Chapter 17: Kagesama fortress

Koji and his alliance arrives at the Kagesama fortress, they quickly hides behind a thicket of bushes. Yuriko climbs on a nearby tree and begin to she observe the surrounding of the fortress, she scrunches her nose, noticing how much of the Kurosawa Samurai has set their camp outside of the fortress, surrounding the Fortress making the Kagesama clan unable to go anywhere but prepare for the Kurosawa to attack. Yuriko then joins them again and fills them with the information she has observed. Koji grunts and punches the ground, muttering softly "There is no way we can defeat them this way." Mitsuhade touches Koji's shoulder and smile, saying that as long as Koji has his alliance, everything is possible. Koji nods and looks up toward the fortress, thinking of any plans on how to approach the Kurosawa clan.

Koji then looks at all his alliance team from Miyamoto to Tesso in the end. Koji then sigh and looks at them full of determination as he says "So this is my idea. Yuriko, you mentioned a pile of black powder barrel right? I need you to shoot it with a flamed arrow, as the barrel exploded, we charge and attack them all with all our might." Mitsuhade and Tesso smiled toward Koji, agreeing to him. Before they can all agree Miyamoto stands up and glares at Koji "That is same as throwing our lives to the enemy. I will not die in vain Koji. I say, we sneak pass the guard and hides in the fortress, and plan our defense with the remaining Samurai of Kagesama clan." Koji stands, facing Miyamoto as both glares at each other.

"Your way will break the Samurai code!" Koji says

"We are at war..." Miyamoto says

Koji scoffs and says "And you are acting like the enemy!" Both of them size each other up as if they are about to brawl. Sayaka looks between them and stands as she say "I understand both of your frustration, but we need to work together in this. Koji, I know about your Samurai code. But let's go with Miyamoto's plan for now. We cannot risk losing our life now, we have gone too far to let it stop now." Koji looks between Sayaka and Miyamoto, he takes a moment to breathe before nods and turn back looking at the fort. After what feels like forever, Koji finally says "Fine, lead the way... Miyamoto." Miyamoto smirks and place his hand on Koji's shoulder "Trust me this time Koji."

As they all climbs down the cliff, hiding behind a tree while facing the Kagesama cliff. Miyamoto brings his finger to his lips, telling them to be quiet and stay low as possible. All of them nods as they follow Miyamoto's lead. They all crouches closer to the camp and hides behind a bundle of crates. Miyamoto peeks his head out of hiding to scans the surrounding, finding way to gets through the fortress walls unnoticed. They begin to crouches near a camp and crawls under the opening of the camp. Miyamoto finds a Samurai standing outside of the camp, Yuriko draws her tanto and about to sneak onto the Samurai but was stopped by Miyamoto. Miyamoto whispers to her "We don't want to get any attention Yuriko. Sheath your blade, and contain your anger for now." Yuriko nods and obliged as they gets closer. Miyamoto picks a pebble on the ground and throws it toward a nearby crate, it manages to grab the guard attention. As the Guard walks off toward the sound, all of them sneaks pass the camp getting closer to the fort walls.

As they reach walls, Miyamoto pulls his tanto out and tries to cut the rope on the pole that ties the wall together. Tesso begins to get more nervous as Miyamoto still unable to cut it open. "Yuriko gets closer and taps Miyamoto's arm softly before she whispers "What took you so long?" Miyamoto grunts defeated as he whispers back "I can't seem to cut this ropes..." Miyamoto sheath his blade back. Koji approaches and taps Miyamoto asking what is wrong. Yuriko explains, Koji scoffs and looks around before he ask "Well what now? Should I stand up and show myself to them or what?" Yuriko stops him and points toward the other side of the fort, a waterfall. Before Yuriko can say anything Koji smiles and holds her hand "That means the rope on that side would have been softer due to the water. Let's go." Yuriko smile, Miyamoto reluctantly let go of her hand as they crawl toward the side of the wall.

