Cute~ [Ship-Drabbles One]

So like I just.
Have moments where I go into a complete binge frenzy and need to write a bunch of cute drabbles, sometimes based on pictures or just cute thoughts I had.
So I compiled some of the drabbles I could find and piled them here for you!! :3

All Drabbles will be named and listed here (In order aswell!) aswell as before you read them! Some will include my ship kids, like Nash or Annkiea, or other ship kids like PJ or Palette! I will only be listing ship kids and the pairs, but other characters will make an appearance.
Theses are all my cute drabbles! So no sadness (besides past mentions of sad stuff) or heartbreak! Just lotsa fluuf :3

Drabbles in total!

1: DustyReaper- Dust × Reaper.
2: ErDrInkMare- Error × Dream × Ink × Nightmare.
3: FreshLust- Fresh × Lust. And baby Eevi. (My Shipkid!)
4: GBerry- Gaster!Sans, AKA, G, × Blueberry.
5: FarmerHorror- Farmer × Horror.
6: KillerDust- Killer × Dust.
7: Passive!Dreammare- Dream × Passive!Nightmare.
8: ClassicCherryBerry- Classic × Fell × Blueberry.
9: ErrInk- Error × Ink.
10: Errormare- Error × Nightmare.

💖: Falling in love, fluffy healing, cute stuff.
💕: Pregnancy, mentions of pregnancys, babies.
💔: Fear of loseing a loved one, sadness, mentions of hardships, nightmares, mentions/slightly detailed death mention.
👅: Minor cursing/swearing.


(1: DustyReaper- Reaper × Dust and a confused fearful Cross-)

"Dust what the hell." Cross stared questionably at his friend, who was cradleing the God of Death like a baby "What?" Dust asked, petting Reapers head as Cross's face scrunched up, the way Dust was petting Reaper reminded him of a evil queen petting her cat and Cross suddenly felt like he shouldn't be here.

Slowly, Cross backed away as a grin spread across Dusts face, makeing the latter sweat nervously before he turned and booked it "BabE HELP-"

(2: ErDrInkMare- Error × Dream × Ink × Nightmare)

"InK gE-et ØFf mE."


Dream rolled his eyes at his boyfriends antics, Ink was laying on Error, who was covered with a blanket, on his stomach with Ink laying on his back, arms warped around him "Ru you know how important cuddles time is. If you ever want to get rid of your Haphephobia you need to get used to touching." Dream said as he walked over to his lovers, Error let out a small growl and shuddered heavily when Ink nuzzled his skull lightly, blushing deeply. The blanket helped as Ink wasn't touching him directly but it was still weird. His glitchs sizzled and popped in slight annoyance as the glitch sighed.

Ink shifted and Error froze up when he felt Inks arm rub against his back, right under his lower rib. Yelping loudly, Error violently threw Ink off him.





(3: FreshLust- Fresh × Lust. And baby Eevi uwu)

Lust layed quietly on the couch. He was exhausted. He could barely stay awake but he did his best to not sleep. In his arms was a tiny, tiny pink and green bundle, inside was an even tinier babybones. Who was sleeping peacefully as she held onto her Mamas finger. Even though Lust was exhausted, hungry and scared. Lust was smiling as he watched his baby sleep. His soul fluttering with joy at the sight of his precious daughters content expression. She was peacefull. As if nothing ever happened and she was a perfectly normal baby who was born just fine. Though she wasn't, Lust loved her immensely anyways. She was perfect in his eyes. She always would be.

Gently, he kissed her head before looking up at his partner, who walked over to him holding a bowl, Lust felt his nonexistent stomach growl at the delicious smell of food.

As he carefully sat up carefully, Fresh sat beside him and Lust leaned against his taller partner "She's perfect." He murmured for the hundredth time that day and smiled wider when he felt his partner rumble softly in amusement. "You tell me that every five minutes brah, but she is tha coolest little cat on tha block, yeah?" Fresh replied and Lust rubbed his cheek against Freshs arm as he looked back down at her. They had been trying for a baby for so, so long. And here she was, after so many mistakes and mishaps, after so many scares and fears of loseing her. She was here. And starting, slowly, to thrive and get stronger.

"The coolest.." Lust mumbled in agreement with a small, tired, giggle.


