Scenes with Error! (Error × Multiple)
It was Errors birthday April 4th. And i made this to celebrate! I ended up forgetting about it for a bit before picking it up again and working on it little by little. This will include scenes with Error and his partner/partners and children!
Twelve in total! Named and labled here!:
1: Error × Nightmare + Nikai and Enaki.
2: Error × Dream.
3: Error × Ink + Angel and Blessing.
4: Error × Blue × Razz.
5: Error × Fresh.
6: Error × Reaper × Geno.
7: Error × Lust.
8: Error × Outer.
9: Error × Classic × Red.
10: Error × Cross × Killer.
11: Error × Horror × Dust + Gore.
12: Error × Ink × Dream × Nightmare.
Nikai, Enaki, Angel, Blessing and Gore are all ship children!
Something that might be needed if your curious, height chart, in order!(some have the same heights)
Blue- 4'0 (1,20)
Razz- 4'0 (1,20) + boots = 4'5 (1,36)
Dream- 4'11 (1,50)
Killer- 5'1 1/2 (1,56)
Dust- 5'2 (1,57)
Ink- 5'3 (1,60)
Lust- 5'4 (1,63)
Error- 5'5 (1,65)
Classic- 5'5 (1,65)
Cross- 5'6 1/2 (1,69)
Outer- 5'7 (1,70)
Geno- 5'7 (1,70)
Fell- 5'9 (1,75)
Horror- 5'9 (1,75)
Reaper- 5'11 (1,80) + when floating = 6'0 (1,83)
Nightmare- 5'11 (1,80)
Fresh- 6'0 (1,83)
These storys were made for the purpose of fun and fluff, really none of it is serious. So don't take it seriously! Just enjoy the cuteness and fluffiness!
(1: Error × Nightmare + Nikai and Enaki.)
Error smiled as he watched his sons run around the living room from the safety of the kitchen doorway, laughing happily. The two eight year olds were as active as ever and loved to run around and play, inside, outside. Anywhere they could get to they were playing. It had given him and Nightmare quite a few scares when he found them trying to jump through trees like little monkeys, or seeing them climb ontop of the many bookshelves in the library.. or climbing on the roof.. Error cursed Nightmare sometimes for teaching the two trouble makers how to summon and use those tentacles.
He shook his head in amusement before calling to his sons "BOyS! TiME foR luNcH!" He called and they both skidded to a stop, instead, they bolted over to him and huddled around his feet like little ducklings. "Yes!" They both cried out happily in union, smiling up at him. Error smiled back sweetly at his little boys before nudging them to the dining room. "Go sit aNd Wait. I nEed to gO get your fAthEr." He cooed ever so softly and they both beamed up at him, nodding together again before scampering off towards the dining room obediently.
Error walked up the stairs to Nightmares office, where he knew for a fact Nightmare was. Quitely, he went to knock on the door, but smiled when the door drifted open on it's own, stepping into the room and looking at his partner, who was at his desk reading something. "You don't have to knock, my dear." Nightmare said, looking up from his book with a pleased smile, making Error laugh softly and walk over to him, sitting onto Nightmares lap.
Nightmare discard the book onto his desk and curled his tentacles protectively around Error, wraping his arms around his stomach and slowly rubbing it with a hand, makeing Error hum in relaxation and nuzzle into his partner. "It'S time fOr dinnEr. Our bOys are wQitiNg In the DinEIng roOm." Error softly said and Nightmare hummed in satisfaction, seeming pleased with this. "I was wondering where those two were, usually they follow you wherever you go." He said and Error just laughed as Nightmare stood holding Error in his arms. "We are telling them tonight, right?" Nightmare asked softly and Error nodded, rubbing a hand over his stomach slowly. He was excited for the boys to learn about their little sibling. He knew they'd be great big brothers for sure.
(2: Error × Dream.)
