20. Edinburgh

Nervousness coiled around Hongjoong's heart like a tightly wound spring all day long. Even when he went home after his long talk with San about his responsibilities and where they crossed into an intimate territory, he found no rest. Nothing that the TV offered was enough to distract Hongjoong from his anxiety. He pondered multiple times to watch some gory B-rated horror movie and exchange his dread for something far more basic and spookier. Since this was about Seonghwa, however, he refrained from it.

After many hours of feeding into his unsolved migraine by only worrying more and more, it was time for Hongjoong to drive back to work. He hoped that Seonghwa would have some answers for him. Or at least, that their date night would resolve some of his tension and worries.

As he tugged his jacket over his shoulders, Hongjoong read through the newest messages in their group chat. San had written something about leaving his papers on Jongho's desk since the man wasn't in currently. Then, with a crying emoji attached, he had asked where Mingi was and complained that nobody was there to say bye to him.

Everybody had read the message. Nobody cared to reply.

With a snicker at San's dramatic reaction, Hongjoong left the house.

The thick ceiling of clouds in the sky had been impenetrable ever since the morning. Now, faint rain had added to it that thrummed on the windscreen of Hongjoong's car. He watched the raindrops race down the glass whenever he halted at a red light.

Their office building was empty and cold. Hongjoong climbed the groaning stairs without pausing on the second floor since there was nobody to greet, anyway. Once he had set down his bag in the chair and started the PC, Hongjoong collected his thoughts. Staring outside into the bleak weather of autumn, the world felt muted and numb. Barely any people were outside. Nobody around for Hongjoong to pretend that they shared worse stories than he did.

Tonight, Seonghwa fell asleep on time. It took him a while to get ready and enter his nightmare. During the entire time, Hongjoong stood at the table impatiently and thrummed his fingers on the surface.

The moment Seonghwa's nightmare dawned upon him, Hongjoong sprung to his feet. Seonghwa was still at home, but he had dreamed up Yeosang already.

Hongjoong tried to hurry while in limbo. He knew Seonghwa would appreciate it if he dressed prettily for him, but he couldn't help the restless quiver of his hands. Any time between their meeting and the current moment stretched to eternity, and Hongjoong was tempted to leave some of his prettiness where it was to hasten to his tormented dreamer quicker.

Still, he forced himself to practise patience. He brushed his fingers through his hair, getting it in form and out of his forehead. Piercings decorated his ears all over and matched the two necklaces dangling around his neck. One was the one with the metal dreamcatcher dangling from it.

Hongjoong went for the artsy and cool style. He put on some clothes he had actually reformed himself in real life in the few hours he had between work, gaming, and getting annoyed by San. Heavy black boots, baggy pants in the same colour, and a white shirt with several symbols and slogans painted over it. In addition, the black jacket he had sprinkled with silver- and gold-coloured specks.

As for presents, he took a single red rose and a bag of Seonghwa's favourite cookies he had seen him snack on back in one of his first dreams, together with Hongjoong.

His concern for Seonghwa gradually made space for a pre-date shyness. Hongjoong checked his hair a dozen times, and he also went through the hassle of putting on strawberry flavoured chapstick. He was about to switch over to Seonghwa's dream when he remembered he had to take his gun. After some struggle, he put a leather harness around his upper body that kept the gun safely stored at his ribs.

With the rose and the cookies clutched in his hands, Hongjoong went over to Seonghwa's dream.

He appeared in the living room nearby Yeosang. For a moment, they looked confusedly at each other before Yeosang continued hacking against the door that never changed its sturdiness, no matter how often the axe dug into the wood.

Seonghwa imagined Yeosang as a pretty young man entirely unfitting of his occupation. After some long pondering, Hongjoong believed to recognise Kang Yeosang, the popular actor, in him. The day his name got decided, Seonghwa likely pictured him. Now, he was being pursued by a charming embodiment of the man.

