31. Rushing
Hongjoong's eyes flickered between the clock and his phone. He had sent multiple worried texts to Seonghwa, telling him to contact Hongjoong right away in case anything happened to him. When the device stayed icily quiet despite the minutes ticking away, Hongjoong got increasingly more anxious. His body on his seat was strung like a rope, and his hands clamped onto the steering wheel as if it were his sole anchor.
"Please, Seonghwa... You can do this," he mumbled under his breath. The iron flavour of blood filled his mouth when he gnawed on his lips for too long.
The streets were deserted at this time of night. The skies were dark, minus 10 degrees outside. Hongjoong had turned off the automatic heat in his car since he was sweating so much. Combined with his chattering teeth, his body felt trapped in feverish nausea.
Another glance at the dead phone. Hongjoong pushed down harder on the gas, uncaring of the traffic laws he broke. Seonghwa's wellbeing was worth a ticket.
Seonghwa lived a twenty-minute drive away from Hongjoong's workplace. Twenty minutes filled with anxiety and agonising cramps in Hongjoong's guts. In the dream world, that time wasn't much. But Hongjoong suffered from every moment he didn't know how Seonghwa was. Without the soothing count of his heart rate.
When Hongjoong finally arrived at the place, he parked right at the sidewalk in the no-parking area. He jumped out of his car and directly up the stairs to the third level. Inconspicuous and mild, Seonghwa's home greeted him. But Hongjoong didn't have the time to think about the starry umbrella in the corner or the little flowery 'Welcome Home' sign on his door. He punched in the code and snuck into the darkness of Seonghwa's flat. The shoe area right behind the door was orderly and all shoes neatly lined up with the wall.
In a hurry, Hongjoong merely kicked his shoes off and snuck in. Though he had never been here, the layout was familiar to him. The kitchen greeted him first. The room to his right was open, showing an orderly and neat living area. The step up left of the kitchen aisle led towards the bathroom. And straight ahead through the living room and sharp right was Seonghwa's bedroom.
Hongjoong swallowed around his hammering pulse. He felt cheap for not knocking as he stretched out his hand for the handle.
Inside, he could hear someone tossing and turning on his bed. Little whimpers filtered through the door and set Hongjoong back into the dream. Only this time, he could actually open the door.
Seonghwa's bed was at the centre of the wall. Pale moonlight fell onto part of it and lightened his dark blue sheets. After hours of writhing, Seonghwa had successfully kicked off all blankets and pillows. As if twisted in a fight with an invisible creature, his body squirmed on the bed.
His breathing was flat and hectic, giving away his fear.
Hongjoong hurried to his side, indecisive about how to wake him without a scare. Ultimately, he could just stretch out his hands for Seonghwa's shoulders and shake him roughly, though.
"Wake up, Seonghwa! Wake up!"
Seonghwa's eyes shot open almost instantly. In the faint light, they were filled with terror. The nightmare still reflected in them as he stared at the person above him, frozen in fear.
Then, faster than Hongjoong could look, Seonghwa's hand shot out for his nightstand. It was far too precise for his sleep-riddled status. Not a moment too late, Hongjoong saw his colours as a trained police officer come through.
Just as Seonghwa's fingers yanked the drawer open to reach for his gun, Hongjoong slammed Seonghwa's arm down. He had to use all of his might, nearly getting shaken off in his fragile state.
"Seonghwa, it's me! Calm down! It's me, Hongjoong!"
Seonghwa blinked, his chest still heaving. Sweat dripped from his nose and glistened on his collarbone. His pyjamas were askew.
When Seonghwa finally recognised him, his resistance stopped. And abruptly, he fell into the sheets, completely spent. His hair stuck to his forehead in wild strands.
Hongjoong knelt on the floor, trying hard not to cry in relief. Seonghwa was fine. Badly spooked and suffering light shock symptoms, but he was fine.