(4: GBerry- Gaster!Sans, AKA, G, × Blueberry)

Blueberry laughed happily as he spun in the mirror, G's jacket was so cool!! Blueberry loved wearing it. And he knew his Datemate didn't mind him doing so, so that made it even better! G trusted no one but Blue with his jacket, as Blue was responsible and knew how to take care of things. Though the jacket was definitely big on him, G was much taller then him, it was warm and Blue loved it!

"There you are Dolly, watcha in here doin? Bein cute?" Blue smiled at his partner in the mirror as G strolled up to him, wearing nothing but his leather pants, boots and thin tanktop. Which Blue did quite like that tanktop, G had a lovely bone structure! "I'm wearing your jacket G!" Blue said with a laugh as his partner leaned down to scoop him up in his arms, Blue wrapping his arms around his partners neck "I see that Suger, you look amazin." G chuckled and runned his cheek against Blues, as Blue laughed happily "This reminds me though.." G hummed and smiled, makeing Blue perk. G only got that look when he had something clever planned. "What is it?" Blue asked curiously as G walked out of thier shared bathroom, carrying Blue, and over to thier closet, pulling out a black box with a blue bow before walking back into the bathroom "Open it up!" G said and gave Blue the box before setting him down onto his feet again. Staying leaned down at Blues height.

Blue looked over the box curiously, before opening it carefully, being met with the sight of a jacket that looked exactly like Gs. But.. smaller? "Surprise~ I know how much ya like mine. So i got ya one custom made in your size. Like it Berrs?" G asked and Blue was silent for a few moments, many thoughts running through his head about how sweet his partner was and how lucky Blue felt to have such a considerte partner before he squealed in excitement and struggled not to drop the box from how excited he was as he hugged G "Thank you thank you thank you!" He squeaked out and G laughed, helping Blue take off his own jacket before pulling the smaller jacket out of the box, helping Blue put it on "Look at ya, beautiful~" G purred out as he adjusted Blues scarf correctly as Blue beamed, his face flushed a baby blue color. His partner was so sweet.

"Ah! Right!" G grinned and pulled out a yellow scarf, the one Blue had made for him for Giftmas, and carefully put it on after putting on his jacket "I put this in there, now we really do match~" G hummed and Blue paused before squealing again as he watched G tie his scarf into bow like his own scarf "I LOVE YOUU!" He cried out and hugged his partner as tight as he could without crushing him. "Ahaha! I love you to Baby Doll~"

His partner really was the sweetest.


(5: FarmerHorror- Farmer × Horror)

Farmer smiled tiredly as he mare his way down the dirt path, it was getting dark out now, he had just finished up todays chores and he was tired and hungry. And sweaty. Very sweaty. He needed a bath. Farmer paused just before he walked onto the porch to pull off his muddy boots and gloves and left them there by the steps, laying his gloves on his boots, Horror hated it when he tracked mud in the house or on the porch. And Farmer hated upsetting his lover. Horror was the homemaker, he cooked and cleaned and worked hard to keep the house clean and tidy, so Farmer did his best to help and not mess things up. Farmer did most of farm chores and Horror couldn't help him much anymore.

After he was done he walked up the steps and carefully unlocked and opened the front door to the house, pauseing to take a deep breath, the house smelled hevenly, undoubtedly Horror was cookin somethin up. Humming, he pulled off his straw hat and hung it on the coat rack lazily "I'm home!" He called out and slipped his slippers in before walking to the kitchen "In here!" He heard Horror call back and Farmer smiled as he stood the door way to the kitchen, watching his lover cut up some carrots carefully before Farmers gaze trailed down to the large bump his lover sported, his smile widening as he walked over to his partner, humming a bit loudly to make sure Horror knew it was him before gently laying his hand on his stomach, loving the the feeling of Horrors warm magic. "Hey darlin." He murmured and nuzzled Horror lightly. Horror smiled and set down the knife he was holding to lay his hand over Farmers "Hey hun." Horror mumbled and turned to look at him, Farmer gently rubbing his hand over his stomach "How are you? And hows the little kicker doin?" He asked and Horror laughed "I'm going well, and our baby's just as happy as ever. Thank you for asking. How are you?" He replied with a smiled, kissing Farmer lightly before turning back to the carrots, continueing to cut them up "Go get cleaned up, dinner should be done soon. And make sure to put your dirty clothes in the downstairs basket by the back door so I can wash them." He continued as Farmer smiled "I'm doing amazing sweetheart, I will. I promise." He said and kissed his cheek. He stayed momentarily to watch his lover before heading upstairs for a shower.

