Character Development: Onity/Unity

Character Development: Onity Schmidt/Unity Chéri

Characters: Unity, Unity's family, etc.

Plot: This is the CANON story to how Unity became Onity.

Note: not as detailed as it could be, but I only really wanted this to be a one-shot. I can go over more details sometime later maybe.


Once upon a time, in a dimension far far away, was a planet. The planet, Yvenity, was home to a highly intelligent species known as the Onis. To best explain this planet to a human, ask them to imagine what world would look like if you mashed together human kind with Endermen. The world has a strong liking for the colors of purple, as well as a strong hand in handling magic. Yvenity is also at the brink of a major national problem. Two ideas are splitting from each other, and the citizens are upset.

But none of that is important right now. Living close to the middle of the major continent of Yvenity, there was a city. Within that city, was a family. Well, there were many many families, but this one is important unlike the others. In a small house, a family of five. A mother, a father, two older siblings, and a newborn. This was the Chéri family.

The mother watched her sleeping newborn with nothing but love. She was a kind woman who loved her family to death. She could watch her tiny little son sleep for hour, the rise and fall of his chest being oh so relaxing. The woman named her child Unity. It was the first name she picked out herself to give to any of her children, so she wanted it to be special, to have meaning. Unity was a term that meant a lot to her, and her son meant a lot to her as well.

Before the woman could think of doing anything else, her daughter ran into the room. The girl tugged on her mother's cloak, wanting her attention. The two left the room, the newborn now alone. The room was dimly lit with a decorative rug on the floor. A window looked down into the nest like bed that the newborn rested in. On a shelf to the side was a crystal that glowed.



Three kids ran around outside, their mother sitting to the side, watching them.

"MOM MOMMOMOMOMOMOM!!" The 11 year old daughter, Audrey, screamed for her mother.

"You're fine! He's not gonna harm you!" Mother Chéri laughed back.

Audrey found herself in a situation she didn't think she'd ever be in as the older sibling, but then again it's a kinda obvious situation siblings would have. Her little brother, Unity, age 4, was just getting the hang of his oni beast body. He looked like a little black dog with shining purple eyes, running around, running into things, and chasing his older siblings. A note about Onis and their oni beast form; Every oni can turn into one once hitting 2 or 3 years old. The older you get, the stronger the form is. Right now Unity was completely harmless.

"MOM!" Audrey huffed.

Unity did something different though, that Momma Cheri didn't remember Aubrey doing. Unity stuck out his tongue while playing in his oni beast form. It was adorable. While Audrey tried to get her mother to stop Unity, Unity took the change to jump up and try to climb his sister. His sister automatically pushed him away, and he landed in the grass, shaking himself off.

"Don't be too rough with him, he's only four."

"Tell him to stop being rough with me!" Audrey walked away, towards the house.

"You heard that, Unity." Momma Chéri nodded her head, looking over at the little creature sitting in the yard.

Audrey went inside only to come back out with a snack. She stood there by the door watching her brothers. Unity continued to play, finding his older brother Emaurri and messing with him just like he'd mess with Audrey. Emaurri was a little younger then Audrey, and very quiet, but liked his hyper little brother. Emaurri quietly laughed, turning into his Oni form, which was a little bigger then Unity's. He was instantly pounced on, and the two rolled around in the grass.

"Emaurri! Unity!" Momma Chéri called out. "If you keep that up you'll both need to be cleaned!"

Both the boys stopped, Unity shaking off the grass sticking to his back. Their big purple eyes looked over at their mother. Being cleaned was something no Oni liked at all, but it was necessary thing. Onis don't need to bath often, but when they do they have to face the nightmares. The nightmares being Emaurri's term to describe the water-like substance used.

To explain, Onis often find the feeling of anything like water to be uncomfortable. Onis don't even need water to live, unlike humans. They can survive off of other liquids, one main one being the blood from their almost carnivorous diets. Anyway, being cleaned is no favorite pass time. The end.

Emaurri switched back to his original form, dusting himself off. He looked over from his mother to his sister, noticing the food she was eating. His eyes got bigger and he walked over to her.

"Where'd you get that?" He asked.

"Dad had it! He gave it to me!" Audrey smiled.

"Oh!" Emaurri turned his attention to the door, and started walking towards it.