Error cuddled closer to Dream, admireing the the beautiful ring that adwaned his finger, standing out against the black, red and yellow bones. He had never expected Dream to propose. It had been a surprise, but a welcome surprise now less. It had been an almost normal day, Error got up, ate breakfast in bed with Dream, Dream loved to cook for him, especially on such a special day like their anniversary. Error hadn't had anything planned, he and Dream had said they were just going to stay inside like they usually did on thier anniversary. Cuddle, kiss, watch some movies and eats some snacks. It was what they usually did. But Deam said he had something planned and helped Error pick out a nice outfit (Atleast, nice in Errors opinion. Errors usual clothes were kind of.. hoboish is what he's been told.)
Error followed along, knowing Dream was excited about this plan. (If that sweet smile and happy giggles from his partner weren't enough, then the way he bounced on his heels and hugged Error ever so tightly were a good indication for sure.) And was actually very surprised when Dream proposed. At a candle lit dinner in Outertale. It was beautiful and Error was happy to accept, soul bursting with joy.
It was a little funny, in Errors opinion. He had never thought he would get married. Especially not to someone as wonderful as Dream, before he got with Dream he hadn't even thought that anyone would want to be his partner. But Dream did, apparently. Dream had confessed on a whim of desperation, unable to keep his feelings a sercet any longer, just asking for a chance. And while Error had thought Dream was nice and cute, and the peace treaty allowed them to get close, Error had never thought about being with Dream romantically. But, he decided, it couldn't hurt to just try, just to see how it went.. and it went well, very well. And Error quickly realized he wanted to spend his life with Dream.
The fact that Dream proposed surprised him aswell. Though it shouldn't really, Dream was the one who always took intuition to start things. He was the one who confessed first, the one to kiss first.. and among other things, the first, and hopefully only, to propose.
Dream glanced at Error, and he couldn't stop the bright smile that spread across his jaws when he saw Error stareing at the ring with this dreamy, dazed expression, a soft smile on his face. It melted Dreams soul to see his partner so relaxed, so happy. He looked adorable like this. It had taken a long, long time, to get the ring. He had worked hard, jumped through so many hoops and hurtles, to get the ring perfect and Dream was so glad he had done his very best. Nightmare had been a big help, haveing known the destroyer for so long, he and Dream worked together to make a ring perfect. And Dream felt so grateful for his brothers help. Dream smiled hummed before laughing softly as he looked at Error again.
Error snapped out of his thoughts when Dream laughed softly and kissed his head, makeing Error flush "Error, my love, you have been sitting there staring at the ring for ten minutes." He murmured affectionately and Error smiled as he nuzzled Dreams cheek softly "WElL mAYbE I jUSt lOve It tHAt MUcH." Error responsed in amusement, relaxing.
Dream flushed a bit, his soul warm with happiness "So does this mean you'll wear a dress?" He asked a bit playfully and Error made a face of confusion "I aLWaYs ThOuGHt yOU'd wEaR A DreSS." He said and Dream laughed "We'll I think you'd look good a dress, and you could make it yourself!" He said with a smile and Error paused and hummed, nodding a bit "I sUpPOsE, bUt YoU'd lOoK BeTTeR In iT." Error said bluntly and Dream mearly smiled softly, pressing a light kiss on Errors mouth "Well, how about we both wear a dreas then?" Dream asked and Error smiled "I lIkE thAt IdEA." Error said as he nuzzled into Dream and relaxed as he shut his eyes, smiling when he heard Dream sigh in content and slowly began rubbing Errors back.
Dream moved and pressed his face into Errors shoulder, shutting his eyes "I love you." He murmured and smiled when he heard Error hum glitchly "I loVe YoU To."
(3: Error × Ink + Angel and Blessing.)