The shower didn't last long and Farmer cleaned up the bathroom after he was done and put his dirty clothes and towls in the wash basket by the back door like Horror had told him to. The amazing smell only got better as Farmer did what was needed. He had eaten breakfast and lunch but Horrors cooking always made him him feel like he was starveing. Which was a good thing! Atleast Farmer thought so. He was always eager to eat.

Makeing his way to the kitchen once more, Farmer smiled at where Horror was turning off the stove, walking over to him "Can you get the cornbread out of the oven? I can't lean over.." Horror slowly asked and Farmer laughed and nodded as he grabbed the oven mitts hanging on a little rack a over the sink, carefully pulling the cornbread out "Can you take it to the table?" Horror asked again and Farmer nodded happily. Once Farmer had brought the cornbread to the table, he walked back to the kitchen to help grab the rest of the food, like the soup and mashed potatoes. Farmer smiled a bit and wraped his arms around Horrors waist from behind as he layed his head on Horrors shouder, sighing happily when he felt Horror relax into him. It had been a long day for both of them, and Farmer just wanted to hold him now. No matter how hungry he was. "I love you." He mumbled and nuzzled into Horror more. He was lucky to have a partner such as Horror. He was perfect. Horror smiled and leaned back into Farmer, turning to kiss his cheek as Farmer gently rubbed Horrors belly "I love you to."


(6: KillerDust- Killer × Dust.)

Dust jolted and gasped painfully, dropping his spoon back in the steaming hot bowl of soup he was warned not to to try and eat until it was cooler, Killer jolting and quickly looking at him "Dust?!" He asked quickly as Dust graoned "Shit!" He hissed, sticking out the tip of his tounge, which stung. "Should I kiss it?!" Killer asked in a panic and Dust froze up, flushing as he glanced at his partner, who looked like he didn't know what to do with himself, frowning deeply.

Killer had a habit of kissing Dusts wounds, to 'heal' them and make him feel better. Any kind of wound, no matter how big or small or bloody. A bruise? Kiss. A scratch? Kiss. A cut? Kiss. A stab wound? Kiss. He started doing it alot more often after they, well, 'got together.' Well.. They didn't get together as much as they just got closer and started doing couple things. Like cuddling and flirting and going out together. Eventually even innocent little kisses. They never really confessed as much as they just started doing things couples would do without thinking about it. Dust didn't mind this habit at all. He quite liked it really. He always felt so special when Killer did so and loved the attention and affection, so he always let Killer do what he wanted. Which made Killer happy, so it was a win-win for both of them.. but he wasn't sure how to address this situation..

Dust shook his head and pointed to his mouth after a few moments, still very flushed, but he grinned anway "A kiss on it's own would be fine Kills, please?" He asked and Killer didn't hesitant to lean in and kiss him sweetly, makeing Dusts soul flutter with joy.


(7: Passive!Dreammare- Dream × Passive!Nightmare.)

The hands reached for him, voices screaming and laughing as they cornered him, stareing at him with evil eyes. His soul spead up and he hyperventilated, tears rolling down his cheeks and he screamed-

Nightmare woke up with a gasp, shooting up as he choked on his own breath, sobbing quitely. His night shirt, cheeks, collarbone, neck and shoulders were sokeing wet with his tears and his breathing was heavy. Everything hurt, or atleast felt like it hurt, especially the bruises he had gotten from the villagers the day before. Almost immediately he went to call for Dream but paused, where was he..? He was in.. in a room. Yes, Yes thats right.. he and Dream got into an arguement yesterday about what Nightmare was starting to avoid him and be cold.. and Nightmare couldn't sleep in the same room as him without feeling bad. He felt horrible and his soul yearned to be with the other, needing it's other half desperately.

Stumbling out of bed, he grabbed his favorite blanket and walked out of the room and into the hallway, right over to his and Dreams room.. he opened the door partly, but paused and frowned deeply. Dream was still probably upset with him..

