Chapter 11: Kurosawa Madness

Kurosawa Nanobu walks in the Kagesama castle battleground, he glares up at Jito Kagesama Norio with a devilish grins. The Kurosawa and Date Samurai has already cornered the Kagesama clan in their fortress, leaving the clan nowhere else to go. Nanobu climbs on his horse as he signals his men to be ready. Nanobu takes a deep breath and yells "Kagesama! Surrender and open the gate! That way, we will give you a peaceful path to the underworld!" Norio scoffs and signals his men to be ready as well, the Kagesama Samurai gets in their defensive position with the swordsmen and spearmen on the ground behind the gate, protecting within the fort yard and archers on the wall watchtower.

The battle is outrageous as Kagesama clan alliance with the Ikeda clan alone is not enough to defend the fortress against the enemy alliance force. Nanobu smirks and raises his hands, the trebuchet troop readies themselves and load a large boulder on each of their trebuchet. Norio closes his eyes and says their prayers, just as they opens his eyes, he and Nanobu both screams out of their lungs to attack. The Kagesama's archer begins to rains their flamed arrow toward the Alliances Samurai while the Alliances fires their boulder toward the Kagesama Fort's walls, thus breaking it a little. The Kagesama Samurai yells as hard as they can as begin to defend the hole on the fort wall, blocking any enemy from entering the fort. As the enemy begins to load their trebuchet again, Nanobu groans in defeat as he orders his archers to leave the watchtower and defend from behind the swordsmen.

Things that general Norio is afraid of has now happened. The fort gate has now been breached by the Kurosawa clan. Their Samurai charges toward the Kagesama clan, Norio quickly raises his arm to signals their archer to shoots the Kurosawa clan. However, only few arrow was seen shot toward the enemy. Norio turns around and sees that some of his archer has been slain by the Ikeda Samurai. General Norio grunts, his heart is in total pain as the Kurosawa manages to divide and conquer even managed to keep it hidden from general Norio. General Norio sigh and draws his Katana as one of the Kurosawa charges toward him. The Samurai jumps and tries to strike from above, Norio dodges and slashes his blade past the Samurai stomach and stabs the blade through the Samurai armpit.

Norio quickly turns around and runs into the fortress castle, worrying about his wife being in there with the enemy. Norio throws his helmet away, two of his best Kagesama Samurai, Kido and Manabu follows the general from behind to help the empress. Norio kicks the door open, one of Ikeda samurai lunges from beside the door and charges with their blade pointed toward Norio, Kido jumps in and blocks the attack with his Naginata shaft and spins it quickly to stabs the Ikeda Samurai right on his throat with the Naginata blade, bloodspills from the Samurai as Kido pulls out his Naginata and runs toward Norio to support his general more. Three Ikeda archer is guarding the second floor ladder, taking their cover behind a half broken wood wall. Manabu notices the a cher and quickly kicks the general away from the rapid arrow before he covers himself behind a pillar. As the arrow slows down, Manabu rolls out of his cover and shoots his arrow toward a loosen rope that hold on the second floor, flooring. Causing the wood to drops on three of the archers. Kido runs and jumps over the broken walls before he thrust his weapon and kills the three fallen Ikeda archer.

As they three climbs on the third floor, Kido gets on first and goes to slides the door open. Only to has a blade thrusted through his stomach from over the paper door. Kido grunts and coughs blood, coloring the paper of the door before the enemy pulls their blade, causing Manabu to be pulled together through the door and lays on the floor weakly while bloods drips and puddles on the broken wooden floor. Manabu charges forward and swings his Naginata shaft and hits the Ikeda Samurai in the head, causing the samurai to stumbles aside. Norio charges and stabs his blade through the Ikeda Samurai chest and kicks his lifeless body to the floor. Manabu kneels and shakes Kido's body only to find his comrade has already die due to blood loss.

Both Norio and Manabu charges toward the Fort's general palace, Norio looks around and finds his wife is no longer at the palace. Manabu walks slowly to inspect the palace, a Kurosawa Samurai charges from behind a curtain and charges his blade toward Manabu. Before the blade can touches Manabu, he managed to raise his Naginata and deflects the attack. The Samurai stumbles back and strikes his blade rapidly toward Manabu, which Manabu manages to block but could not find time to strike back. Norio charges to help but then was kicked on his side and falls on the ground. Norio quickly rolls and stands back with his Katana on his hand, glaring toward his opponent, his own best friend General Ikeda Himura.