Error flipped through one of the many sketchbooks he had found hidden messily under his bed in a box, sitting on the floor. They were just.. full of pictures of him. Little doodles. Some sketches, with color or blank. Some done lineart, some fully done pieces with shadeing and everything. It was a surprise to him. But one thing he knew for sure was that his partner, Ink, had made them. He was one of the only other ones living here for starters, their sons not counting, he was an artist, and he shared a room with Error.. and they were clumsily hidden under their bed. That was something Ink would do for sure.
Sure, Error knew Ink drew him, but he didn't know this much. There were atleast fifteen different books full of just him! Some had Ink in them aswell with him but rarely. And five more books with pictures of him and his and Inks children aswell of Ink. They all had dates, times and sometimes even little notes. Error didn't understand why Ink had hidden them. He wasn't upset about them. Not at all! If anything, he was flattered by the sure amount and notes in the books. All of them complementing something about him. His bones, his eyes, his smile, his laugh. Ink was an artist. Of course he'd draw his partners or his children. It seemed fine to him.
He paused, running his hands over one of the pictures he had seen. It was a fully drawn picture, looking down on him, of him laying curled up on their bed, cradling his very swollen stomach. He was smiling faintly and Inks hand seemed to be resting in his stomach lightly.
Checking the date, he realized this was when he was pregnant with thier youngest son, Blessing, just four years ago. He couldn't help but smile a little at the picture. Ink knew just how to make him feel wonderful, even if he didn't intend to.. "Error?" Inks voice broke through his thoughts, makeing him perk and look at him.
Ink stood in thier rooms doorway, looking at Error in confusion before his eyes changed shapes rapidly for a moment before pauseing on a dark blue square and a light blue star, seeming to realize what Error had in his hands. "Umm.. sorry?" He said slowly, looking concerned. Error just laughed "COmE hErE InkY." He said in amusement, Ink walking over to him and sitting with him hesitantly.
Ink hadn't ever excepted Error to find them, that made him nervous. "I'm sorry.." He repeated slowly, and Error just shook his head "NO, iT's oKaY. LoOk At mE." He said, rubbing Inks cheek as Ink looked at him "I loVe yOu, It'S oKaY. YOuR An ArTisT. YoU dRaW. I gUeSs iT's tO Be eXpecTed You'D drAw Me anD ouR faMilY." He said softly. "I gueSs I jUsT diDn'T reAliZe hOw MucH yOu'd drAw.." He murmured, amused, laughing.
Ink felt relieved, he wasn't upset? "So your not upset?" He asked softly and Error nodded "Of CoUrse NoT. I lOve yOu." Error said softly, humming. "I love you to Erry." Ink said, grinning a bit. "We BetTer gEt ReAdy, BleSsiNg anD ANgEl WilL bS hOmE FrOm NigHtMarEs aNd DreAms soon." Error said, kissing Inks cheek softly as he stood, Ink nodding "I'M goInG tO mAkE a SnAck fOr tHeM." He waved, walking out of thier room.
Ink watched him leave and he sighed in relief, looking at the box of books. He needed to hide those better. Especially the second box.. He wasn't sure how Error would react to that one.
(4: Error × Blue × Razz.)
Error groaned in displeasure, stareing at the TV. Even with Undernovella on he wasn't happy. He glanced around, whineing loudly "I'm FiNe nOw, BlUe, RazZ, plEasE." He said, frowning when he heard a snort from the kitchen that was no doubtly Razz "I nEeD To-" He paused when Razz spoke up loudly "What you need is to REST. And that is what you will do weather you like it or not." He snapped back, walking from the kitchen over to where Error was laying on the couch. "Here, sit up carefully and hold this. Blue will be back soon with some medicine and then you will eat this." He said as he helped Error sit up, handing him a big bowl of soup, setting a glass of water on the side table. As if on cue, Blue walked downstairs and handed Error some medicine "Go on. It'll help. Eat and then rest." He said.
Error sighed loudly, doing as he was told as he took the medication and began eating like he was told, knowing argueing wouldn't help. Razz hummed in satisfaction before going back to the kitchen to put up the rest of the soup for later as Blue sat with Error, slowly rubbing his back "We can cuddle and watch Undernovella when your done." He said softly.