Nightmare let go of the door handle and turned to walk off, freezing when he heard Dreams voice call to him "Nighty?" He spoke softly, his voice was soft, and inviteing, it made Nightmare shiver and slowly turn to meet the others gaze. Dream was standing on the other side of the door, watching him "What's wrong?" He spoke gently again and Nightmare sniffled, trying his best not to cry.. and failing as he started to cry quitely again "N-nothing.. Sorry for bothering you." He whispered and tensed when Dream stepped closer to him and toom Nightmares hand into his own, rubbing it gently "Hey.. Nighty? Why are you crying?" He asked, in that gentle tone that made Nightmare want to melt and tell Dream all his worrys, he started crying harder and Dream pulled him close, Nightmare allowed him to without a fight, and hugged him softly, rubbing Nightmares back soothingly "I-I'm sorry I woke up up.. i-i.." Nightmare hiccuped and pressed more into Dream.

Was was he to tell him? He had a nightmare and came running to him? Nightmare felt like a babybones, sobbing and holding into Dream, gotten scared by a nightmare! Frowning, Dream pulled Nightmare closer "It's okay Nighty." He whispered softly "I wasn't sleeping very well without you anyway.. I.. I felt your emotions and got worried.. Did you have a nightmare?" He asked and Nightmare nodded, tired "Come." Dream mumbled and pulled him over to the bed, makeing him sit before he wandered into the bathroom and Nighmare heard the sound of water for a few moments before Dream walked back into the room holding something Nightmare couldn't see and grabbed a shirt out of his own draw.

Dream walked over to him ans nudged the blanket off his shoulders and before helping him pull off his wet shirt, lightly wiping away his tears with a warm wet wash cloth. After he was done he helped Nightmare out in the new shirt and pushed Nightmare gently to get in bed, which he did without complaint. Dream put away the wash cloth and the wet shirt before crawling into bed with Nightmare, cuddling into him.

Nightmare sniffed and wraped his arms tiredly around Dream. He felt so lucky to have Dream in his life, he didn't know what he would do without him.. "What was your nightmare about Nighty?" Dream asked softly and Nightmare buried himself in Dreams shoulder, he didn't want to talk about it but talking about his nightmares always makes them go away.. "I.. I was running in this dark place.. and a bunch of people were there, some chased me throwing things and others just pointed and laughed or yelled insults.. Then they cornered me and reached for me.. and then I woke up.." Nightmare wimpered as he clung to Dream, desperate for some kind of comfort "T-they told me that you.. you hate me and that-" He was quickly cut off by Dream speaking up angerly "I love you! I love you so much! Don't let anyone make you believe other wise!" He huffed and nuzzled Nightmares cheek, makeing the darker smile tiredly, Dream was adorable when he was huffy and upset.. "I love you to Dream.." He mumbled back as his eyes shut, sleep called him, and he was to comfortable not to answer.

Dream shifted to look at Nightmare after noticeing his breathing got softer before kissing his cheek and nuzzling into him again, shutting his eyes, his Nighty was the sweetest..

(8: ClassicCherryBerry- Classic × Fell × Blueberry. [This one is a bit sad but it gets better])

Classic woke up with a jolt, his soul burning with pain and worry as he took a deep breath. That only happened when one of his partners.. quickly he turned to look at his partners. Blue was sleeping on his left, close to the wall. Though he was squirming uncomfortably and slowly wakeing up for sure, turning his gaze to Fell, Classic felt his soul drop. Fell was curled up, his hands gripping the sheets as he shook, sweat rolling down his face more then usual and.. he was starting to cry. His breathing was sharp, and fearful, after a few moments he wimpered and curled up more, mumbling something Classic couldn't understand, but he did hear his own name. 'He was haveing a nightmare. Classic jumped a bit when he felt Blue lay his hand on his back as Blue sat up, confused and tired "Fell?" He murmured and reached across Classic to Fell, shakeing him gently "Fell? Cherry? What's wrong?" He asked and frowned deeply, Classic knew his soul was hurting just like his own.

Shifting, Classic shook Fell awake, makeing him jolt up and gasp sharply from shock "Cherry!" Blue quickly said again as Fell panted and glanced around, but once his gaze landed on Classic and Blue, he relaxed as tears rolled down his cheeks silently "Fell, sweetheart, what happened?" He asked softly as pulled Fell closer, Blue shifting to sit between Fells legs, wraping his arms around his chest.