Suddenly there was a loud sound, echoing around the houses. It freaked the smol Unity oni out, and he sprinted from where he sat in the grass to his mother, using his claws to grab onto her and climb up into her arms. He hid his head into her arms, hiding himself from the loud noise. Audrey and Emaurri quickly shuffled into the house as Momma Chéri got up from where she sat, holding onto her child.

"Don't worry about that, my dear Unity. It's just the sky." She whispered to him as she walked towards the door.

Unity just mumbled something in the gibberish that onis speak, and as they walked into the house, he turned back into his original form. He was small, with tiny little claws on his hands and feet. His wavy white hair was growing fast too. He was placed back down on the floor, and he stood up to follow his mother around.

"Why is the Sky loud?" Unity asked.

"It's simple, dear Unity." His mother pat his head. " The sky just has lots of things to say, and it wants everyone to listen."

Unity frowned. The sky talked?

"Does the sky breath? Does it eat?" Unity continued to ask.

Momma Chéri chuckled.

"Momma, that lie got old!" Audrey said, walking over, into the kitchen, sitting down on one of the tall chairs.

"In a way, it's true." Momma Chéri shrugged.

Audrey rolled her eyes and her mother laughed again to her reaction. Unity was still so very confused.


"So I'm not gonna be the littlest anymore...?"

Unity looked up at his mother, who sat back in her chair in their comfy living like room. Aubrey and Emaurri watched as their father and mother tried to explain to the 6 year old that he was going to have a younger sibling.

"No, you won't be." Momma Chéri shook her head.

There was a pause, and the two older siblings waited for the crying. Well, they all did. But Unity didn't cry at all. Emaurri cried when he found out he wasn't gonna be the youngest anymore, so it was almost expected that Unity would. Emaurri liked getting the most attention as a young child, and Unity seemed to like the extra attention he gets from being so young. But Unity just stood there and took it all in.

"What's their name gonna be?" Unity asked, tilting his head.

Momma Chéri looked up at her mate, and there was a feeling of relief that painted their faces. Unity waited for the answer, and his mother looked back down at him.

"We're not sure yet." She said.

"It's your mother's decision though." Pappa Chéri. "It's only fair as I named Audrey and Emaurri."

"Hmmm, You think it should be a name that goes well with Unity's name?" Their mother pondered aloud, looking back up at their dad.

"What T are they gonna be?" Audrey asked.

"You know we're not gonna know until they're a year old, Audrey." Momma Cheri said.

"I'm hoping for a sister. Their T doesn't really matter, though." Emaurri sighed.

"Only time will tell, you guys." Momma Chéri commented.

"Momma, what's a T?" Unity asked, sitting down on the carpeted floor.

"He's six, he doesn't need to know what your T is." Audrey frowned.

"You're only 14, why do you need to know?" Pappa Chéri asked back.

"I mean, I've known I was a T4 for awhile, I don't think it really matters." Emaurri added. "Who cares if I can't have kids? Society certainly doesn't."

"Guys, Guys." Momma Chéri spoke up. "Unity, all you need to know is that you're a MT3. You'll find out what that means eventually."

"See, that's what momma told me. She doesn't need to say much else." Emaurri said.

"Okay, okay." Audrey nodded her head.

"Hmmmm." Unity frowned. He still didn't understand. What did it mean to be an M T3? Who was society? Why was Emaurri a T4, and what was the difference between T4 and T3?

"When will I not be the littlest anymore?" Unity asked, shaking his head, his little creamy white locks getting into his eyes. He brushed them away.

"Are you sad, Unity?" Momma Chéri asked.

Unity shrugged.

"I knew it." Audrey cracked a smile. "He liked being the little one."

Momma Chéri laughed. "I'm s-sorry Unity! B-but look at it this way, my child, you'll be able to teach them all the things we've taught you. It seems like something you'd have fun doing."

"You can teach them how to hunt!" Audrey grinned.

"Really?" Unity asked.

"With help, yes." Momma Chéri nodded.

Unity stood up, and in a strange way to release energy, hoped up and down on his fet.

"Okiedokie!" He smiled.


Unity was 10.