Soon Error had finished the food like he had been told and layed back down like Blue and Razz wanted him to. Blue layed in Errors arms happily and relaxed as Razz came and layed with them, watching Undernovella quitely through a one-way portal. After a few minutes, Error whispered "I'M sOrRy fOr bEiNg sO DiFfICulT. I lOvE yUu TwO." He murmured, closeing his eyes tiredly as Blue smile "It's okay, Error, we love you to." He hummed, kissing Errors cheek as Razz sighed "We love you to. Now sleep." He said, watching as Error fell sleep.
Atleast he was safe now.
(5: Error × Fresh.)
Error stared at the bright pink and purple neon coloured furby in hesitation where it sat on his beanbag. Unsure of what to do.. why was it in the Anti-Void? How had it got here? He was sure it was impossible for them to get here, he had made sure! Not even Fresh could or would bring them here after Error told him not to, and Error made sure to forbid them from entering, but here it was..
He glanced around for a second, making sure to keep the furby in his vision before focusing on the bright thing, hesitantly picking it up "HOw diD YOu GeT HeRe?" He asked slowly, shuddering a little. He swore the things stared into your soul.
Over his time of dateing Fresh, he had gotten used to the furbys. He used to be terrified of them, and Fresh was nice enough to put them up when he went over to Freshs to see him, though he got used to them after awhile. After a long, long while. But he still didn't want them in his home. Of course, the furbys obviously don't care what he thinks. They do whatever they want.
He rolled his eyes at thought, sitting down on the beanbag as he rubbed the furbys head lightly, setting it on his lap, it wasn't to bad. It was kind of cute actually. It sort of reminded him of Fresh with how bright it was. "WElL.. FrEsH wIlL Be HeRe sOoN. He CaN tAkE yOU hOmE thEn. UnTIl hE GetS HeRe I gUEsS YOu gEt To StaY wITh Me." He smiled at the thought, glanceing down at his box od knitting supplies when he got an idea. He hoped Fresh wouldn't mind...
Fresh held in a laugh as he stepped out of the portal he'd made and stared down af his partner, Error, as he slept, cuddling a brightly dressed furby. Quitely, he leaned down and carefully slipped the furby out of his arms, holding it up a bit to get a better look at it. It had on a mini pink sweater, a mini jacket that looked like Freshs, a small backwards hat and a little gold necklace. Had Error made it? It looked like it..
"How did ya get ere?" He asked with a grin, a little amused as he stared at it. After a moment he set it back with Error, letting his partner cuddle it. "Yah, i like Glitchybae to. Ye can stay here. Imma go get em some choco for em." He said as he stood, glancing around before grinning down at the furby and Error again. "Keep Glitchheart safe for meh." Was all he mumbled before leaveing, Error liked chocolate when he got up, maybe they could watch Undernovella and cuddle aswell...
(6: Error × Reaper × Geno.)
Error lightly bit his scarf as he worked carefully, focusing hard on eatch stitch and thread. He didn't pay attention to anything else around him, besides Geno, who was leaning against him and watching him work. Error had been working hard on this project for almost two months. The half of the first month was just him trying to figure out how to make the flowers look as real as possible, the other half was him and Geno picking a couple books about flowers and picking many beautiful flowers out. The second month was Error working hard on eatch and every flower.
Geno had tired to help, but gave up after a bit, he wasn't a very good seamstress like Error and kept messing up. So he decided to let Error do the flowers. The first set of flowers were almost done. Error just needed to finish this last little bit and then they could give them to Reaper. Error planned to make many more then just this first set, but he wanted to see what Reaper thought about them.
The flowers were made of Errors strings and looked like real flowers, even felt like real flowers, Error had even gotten Life to infuse a specific scent for eatch flower into the strings so they even smelt real. There was no real way for Reaper to touch real flowers without killing them, so Error wanted to show him what they were like.
