A New Family. (Skelewolf!Error × Skelewolf!Nightmare)
Incubux and Moonlight are Nights pups! (Cross is the mom- He ded-)
Nightmare is in goopy form and has three tails
Error is not a hunter in this.
Paperjam and Gradient are Error's pups! (Ink is the dad- he ded dou to-)
If you've read my ErrorDream book you know I usually write Error's voice with lots of glitchs! This Error only glitchs when extremely stressed, sacred or sad!
See spelling mistakes or somthing that needs fixed? Tell me! I would greatly appreciate it!
Nightmare × Error (Main)
Fresh × Blue (Side)
Sci × Killer (Side mention)
Dust × Fell (Side mention)
Ghoul × Horror (Side mention)
💔: Mentions of death or being hurt.
💘: Minor animal death. (No gore)
💓: Cutesy stuff.
💖: Healing.
💗: Falling in love.
Nightmare sighed, watching his pups play from afar, his Beta and the adopted mother of his pups, Error, laying beside him. After Cross died Error lost his mate, Ink, and not long after he found out he was pregnant with his pups days later. He offered to take care of Incubux and Moonlight seeing as they would need a mother to take care of them for a few months. Nightmare accepted and Error took care of them, he still does. Error's own pups, Gradient and Paperjam, where only a few days old currently.
Errors ear twitched and Nightmare looked at him, hearing Errors pups start to wimper aswell. Error yawned and stood up, stretching before looking at Nightmare "I'm gonna go check on my little ones, keep an eye on those two. They get in trouble to easily." He said and Nightmare chuckled softly, nodding. "Alright." He said and Error walked back into den, Nightmare watching him as he curled around his pups, gazeing at them lovingly as he nudged them closer to him. Nightmare turned to look back at the other two, jolting up when he heard Moonlight yelp loudly and wimper, crying out for Error. He ran over to them, Incubux was standing beside Moonlight wimpering as Moonlight held up a paw, whineing "Mama!" He wimpered and Nightmare sighed, picking him up by his scruff before turning and walking to the den, Incubux following closely.
Error looked ready to jump up and run to his side, whineing softly as Nightmare set him down in front of him "Mama! It hurts!" He wimepred and and cuddled into his chest, Error nuzzling his head "WhAt's wronG-g baby? WHat hurt's?" He asked and Moonlight wimpered "I-i was playing with Incubux and hurt my paw, b-but i don't know how!" He whined and Error hummed "Witch paw?" He asked and Moonlight held up his right front paw, Error gently pressing his nose on it. It took a few tries before Moonlight pulled his paw back, wimpering "Ow!" He squeaked and Error frowned "Lightbug i need to feel it to make sure nothing is brokE-en." He said and the pup whimpered but let his mama feel it, whineing and wimpering before Error pulled away "Nothing is broken, thankfully. It might just be sore for a bit so no playing for awhile okay little ones?" He asked and licked his head as Incubux snuggled up close to him with Moonlight, both of them nodding in understanding.
Nightmare watched them, both pups yawning sleeply as they snuggled close to eachother and Error. Error sighed and nuzzled them, yawning softly himself "Go to sleep you two, it's time for a nap." He said, Moonlight was already half asleep and Incubux was dozing off, yawning as Error licked thier heads. Despite Error not being their biological Mother, they both called him Mama. But, of course, neither of them knew who their real Mother really was there was no real plan to tell them about their real mother either.
Error layed his head down, looking up at Nightmare, who sighed softly and glanced outside "N-NiG-ghTmAre?" He asked, sounding a bit worried "Me and the others are going hunting, we'll be back soon." He said and Error nodded, frowning slightly, he had lost his Mate, Ink, in a hunting accident and was constantly worried about loseing someone else. "AlR-rigHt.. Be-E saFe. OkAy?" He said and Nightmare nodded "I will." He said, walking to the entrance of the den, glanceing back at Error, who was still watching him, looking worried and a little afried, Nightmare shook his head slightly before leaveing. He wished Error wasn't so afried and worried every time they went hunting. It made him feel horrible and sick, because Ink's death was his fault.
Nightmare watched the moose, glanceing around at his packmates, Ink, Horror, Dust, Killer, Outer and G. They had been lucky enough to find a lone female moose and her calf. But it was still dangerous, she could easily kill them or at least brake something with one kick. And her haveing calf would be more dangerous because she would be MUCH more protective. Although he was exhausted, he knew his pack needed to eat. His PUPS needed to eat.
