back, pushing him to hit the gate wall. Koji turns and quickly jumps away as Kobe's blade meets the wooden gate pillar. Kobe pulls his blade out and sends more swings after swing while Koji blocks each of the attack. One of the attack managed to passes Koji's defense, the blade makes a small cut on Koji's right forearm. Koji winces and stumbles back as he hold on his wound. His dark blue Yukata begins to form a dark red dampness, Koji glares at Kobe while Kobe smirks at him and licks the blood off his blade. Kobe charges again and swings his blade toward Koji.
Kobe's blade swings toward Koji but it was stopped as Koji manages to raises his blade and blocks it just in time. Koji stumbles back and prepare to charge toward Kobe again, but then Mitsuhade tackles Kobe off his foot and throws him back on the ground. Koji yells and charges to Kobe but stops as five samurai joins their duel and begins to attack Koji and Mitsuhade. Kobe stands back up with a smirk and marches toward the battlefield with his samurai. Having no choice, Koji let Kobe go as he defense himself against the Kurosawa Samurai alongside with Mitsuhade. Yuriko and Sayaka manages to save more villagers, they lead them toward the fortress to defend them with Hachi and his men. Sayaka lets Yuriko and the others run toward the main fortress as she tells them that she wants to make sure all the villagers is save. Yuriko nods and let her go as she and the others protect the villagers on their way to the mail fort.
Sayaka runs down and slain more of the Kurosawa samurai with her weapon. As she makes her round she hears a faint voice of a child inside a burning shack. Sayaka quickly runs into the shack and looks around the shack for the child. She then finds a little girl hiding under a stone stove, crying and hugging herself. Sayaka quickly approaches the little girl, she hugs the child and smiles toward her and says "You are safe now..." The little girl clings at Sayaka's Yukata. As Sayaka carries the child out, she quickly tries to run and dodge the Samurai attacks, but then found herself trapped between the Samurai's. Sayaka bites her lips, she is unable to reach for her weapon as she is holding the kid. As the samurai gets closer, Sayaka closes her eyes but then feels blood splashed into her. Slowly Sayaka opens her eyes and finds the Samurai falls on his chest and blood begins to puddles under the dead Body. Sayaka looks up and smiles as Miyamoto shakes the blood of his blade. He raises his Wakizashi over his head with one hand. He glares at each one of the Samurai as the moonlight shines on his blade, sparkling over his eyes.
Sayaka nods gratefully at Miyamoto and begins to run back toward the fort, Miyamoto smirks as he himself could not believe the heroic action he again is taking. The Samurai groans in anger and charges toward Miyamoto. Miyamoto gets into his stance and quickly dodges the attack and begin to slain the samurai one by one. Last of the Samurai tries to charge Miyamoto from behind which failed as Miyamoto realizes their presence. Miyamoto kicks the Samurai on the chest and drives his blade right through the Samurai chest and kicks him down. Miyamoto shakes blood of his blade again and charges toward the remaining samurai.
The Kurosawa samurai has overwhelmed the Kagesama at the fort yard. Despite their tries to defend the villagers, their hearts are not in with them to keep fighting. Making their defense is sloppier and weaker than how Hachi expected them to be. Kobe finally arrives at the main fort yard. The Kurosawa quickly begins to attack and overpowering more of the Kagesama, slaying more of Hachi's men. Filled with anger, Hachi runs and charges toward Kobe. Hachi's blade swing toward Kobe's arm but it was easily blocked and deflected by Kobe. Hachi begins to lose his breath as he turns around and send strikes after strike but it was blocked. Kobe grunts before he swings his blade and sends Hachi's blade flies away. Before Kobe could attack Hachi more, he quickly turns around and hits his blade on an arrow that coming from behind him. Yuriko reach for her arrow and finds none. Frustrated, Yuriko throws her bow to the ground and draws her best friend's Tanto and charges toward Kobe.
Yuriko jumps and tries to strike her blade on Kobe's shoulder but he manages to dodges. Kobe then strikes his blade on Yuriko but she manages to blocks and deflects it. Yuriko tackles Kobe with her shoulder, makes Kobe stumbled forward and hits the tent in front of him. Yuriko charges again, but Kobe manages to turn around and kicks her right on her stomach. Yuriko's tanto drops onto the ground as she stumbles. Kobe points his blade at Yuriko and lunges his blade aimed at her chest. Before the blade can touch her, one of the Kagesama Samurai steps between them and takes the strike. The samurai grunt as blood spills out of his mouth and chest, he looks at Yuriko and yells "L-lady Yuriko! Please run and save yourself!" Yuriko eyes widen at the loyalty of her men. Kobe kicks the samurai down, the samurai falls on Yuriko. She falls on her back and the samurai rolls down, holding on his pain. Yuriko holds the samurai's hand with a teary eye as she asked "Why? Why did you do that?!" The Samurai then smiles as he weakly answer "Because... You are the hope of this clan... The only prove... that clan Kagesama, will always fight..." The samurai grips on Yuriko's hand soften as he sleep to his death.
Kobe scoffs at the sight, he raises his blade as he says "What a joke..." Kobe raises his blade and aims at Yuriko. Hachi weakly tries to sit up and yells "Lady Yuriko!" Yuriko looks up with a widen eyes as she sees Kobe just begin to swing his blade toward Yuriko. She gasp and raises her arm. The blade swung toward Yuriko but then, at full speed. Miyamoto runs from beside and kneels with his blade guarding Yuriko, blocking the blade from reaching Yuriko. Miyamoto quickly pushes his blade, throwing Kobe back and stands as he faces Kobe. The Kagesama headband and hair flutters on Miyamoto's head as wind blows harder than usual. Yuriko stares at Miyamoto while Kobe smirks toward him. Kobe steps forward slowly which makes Miyamoto stands between Kobe and Yuriko with his blade raised defensively. Kobe smirks and say "I was hoping to see you again Ogawa." Miyamoto brows furrowed nervously, his feet can't seems to stop moving as he tries to keep Kobe distance away from Yuriko. Kobe chuckles and raises his blade before he charges toward Miyamoto.