With a happy gasp, Error dropped the last flower onto his lap, grinning brightly as he looked at Geno, who smiled back lightly and accepted the tight hug Error brought him into. "THiNk he'lL LIkE Em?" Error asked and Geno couldn't help but laugh softly at his partners silliness, Reaper would treat the gift as it were a gift from the gods. In which case, Error WAS a God. So that made it even funnier. "He'll love them Sweetflower, he'll treasure them always." He said softly as he kissed Errors head, making the glitch smile lovingly as he pressed into Geno happily, enjoying the affection from his partner.
Both glitches perked when a soft 'blip' noise was heard, both grinning at eatchother and quickly gathering the flowers. Reaper was home from work, early, like they had asked him to. Reaper would really do anything they asked. "Reaper!" Geno called and lead Error to the kitchen where Error and Geno knew Reaper was. He always appeared in the kitchen when he got home so he could eat the food Geno pre made for him. "Home loves! Is Ru here?" Reaper called back, grabbing a plate out of the microwave and Error laughed softly "I'm HeRe! We hAvE A sUrPrIse FoR yoU!" Error said happily and Reaper perked, turning to look at them with a bright smile. Though Reaper had no eyelights, Geno knew his eyes would be glowing with happiness if he did.
Reaper glanced at thier arms full of flowers, and then at the flower crowns on thier heads and the long flower like necklaces around thier necks, softly laughing "Whatcha do? Go flower pickin with Life?" He asked playfully as he set the plate on the counter and Error smiled "NoPe!" He said and walked over to them, Reaper automatically backing up a bit. "Ru if they touch me they'll die, you don't want to kill all yer pretty flowers do you? I don't want to for sure." He said and Geno smiled, walking over to them "Just come here! The flowers will be fine!" Geno said, makeing Reaper snort. "Gen, I'm Death. I kill everything i touch." He said matter of factly as if Geno had forgotten and Geno just rolled his eye "Just come here!" Geno said and Reaper sighed.
Error grinned brightly as Reaper moved closer carefully "Alright. But if they die I told you so!" He said and Error smiled, walking closer to Reaper, gently hanging one of the flower necklaces around his neck.
Reaper tensed and prepared for the flowers to shrivel up and die. Like they always did. But, to his surprise, they didn't. They continued to sit prettily around his neck, still bright and colorful, still smelling nice. Perfectly.
Geno couldn't help but smile as he watched the apparently rusted gears struggle to turn in Reapers head to try and comprehend what was happening. Stareing blankly at the flowers as Error set a flower crown on his head happily. "Do you like them?" Geno asked as Reaper looked up at him, eye sockets wide as he looked at Error. "W-wha.. what? What?" He questioned. Confused. Geno smiled and Error nuzzled Reaper, pleased. "Me and, or rather, just Erry, made you a gift." He said softly and Error huffed "YoU HeLPeD GeNO!" He quickly said, kissing Genos cheek. "YoU heLPEd Me fInD boOkS On FloWERs anD evEn hElp me make SOmE!" He went on as Geno flushed lightly, smiling softly, Error always knew how to make him feel special. Kissing Errors cheek as a thanks, he looked at Reaper. "Sweetflower did his best to make them as real as possible. Make them feel real, smell real with the help of Life. They aren't real, sadly, but we wanted you to feel it without killing it." He slowly and softly explained, seeing the look of realization come across, Geno smiled and pressed against Reaper lightly "Do you like them?" He asked and Error perked in excitement.
Reaper didn't respond for a few moments, but, quickly, tears welled up in his eyes and he sobbed loudly, makeing Error and Geno jump in surprise "ReApER!" Error said in worry, dropping the flowers in his arms and quickly try to calm Reaper down as Reaper cried loudly, smushing the flower crown against his face, shoulders shakeing "I lovveeee themmmm!!!" He cried heavily and Geno felt himself relax, keeping back an amused laugh. He had been worried for a moment there something was wrong. But, in classic Reaper fashion, he just got to emotional and cried from happiness.