Unity sat in his seat, looking around the loud classroom. He was at school. He had just started school, as the oni species start school at the age of 10, and end school when they please. If they decide to take a few years of school, that's okay, and if they decide to continue to go to school until they are 30, that's okay too. The mandatory amount of school was only two years, because that was when you are taught the important things all citizens should know, and from there on you learned things that were more of your desire.

The teacher walked in, her short curly white hair waving in the air as she walked. She stood in front of the class, and said some words. Those were not towards the class, as he couldn't even hear her. Instead, she was talking to a taller man standing next to her. He looked around the room, at all the children. As his gaze came upon Unity, and the kids around him, Unity looked down at his desk.

When was the class going to start? Unity wanted to get on with this. None of the other kids had approached him yet, so he was kinda bored. Besides, he was interested in what kinds of things he'd be learning.

The man said something, and Unity could just barley make out the vibrations coming from his mouth. The teacher looked a little confused by what he said, and he laughed. Unity could sense awkwardness coming from the woman.

"Alright, class!" The teacher spoke up, and the class settled down rather quickly.

"Welcome to your first day of school. For the next two years, and hopefully more to come, you will all be studying the way our world works." The teacher said. "My name is Gina, and I will be your teacher for these first two years. Before I go on, this man here has a few words to say."

She stepped to the side and the man cleared his throat. Unity watched as the bump on his neck moved. What part of the body was that? Unity placed his claw on his on throat, only to find he didn't have one.

"Your class, unlike any other, will be watched more strictly during these next two years. Do not worry, as this is just for our own studies and nothing you do or say will matter at all. We will be collecting data such as how kids your age work best, and which areas of study gain the best interest for your generation." The man said. "So, You will be seeing more of me, though I will not be doing any teaching."

"Just like he said." The woman nodded her head. "Anything else you'd like to tell them?"

The man paused. "Welcome to your first years of learning. You all seem like a smart group of kids. Prove me true."

The teacher went on to describe how things would work and what kind of things they would be learning. The man sat to the side, writing down things on his clipboard. Unity paid full attention to the teacher, listening to everything she had to say. This went on for a few hours until the class was let out, and all the kids would either walk or teleport home, if their home was in range. Unity got home, and told his mother all about what the woman told them. He seemed excited.


"So, what is that again?"

Unity asked his mother a very simple question, watching as she dusted off a few of the glowing crystals in a see through cabinet. There was one for every member of the household. She smiled, turning down to the boy. She handed him the crystal she had in her hand. Unity looked down at it, amazed at how lovely it looked. It was small, with sharp edges, and it glowed blue. A light blue.

"That, my dear Unity, is your crystal." His mother smiled.

"My crystal?" Unity asked, holding it a little close to himself.

"Yep." She nodded her head. "Every Oni is born with a crystal."

"What does it do?" Unity asked.

His mother knelt down, to be eye level with her son. She took the crystal gently, and then held it between the both of them.

"It's very powerful, however it contains a very limited amount of pure magical energy. It's linked with you, so as long as you are in range, I will know exactly where you are. If I ever lost you, I could use it to find you." She explained.

"How is it linked to me?" Unity asked, confused.

"It's linked with you because It's made out of the same magical energy that runs within you." She answered. "You know what else it does?"


"It gives you one wish. It is a very important wish, however. Once you use it, the crystal can no longer work." She said. "Think of it as a storage of extra energy. If you are ever in great danger, you use it. It can't do everything, but It can do wonders none the less."

"Ooohhh, cool!" Unity smiled.

"And only you can make that wish, Unity." She smiled. "If you ever need it, make sure you use it good."

"I will! I promise!"


His mother stood back up and placed the crystal back into the cabinet. Unity gazed up into the shelving, having a hard time to see into it, as it was so tall.

"So everyone has one? Do you have one?" Unity asked.

"Yes, of course I do!" His mother smiled.

She reached into the cabinet and pulled out her crystal. It looked a little bigger, and had a light red tint to it. Unity looked up at it with big eyes.

"It's not glowing, Mama." Unity frowned. "What's wrong with it?"

His mother laughed. "There is nothing wrong with it. I just used the wish I had, and now it's all out of magical energy."

"You used the wish?" Unity asked.

"It was a long time ago, and a stupid decision at that." His mother sighed. Regret was in her eyes.

"What for?" Unity asked.

