Part 3
We see a group of civilians dead in an alleyway.
Duela: Ehahahaha!
One of the bodies is picked up and devoured by a large shark person.
King Shark ate the body in 3 bites.
Duela: I like this shark guy.
Nanaue: Friend?
Duela: Yes. Friend~
Cleo: Do we have to... do all of this?
Duela: We cause a scene, we get found by the authorities, we're out on tv, Argus finds us... we find Simon!~
Cleo:... find Simon...
Duela: Yes~
Black Manta: These guys are sicko's
Bloodsport: Yeah. They are.
Knockout: They do have a point though...
Both Black Manta and Bloodsport look at the girl before back to each other.
Black Manta: How long do you think it will take before our heads explode?
Bloodsport: They'll probably kill us any second now.
Boomerang: Are we done yet!?
Rick: Almost...
He was working on setting up a small satellite station for his radio to connect to.
Rick: Testing. 1 2 3. Officer Rick Flag to home base come in home base.
He says into his radio.
Rick: Testing. 1 2 3. Officer Rick Flag to home base come in home base.
Rick:... ugh...
Amanda: Flag! Come in Flag!
He instantly perked up.
Simon was still trying to calm down the trio he had been left with. But before he could get any more progress, the doors were opened again.
Aizawa: Hey. I need to talk to him.
He pointed at Simon.
Simon: yeah, okay. You three just like... please go to another room.
Harley: Why?~
Harley: okay!
She happily walked into her room.
Ivy: Just call us if you're getting murdered or something.
She went into her room.
Liberty: Bye baby!~
She went to her room. As soon as she did, Aizawa opens, the door completely, pulling in Midnight, who was tied up in his scarf.
Midnight: D-Darling!!! There you are!!!~
Simon: Oh, so that's the problem.
Aizawa: Yeah.
Midnight: Honey-bun pleeeeease get me outta here! I wanna be with you!!!~
Her head snaps to Aizawa.
Midnight: If you don't let me out of here then so help me go, I will dissect your fucking balls!!!
Simon: Yeah. I warned Nezu about it, I dunno why she even showed up. Let alone the Izuki girl.
Aizawa: Well she's too erratic to teach or do hero work so I need you to fix her.
He let her go, Midnight instantly grabbing onto him and held him close, burying her face into his hair.
Midnight: *Sniffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff*... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhahaha~
She nuzzled him a little.
Simon: Y-Yeah, umm... I can't.
Aizawa: What do you mean you can't!?
Simon: It's one and done! Once you're in your in! It's not my choice, or theirs! It's why I told Nezu about my abilities!
Midnight suddenly licks his cheek.
Simon:... this one seems abnormally obsessed. Does she have some weird trauma she's working through or...?
Aizawa: I don't know. Look just-... try and get her to act as normal as possible as soon as possible.
Simon: I'll try as hard as the hundreds of other times I did.
Aizawa was clearly upset by that answer but just sighed, walking away.
Aizawa(thinking): This kid better have her back to normal...
He made it back to class 1-A, sliding the door open and shutting it behind him.
All-Might jumps through the city. He landed at a car crash, tearing the door off.
All-Might: Is everyone alright!?
The mother and father quickly got their children out.
Mother: T-Thank you All-Might!
All-Might: I don't see any nearby cars. What did you crash into?
Father: A heteromorph of some kind ran out into the street and hit us.
All-Might: Do you have a description.
Kid: Big Sharky!
It took a second before All-Might nods.
AllMight: Thank you, I will go find them!
He jumps into the air again, pulling out a small tablet displaying lots of people seperated into groups of 6. He scrolls down to the bottom and saw what he was looking for. A humanoid shark labeled "King Shark". But what he was worried about, because his entire team was listed as: "High priority! Very Dangerous!"
Rick Flag and the 3 he took with him re-enter the building.
Rick: The students are gone so that's good. But in better news, we got through to home base!
Simon: oh cool. So do we have a way home yet?
Rick: Not yet-
He saw them huddled up on the couch, watching something on a tv.
Simon: We're watching one of our movies.
Harley: It's so weird seeing this from a diffrent perspective to my own.
She says, throwing some popcorn into her mouth.
Clayface: Ah, I guess this world must have some taste, seeing as they put me in one of their films-
Ivy: you aren't in this one.
Clayface grit his teeth.
The door closes and Rick walks up to the couch, realizing something.
Rick: Who's she?
Simon: Hm? Oh this is Midnight. Chick who got too close.
The girl was snuggling up to him.
Simon: Because the pricipal thought sending her to check on us would be a good idea.
Rick: Right. Well that's his fault then.
Simon: Thank you.
He walks over to them, looking at the tv screen.
Harley(TV Screen): What is this, some kind of Suicide Squad!?