Reaper quickly and suddenly pressed himself into Error and Geno and cried more, holding onto them tightly. "Thannk yoouu! I love you so much!" Reaper cried. Error just flushed and still seemed worried as he rubbed Reapers back, glanceing at Geno as Geno pressed against the two of them happily. "Now, how about we go to the living and look at the other flowers? I'm sure you'll like them Reaps." He cooed and Reaper gasped, looking at them "THERE'S MORE?!" He cried and Geno just smiled as he rubbed Reapers back. This was going to be a long day.
(7: Error × Lust.)
Error smiled as he lightly nudged Lust away, laughing a bit as he tried his best to focus on the jacket he was makeing "LuST! I'M tRYinG to WOrK hErE!" He said, amused by his partners neediness. Lust just whined "But it's time for a break! I need cuddles! You promised!" He said, nuzzling into Error as Error laughed again "ThE bREaK Is iN tWeNty MinUtEs!" He shot back, only makeing Lust whind louder "No! Now!" He pouted. Error had been working on clothes all day. Usually this didn't bother him before he always took little breaks for spend time with him, but he hasn't all day! He's been solely focused on working on whatever he was makeing that Lust felt he was starting to get jealous of clothes. It was ridiculous!
Error sighed, setting down his things and looking at Lust, makeing Lusts soul flutter when Error kissed him "AlrRiGht, haPpy noW?" He asked and Lust scoffed, kissing him again "No way." He mumbled, nuzzling into Error, kissing his throat softly "You promised you'd take a twenty minute break for me. Let me enjoy this." He hummed and Error sighed, setting down the jacket he was makeing and hugging Lust close, kissing his cheek, making Lust hum happily "FiNe. ONlY fOr yoU." He mumbled softly. Lust was adorable..
Lust smiled and kissed all over his face, he could always win eventually. Error loved him to much to stay no. "What are you makeing anyway?" He asked curiously, nuzzling his cheek as Error hummed, looking at the almost done jacket, picking it up "WeLl, yOu KnOw hoW You ArE aLwaYs hoT?" He asked, and Lust laughed "Of course, I'm the hottest~" He hummed in amusement, makeing Error roll his eyelights playfully "WelL thiS Is tO HeLp." He explained, drapeing it over him, makeing Lust pause at the cool feeling the jacket gave off "Error honey, you know I can't wear to much." He said slowly, a bit sad. Error just shook his head in amusement "ThIs JacKeT iS sPeCiallY MadE fOr YoU. IT'lL hELp You kEep cooL And StilL cOvEreD yoU." He explained softly.
Many years ago, they managed to help the Lust monsters with their never ending heats. But it still left effects like overheating easily, infertility and many other issues. And thats not counting the trauma many went through. Lust himself overheated so easily. It's the reason he wore such light, and often revealing, clothing. He still couldn't take hot showers or baths without overheating. There wasn't much they could do to fix that. But they could manage it.
Error didn't mind this, he was used to colder climates anyway, the Anti-Void he had lived in for so many years was freezing, so their house was always kept nice and cool to keep Lust from overheating. And the area the lived was cool. Lust, if he could, would absolutely live in the Anti-Void. It was so cold and he had even learned to open portals there so he could cool off, with the promise he'd do so only in emergencies as it wasn't a safe place.
Slowly Lust shifted to take off his own jacket before slipping into the new one, almost melting at the nice feeling. It wasn't to hot, it was perfect. He tugged it tighter around him, nuzzling into the soft fabric. It was a lighter jacket, the same color of his own, even the same color hood fluff, but it was log sleeved with two dark purple stripes on his arms and who hot pink hearts on the end of both sleeves. It was amazing. "Do YoU lIkE It?" Error asked curiously, watching Lust. "I love it darling. It's perfect." He mumbled slowly, kissing Errors cheek "It's absolutely perfect." He repeated. How had he gotten so lucky?