"It was nothing, my dear. Just promise me again that you won't make your one wish a stupid wish, alright?" His mother asked, placing her crystal back.

Unity nodded his head. "Uh-huh."

"Now, it's almost dinner time." His mother closed the cabinet doors, and grabbed her son's hand, pulling him into the other room.

"You think dad and Emaurri are back with our meal?" Unity asked.

"No, but we can wait for them on the porch."


Unity was 11.

Class was over, and Emaurri had actually stopped by to walk with his brother home. The walk was a few miles, but that was nothing to the two. Plus, Unity liked his brother a lot. Emaurri was a quite kid, but the two had a stronger bond then others.

"How was today?" Emaurri asked.

"Good. The teacher talked to us about using our Oni forms. She also went over a few current event things." Unity said, looking up at his brother. Emaurri recently had his growth spurt, so he was much taller compared to the short eleven year old.

"Oh, really?"

Unity nodded his head. "She told us about how our magical energy effects how strong we are as an oni, and how our beast forms react to that."

"Did she tell you about all the strongest of warriors in the war being huge oni beasts, having claws as sharp as diamonds?" Emaurri asked, looking down at his brother with a grin.

"What!? No! That sounds cool! Do you get bigger with more power? Oh Oh! Imagine an Onibeast that's the size of a city!" Unity smiled.

"He'd be one powerful guy." Emaurri replied. "But I don't think an Oni has ever gotten that powerful before."

"Awww. Maybe I'll be the first?? Wouldn't that be cool!" Unity asked, nudging his little head into Emaurri's side.

"You keep dreaming, buddy pal." Emaurri gave the kid a little nuggie. The two laughed. "But, you never know. Maybe when you get your growth spurt, you'll gain more power then any of us. It's only a matter of time."

The two continued to walk, their cloaks blowing in the wind. The two walked and talked, never once stopping on the path to their house. Eventually the wind died down, and the area around them grew quite. As the quite grew, Emaurri's sense of hearing expanded. And in one moment, he heard something. He stopped, suddenly ending their conversation, and looked around. He had heard the sound of someone teleporting.

"What's wrong?" Unity asked.

Emaurri looked around more. They were not anywhere were many people would be. There were no buildings around for awhile, just some trees and paths. They were very close to home, but it didn't come from that direction. Emaurri ignored his brother, and concentrated. His eyes settled on the trees behind them, and then he saw them. He saw a man, standing there. Watching them. Their eyes met, and Emaurri felt fear travel down his body.

"Come on!" Emaurri suddenly turned, pulling Unity and running down the path. That man had an awful aura, and Emaurri wasn't gonna stay to see how that played out.

"Wa!? What's wrong!?"

Emaurri's anxiety climbed, as he felt he wasn't being fast enough. So with pulling Unity behind him, he had no other choice but to use another method of escape. He teleported the two of them to their house, inside. When they got there, they appeared in the living room where their mother and father sat. In their mother's arms, their newest younger sister, Karma. The brothers were a mess of breathing in and out, regaining themselves.

"Boys? What's wrong? You both look scared?" Their mother asked, worried.

"Mom, dad. There was someone out there!" Emaurri said, and Unity finally realized why they had teleported home. Tears appeared in his eyes. He had no clue, and that scared him so much.

"Someone? What?" His mother asked, concerned.

"Someone was following us. A man. He stared at me and Unity." Emaurri tried to explain. "I-I sensed dark intentions from him!"

The dad frowned. He stood up from his chair.

"I'll go look. Your Sister isn't home yet and I don't want her having trouble walking home." His said, worried.

Emaurri nodded his head. "I'll follow!"

The two males left the room, and Momma Chéri looked down at Unity, who stood in the middle of the small room. She saw the tears in his eyes. She felt the terror leaking off of him.

"Unity, everything is okay." She said in a soft voice.

Unity began to cry.

"Unity, don't cry my love." She said a bit louder, reaching out her hand to guide him over.

Unity walked over, standing in front of his mother and little sister. He cried, his mother's hand resting gently on his cheek. All she could do a watch. Unity was still so fragile at heart. He was still just a child. Karma wiggled in her arms, and began to get upset by her bother's sad aura. Their mother tried to calm them down, but Karma wouldn't take it. She started to cry, and that only broke Unity's heart more. He hated seeing his loved ones cry, and he hated being the cause of it.

