Teaseing. (Dream × Ink)
Some DrInk for Foxie8 !!!! Thank you so so much for requesting me! :3
This is actually my first FINISHED request! I got it done quickly to aswell, to my surprise. Usually it takes me longer. I have a request from a friend that has taken me so long I feel bad X(
Ink- 5'3 (1,60)
Dream- 4'11 (1,50)
Drink- Ink × Dream. (Main)
CrossMare- Cross × Nightmare. (Side, only mentioned.)
💞: Fluff!
👄: Smut! Not a full on lemon but it is suggestive.
💋: IMPLIED previous sexual encounters. It's implied though not to heavily talked about.
This was made simply for fun! Don't take it to seriously!
Dream sighed contentedly, pulling on his softest yellow sweater and his sweatpants before putting on his crown and gathering his dirty clothes, turning off the bathroom light before leaving and heading downstairs. It was a little earlier then usual and Dream had just gotten home and taken a shower. He hummed pleasantly as he walked down the stairs, dropping his clothes into the dirty clothes basket by the wash room before wandering over to the kitchen.
He had a entire week off. And it sounded absolutely magical. The only time he would be called back to work was if there was a major emergency. Which he doubted would happen. After the peace treaty so many years ago with Error and Nightmare, things had been pretty peaceful. Dream had even reconnected with his brother and they were on good terms again! Which was great in Dreams book. It had taken quite awhile for Nightmare to let Dream call him brother again, but Dream had done his best to earn his trust back. And after so long, he even was awarded the title Uncle by his brother, who had two sons with Cross.
He smiled at the thought, he had been so happy to learn he had nephews. He had wanted to cry. He hadn't been allowed to meet them at first, but he did his best to gain Nightmares and Crosses trust to be able to meet them. Cross was a little easier surprisingly. Once Nightmare and Cross were okay with him the rest of Nightmares gang seemed to chill out with him aswell. His nephews were adorable little things. He hoped one day he could have children of his own..
He was snapped out of his thoughts and back into reality when there was a loud beeping, making him realize he had been holding the fridge open far to long, which set off the alarm to show it was opened. Surveying the contents of the fridge quickly, he pulled out a bowl of fruit salad from this morning's breakfast and shut the fridge, quickly grabbing a fork to eat with before walking up to his room happily.
His plan was to just relax the entire week, maybe go see his nephews and his brother and Cross, maybe go and see Blue and his children for a movie night. But he wanted a couple days to himself.. and Ink hopefully. He'd love some alone time with his partner. With him and Ink being often in the 'public eye', they couldn't get much alone time together outside of their home. If they went out on a date there would be inevitably some monsters following them or trying to talk to them or anything. It was rather annoying.
Though, it did lead to some rather funny moments with Ink putting silly disguises on them or they had fun sneeking around like teenagers out past curfew or some rather romantic moments where Ink set up some completely alone dates for them. It was still funny when he learned of the times Ink would pretend an AU was in danger and kick everyone out just so he could have a date alone there with Dream. It was even funnier when Ink did that in front of Dream when some monsters found them on a special date and Ink kicked everyone out without reason. It didn't cause much trouble, but it was a real funny proposal story.
Setting his salad on the bedside table, he fished the remote out of the covers and sat down, getting comfortable propped up on the pillows and pulling the blankets over his lap before turning on the TV. It took him a minute to find the show he wanted before he settled down and dropped the remote beside him, picking up his salad happily.
He relaxed for a few moments, eating as he watched the TV. Lazy days in bed were always the best. "DREAMMM!" Ink yelled, makeing Dream jump in shock. Ink had a bad habit of getting home after Dream, and if Ink didn't Immediately see him he would yell as loud as he could.. Dream could never get used to that. It was rather frightening. Especially when he was trying to sleep. "I'm in our room!" He shouted back, huffing deeply when ink bubbled up from the bedroom floor, Ink raiseing from it "Ink how many times have i told you to not yell when you get home? Walk around and look for me!" He said, and Ink just grinned "Dreamy! Missed you!" He chirped, seeming to have completely forgotten about Dream scolding him instantly "No hugs or kisses until I take a shower?" Ink added. He used to have a bad habit of getting into bed dirty, even before he and Ink got together. Covered in dirt, mud, grass, ink, paint and before the peace even blood. When Blue lived with them he and Blue made sure to remind Ink often to get clean before getting into bed or sitting down on the couch. Dream was glad he remembered now. The days of constantly cleaning up after him were a living nightmare honestly.
"You can have a kiss.. or two, because I missed you alot." Dream said, reaching for Ink, makeing the artist beam at him brightly "Yay! Kisses!" He hummed happily, careful not to sit on or touch the bed as he leaned over and kissed Dream, pleased. Dream returned the kiss before Ink pulled back and kissed both of Dreams cheeks, makeing Dream blush lightly at the affection. How much yellow and magenta had Ink had today?