(8: Error × Outer.)
Error was basically falling asleep on Outer at this point, yawning as he burrowed his face into the soft fluff of Outers hood, though still trying to look at the stars aswell. Outer STILL couldn't get over how adorable his partner was when he was sleeply and relaxed, all curled up against Outer, face nuzzled into Outers soft hood and neck, still trying to look up at the stars sleeply, arms wrapped loosely around Outers chest as he relaxed completely, trusting Outer. That part the most made Outers soul melt. He knew Error wasn't the most trusting person and kept himself on guard all the time.. but to see Error so relaxed, so open and happy to let Outer take care of him, made Outers soul melt in ten million different ways from blinding love and happiness. Outer was blessed for sure.
Shifting, Outer slipped his hand carefully up the back of Errors shirt and slowly rubbed his back, smiling when he felt Error shudder and basically melt into Outer more, nuzzling into Outers shoulder tiredly.
Even if their relationship was technically forbidden and could get Outer seriously in trouble with the Council, Outer truely didn't care. He loved Error and would leave for him anyday. He would love to be able to proudly say he was Errors partner. And one day he would love to be able to proudly say he was Errors husband and the other parent of Errors children. His and Errors children. That was a dream of his and he hoped one day it would be true.
Outer glanced at Error and smiled softly, relaxing happily when he noticed his Starlight had fallen asleep. He loved Error, and no matter what he would always love him.
(9: Error × Classic × Red)
Error laid in his gaint beanbag lazily, knitting as he listened to his partners exchange puns lazily. It was a lazy day, and all three of them decided nothing was the best thing to do. Of course, Error decided to knit and relax.
Shifted, Classic layed his arm over Errors chest, nuzzling into Error happily. Red laughed at this "Did I win?" He asked with a grin, making Classic roll his eyes "Course not, I just wanted to nuzzle Error." He said with a grin, flicking Reds forehead. "DoRks." Error mumbled, Red rolling his eyes "Aww. Come on darlin, you adore us." He said as Classic laughed "Yup. We're your dorks Chocolate Muffin. Only for ya." He said with a cheeky grin as he kissed Errors cheek.
Error snorted a bit, setting his knitting things down "WeLl yeAh, oF CourSe yOur My DorKs." He said in amusement and he nuzzled them. "HoW aBoUt mY DoRkS Go aNd GeT mE soMe cHoColAte?" He asked, makeing Red snort as he pulled a chocolate bar out of his inventory "One step ahead of yah sweetness." He said with a grin as Classic handed Error one aswell "At this point we just carry chocolate around for you." He snorted, makeing Error grin big "I kNoW." He snickered. His partners knew him to well.
(10: Error × Cross × Killer)
Error walked after Cross and Killer in confusion, holding one of their hands eatch. "CAn'T I jUsT haVe A HiNt? A BEtTer hiNt?" He asked, listening to Cross and Killer laugh "No! Just wait! We're close!" Killer said happily, kissing Errors cheek as Error sighed and nodded.
It was his birthday. Of course, his partners wanted to take him out somewhere for a present, but Error didn't know where. It was a surprise. When he asked for just a hint all Cross said was that he'd love it. "Oh! Oh! Close your eyes! We're super close!" Killer said with a big grin, makeing Error smile in amusement, doing as he was told. He trusted them. He walked carefully as they lead him along and soon they came to a stop "Okay... Open!" Killer cried and Error opened his eyes curiously, blinking "A.. bUiLdiNg?" He asked slowly in confusion, makeing Cross snort "It's a chocolate factory." He whispered and Errors eyes widened as Killer laughted.