Hongjoong grabbed onto Yeosang once he had checked his appearance once more. Like a surprised zombie, the man tumbled away from the door when Hongjoong yanked him back at his shoulder. With Hongjoong's grip like a vice around the axe, they sat down on the couch, waiting.

After another moment, Seonghwa peeked his head out of the door.

"Oh, hi, Hongjoong. I figured I would let him do his thing until you arrived." He rubbed his neck shyly, not yet ready to step out. Like a hawk, Hongjoong regarded his sunken eyes and tight lips. Still, he smiled sweetly.

"And here I am to save the day," Hongjoong answered cheerfully. Finally, Seonghwa gathered enough confidence to step out of the protection from his room. His eyes never left Yeosang, though his hands fiddled nervously with his clothes.

Never letting go of Yeosang, Hongjoong dragged his eyes up and down the man to drink up the view he made.

Seonghwa looked good in suits; he knew that much. He donned one, though it was less formal than his last one. Rather, Hongjoong even felt as if they belonged in the same department of fashion tonight, having matched unconsciously.

Seonghwa's long legs were wrapped in tartan printed pants that matched his jacket. In a bout of boldness, he had rolled up his sleeves to show off his matching wristband with leather cuffs on his right, and the leather glove on his left hand. For a moment, Hongjoong's eyes stuck to the way he had pulled his tie loose to show off the black choker he wore under his shirt.

Similar to Hongjoong, he wore his hair back, though he had that one stubborn comma strand falling into his eyes. Eyes that were dark with eyeliner and eyeshadow.

Hongjoong stood, a gulp disappearing in his throat as he stepped in. Modest, Seonghwa fumbled with his fingerless glove.

"You look ravishing tonight, Seonghwa," Hongjoong muttered. When his hand came to rest on Seonghwa's waist, the man shuddered slightly from the sudden touch. His body was tense all over.

"Thank you... Are- Are the boots too much? I tried to make them inspired by how cool you dress all the time but I'm not sure whether they came out well since it's a dream."

Hongjoong glanced at their feet and at how similar the boots they wore were. Hongjoong's were painted with white letters. Seonghwa on the other side had chosen a sprout of colour, mostly reds and pinks, that splashed all over them. They travelled all over the shoe, down to the platform that made Seonghwa even taller than Hongjoong.

"They are perfect."

Seonghwa blushed adorably, and all of Hongjoong's prior worries were forgotten. There was no reason to ask Seonghwa about his trauma. Not when the alternative was him being all pretty and flustered.

In a sudden movement, Hongjoong thrust the flower at him.

"Here. I'm glad the colour matches your suit."

With delicate fingers, Seonghwa cradled the flower close. His lashes fluttered as he buried his nose in it to smell its sweet fragrance.

"Thank you, Hongjoong. Want me to bring us where I planned for us to go?" Seonghwa fastened the rose on his lapel as he extended his bare hand towards Hongjoong. With a bright grin, Hongjoong took it, relishing in its warmth. His other hand extended to grab onto Yeosang's axe again.

"Whenever you are ready."

When Seonghwa pulled Hongjoong through the main door, Hongjoong took Yeosang with them. And they stepped right into a historical city with a distinct feel of Europe.

Hongjoong let go of Yeosang so he could roam as he glanced around. Tall, gothic buildings guarded the uneven cobblestone streets. Their soothing brown colours matched the season that had all plants nearby in full bloom. Little shops sold ice cream, and the whole place was shrouded in an air of mystery and ancient stories.

Seonghwa spread his arms, beaming at his success.

"Welcome to Edinburgh. I never went here so excuse inaccuracies, please. Everything I made up stems from the internet."

With his lips parted in wonder, Hongjoong looked around. Over the old, English buildings with their symmetrical rows of windows that blended with churches that had to be several hundred years old. Pigeons crossed the street with no goal in mind. And two children with blond hair ran by squealing at each other.

"I've also never been here, but I can tell you that you did beautifully well. Now I want to go here in real life," Hongjoong snickered. Seonghwa hadn't let go of his hand yet, and now he tugged Hongjoong gently to his side. They fell into a comfortable walking pace that led them in no particular direction. Yeosang loomed in the corners and brutally slaughtered a pigeon behind them from time to time.