Harley: hehe.
All-Might: Nezu, we need to talk.
He says, sliding open the door to his office, closing it behind him. In a puff of smoke, the huge hero was now much shorter, with libs the width of twigs.
Nezu: Of course! How can I help?
All-Might: It's about our "guests". Or more specifically, their friends.
He sat down.
Nezu: What about them?
All-Might pulls the tablet out.
All-Might: I have had dozens of sightings reported on seeing these people around. They're causing some serious damage, hurting innocent people. And right when I show up, they vanish with only the mess left behind. We need some way of getting them all captured as soon as possible.
Nezu: Yes. I have sent the lists of their names along with images and descriptions out to the hero agencies.
All-Might: Yes, but so far the only ones we found were the group who's already here.
Nezu:... Yeah... I unfortunatley cannot do much else.
All-Might: ... Right... Well then I'll get back to my search.
He says as he stood up.
Nezu: Now hold on.
All-Might pauses his motion, sitting back down.
All-Might: What is it?
Nezu: You're becoming weaker and weaker. You can only keep your big form for less then half a day now. You should rest-
All-Might: I can't... not with all of this going on.
He stood back up, walking towards the exit and growing.
All-Might: Rest is for night, action is for day.
He says as he exited the room.
All-Might(Thinking): I can't waste any time... not in a situation like this one.
He jumps into the air, soaring away from the school. His attention was instantly caught by what looked like a bank robery. He dropped down and jumped again, landing in front of the bank.
All-Might: Do not worry, for I am-
He ran into the bank but stopped. A load of people in black ski masks were on the ground. A few were still standing, but soon fell over and there stood a team of six.
Peacemaker:... Anyone else seeing the bootleg Super Man?
All-Might: Super Man is a bootleg me. You're another one of those suicide squads, aren't you?
Copperhead: Well, who's asking?
All-Might: I have encountered another one of your teams. I am supposed to bring you all to them.
Yo-Yo: Hey, the plan worked guys!
All-Might: Good, glad this wasn't a fight or big scuffle-
There was a loud crash outside.
All-Might: *sigh*. Should've kept my mouth shut.
He turned around and ran for the exit. Stepping out he found what he had been looking for. A large shark humanoid rampaging down the street. He quickly jumps in front of the beast, him trying to bite down on All-Might but when he did, he suddenly recoiled.
King Shark: Owie!
He stumbles back a bit, holding his mouth.
Cleo: What's wrong Nanaue?
King Shark: Teeth hurt. He no nom noms.
He says, pointing at All-Might.
All-Might: I'm gonna need you to come with me.
Duela: Oh yeah?
The girl walks up with Bloodsport, Black Manta and Knockout behind her.
Duela: Why should we big guy?
Bloodsport and Black Manta ready their weapons.
Black Manta: We should just fill him with holes and skip all the talking.
Knockout: I like that idea!
The click of another gun was heard.
Peacemaker: I prefer it the other way around actually.
Bloodsport: Out of every-
Peacemaker: You have a lot of nerve causing mindless destruction like you have.
Duela: Someone shoot him please.
Bloodsport: Gladly-
He, along with the six next to him were suddenly wrapped in a blue rope that automatically tightened around them.
Bloodsport: What the-
King Shark: Stuck!
Knockout: A cowards way out!
Duela: Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!~
All-Might hoisted them over one of his shoulders.
Yo-Yo: Can we go now?
All-Might: Absolutely. Here, this will make transportation easier.
He used another 6 ropes on the second team.
All-Might: Off we go, to U.A. !!!!
He jumps into the sky.
Simon was now eating some surprisingly well made cookies courtasey of Poison Ivy while reading one of the Suicide Squad comics.
Simon:... another...
He put the comic book down and wrote something in a notebook.
Simon:... Inconsistencies after inconsistencies...
Harley: What do we got here hun?
She says, walking up to and leaning on the table.
Simon: uhh... just looking through the comics for inconsistencies...
Harley: Cool! So like, I was thinking about going out and sight seeing. You in?
Simon: We can't remember?
Harley: No one has to know~
The door then flew open.
All-Might: I AM HERE!!!
Simon: God, that's gonna get annoying.
All-Might: great news! I have found two groups of your friends.
Simon: friend is a strong word.
Rick: oh shoot, really?
He asks, sitting on a couch.
Simon: how long have you been here?
Rick: Since I got here.
Simon: Ah.
In walked the two teams. Simon looked up and locked eyes with both Duela and Madame Crow.
Simon:... *Inhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaale*... IVY HELP!!!!!!
He ran as fast as he could with the two giving chase, shortly followed by all the other girls.
All-Might: Is he okay?
Rick: He's fine.
Simon(distance): AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Rick: He's fine.