He and Cross had found this place, and after.. cleaning it out they enjoyed some chocolate when Cross came up with the idea to give it to Error for his birthday. All three of them love chocolate, Error the most. It was perfect for him. "A cHocOLatE fAcTorY.." He whispered in shock before grinning big "YoU gOT mE A CHoCoLaTe FaCtoRy?! FoR MY bIRThDAy?!" He shouted in excitement as they laughed. "Yeah! Do you like it?" Killer asked, amused "I lOvE iT!" He said, hugging his partners tightly, grinning big. He was so happy. They were the best.
Cross smiled "I'm glad. Now, let's go enjoy some chocolate, yeah?" He suggested, nuzzling Error as Error nodded with a big grin.
(11: Error × Horror × Dust + Gore)
Error held Gore as he relaxed, watching Undernovella quitely. It was pretty late, and Gore was very fussy. He wanted to be held and he cried if he wasn't. Seeing as he couldn't sleep, he took him and went and sat on the couch in the living room, keeping him content while his partners slept.
He couldn't help but smile as he gently rubbed his sleeping sons cheek. He was so little.. he perked up seeing Dust waddle down the stairs, looking tired. "Why are you up?" He murmured, walking over to Error and sitting beside him "I coUldN'T slEep aNd GorE wAnTed tO Be HeLd, So I Got Up." He explained softly, watching Dust, who nodded and kissed thier sons head lightly. "Me and Horror want you in bed. Atleast come sit with us." He said softly. He felt better having him with them.
Error glanced at Gore before pauseing and looking up again when Horror walked down the stairs "Bed." Was all he mumbled, making Error smile softly "AlRiGht. IF I bOtheR yOu TeLl mE." He said, standing. He tensed a bit when he was picked up by Horror and walked up the stairs, Dust following with a lazy grin "You know you'd never bother us." He hummed sleeply, Horror pauseing to pick him up aswell before continueing.
Error couldn't help but smile and laugh softly, kissing his partners cheeks before kissing Gores head. He was the luckiest monster in all the Multiverses..
Humming, Horror set Dust down on the bed, letting him get comfortable before setting down Error in the middle of the bed beside Dust and sitting beside him, laying down. Erorr got comfortable, keeping Gore close as Dust draped and arm over him lazily "Stay." He mumbled, and then fell right back to sleep. Horror pressing them close gently before quickly following, falling asleep.
Error smiled and sighed softly as he relaxed. Hummung in content. This was nice. He wished it could always be like this.
(12: Error × Ink × Dream × Nightmare.)
Error stared up at the stars silently, listening to his partners breathing as they all slept. Today was his birthday. And it was amazing. He woke up to an amazing breakfast in bed, his favorite, and had a nice relaxing bath. And then he got to open his presents from his partners. They spent the day relaxing and doing things Error loved before in the evening Errors friends came over and they had a little party, ate a cake Blue and Dream made before Error got to open more presents. Soon after that everyone else when home and Error and his partners came to Outertale to watch the stars.
Ink fell asleep pretty quick on Error, holding him down. Dream fell asleep soon after curled up between Error and Nightmare. And Nightmare sooned followed, his tentacles curling around eatch of them, keeping them all close.
Glanceing at his sleeping partners faces, he couldn't help but smile softly. Truely he felt so lucky. What would he do without them? They did so much for him. To make him happy. And he loved them eatch so much. He looked back up at the stars quitely, humming slowly happily. "Error?" He paused, looking at Nightmare "YeAh NigHT?" He spoke lowly, trying to keep his glitching to a minimum as to not wake his other two slesping partners "I thOuGhT yOu Fell asleeP." He said softly.
Nightmare hummed, carefully shifting to kiss Errors forehead "I just wanted to say i love you. That we all love you." He said quitely closeing his eyes again lazily, making Error slowly smile "I loVe yoU tOo.." He mumbled back.
*wheeze* This took me longer then I thought it would. But i finally did it! Weee!! I had fun doing this! It was nice just writeing some fluffyness!! I hope you guys enjoyed uwu
Words: 6,000.
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