"I'm sorry, Seonghwa... I didn't want to scare you, but you- I needed to."
Seonghwa's eyes were fixed on the ceiling, unseeing. No emotion crossed his pale and lifeless features. Like a corpse in a casket, he laid there, entirely debauched and roughened up.
Hongjoong cradled the man's limp fingers in his to press them against his forehead. His eyes burnt with tiredness and tears.
"I'm sorry. I needed to help you. But you damaged the dreamcatcher. I couldn't get to you in your dream." A glance at the object proved that the thin strings had snapped, and the feathers hung wrangled on the bent frame. Seonghwa must have hit it flailing around, just how Jongho had said.
Another shuddering breath hissed through Seonghwa's lungs. Hongjoong was glad to watch him return to normal, even if his lack of response still terrified Hongjoong.
"You came. To wake me," Seonghwa whispered. His lips barely moved, and the words took a moment to register in Hongjoong's brain. Desperately, he clutched Seonghwa's hand tighter.
"Yes. There was no other way. I'm so sorry, Seonghwa. Let me take care of you. Do you need anything to drink? If you tell me what light is the most soothing one, I can turn it on." Hongjoong was about to jump to his feet and hurry off when the barely perceptible grip Seonghwa had on him tightened. A faint tug, as light as a feather, was enough to have Hongjoong sit down again and lean against the edge of the bed attentively.
"Don't go."
Hongjoong nodded hastily. If Seonghwa didn't want to, he wouldn't go anywhere. Attentive beyond his looming tiredness, Hongjoong guarded him. He watched Seonghwa's breathing even out and some normality return to his eyes. After a few heavy blinks, he got them out of their wide state and to a normal lidded, sleepy mode.
Then he turned his head to really look at Hongjoong for the first time since he had entered.
"You look terrified," Seonghwa muttered. Shy, Hongjoong rubbed his neck. His heart still had trouble accepting that they were safe. As long as the adrenaline kept him in defence mode, he would look like a mad witch.
"I was. I couldn't help you. I feared it would turn out worse."
"But it didn't."
Hongjoong smiled weakly.
"Right, it didn't. Because I was right on time."
For a moment, they just regarded each other as if they had never seen the other before. Full of curiosity, full of awe.
Then Seonghwa managed the promise of a smile.
"Can you get up here and provide cuddles?"
Hongjoong stood instantly. He would provide the best cuddles Seonghwa had ever got.
As he slipped onto the mattress next to Seonghwa, the officer tried to push himself back to make space. His weak arms gave out before he succeeded, and Hongjoong hushed his helpless whine. By himself, he adjusted Seonghwa until they laid comfortably facing each other. Hongjoong's arms wrapped around Seonghwa, holding him tight. The man buried his face in Hongjoong's chest, breathing in his scent.
Hongjoong probably smelled awful right now, having sweated his skin clammy for hours. But Seonghwa had no complaints. Soothed, he held onto Hongjoong's waist.
They laid there for a while without needing words. Their breathing patterns mimicked each other until they fell into blissful unison and both of them calmed down. In the warm embrace, Hongjoong became drowsy. He didn't mind his cold feet, any heat he needed coming right from Seonghwa.
Hongjoong's eyes fluttered shut when his heart was entirely sure that Seonghwa was protected. That no violins screeched in the distance, and no evil old lady took his boyfriend apart in the worst ways.
Hongjoong napped for a few hours. From the edge of his consciousness, he heard Seonghwa call in at work and cancel his shift today, since he didn't feel so good. He spoke quietly as not to inconvenience Hongjoong. Appreciative, Hongjoong slumbered some more.
By the time he awoke fully, the earlier tension had lifted from his muscles and his energies replenished. When he tried to lift his head and was met by a protesting grumble, he laid back down with a giggle. His hand came up to play with Seonghwa's hair.
"Good morning," Seonghwa mumbled into Hongjoong's chest. As if in greeting, he bumped his nose against Hongjoong's sternum. Amused, Hongjoong bumped back against his head.