"Oh, you two. It's all alright. We're here to protect you." Their mother sighed.

She pulled her son into a hug, hugging the smaller oni child as well. She tried her best to make them both feel better. It took a minute or two, but eventually the two were calmed down. Unity wiped his tears always as Karma drifted off into sleep again.

"Unity, listen to me. You will be safe in my hands, always."


Unity was 12.

Unity was at school, the day just starting. The kids around him, his friends, were all talking about random things, and he was listening. He'd add a few things to their conversation sometimes, but otherwise was plenty entertained by their shenanigans. One of the girls showed him a drawing they did and were quite proud of, and Unity was impressed. Another friend told him a few dumb jokes, but Unity couldn't help but laugh anyway.

The teacher walked into the class, but class had still not begun. In fact, she walked over to the table, curious about what the kids where doing.

"How are you all today?" She asked.

"Good, Teacher Gina!" One of the girls smiled.

"That's fantastic. Today I'll be wrapping up our lesson on magic related talents. After that, you all only have one more lesson. These past two years have gone by so quickly." She smiled.

"What are we learning next?" One of the other kids asked.

"I'll be reviewing some certain types of jobs, and hopefully spark an interest from you guys to continue your learning." Gina smiled.

"Mom said I should join the warriors!" One of the girls grinned.

"You would be a strong ally, Sae." The teacher smiled.

"Yeah, Sae, you'd kick butt!" one of the other kids laughed.

"Sae broke a bolder in half once!"Another girl added.

"Oh, really?" Teacher Gina asked.

"Well, It wasn't huge, but yeah!" Sae smiled.

"You guys are so amazing." Teacher Gina chuckled. "Anyway, Unity, I would like for you to come with me. If that's alright."

Unity nodded his head. "Okay."

Unity followed Gina around the class, back out the door. They were in a large hallway, the walls made of stone. Most the schooling building was made of stone. Gina stopped, and Unity looked up to see the man. The man who Unity had learned was called Octavio. He was the man who had been surveying their class bother two years.

"Goodmorning, Unity." Octavio smiled.

"Goodmorning." Unity nodded his head.

"Octavio just informed me that you were chosen to preform a test for the state. They randomly chose one kid from each class each year, so congrats." Gina smiled.

"Really?" Unity asked, looking proud of himself.

"Yes! You won't be having class today, but the test won't take you long, and afterwords you can return home." Octavio said.

"And I hired a sub today, as I will be coming with you two." Gina smiled.

"Oh really?" Octavio asked.

"Yes sir, I am legally required to be with any of my class if they happen to leave schooling grounds." Gina reminded him.

"Oh, huh." Octavio's voice grew lower, and the two suddenly noticed his darkened aura.

"Octavio." Gina frowned.

Unity stepped back, watching the two adult Onis. Octavio began to scare him, and Gina realized that.

"There can't possibly be a problem with me going with my kid. He is under my protection until the hours are up." Gina said, stepping between the two.

"You know, I didn't wait two years to argue when this moment came. I've got so much work to get started, it's killing me inside." Octavio growled.

Gina's eyes widen. "Do not hurt that chil-"

It was too late. Gina didn't react fast enouph to the danger she was in, and within seconds, Octavio's claws ripped through her chest. She gasped, neon purple blood hitting the ground and dripping down her side. She felt her energy fading.



Gina teleported her body a few inches back, Octavio's claws no longer within her. She then used her claws to attack him, but all that she managed to do was allow Octavio a closer target. Unity began to cry, struggling to regain himself after the shock of watching his teacher being attacked. He tried to get to the classroom door, but looked back just in time. Just in time to watch her die.

Octavio killed Gina. Her blood stained the hallway. Her blood stained him, and Unity even found some on himself. He could barely keep himself conscious at that moment.

"Come here, child!" Octavio grabbed Unity.

Unity let out a scream. Octavio growled, turning away, teleporting down the hallway. Unity kicked and screamed, causing the classes of the hallway to hear him. The doors opened, even to his own classroom, and the kids and teachers could only try to understand what was going on.

"Shut your trap, kid!"