He stood up, looking at the others "Alright. I want Horror and Ink to go around the sides, G, run around the front. Me and Dust will take up the rear. Killer, i want you to get the calf." He said and the others nodded, G sliped into the trees and went around the front of the moose as Ink and Horror did the same, Ink on the left and Horror on the right. Nightmare glanced at Dust who started slowly creeping up on the moose, Nightmare following closely.
G ran out in front of the moose, barking and growling loudly, the moose rearing up on her hind legs and kicking at him in fear, witch he keap out of the way of, Nightmare and Dust quickly ran over and grabed her back legs, Horror and Ink commeing in from the sides, Horror jumping up and biteing her side as Ink grabed her left leg and pulling her down. Killer quickly went after the calf, grabing him and pulling him away from his mother, the calf crying out for his Mother fearfully. The Mother sturggled and with out warning her right leg struck Ink in the head harshly, makeing him yelp as he was thrown off to the side. Nightmare almost let go in shock but recovered quickly, growling as he pulled her leg and Dust did the same, Horror helping pull her down before G leap for her neck, biteing down harshly as Nightmare let go of her leg and ran over to Ink. "INK!" He barked out, Killer had easily killed the calf before quickly running over to check on Ink.
Ink was laying on his side, blood dribbleing out of a crack on his skull, panting heavily "Ink! Ink are you okay?" Killer asked, nudgeing him. Ink only whined and Nightmare felt dread fall over him. This was his fualt. Nightmare glanced at the others before looking at Ink "Darg the food back to the pack! I'm takeing Ink." He said before quickly picking Ink up before starting to run back to the pack, Ink was limp in his girp, his eyes slowly starting to close. He died hours later, Error sobbing at his side.
Flashback end.
Nightmare shook his head, trying to get the memory out of his mind. He walked over to Horror and Dust, who were chatting, they went quite when he walked over, looking at him before they stood up with out word. Horror and Dust where two of the best hunters and fighters, they alwasy went hunting with him. He glanced around before spotting Killer, Razzberry and Fell. Dust, noticeing his look, walked over to them, talking with them for a few seconds before they stood up and followed him back over to Nightmare. "Alright, everyone ready?" He asked and they either nodded or gave a noise of approval. With that, Nightmare set out.
After Nightmare left Error curled up close around the four pups, sighing softly as he looked at his little ones. The youngest, Paperjam, reminded him so much of Ink... he sighed and closed his eyes. Dirfting off into sleep.
By the time Nightmare and the others had returned it was quite late, they had manged to catch three dear and two fawns. Nightmare took one of the fawns and went back to the den, carefully and quitely setting it down before going and nudged Error gently.
"Erorr.... Error wake up..." he mumbled softly as Error yawned and slowly opened his eyes, looking at Nightmare with hazey eyes "NightM-mare...?" He mumbled sleeply, yawning as he lifted his head, humming softly "I got you and the pups some food.." Nightmare mumbled and Error nodded, nudging Incubux and Moonlight awake "Come on little onEs... your Fathers brought some foOd.." he mumbled and Incubux opened his eyes sleepily, looking up at them "Hmm.. food..?" He asked quitely, yawning as Moonlight streached out, his tail wagging slightly. Error smiled and sat up streaching before he trotted over to the fawn the pups jumping up and following.
Nightmare smiled slightly as he watched them eat, Error lifting his head and looking at Nightmare "Well? Aren't you going eat?" He asked, wagging his tail. Nightmare perked up smiled slightly, standing up and walking over to them, siting with them. Moonlight glanced up at his Mother and Father, his tail wagging happily. He was so happy to have such a wonderful family.
Two weeks later
The weeks went by smoothly, Moonlights paw got better after a bit of resting, witch was hard for a three mouth old pup full of energy.
Error yawned softly, makeing Outer, the wolf he was talking with, laugh softly "Tried?" He asked and Error scoffed "YOu would b-Be to if you took care of foUr pups." He said and Outer smiled "I guess. I'm still surprised that you manage to do it! I think i would lose my mind." He said and Error smiled slightly. He and Outher had been friends for quite awhile, he was there for him when his mate had died.