Both Samurai begins to circles each other with a glare, Norio grips his blade tighter "I can't believe the one who'd betray me is the one who I consider as my brother, Himura." Himura's eye soften a little as he shows some concern toward the current situation, "You're a brother to me as well Norio. But my clan and family is at risk here, I must do what I have." Norio scoffs and yells "You'd betray me and slaughter mine for this?!" Himura steps forward as he cuts Norio "It's my family Norio! I must do what I must." Himura gets on his stance and glares at Norio. Both Samurai readies to charge toward their opponent. As Manabu's Naginata shaft hits the ground while he is dueling, both Norio and Himura charges toward each other and strikes on each other's Katana.

Manabu stumbled back and spins his weapon above his head, and strikes the weapon shaft on the Kurosawa Samurai but was blocked. The Kurosawa Samurai kicks Manabu and smiles toward him as he says "I am Hiroshi Tora, best swordsmen among the best." Manabu stands straight and rest his Naginata shoe on the ground, "Naminaka Manabu." Both Samurai raises their weapon back and charges toward each other, their iron blade hits with a light spark. Norio and Himura is fighting as well, Norio strikes his blade from under, but Himura manages to jumps back and swing his blade toward Norio's head. Norio quickly dodges the attack and rolls back. He takes his stand again before charging and jumps to strike the blade on Himura's head, but was again blocked.

Manabu swings his weapon towardTora, quickly Tora ducks at the upper attack. Manabu swings below but Toramanages to jump over the Naginata. As Tora's feet meets the ground, he pullshis blade back and spins strikes his blade on Manabu's side. Manabu holds onhis weapon tighter while his left hand holds the wound. Tora shakes the bloodof his blade and gets on his stance again. Manabu groans before he chargesforward again and tries to thrust his spearhead toward Tora's stomach, howeverTora manages to dodge the thrust and raises his blade before he swings andstrikes his blade on Manabu's nape. Manabu groans, he coughs blood out of hismouth while Tora pulls his blade out and kicks Manabu's shin. Manabu falls onhis knees and drops his weapon while keeping his head down. Tora gets on hisknees and pulls out his Tanto while he place a hand on Manabu's shoulder andnods. Manabu sigh and nods as well, as on queue, Tora stabs his Tanto right on Manabu's vital point. Manabu grips on Tora's hand while he slowly fade into death.

Tora pulls his Tanto out and wipes the blood of with his sleeve, he sheathes the Tanto back in his belt and looks over to Norio and Himura's battle. Norio breathes heavily, his body has been wounded by Himura on a couple side. Norio clutches to the wound on his arm while glaring at Himura. A footstep heard from the entrance, Norio looks back and find general Nanobu walking toward them with a glare on his face. Norio turns around and looks side to side toward Nanobu and Himura. With a sigh, Himura shakes bloods off his blade and sheathes it. Nanobu draws his blade as he marches closer to Norio, Norio grunts and raises his blade weakly. Norio yells the name of his clan and charges toward Nanobu, Himura turns his face down and closes his eyes as he hears Norio's voice in pain. As Himura looks up again, his eyes widen at what he is seeing.

Norio screams while holding on his shoulder, blood flows down to the ground while he looks at his decapitated left arm laying on the ground. Nanobu then raises his blade again and strikes it right on Norio's right shoulder. Nanobu grabs Norio's head and forces his blade right through Norio's left arm, leaving the poor Samurai with no arms. Defeated, Norio falls on his knees and begs Nanobu to ends his life. Himura swallows his saliva and slowly walks backward while holding the handle of his Katana. Nanobu kneels and sigh as he looks at Norio, Nanobu then looks up to Himura and says "You, Ikeda. Grabs this man and tell your men to treat to his wound." Himura hesitant for a minute, Nanobu clears his throat and stands up glaring at Himura. Himura then bows and joins in with Tora to grab Norio away from the place. Nanobu then looks aside and smirks at Kagesama Mikasa before he approaches her.

Lady Mikasa startled and sits up from her sleep. Covered in sweat, she wipes her tears as she reminded of theday her husband was last seen in such humiliated condition. Lady Mikasa then stand and look out the window, hoping her daughter Yuriko would still be aliveand save the land.

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