As they get closer to the waterfall, they spot two Samurai drinking water from the river. Koji about to walks toward them and draws his blade but again Miyamoto stops him. Koji groans and raises his brow at Miyamoto as he ask "What now? It's just two of them, no one will notice." Miyamoto sigh and forces Koji back down, Miyamoto pulls his blade and hands it at Yuriko as he stand and approaches the two guard. Koji looks at Miyamoto curiously, and quickly hides everyone under a tall grass as Miyamoto smiles and talks "Excuse me Samurai, Can any one of you points me toward the direction to the Hachiman shrine? I promised my father that I'll meet him there but..." The Samurai cuts him off and about to draw their blade when Miyamoto quickly charges toward them. He sends his kick flies up toward one of the Samurai chin, as his feet meet the ground he quickly holds the standing samurai arm from pulling their blade and head-butt the Samurai right on their throat. Before the Samurai can stand and attack again, Koji stomp the Samurai back on their back and grabs the Samurai's collar before he sends a rapid, quick and strong punches on the Samurai head. Both of the samurai fainted on the ground, Koji and the others walks toward Miyamoto. Trying to process what just happened.

Yuriko hands Miyamoto his Wakizashi back while Koji ask "What... did I just see?" Miyamoto slides his blade into his belt and smile before he answers "An Introduction my friend." Mitsuhade grins and pats Koji's back as he says Miyamoto has one heck of a weird way of introducing himself. As they all approaches the wall, Yuriko cuts the rope open and pulls out a log out for them to squeeze through the wall one by one.

As they all walks in, an old man quickly approaches them with a blade pointed at them all "Halts! Who are you? And why are you here?!" Miyamoto raises his arms and signals Koji to do something. Koji steps forward and looks at the remaining Samurai of fort Kagesama. "Greetings, Kagesama clan. I am Masaharu Koji, last samurai of the Masaharu clan. We are here, to ask for your aid to help the Shogun. Thus, ending the madness of the Kurosawa clan." The Kagesama Samurai sigh and rest their blade down. The old man lips pursed, holding back his tears as he looks down "There is no more hope in our heart Lord Masaharu. We have been trapped here for months! And none of the high up has come here to save us... None!" Koji steps forward and lifts his arms "I understand sir, but we cannot lose hope yet... The Shogun needs us!" One of the Kagesama Samurai steps forward with a glare "Enough Lord Masaharu... We are no more than just a dishonored Samurai now, we can't even protect our villagers." Koji sigh and looks down.

Finally, Yuriko steps forward. Wearing her clan headband while she looks at her Samurai with anger "We cannot lose hope yet! Lady Mikasa and Lord Norio is fighting for their lives at the Kagesama castle! We cannot abandon them." All of the people of Kagesama eyes widen as they look at Yuriko. One of the woman villager step forward and say "L-Lord Yuriko! We thought we have lost you in the battle of Kamo River!" Yuriko looks at them with grief before she turns her head down and say "I thought so too... I have lost all hopes after the battle at Kamo River. I wished nothing but my death. But my friend here, Sayaka, Koji, and Miyamoto. They all fought to the end of their breath. Fending against the Kurosawa with all they have just to protect all of us. So please, for my sake..." Yuriko bows toward them, her tears falls down to the ground while she begs "Help me save my parents... and save the land!"

The people all begin to speak with each other, not certain about fighting against the Kurosawa. The old man nods and steps forward "We will help Lady Yuriko, but first we need to deal with the Kurosawa surrounding our fort. Which I don't think is even possible." Yuriko grits her teeth, feeling helpless for wanting to save her parents but unable to get her own people trust for it. Miyamoto sigh and steps forward "We can help you defeat the Kurosawa camp here. We will give it our all, but only if you promise to help us save this land." The old man glares at Miyamoto and nods "We will, if we're alive..." The old man walks away, the other villagers follows him back to their business. Miyamoto pulls Yuriko back up and sigh before he walks away after he softly squeezes her shoulder and let go. Tomoe holds Yuriko's arm and offers her a smile as she say "We will save your parent Yuriko, and we will get through this together."

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