Nightmare chuckled softly as he walked out of the den form his nap, Moonlight and Incubux running out before him then whiting for him to catch up, he smiled at them before perking up when he heard Error talking to Outer. He narrowed his eyes and huffed softly, everyone in the pack knew about Outers feelings for Error, but Error had chose Ink over him. Now that Ink was gone what was stoping him from courting Error? Incubux and Moonlight didn't like how close Outer was to their Mama, Incubux especially. While Moonlight didn't notice how distant Error and Nightmare were Incubux did, and by distant he meant physically. He saw how Sci and Killer cuddled togather, and how Dust and Fell groomed eachother and how Horror and Ghoul looked at each other. But.. his Mama and Papa wernt like that... They didn't cuddle or groom each other or look at eachother with such a happy, loving look. He knew something was different but he couldn't bring himself to ask.
He glanced over at his brother before running over to his Mama "Mama! Come on! Come on!" He whined and tugged at his tail, makeing Error jump slightly "Incubux! What are you doing?" Seeing what his brother was doing Moonlight ran over "Can we go now Mama? Plleeaasseee?" He asked excitedly, his tail wagging. Error frowned, feeling confused "What are you two talking about?" He asked and Incubux whined "You said you and Papa would take us out into the forest today!" He said and pawed at his tail, Moonlight nodding. Error blinked before biteing his lip "I.. i did?" He asked and Moonlight whined "Maamma! Did you forget already?" He whined and Error shook his head "Im sorry pups, i must have forgotten." He said and Nightmare walked over to them, looking at Error who sighed "Fine.. but only for a little bit!" He said and the pups cheered as Nightmare smiled a bit. Error sighed again before smiling softly, standing up "Well.. are you ready to go?" He asked and the pups barked excitedly, unable to contain thier excitement. They had never been out side before and they where very excited.
Error rolled his eyes with a smile, nuzzling them both "Alright, hold on a second." He said before glanceing around and perking up when he spotted Blue, who was sitting in the sun next to Fresh, relaxing. Error smiled and walked over to them, Blues ears twitching before he looked up at him "Hey! Error! What's up?" He asked sat up slightly, giveing Error small nuzzle, witch Error returned happily. "Hey Blue, nothing much, how are you?" He asked and Blue hummed and smiled "Just getting some fresh air. Muffins sleeping right so i took the chance to get a little break. I love him so much but he's a pawful!" He laughed and Error joined in, sitting down and relaxing. "I understand! Pups have endless energy! And i can only imagine that Muffin will have your energy aswell!" He teased slightly and Blue puased, a look of realization crossing over his face "Oooohhhh stars.." he mumbled sadly almost, his ears drooping and Error laughed softly "Well, me and Nightmare are supposed to take the pups out today and i was wondering of you could watch PJ and Gradient while we're gone? I'm sorry to bother you with it since i know you have your pawsful with Muffin but i don't want to leave them completely alone incase they wake up." He asked and Blue smiled "Of course i can! It's not really a bother Error, your my friend and I'll always be happy to help!" Blue puased for a second before looking at Fresh and smiling "I can have Fresh watch over Muffin when i go to take care of them. Right Freshy?" Error smiled as Blue nuzzled Fresh, who mumbled back something sleeply.
Moonlight whined and looked at Nightmare, who rolled his eyes "Give your Mother some time, it's been a bit since he and Blue have been able to talk." He said and nuzzled him. Watching Error and Blue speak for a bit longer before Error stood and they nuzzled again before walking back over to them, Incubux jumping up, yiping softly in excitement. Error smiled at him before nuzzling him amd looking at Nightmare "Well? Let's go!" He said and Nightmare nodded, the pups starting to bark and yip excitedly.
Error smiled and watched the pups closely as they bound around and sniffed everything and anything. Excitedly barking and yipping when they found something interesting.
Nightmare layed down in the shade as Error sat beside him, watching the two pups play and roughhouse, they where deep into the territory so it was safe to let them be. It was a large territory and sinces they were so deep it was fine for them to play freely and safely. Error relaxed and layed down, tucking his paws under his chest, watching the two closely. It was a nice day out, the sun was shining brightly and no clouds were seen at all. Error layed his head down, his tail curling close to his body. Nightmare glanced at him, smiling when he saw Error was relaxing. What a nice day..