It had been Classics turn to sleep between his partners, they always took turns with who would be stuck in the middle for the night. Not that they minded anyway. Eatch of then loved and always looked forward to thier turn in the middle.

"Cherry? What's wrong?" Blue softly whispered as he pressed into him as rubbed his cheek, frowning as he tried to wipe his tears away. "I-" Fell choked as he tried to hold back tears "I don't wanna talk about it.." He whispered horsely, moving to hide his face in Blues shoulder as Classic frowned and sighed, but he wouldn't push the topic, shifting, he pulled Fell close and kissed his cheek as he wrapped his arms around him "Alright Cherrys, but we will always listen if you need to." He said and Fell nodded, rubbing his eyesockets "I can't sleep.. i might just get up." He mumbled and Blue frowned deeply before his eyes lit up and bounced off the bed "No! We'll read!" He chirped "I'll be right back! Stay here!" Blue said before scampering out of the room quickly, Fell watching him before tearing up again as he turned to burrow himself into Classic, sobbing softly "It was about the resets, wasn't it?" Classic spoke softly, frowning sadly as he rubbed Fells back "T-they killed you right in front of me! And Blue, oh gosh, he tried to help, help the human be good and protect you, but they killed him! S-stompted all over his dust and scarf.." Fell wimpered out in sadness as Classic sighed heavily and wiped his tears away, holding Fell close "It didn't happen Fell, and i know it hurts even if it didn't, but remember. I'm okay. Blues okay. Your okay. All three of us are safe away from the humans. Relax." He softly whispered, holding him close. Fell was the one to have nightmares the most often. With his horrible world, the resets and genocide routes he struggled alot. It left lasting scars on him, physically and mentally, so it wasn't surprising. Though they were getting better with the medication Sci had provided, so were Classics nightmares, they still sometimes popped up and scared him quite badly. Classic and Blue did thier best to help him when this happened.

Classic perked and Blue walked into the room, holding a tray of some kind of steaming drink and cookies. Blue walked over to them and set the tray on Fells lap before bouncing over to the bookshelf and skimming over the books. Classic couldn't help but smile as he looked at the tray, hot chocolate with extra marshmallows on the side and chocolate chip cookies, Fells favorite.

Blue bounced back over to his partners with a book in his hands and a smile on his face, gently gesturing for Fell and Classic to scoot over, which they did before Blue sat down and carefully adjusted the pillows so they could lean back against them before he opened the book "This is my favorite book! I'm sure you'll like it!" Blue said happily as he leaned against Fell "Once apon a time, in a land far, far away.." Blue started to read and Classic couldn't help but smile as he grabbed one of the three hot chocolates added some more marshmallows before grabbing a cookie.
Fell relaxed as he listened to Blue and soked up the feeling or affection that basically radiated from his partners, Blue always knew just how to make him feel better..


(9: ErrInk- Error × Ink.)

Error curled up under the blankets, tears welled up in his eyes as he glared meaninglessly at the wall infront of him. He could hear the front door open and Ink cheerfully announce he was home.. and then call for him a few seconds later when Error didn't respond. Error only buried himself further in the blankets angerly. Not wanting Ink to see him at the moment.

After about five more minutes of Ink walking around the house calling for him, he could hear foot steps approaching the bedroom before the door creaked open behind him "Glitchy?" Ink called for him again in a confused tone, makeing his way over to the bed by the sound of it. "I know your there! Whatcha doin? Baby? Glitchy bae? Why are you ignoreing me? Mate! Heyy!" Ink started whineing and Error could feel him crawl into the bed, knowing Ink was leaning over his piles of blankets "Lover! Beloved! My Mate! Inks Mate! What are you doing?" He whined out and started tugging at the blankets, makeing Error shrink more and hiss angrily. Ink went silent and stopped "Error? Did I do something wrong?" Ink slowly asked and Error felt his soul sadly twist in pain at his partners pained and confused voice. Ink didn't understand, it wasn't his fault. Error shouldn't punish him for what happened.

Shifting and slowly unraveling himself, Error pulled Ink close as he sat up, nuzzling into his chest "Give me attention.." He grumbled, the tears getting increasingly harder to fight as his face flushed with embarrassment when he felt Ink pause before pressing him close "Okay." He simply replied and Error almost melted as Ink rubbed his back and nuzzled the side of his face. He couldn't see the artist face but he knew he was smiling, it only made the blush on hus tace burn brighter.