Octavio teleported away, outside of the building. There, his claws clenched onto Unity with more force. As Unity continued to cry, shaking in fear, he drew more attention. Octavio was beginning to worry.


A man noticed this and teleported over, but Octavio teleported a few feet back. He stretched out his claw and placed it next to Unity's head.

"I killed a teacher, I won't hesitate to kill a child and use you instead." Octavio growled. The man was completely serious. If he lost Unity, he'd break and use someone, anyone else. He'd even use himself if he had too.

"Leave Unity alone!"

Suddenly a few others teleported into the scene. Unity watched in terror as a few of his friends were there. They were trying to save him. A few of the older Onis who had followed tried to tackle Octavio, but the students were using their oni beast forms to try to attack the man. Octavio teleported out of reach from every single attack.

"Unity! Fight back!"

Unity really didn't have the strength, to be honest. And, really, He had no time. Octavio was being caught up in the moment, and when he found the second, He teleported away. With Unity. Away. He teleported away to a place he could not be tracked.


"Mom." Audrey walked into the room, frowning.

"What's wrong, my dear?" Mother Chéri asked.

"One of the crystals is flickering."

Mother Chéri's eyes widen. He heart jumped, and she stood up, placing Karma in her older sister's arms. She rushed into the room with the crystals, and opened the cabinet. Audrey followed, holding her sister. She looked worryingly up at her mother. Her mother found the flickering crystal and pulled it out of the cabinet, holding it in her hands carefully.

"It's Unity's crystal. He's in distress." Audrey cried.

"No, he's in pain. Something is hurting him. Badly." Tears came to their mother's eyes. "I need to find him!"



He had blacked out, and he had no clue how long, but It was a terrible pain that brought him back to reality. An electrifying pain. Actually, a huge amount of electricity was passed by him, and that gave him another jolt. Unity's eyes flung open, wide, and he screamed. He screamed and scratched at the glass, holding him within a small tube. He scratched still his little sharp fingers bled.

No matter how much his claws bled, no matter how much of his own purple blood spilled into the liquid that he floated in, he couldn't even leave a mark on the glass. He tried to teleport out. He couldn't. He tried to turn into an Oni beast. He couldn't. He couldn't cast a spell of any kind. The electricity rendered his magic temporarily useless. He couldn't do a thing.

There was laughing.

Unity opened his eyes, through the pain, and looked down. He saw Octavio. They were in a white room, with tubes that were empty. Octavio was laughing, looking up at the scared child. Unity couldn't even feel tears going down his eyes, but you know they were there, mixing in with the liquid containing him.

"Unity Cheri." Octavio smiled. "I'm glad you survived the beginning of my tests."

"You know, it was difficult to get the information about you and your family from the state, but my act is incredible. I know more about you then you probably know about yourself. Which is why you are the perfect subject." Octavio spoke. "You are incredibly weak, but you are incredibly smart. We're going to alter that."

Unity listened. He was terrified. What if he went with everything the man said. Would he be let free? After him killing Teacher Gina? No. But there had to be people looking for him. His mother would save him. He knew it.

"So. Let's review." Octavio looked down at a clipboard he had.

"Your name is Unity, and you are from the Chéri family. You have a mother, a father, two older siblings and one younger sibling. You are twelve years old, and have yet to gain your growth spurt yet. You have a low magical energy level, but a high intelligence level. You're an M T3, meaning you are of a thinner body structure, and have the capability to have offspring both ways. I do believe your father is the same, while your mother is purely Tier 2. I find it rather funny your dear brother Emaurri is T4, as he can do neither of the sort. That's not very common."

Octavio sighed, and placed the clipboard to the side. He looked up at Unity, his eyes staring the child up and down.

"I thought It would be fun to talk and talk, but I'm just so anxious to get this started. Anyway, I'm going to be making you stronger. Stronger then any other Oni that's ever lived. That is, if you can live through the testing, but I picked you because I believe you can." Octavio coughed. "You see, I'm turning you into a tank. The ultimate weapon for our warriors, out fighting with the other continent."

"You see, Unity. Heh, Unity. Your name means the opposite of what you will become. See, you're going to be the one who wins this war for the state. Our state."


Momma Chéri held her son's crystal close to her chest, hidden within her cloak. She ran, trying to follow the signal the crystal gave off. It was hard to read the signal when it kept flickering. The wind blew through her hair, and the sky was a dull shade of blue and purple.