Seonghwa did his best at balancing his fear and his soft smiles for Hongjoong.

"Me too; yes, it's a dream. I'm happy it turned out to be so pretty."

Hongjoong couldn't agree more.

For a while, they forgot themselves. Nothing mattered but the beauty of the place and the beauty of Seonghwa's expression as he described it all to Hongjoong. They shared the cookies he brought as they were walking. Then, a bowl of strawberries from which Hongjoong left the sweetest ones to Seonghwa. And ultimately, ice cream that had Hongjoong taste Seonghwa's vanilla one multiple times while Seonghwa tipped over to try the chocolate one Hongjoong had.

As time went on, they lost interest in the big main street. Seonghwa hadn't dreamed up tourists, but the popularity of the street and its modesty quickly underwhelmed the pair. Thus, they meandered into the narrow alleys that wove between the houses like an intricate web. The steep walls encasing them whispered their stories of long-forgotten kingdoms and invited them over to listen to their secrets. Soon, the two bewitched men had to walk behind each other and let go of their hands as they scaled a hill.

They didn't hike all the way up to the castle on top of it. After a while, they reached a platform that observed the city and valleys below. The setting sun undoubtedly announced the looming end of Seonghwa's dream. Seonghwa's skin glowed in it like molten gold.

Seonghwa stepped onto the platform with a pleased sigh. It held a little table set with more cookies on a platter and a vase of yellow roses, as if someone had prepared it with diligence just for them.

Hongjoong didn't dare step in yet. He watched how Seonghwa leaned at the railing and overlooked the sunset and the picturesque city. Behind him, Yeosang made for the constant background noise as he chased a lady down an alley.

The view of Seonghwa in the sun up there was too much for Hongjoong to handle. His heart burned up with devotion and affection for the man and his sombre smile. He wanted to snap a photo of this, a hundred photos, and plaster them all over the wall in his bedroom.

When Seonghwa noticed the lack of a person at his side, he turned to check for Hongjoong. Spotting him in the shadows, he beckoned him closer.

"What are you doing?"

Hongjoong came near with a snicker. Not offended, Seonghwa shifted aside to make space for him, even though the entire observation platform was empty.

"Stalking you?"

Seonghwa let go of a surprised giggle. He hid it with his hand, ever so poised and dignified. Silver rings reflected the sunlight brilliantly.

It had been a while since Hongjoong had last drawn a picture. But right now, he wanted to draw Seonghwa like a madman. His beauty was unmatched. The beauty hidden in his happiness.

Because Seonghwa's happiness rarely shone so brightly. It was diluted by shadows and suffering.

In its entire otherworldliness, Hongjoong doubted he could bring it to paper to his satisfaction.

"Don't you know that stalking is punishable by the law? I might not look like it right now, but I am a police officer." Seonghwa played his game. Hongjoong snapped from his marvelling back to the man.

"Ah, you'll need to lock me up then, Officer. I fear I wouldn't stop stalking even after this. There is too much I can't miss out on."

Seonghwa disguised his blush with his hand once more. His eyes squinted as he tried to save himself from the embarrassment.

"I didn't bring my handcuffs, sadly. I'll have to use physical punishments instead of jail time." Seonghwa's eyes glinted as he composed himself again. When Hongjoong tilted his head to blink innocently at him, Seonghwa settled one of his hands on Hongjoong's hip. With a gentle pull, he spun them to face each other. Only then, his second hand came up to tilt Hongjoong's face up to him. Cool, the leather of his glove rested under Hongjoong's chin.

Hongjoong's eyes stuck to his lips. Since they were so close already, Seonghwa didn't leave him waiting. They shared the richest of kisses that tasted of strawberries and ice cream.

And for a moment, everything was splendid. Seonghwa radiated with delight and charm. And Hongjoong delayed asking him about his condition to a later time. As of now, he was too occupied with falling in love with the man made of dreams.

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