All-Might:... If you say so. Anyway, I need to go back to searching for the rest of your teams. Off I go!
He jumps off into the distance.
Peacemaker: I like that guy.
Rick: Well you must be the only one.
Bloodsport: Now what?
Rick: I'm in contact with home base, we're just staying here until they can get a more stable gateway going.
Bloodsport: So...?
Peacemaker: You expect us to just sit around here?
Rick: Is that a problem?
He asks, reaching for the still broken tablet.
Rick: Because last I checked you're the one with a bomb in your necks.
Peacemaker rolls his eyes and scoffs.
Clock King: You didn't even need to bring up the bomb, I'm fine to relax for the next however long this is! Heh! Best suicide squad trip ever!
Calandar Man: Finally, something we can agree on!
Rick: We still need you on standby though for emergencies or whatever comes up so don't get too comfortable.
Aizawa is seen standing in front of his class.
Aizawa: Everyone, please pay attention.
He glances to the side and saw Izuki staring off into space with a bit of a dopey look on her face, blushing slightly.
Aizawa: That means you Midoriya.
She snapped out of it and looks to the front of the class.
Aizawa: Today we're lucky enough to be getting permission from the board to go train in a special facility that specializes in all forms of hero work such as rescuse missions, natural dissasters, and large scale destruction. We don't get to ge here all the time so we will not be waisting any time with this.
Aizawa(thinking): Especially since we're gonna be sharing it.
We see the entire current suicide squad sitting in a cable car.
Yo-Yo: So why are we doing this again?
Rick: The priciple asked us to show him what we got. Do good and he'd be willing to help us get better stuff for our living space, and we gain his trust a bit.
Yo-Yo: Heh, alright! Sounds good to me!
She says, sitting back and crossing her legs.
Rick: So go all out, but don't kill each other.
Harley: I like the sound of that!
She brandished her bat with a wicked smile on her face.
Black Manta glances to his left, then his right.
Black Manta(thinking):... I need to speed this up. Got stuff to get back to on my earth...
He looks down.
Black Manta(thinking): I'm going to have to stir up some homesickness.
Black Manta: How are we getting home?
He asks, looking at Flag.
Rick: We're working on it, like I already said. We just need to figure out whatever's lurking in the gateway.
Black Manta: *sigh*... So we're gonna be stuck here forever, great.
He looks back down.
Black Manta: So much for reduced time.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw a few feet shuffling. But before anything else could happen, the cable car came to a stop.
Rick: Alright, we're here! Remember-
Suicide Squad: Don't kill each other.
They all say, mostly annoyed. Everyone got up with their stuff and got out from the cable car.
Peacemaker: So once we're done with all of this, we get seious missions?
Rick: Yeah, basically.
Peacemaker: Alright, let's get this over with.
He says as he started walking towards the building with everyone else.
Simon: Hey, Rick?
Rick: Yeah?
Rick: We're gonna be alone here, right?
Rick: Yeah, there's a supervisor here but guess what?
Simon and Rick were now in a seating area overlooking everything with some one way glass.
Simon: Alright, this is cool!
Rick: You read my mind!
There was some food there for them so that ment a nice relaxing time for them. Simon looks down at the massive training grounds. All built just to be destroyed.
Simon: I wonder how big their budget is...
His attention was then caught by another group entering the training area.
Simon: Who are they?
Rick: I... don't know?
Simon noticed the green haired girl in the group and it clicked.
Simon: Oh, wait. It's a training facility so I'm guessing they're students.
Rick: Weird. I don't remember them saying that we would be sharing this place...
Simon: A school system failing at basic comunication? Never heard of it, hah!
He lays back in his seat, only for a giant purple mist to apaear at the middle of the training grounds.
Simon: Oh, son of a-
Harley: Woohoo!!!
She jumped between platforms before knocking the head clean off of a training robot.
Harley: Man, I love this place!
The purple mist then apeared.
Harley: Hm? What's that?
She smiles.
Harley: Guess I better go and check it out, hehe!~
She excitedly ran towards it.
We see Amanda Waller back at the control room.
Rick(Radio): It looks like we're under attack from villains in this world! Awaiting your instructions!
Amanda:... Keep the kid out of harms way, only engage if necessary. If you can, capture the villains alive and await pickup.
Rick(Radio): Understood, over and out!
She looks to the gateway and saw something moving inside of it.
Random Scientist: Ma'am!
She looks back.
Random Scientist: If we keep the vortex open like this, the strain on her body could possibly kill-
Amanda: Leave it open. There is no her in this, only a tool to be used.
She looks back to the vortex.
Amabda:... Though a tool we can't lose. Turn it off.
The scientist deactivate the machine, closing the gate and finally letting their living battery a chance to breathe.
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