Audrey teleported beside her mother, running along side her. She looked up, worried.

"Go home!" Her mother cried.

"I want to help save Unity!" Audrey yelled.

"I don't want you to get hurt too!" Her mother cried back. "Please, my child! Go back home! Your father will keep you safe! And I'll find Unity and bring him back home!"

"Come on, mother! You can't do this alone! You're not strong enough to face whatever took him!" Audrey screamed. She was growing angry with her mother's replies.

"I can do this! I promised him!"

"Gina was killed!" Audrey hissed.

Gina had been a good friend of her mother's, as the two onis had gone to schooling together. Audrey's mother had to remain as strong as possible though. She stopped running, and Audrey did as well.

"Let's go, mother!" Audrey said.


Her mother grabbed Audrey's arm, and teleported back home. She then pushed her daughter back, in front of her father, sister, and brother.

"You are staying here! I won't lose another child! I won't!"


Her mother teleported away. She had no time for this. She was going to follow Unity's signal, and she was going to rescue her son. She wasn't going to lose her peace once again.


Unity's throat hurt like hell, but he continued to scream. He was being held down to a table, and shots were being stabbed into him. There were other adult Onis, working with Octavio. A light blinded Unity, and yet in all this, he was too tired to fight back. He couldn't, even if he wanted. He felt things inside him changing, and he hated it.

His heart beat so fast it felt like he was exploding. His fingers and toes twitched. His vision was blurry, and not from tears anymore. He could hear the people talking. He lost consciousness a few times too. Each time he awoke, he felt something more inside him. He felt more energy. Dangerous, magical energy.

And once, he woke up, and he was lone. He was still on the table, but the blinding light was gone, and there was only one adult Oni around. She was at the doorway, talking to someone outside the room. A buzzing sound rang in Unity's ears, but all he knew was that it came from his own head.

Unity struggled a bit, all while trying to be quite. He couldn't really, though. The woman heard him and turned away from the door, the door closing behind her. Unity got scared, and yanked his arm from the chains, only to find he broke them. He gasped. He could hardly leave a tare in rope. Or, he used to.

"C-Calm down." The woman spoke up, approaching him.

"A-AH!" Unity gasped, falling off the table he was on. He hit the floor, and hurt his head, but otherwise jumped straight back up.

"S-Shit, he's up." The woman looked worried. She turned to back away.

Unity realized there was a communicator on the wall behind her, by the door. Unity realized she was going to call someone, probably Octavio, to come restrain him. Fear shot up through his body, and Unity teleported across the room, using his claws to destroy the communicator. He was able to without hurting his own claws.

"L-Listen here, kid! I'm not here to hurt you!" The woman shouted, obviously worried.

"Why must you lie!?" Unity screamed back, tears falling from his eyes.

Unity realized the woman backed away. She reached out her arm to the side, a glow of light coming from her hand. She was trying a certain type of escape spell. How'd he know that? Unity

didn't care, he had to stop her. Unity teleported over, tackling her. Not that he could do much, as she just teleported out from under him. She was gone.

"Oh no." Unity breathed.

She was gone, and probably going to get help. Unity scrambled up, running out of the room. There, A long, narrow, white hallway with rooms to the side, and Unity ran as fast as he could down them. He tried to figure out where he was. He couldn't. Nothing here was fimiliar, and if he didn't know where he was, he couldn't teleport out. He didn't even think to check if his teleporting range was expanded. He didn't want to believe he had been changed at all.

"There he is!"

"Stop him!"

More and more of these Adult Onis had appeared, and they were running after him, to catch him. Unity, out of terror, made himself smaller but turning into his oni beast form. He ran and ran, using the walls to jump out of the way as others teleported into his path. He felt so many hands try to grab onto him, try to stable him, but nothing had managed to get him yet.

There was a large door at the end of the hallway, and Unity ran to it. The door opened automatically, and his little pudgy four legged oni beast body skidded in side the room. He looked around to find himself in a huge room. It was long and wide, and at the very end of the room, opposite of him, was a large portal. The swirls inside the portal were green and yellow, and the energy was so strong that it made a loud humming sound. Unity found that his new hearing amplified that, and he couldn't hear anything.

