Chapter 16: Best Friend

Koji and his friends sits at the crest of Mount Tsurugi, they are having a relaxing breakfast for the first time. Saori and Tomoe cuts and clean the fish with their Tanto while Sayaka roast the fish on the bonfire. Koji raises his brow while he looks at Miyamoto, busy hanging the fish on the tree branches. Koji smiles and brushes his thought away while he cleans his blade. Yuriko looks at Koji and ask while she is chewing on her fish, "Koji, what is the plan now that we have regroup?" Koji clears his throat and stands up, he claps his hands to get everyone attention. Koji looks at each of the alliance member with a proud face as he says "Now that we have everyone, I can begin to lay out my plan so far. You may voice out your thought of it freely. First, our main point is to save the Kagesama fort. It is rumored that the villagers within the fort gate is still safe, although the Kurosawa has already cornered them and makes camps around the fort. Waiting to attack, so my plan is we gain more samurai from other forces. The Shinsengumi is located near Osaka town. If we are able to get to them we can together defeat the Kurosawa samurai around the fort and save the fort."

Most members nods in agreement except Miyamoto. Miyamoto clears histhroat and steps forward "That will take too much time, the Kagesama might havedie by the time we are able to reach the Shinsengumi. We have to sneak into thefort and convince the people of Kagesama to fight with us." Koji shakes hishead in disagreement. Koji looks at Miyamoto while he says "Those people arefarmers, and villagers Miyamoto, not a Samurai. We cannot rely on them for thisfight." Miyamoto scoffs and waves his hand around Tesso, Saori and Tomoe as hesays "Neither are them! We don't have to approach the Kurosawa head on. We cancome up with a plan that can take them by surprise!" Koji's brow furrowed as hesteps forward to Miyamoto "I would never allow such cowardly method Miyamoto! Idon't mind a surprise once they know we are here, but not when they are notaware of our being there." Miyamoto sigh defeated and nods. Koji smiles andholds Miyamoto's shoulder tight as he say "We will do this, like a Samurai.Soon, you will be one of my Samurai Miyamoto, I can see that you havepotential." Miyamoto scoffs but smile as he pushes Koji's hand away while hegives his dried fish to Sayaka.

Koji steps back and nods before he speak again "But you are right about one thing, we are lacking of time. Reaching for the Shinsengumi will take too much time." Koji massages his temple for a while before he looks at Tesso and Tomoe. Koji then nods and tells Tesso and Tomoe to scout for the nearest Samurai village, there must be at least one village in the prefecture that survives. Sayaka stands up and offers to follow those two, they agreed. Koji smiles and waves to the three of them as they walk down the hill to begin searching.

Sayaka, Tesso and Tomoe walks down the path on the hill. Tesso nervously looks around while keeps fiddling his Katana on his belt, Sayaka chuckles as she looks at Tesso and say "Not used to being without your wife?" Tesso scoffs and dismisses her comments as he keep walking forward. Tomoe raises her arm and turn to them with a finger on her lips. Tesso and Sayaka nods before three of them crouches and hides behind the nearest bush, they waits quietly as Kurosawa's Samurai rides on their horses up the hill. As the Samurai has passed, Tesso whispers to Tomoe "They going to find the others up the hill if we didn't warn them." Before Sayaka and Tesso can go, Tomoe stops them with a confident smile as she say "They are not some ordinary people, Miyamoto is there. They will be safe." Sayaka and Tesso sigh, after a while they nods and agree to keep on moving.

Three of them crouch down quietly, avoiding any Kurosawa Samurai thatmight be around the hill, as the reach the short cliff, they peers up the bushand find four Samurai wearing a black Yukata covered with white body plate andHakama. Tomoe carefully pulls her bow and arrow as she whisper to Tesso andSayaka "I want you two to approach them. If they show any sign of danger, I'llsend this arrow right through their head." Tesso and Sayaka nods, both of themclimbs down the cliff and walks toward the group of unknown Samurai. One of theSamurai that wears a blue headband, spots them and quickly steps forward withhis palm toward them as he yells "That is as far as you go! State your businessor you'll answer to our blade!" Tesso startled, he gets the creep and stopsquickly. Sayaka raises her arms with a serious look, she chose her next wordcarefully "We mean no threat, Samurai. We are only here to ask you a couplequestions." The Samurai scoffs as he lowers his hand, he then raises his headasking what Tesso and Sayaka wants. Sayaka takes a deep breath and calmsherself before she says "My name is Sayaka, this here is Tesso. We are here,looking for allies to fight against the Kurosawa, and defend our land." Thesamurai scoffs and steps closer while he says "How do we know that you are notone of the Kurosawa's? For all I know are all the same. No Honor! You could belying to trick us!" 