Hours later the pups were exhausted Moonlight was already asleep, being carried by Error back and Incubux was close, Nightmare having to carry him back seeing how tired he was, and it didn't take long for the gentle swaying motions to lull him to sleep. Makeing Error laugh softly, it was almost time to sleep anyway. Error perked when he noticed Blue sliping out of his and Nightmares den, streaching and yawning. Perking when he saw Error and Nightmare, he didn't say anything, just nodded and smiled before walking back to his den, Error almost puased when he relized he was starting to droop and his paws were starting to feel heavier, makeing him realize just how tired he was. Setting Incubux down, Nightmare looked at Error, who set Moonlight down with him before carefully laying down, yawning and curling around them, laying his head down tiredly. Nightmare layed down beside him, pressing against him slightly for warmth. "If i had even half their energy imgaine what i could get done." Nightmare mumbled, making Error laugh softly "Oh, how i wish." He mumbled happily, leaning against Nightmare "It-" Error puased, glanceing to look at what had caught his eye. Despite Pj being younger then Gradient he had turned out to be bigger then him and obviously stronger, witch worried him, so he took extra care when takeing care of him so he stayed healthy. Paperjam was stareing at him with wide eyes, his eyes glistening in curiosity. 'Oh my Stars...' Pj had eyes like Ink, almost the exact same. Error teared up, nuzzling his small pup close 'Ink....' Nightmare had lifed his to see what was happening, eye widening in shock when he saw Pjs eyes. Nightmare frowned, nuzzling Error gently "M-mY bAbY.... oH My sWeEt BaBy...." Error whimpered, Pj yawning as he watched the two. Nightmare had reacted in a similar way when Incubux opened his eyes, he looked so much like so Cross he broke down. He had been working as hard as he could and was exhausted and seeing his late mate in the eyes of his pup broke him. He clung to their side for days, refuseing to leave, Error, who was just really getting into the stages of pregnancy took over so he could rest. After that it got alot better, Nightmare still grieved but it made the process easier to deal with after he had a clear mind. Error wimpered and leaned heavily on Nightmare, who nuzzled him and curled around him comfortingly.
It had been a long night but in the morning light Error was laying at the entrance of the den haveing brought Pj and Gradient to lay with him as Incubux and Moonlight play and run about. Nightmare had gone for a early hunt with Dust and Fresh, Pj was awake and looking around, laying in between Errors paws. Watching his brothers play curiously. Moonlight paused his playing to look at his Mama, gasping when he saw his brothers eyes open wide, stareing at him. "MAMA!" He squealed, bolting over to him, Incubux following to see what he was doing, not yet seeing Pjs eyes opened. "Look!" He layed down in his stoumch, looking at Pj, Incubux gasping and doing the same when he noticed. Error laughed softly, haveing forgotten to tell them after all his crying "He opened his eyes last night!" Error cooed lovingly, smileing at them they gazed in amazement. Error perked up when Nightmare came walking back over, carrying a peasant. Error smiled at him weakly, Nightmare nuzzling him gently after setting the bird down. Eye trianed on Gradient, who was stareing up at the sky "Well, Good morning to you little one." He mumbled softly Error eyes widening when he noticed Gradients eye open, Gradient looked at him curiously, wobbling slightly as he looked at Nightmare. Incubuxs tail wagged as he looked at Gradient, smileing "Can they play with us?" He asked and tilted his head, Nightmare shakeing his head no "Not yet, their still to small right now." Moonlight whined and Error nuzzled him "It's alright Lightbug, you can soon though! Don't worry." He cooed and smiled, nuzzling him as he sunggled close, Incubux doing the same. Nightmare smiled as he layed down beside Error and watched his family. 'Family.' Nightmare sighed happily at that word. Pressing against Error as he looked at the pups. As much as he missed Cross, he knew this was how it was meant to be.
Finally finshed this! Woah! So much time went into this!! I've had this sitting here for awhile and finally finished it. Woop woop hooray!
Little bit of an explanation for this story: Error is a wolf and not a hunter. Ink was a wolf aswell but he ded now-
Freah and Blue ended up getting together and riseing Muffin because i said so :p if you want a One-Shot on this say so! I've been thinking about writing one uwu
Basically Ink and Error were mates, Ink died, Cross and Nightmare were mates, Cross died. Both are left with pups, and Nightmare didn't trust any other wolf to care for his so Error did and Nightmare Fathers Errors pups for him, they don't really become mates but they get closer then before :3 maybe if you guys want a part two I'll make one for you, just say so-
Words: 3,462.
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