People were still trying to grab onto him, but with every oni that did grab him, he just used his claws to scratch at them, jump out their arms, and teleport to another place in the room. He saw Octavio on the other side of the room, over seeing some onis at a station, overlooking the portal. Their eyes met, and Unity felt the man's dark aura.


Octavio teleported infront of Unity, his big claws reaching out to grab the youngling. Unity screeched, teleporting back, closer and closer to the portal. It got harder and harder to hear. At that point, he turned back to his child like form. His cloak blew in the wind that swept in from the portal. He hadn't notice that before.

"NO! HE'S GETTING TOO CLOSE!" Octavio screamed, but it wasn't like many could hear him.

Unity's eyes darted around the room, seeing nothing but enemies. Nothing but hate. His eyes looked over from Octavio to the door in the back of the room as it opened. And his eyes widened. He saw his mother. She looked scared, and she shook, and she had tears running down her face as well. For a second, their eyes met. And for a second, Unity felt a spring of hope. She was here, and she was going to save him. Just like she promised.

Ocatvio teleported infront of him, blocking his view. Unity looked up to see his angry face, and to see him yelling, but yet he still unable to make out the words. Unity tried to teleport to the side, towards his mother, but Octavio followed his every move, his claws grabbing the boy's shoulders and pulling him back. His mother teleported closer.

Unity tried to trick Octavio by teleporting another direction. He had to outsmart him, or at least buy time for his mother to save him. So he didn't teleport to either side, or forward. He teleported backwards. A bit too far. He swore he could hear both his mother and Octavio scream out, reach out.


Unity teleported onto the metal frame of the portal, and the shock of the different flooring caused him to fall back. Back, into the portal. The yellow and green swirls of the ginormous portal swallowed him up. And from that point, he was never seen again.


His mother screamed. She watched her child try to save himself, only to watch him fall. Fall into the big, scary portal. She had no clue if he was even alive. For all she knew, the portal had enough energy to kill him. Octavio honestly didn't know either. Nobody had ever gone through before. It wasn't totally completed.

Octavio turned to Unity's mother, anger building up in his system. He wanted to kill her. He had lost his experiment, and he wanted someone to pay for it. He teleported over to her and grabbed her by her cloak, shaking her.

"YOU!" He screeched. All she did was cry and cry harder.

Octavio looked down to see a glow in her hands. It was a crystal. It had to be the kid's crystal, because that's probably how she found him. How she got here. Octavio tried to snatch it from her, but she held it tightly, as if it were her own life.


She pushed him away and teleported away. He was in disbelief. He wanted to break. Everything.


Unity's mother sat with her back against a wall. A cold, stone wall. She was in between two stone buildings, the cold dark air filling around her. She still shook and she still cried. She pulled out Unity's crystal, seeing it still glowing.

"Find him, please. Tell me, where is he!" She cried at the crystal.

The crystal tried to find Unity's signal, but all it could give to the boy's mother was an out of range. The crystal couldn't find Unity. It could not find her son.

"Aaagh!" She cried, hugging the crystal.

She didn't want to go home. She didn't want to face her family now. She didn't want them to know she was too late.

She didn't want them to know Unity was gone.


Unity woke up, his body aching. He blinked a few times, finding himself on a hard, wooden flooring. He gasped, remembering everything that had just happened. Or, he thought just happened. He couldn't remember it all clearly. He looked around, finding nothing but a boring old room. Book shelves and a desk. He stood up, his breathing getting worse. He ran over to the door he saw, and opened it. A wooden hallway, with more rooms. He ran down them, looking, searching, for something familiar.

"Momma!" He cried out.

Unity stopped in a doorway, feeling a light breezy. He turned to walk into the room, finding a window opened in yet another boring room. He cautiously went up to it, and looked out of the window. He saw and smelled and heard an unfamiliar word. Green trees, blue skies, white clouds. A wind making all the trees sing.

He wasn't on Yvenity anymore.

"Momma." He choked, tears falling down his face.

Unity slumped to the floor, sitting with his back to the wall with the open window. He dug his head into his knees, holding them tightly with his arms. And he cried. He cried for his mother, and for his sisters and brother and father. He cried for someone. Anyone.

But nobody came.




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