"Thank you Inky. Can you go take a shower now? And then we can cuddle all night. That show you like, the one about the painting, is coming on soon so go get cleaned quickly so we can watch it together!" Dream said happily as he kissed Inks nose lightly, watching his partner smile big "Oh yeah! I remember that! Okay I'll be back soon!" He said and ran towards their shared bathroom "I put some clothes in there earlier for you when I showered! And remember to clean up!" Dream called after him, nodding to himself when he heard Ink shout back an enthusiastic 'Okay!' Before he heard the water turn on, turning back to his show as he ate his salad.
Dream finished his food and waited for Ink, watching TV quitely. Ink often took long showers, but Dream didn't mind. "I'm back!" Ink said, makeing Dream perk and look at him as he smiled "Now is cuddle time!" Ink declared with a big grin, crawling into bed with Dream before getting under the covers, kicking off his slippers. "Just in time, your shows coming on." Dream murmured, kissing Inks cheek before wraping his arms around his shoulders, nuzzling into him as Ink wraped his arms around Dreams waist, pressing him close.
Ink was fairly affectionate most of the time. He liked holding and kissing Dream, and listening to his soulbeat. Even without takeing magenta he still enjoyed it.
Nuzzling into Dreams chest as Ink held him close, he hummed slowly, enjoying the sound of Dreams soul. It sounded so nice and soothing. He wondered if Dream would let him see it so he could kiss it. He liked seeing it glow to. It was a very pretty color. "Did you remember to clean up?" Dream asked and Ink nodded "Uh-huh. I cleaned up the water and I put my dirty clothes in the basket and I turned off the light." He replied, humming "Oh! And I hung up my towls." He added, makeing Dream smile. "Thank you Inky." He hummed.
Ink shifted and glanced at the show on the TV, though he was more focused on listening to Dreams soul "How was your day?" Dream asked softly, rubbing Inks back as Ink hummed "Okay, not fun really. But it's better now I'm with you. You always make everything better." Ink murmured, makeing Dream smile "How was your day Dreamy?" Ink asked curiously, turning his gaze to Dream. "Oh it was alright. Exhausting, as usual. But better now that I'm home with you." He murmured, makeing Ink grin happily.
Dream rubbed Inks head softly, smiling as he watched his partner. Ink didn't seem interested in the show any longer, more so he seemed to be enjoying Dreams soul. He had a odd, but rather sweet in Dreams opinion, obsession with Dreams soul. It made Dream a little flush thinking about.
To Dream, his soul was normal, but he also knew his soul wasn't normal. But to many others, it would be considered very odd. It wad shaped like an apple after all. Not a normal upside down heart. Ink loved it though. He loved the shape of it, the color, the sound. Sometimes Dream would even just give Ink his soul to keep him happy when Dream had to do things like chores, just to keep Ink busy.
He smiled a bit when Ink looked at him, grinning a little "Pretty." Ink mumbled, lightly brushing his fingers against Dreams flushed cheek "I like when you blush. It makes your bones look even prettier." He mumbled softly, makeing Dream flush more as Ink ran his fingers over Dreams collarbone slowly "I like the way your joints glow to. It's pretty. I want to paint you." He said slowly, makeing Dream laugh softly "You always want to paint me." He said, rubbing Inks cheek.
Ink just grinned a little "I want to paint you bare, like that other time. I liked that. Your bones are so pretty and perfect to paint." He mumbled with a grin that made Dream blush deeply and laugh "Your silly. My bones aren't that interesting Ink." He said and Ink shook his head as he sat up "Lies. Your bones are beautiful. And i can say that. I've seen them all." He huffed a bit, smiling at Dream "Says you. Your bones have pretty tattoos. Mine are just plain white." Dream replied, cupping Inks cheek softly with one hand, brushing his other thumb over Inks collarbone, looking at the little tattoos exposed on his neck.
Dream didn't consider himself insecure. He felt fairly confident in his looks honestly. He wasn't unattractive by far. But Ink was.. beautiful. Handsome. Amazing. He had the prettiest eyes and the prettiest magic. His bones were strong and he had beautiful tattoos all over.
Ink just shook his head a bit, leaning down and kissing Dream slowly, makeing Dream hum softly in happiness as Ink leaned his head into Dreams hand slowly "Your crazy if you think i could ever be prettier then you." Ink murmured into the kiss, kissing Dreams face slowly before kissing Dreams throat lightly, rubbing Dreams ribs comfortingly, makeing Dream sigh in content as Ink kissed slowly over Dreams throat sweetly.
Carefully, Ink slipped a hand up Dreams soft shirt, slowly traceing his fingertips over Dreams spine up to his ribs, traceing his fingers over the marks he had left the week prior. Dream, in Inks opinion, was absolutely beautiful. He had beautiful bones and magic, he was just so pretty. Ink had seen many Skeletons. He had been all over the Multiverse. But it was impossible to compare any one to Dream. Dream was perfect.