Tesso steps forward with his arms raised, wanting to calm the Samurai "No please, we come in peace. We wants to save this land just as much as you do! But we can't do that if we keep accusing each other. Please, you can meet our leader. He is the one who sent us!" The Samurai glares as he holds on his Katana in the belt, he asked "Who is your leader?" Koji bites his lips nervously, he keeps his eyes on the Samurai as he replies "Masaharu Koji..." The Samurai glares at Tesso, he pulls his Katana out and stomps toward Tesso while he yells "Don't you dare say that name!" Tesso gasp and falls on his back, Sayaka reaches for her Yari. As the samurai raises his blade, suddenly an arrow shot on his blade, sending the Katana off his hand and falls on the back. Tomoe jumps off the short cliff and takes off her mask as she walks toward the Samurai. His comrade draws their blade before Tomoe speak in a loud tone "It is true! Masaharu Koji is the one who sent us!" She glares back at the Samurai as she speak. The samurai looks down, as a wave of realization hits him, he mumbles "Koji... is still alive?" Tomoe nods, she holds on her bow tightly while the Samurai looks at his comrade and tells them to sheath their blade. He turns to Tomoe and ask her to take him to Koji. Tomoe scoffs, she ask how can she be certain that the Samurai is not one of Kurosawa's dog. The Samurai bow and begs her to take him to Koji. Tomoe smirks and agrees, the samurai thank Tomoe as he and his comrade follows Tomoe and the others uphill to meet Koji.

The group arrives at the spot where Koji and his team rest. They find them casually siting on the hill, Koji and Saori resting on the tree trunk while Yuriko and Miyamoto chatting happily nearby the hill. Saori spots Tesso and newcomers, she quickly runs toward Tesso and hugs him lovely as she ask if he is okay. Tesso smiles and nods while telling that he is fine, he is more concerned about the Kurosawa Samurai that just walk up the mountain with their horses about an hour ago. Saori smile and says that they are fine, thanks to Miyamoto's skill in hiding people using the tree. Tomoe smirks and winks at Tesso while he rolls his eyes.

Koji joins them with a smile. Before he can say anything, the samurai earlier walks past his comrade and Tomoe with a wide eyes, he slowly says "Koji..." Koji looks at the Samurai with the same reaction "Mitsuhade?" They both breaks into a huge grins as they hugs tightly. Mitsuhade breaks the hugs and ask him how he survived the fall, Koji smiles and points to Sayaka, saying that she and her uncle saved his life. Mitsuhade turn around and bows thank Sayaka. Koji pats Mitsuhade's shoulder and looks at everyone around him while he says "Everyone, this is Mitsuhade. My best friend, and the second best swordsman in this land after me" Mitsuhade chuckles and pats Koji's back.

After Mitsuhade catch up with Koji's story, they both sit beneath theOak tree and talks while the other regroup and gets to know each other as well.Koji smiles and ask "Now how about you? How did you survive the Kurosawa? Ireally thought I have lost you after I fall." Mitsuhade chuckles and looks downas he says "It was, ugly... I have to endure a couple more beating before I haveto, run away from them. It was so embarrassing, I almost stopped hoping to winthis battle. Then I remember that you fought to the end of your life. So I findthis people from each village, and we are planning to sail right to Okinawalater. We still need boats, but I guess we can scrap that plan now that we bothfinally able to work together again." Koji smiles before both of them raisestheir fist and bumps their fists together.

Kagesama Castle, Mikasa sitting on her cells. She has just finished hermeal when Nanobu Kurosawa approaches and smiles toward her. Nanobu clears histhroat to get her attention, as Mikasa looks, Nanobu says "For how long are youplanning to endure this pain lady Mikasa? I can free you and your clan, if-".Mikasa cuts him off and finishes his word base on her understanding "If I agreeto betray the shogun and works with you. That will never happen, I will neversubmit to your madness Kurosawa!" Mikasa spits through her cell, lands it onNanobu's face. Nanobu chuckle and wipes the spit off his face before he standsand walks away while saying "I'll give you 10 days Lady Mikasa. If not, youshall die and so will the rest of your clan." 

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