Error was.. a complicated person. Ink knew that. While Ink didn't understand why he was upset, he was glad Error had come out of his 'cocoon', as Blue liked to call it, and asked for affection. That meant he was okay with Ink being around and touching him! So Ink was happy. He liked makeing Error happy.


(10: Errormare- Error × Nightmare.)

Error grumbled as he unloaded the dishwasher, very upset. Dust was sick and couldn't do his chores and nobody else could do them so he had to. He didn't mind doing chores, but doing the dishes he hated. Even if it was easy and didn't take alot of work, sometimes they were still wet and he hated water with a passion. It made him glitch painfully anytime he came in contact with it and almost always made him crash. Which was so tiring and painful he avoided water all together. That and generally just didn't like the water. Or ponds.. or lakes.. oceans.. or things that were in the oceans. The ocean was scary.

Error shuddered at the thought alone and continued onward. Wanting to be done with this as soon as possible. But something tiny and black on the counter caught his eye that made him scream in fear and jump back onto the kitchen table, grabbing the sweeper that was leaning against the table. His entire body glitched and fizzled heavily and he almost crashed. It was a spider. Sitting there, taughting him with its freaky eyes. It had so many eyes. And legs! So many legs. No creature in the world should have many legs! Or eyes! It was stupid!

Error hated to admit it, but he had horrible Arachnophobia. Spiders scared him more then anything other then being touched. Error wailed glitchly as it moved and held the sweeper in defense, where was his cat!? Where was Magic!? He would eat that thing and everything would be fine!

Soon Nightmare popped into the room, tentacles lashing "Error?!" He hissed and looked around for potential threats eye narrowed into a dangerous slit that remained Error of when Magic and Princess Calico Dú Void would watch the birds from the window, wanting to hunt and eat them. "I-IT'S M-M-M0vIn-NG!!" Error cried out as the spider scuttled across the counter top, makeing him glitch badly in fear and disgust. Why did it move so freaking weirdly?! Error was going to lose his mind.

"What?! What's moveing!?" Nightmare hissed and growled angrily at the thing that dare make his Mate so upset and scared, Errors fear was potent and it made Nightmare even angrier.. dispite the fact he couldn't see what was makeing him upset. "T-tHe SPid-DEr!" Error screamed and pointed to the tiny spider, makeing Nightmare pause, his eye widening into a large oval shape when he saw the small insect. Then, he laughed.

He couldn't help but laugh, he truely didn't understand Errors fear of spiders, or insects in general. Though he did try to be mindful and respectful of it when ever it came up, it was still funny that the Destroyer of Worlds, Destroyer of entire Universes! Was afraid.. of a tiny spider. It amused him to no end, Error was truely the most adorable creature in the entire Multiverse.

Walking over to the spider, Nightmare scooped it up in his hand without fear and tossed it out the window above the sink that was left open. Probably how it got it. After it was gone, Nightmare shut and locked the window tightly before wondering back over to his Mate "It's gone now, My Beloved. Can i touch you?" He asked and opened his arms up to his lovely partner, who dropped the sweeper and reached for Nightmare instead, makeing the goopy Skeleton hum in satisfaction as he pulled his glitchy lover into his arms, walking out of the kitchen as his tentacles swayed happily and rubbed Error "Would you like some chocolate?" Nightmare asked and Error nodded, clinging him "Ye-Es.." Error murmured. Nightmare smiled, Error was truely adorable.


That's all of them! I have alota of these Drabbles stored, but theses are some of the more recent ones I've made.(Expect the first two are older and I didn't feel like rewriting them, but wanted to share them anyway lol)
I might do this more often! It's fun and a easy away to let out some thoughts have been pileing up in my head without doing a full One-Shots. And I write alot more then it seems I'm realizeing with all the Drabbles. A couple of them might seem like they end oddly and I'm sorry for that lol, i got bored and then just ended them quickly or just didn't know how to end it.

Want to see a particular ship in the next one of these? Let me know and I'll see if i can find one in my folder or make one! I do just about all ships, so don't be afraid to ask! I'm also doing requests! Which are 1,000 words or more for one story! I've been writeing alot more recently :3

Words: 5,125.

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