"See? Look, at your pretty bones." Ink murmured slowly, useing his free hand to grab Dreams "Look at the way your joints light up with such a pretty gold. And how it glows softly." He whispered, kissing Dreams wrist before rubbing Dreams collarbone lightly "So smooth. Dispite all the battles we've had. Your bones are so smooth and beautiful. Though, the couple scars you do have are rather attractive to. Your so strong." Ink murmured on without thinking, caught up in his own little world.
Dream just flushed, listening to Ink silently as Ink went back to kissing Dreams throat and collarbone, pulling down his sweater a bit to be able to kiss more. Dream shifted and let out a sharp breath and a quite noise when Ink bit his shoulder lightly before kissing him again where he bit, aswell as kissing a few older marks gently before kissing him on the mouth softly. "Ink your a big dork." Dream murmured, cupping his cheeks again in his hands as he kissed him deeply, shifting to press against him as he rubbed his cheek softly with one hand and wraped his other arm around his neck.
Ink returned the kiss happily, pressing against Dream, enjoying the little noise Dream made when he rubbed his hip bone soothingly. Dream made some of the cutest noises. "I love you~" Ink mumbled, laying on Dream, nuzzling into his neck comfortably. He was comfortable and warm.
Dream hummed in amusement, rubbing Inks head with one hand and as he used his magic to turn off the bedside table lamp, turning off the TV with his free hand "I love you to. But that was a dirty dirty trick." He whispered to his partner, feeling Ink grin again his neck "Biteing me like that. You're a tease. I actually expected you to continue with how you were acting." He mumbled, flushing a little in embarrassment as Ink laughed slowly quitely.
Ink pressed another kiss again Dreams throat as he hummed in amusement, grinning "What? Did you want me to?" He asked, just makeing Dream flush more "No Ink, I was just kidding. I was just messing with you." He murmured, flustered by Inks accusations and Ink just laughed again, licking a couple of the marks on Dreams neck softly, makeing Dream tense and make a small noise. "Aww, you don't want me to? I was thinking you must be so tired from work you wouldn't want to. But it has been a bit since we've had alone time..~" He said softly, feigning concern. Very much enjoying how warm and flushed Dream was. He was just too cute when he was embarrassed.
Dream shook his head slightly, blushing deeply. Ink had such a silver tounge, he always knew how to embarrass Dream and make him flustered. "No, Ink, you know.. I just.." Dream waved his hand a little, blushing deeply as Ink grinned "I'm teasing you, Dreamy." He chuckled lowly, slowly licking his collarbone as Dream paused before scoffing softly, gently hitting Inks back. "Always teaseing me." He huffed, nuzzling Inks head as Ink laughed softly "You absolutely adore me." He chattered playfully.
Dream sighed a little softly, making a sad face "Unfortunately." He mumbled sadly playfully, making Ink snort "You sound so upset Dreamy. But I bet I know a way to make you feel batter~" He cooed, nuzzling into Dreams neck as Dream shuddered a little "Don't tease me like that. You-!" He yelped a little when he felt Ink bit down hard on the cook of his neck Gripping Inks shoulders tightly, he wheezed a little in surprise. "Ink!" He hissed, covering his face with a hand as he blushed deeply "Ink not there!" He whispered shouted, flustered.
Ink chuckled and let go, licking the very obvious mark slowly "It's not as if anyone will notice~ You'll be home for a week. And you can just wear a scarf when you go out. By the time your back to work it'll be healed and basically unnoticeable~" He teased, kissing the mark before laying his head down, relaxing.
Dream sighted softly slowly, closing his eyes as he traced his fingers over the mark carefully, blushing at the feeling. He liked it though. And Ink knew that.. Darn his teaseing nature.. "I love you." Ink mumbled again, nuzzling Dreams cheek as Dream slowly hummed, kissing Inks head gently "I love you to you tease." He said softly in amusement as Ink chuckled and smiled, relaxing "You love it. You love me." He mumbled slowly, starting to drift off a little as he layed his head on Dreams chest, listening to his soul. "I do.. I do love you alot." Dream said, smiling a little softly.
He listened to Inks breathing as Ink fell asleep, closeing his eyes again. He really did love Ink..
Woo! I actually got this done fairly quick! Surprisingly! It was requested on September 4th and I got it done today on the 10th at 11:57! That's a new record for me for sure lol. Even if I will probably end up posting it on the 11th because it's like, four minutes away XD
This was fun to do, fluff is always nice and I don't write smut often. So it was nice to do and test out! I hope you enjoy it! X3 I tried to keep it an even between fluff and smut so it wasn't to lemony, and I think I did.. okay? XD I don't write smut to often. A little lime sure, maybe occasionally, very rarely, a small smut, something normal and a full on lemon sure, but smut I really don't do often. So I hope I did okay!
Someone tell me how i did please? Did it seem to lemony or was it alright as a smut? I honestly have no clue. I'm going to update the rules for requsting after this now that I've realized somethings.
I hope you enjoyed this anyway though! Thank you very much for reading!
Words: 3,000.
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