Kobe swings his blade on Miyamoto which Miyamoto quickly deflects to his side and send multiple strike, although his attack was blocked. Miyamoto manages to create more distance between Kobe and Yuriko. As they get far enough, Miyamoto swings his blade now more in an offensive stance. Kobe blocks and begin to strike at Miyamoto in what seems like as swift as wind. Miyamoto eyes widen and grunts as he dodges the attack and tries to swing his blade back on Miyamoto but could not find the chance. Miyamoto manages to create more distance between them and looks at Kobe hands holding his blade. It was somehow slightly tilted, the style was close to his but different in a way. Instead of letting the sharp side of the blade face the ground, it was slightly spins and facing the opponent. Miyamoto takes a deep breath as Kobe charges toward him, quickly Miyamoto again dodges the attack and kicks Kobe in the back, sending him stumbled to the ground. Kobe groans angrily and turns toward Miyamoto, he again sends a swift and fast swings toward Miyamoto which manages to cut Miyamoto's Yukata sleeve slightly. Kobe glares at Miyamoto's face expression before he charges again. Kobe scoffs and ask "You're not attacking, what are you trying here kid?!" Miyamoto scoffs as his eyes keep travelling on Kobe's stance and the way Kobe moves. Miyamoto then answers "You'll see..."
Angrily, Kobe again charges toward Miyamoto and swings his blade from beneath his waist. Miyamoto quickly jumps away and smirks to himself. Miyamoto then adjust the way he holds his blade and charges back toward Kobe. Miyamoto swings his blade from beneath his waist now and attack Kobe just as how Kobe did before. But Miyamoto changes it a little by keep holding his blade with only one hand, making it easier for him to spins and strikes his attack even when he holds it upside down. Kobe grunt as he blocks Miyamoto's attack. Realization finally hits him as he glares at Miyamoto and says "You... You studies my move?!" Miyamoto glares back as he holds his stance. Some of the villagers begin to peer out of the fort and watches Miyamoto fights with Kobe. As time flies, Kobe begins to get tired as he himself tries to keep up with Miyamoto's speed.
Finally, Kobe tries to swing his blade form over his head but Miyamoto strikes and slashes his blade on Kobe's chest. Kobe drops his blade and turns around to the spectator. Kurosawa Samurai slowly walks from the gate as they look at their tired and injured General. Oneof the Samurai grunts and yells "Damn you Kagesama!" Miyamoto glares at them and grabs Kobe by the back of his collar before sending his blade right through Kobe's chest. Kobe screams in pain while the Kurosawa samurai watches their general in horror. Miyamoto then pulls his blade out, and swings the blade right passes Kobe's neck. Sending Kobe's head flies off his body to the ground,blood sprays above and showers Miyamoto, making Miyamoto soaked in blood. As Kobe's headless body falls on the ground, Miyamoto steps forward and raises hisblade as he yells "Invaders! Look at your general... Run! Cling to your pitifulLife!" Miyamoto shakes the blood off his blade as he growls "Or this will beyour fate!" The Kurosawa Samurai reluctantly tries to attack Miyamoto. Which Miyamoto effortlessly deflects the attack and strikes the blade on their throat spraying more blood on the ground. Kurosawa samurai screams in fear as they drops their blade and turn to run back. Together, the villagers charges out of their fort furiously, grabbing whatever they find in the fort and yard. Miyamoto leads the villagers and the remaining Samurai in pushing the Kurosawa out of the fort.
Miyamoto swings his blade on one of the fleeing Samurai's head and yells "people of Kagesama! Push every of the Kurosawa out of this land! Spare no one! For Kagesama!" In unison all the people joins in and yells "For Kagesama!!" As they altogether slain and kills the fleeing Kurosawa Samurai out of the fort. Some of the villagers stops tiredly and catches their breath as they nearing the main gate. Miyamoto follows and kills the feeling Kurosawa. As the commotion finally has cleared, like a demon, Miyamoto appears out of the smoke back into the fort as he yells "We saved your fort... Now help the shogun save our land!" one of the villagers grunts and looks down as she speak "But we are not Samurai!" Miyamoto sigh, thinking before he marches back in and ask, "Who saved the fort?" The villagers all looks down, Miyamoto adds again "Who stood against the siege?!" Hachi's fist clenches into a ball as Miyamoto adds more "Who saved Kagesama?!" Finally Hachi steps up "We did!" Yuriko steps beside Miyamoto and she looks at her people "We can't just stay here, and wait for the Kurosawa to try again! We must do something!" Miyamoto slowly paces at the front as he fixes his eyes on the people as says in a firm tone "We can still fight them, and save our land..." Miyamoto looks at the woman who replies earlier with a determined look "You say you are not Samurai... You are Warriors... We can still save our home! But that is only if we stand together!" Koji, and Sayaka joins Miyamoto and Yuriko at the front, they then bow toward Miyamoto. The villagers follows suit and bow toward him. Miyamoto eyes widen as he looks around at the people, he then sees Yuriko as well has bows. Miyamoto nods toward them as a sea of people bows toward him. Letting the moonlight and fire, shines their heart into a spirit of warriors.
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