"Did you get some more sleep?"
"I didn't. But I already called work to tell them I wouldn't be coming in today."
While dispirited that the events had hit Seonghwa that hard, Hongjoong was at least glad the man allowed himself a break. He deserved it more than anyone.
"So what's the plan for today?"
"Trying to eat and figuring out how I get some actual sleep. Do you want to join me on my journey?" Seonghwa leaned back to peek up at Hongjoong. He looked drained, the dark shadows under his eyes anything but flattering. Hongjoong brushed his fingers over them gingerly, counting the little veins he could see through the transparent skin.
"Of course. How's eating working for you when it's so bad?" With deliberate patience, Hongjoong curled over him to press a peck to Seonghwa's lips. The other man smiled.
"A struggle. My body tries to reject any food, but usually something light works."
Hongjoong considered for a moment.
"How do berries sound? We can get you some fruit, and if your body is up to it, turn it into fondue," he suggested. At Seonghwa's soft nod, a reassuring smile spread on Hongjoong's lips. Seonghwa's fingers brushed over his hip, caressing Hongjoong's skin gently.
"I also texted San, by the way. He was mad with worry about the stunt you pulled. What stunt did you pull?"
Chuckling at the memory, Hongjoong fell back onto the sheets. Their bodies adjusted until their legs were interwoven. Then, after a moment of consideration, Seonghwa wrapped an arm around Hongjoong's waist and pulled him to lie on top of him. Fondly grinning, Hongjoong placed his chin on his hands so it wouldn't dig into Seonghwa's chest.
"It was an emergency. I flipped out as soon as I got kicked out of your dream and called Jongho. Thank god he actually took the call. He suggested coming here. But I only had your address, not your door code, obviously. But Wooyoung didn't read his messages at four in the morning." Hongjoong had to giggle at the fiasco. Looking back, it sounded hilarious, especially from the view of a bystander. A patient smile had spread on Seonghwa's lips.
"So I called San since they basically live together by now, hoping Wooyoung was nearby. As expected, he was. San woke him to get the code, and I went running as soon as I had it. Kudos to both of them for being so receptive right after waking up."
Seonghwa ran his fingers through Hongjoong's hair. The man relished the touch, his eyes falling shut slowly again.
"You tried very hard to get to me, hm? I'm very thankful. You were the last person I expected in the middle of the night, but I'm glad it was you."
Pleased by the praise, Hongjoong snuggled up against Seonghwa's chest again. Slow and steady, his heart beat under him.
"It was important to me. Thanks for explaining to San. I'll apologise to all three of them later." Glancing at the dreamcatcher, Hongjoong picked it up with ginger fingers. Its spells were broken, all spirits it contained free. The miserable object had become a treasure for Hongjoong since it was the door between them. But it couldn't be saved.
"You won't be able to help me anymore," Seonghwa mumbled with a glance at the object. His voice was unsettled.
"I can ask Jongho to get you a new one. He has the needed connections. Even though we of course pursue the goal that I don't have to be there every night, yes." Hongjoong carefully put the item down on the nightstand so it wouldn't get damaged any further. The deep sigh from Seonghwa's lips had him look at the man curiously.
"Are you comfortable talking about her? I might figure something out when I get to the bottom of the problem. And sharing it might help you."
Seonghwa had to think about it for a moment. His dark brows drew together in a frown as he fended off the evil thoughts invading his mind.
As he sat up, he took Hongjoong with him. Seated on his lap, Hongjoong awaited the answer patiently.
It came with another faint smile.
"How about we get the fruit and chocolate and I tell you everything you need to know?"
Hongjoong rewarded him with another kiss. Then he reached out his hand to help Seonghwa out of bed. As soon as he stood, Seonghwa pulled Hongjoong close once more.
"By the way, stalking is punishable by law."
Hongjoong kissed the grin off his lips.
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