Part 2




The side door to the aircraft flew off.

Blockbuster: Plane... Crash...

The brute says, looking around at the mountain they had landed on.

Bronze: Thanks for getting us out tough Guy.

Bronze Tiger says before looking around himself.

Bronze: Looks like earth to me.

The cat girl jumped out of the wreck.

Cheetah: *sniff sniff*... Smells like earth too.

A brown liquid seeps out from the wreckage before forming into a human shape.

Lady Clayface: We should wait for the others to find us...

Bronze: Nah... we should go looking for them.

Lady Clayface: Why?

Bronze: it's an excuse to explore!

Katana: This world could be dangerous. It's best to stay put...

Bronze: Man. Neither of you are any fun!

He sat down, Blockbuster doing the same.

Blockbuster: wait... here?

Lastly, a man stumbles out of the wreckage.

Polka-Dot: Yeah, umm... waiting works for me.

Polka-Dot Man sat down and sighed.






...wake up...



Simon: ...wake up...


Simon: Flag!

Rick's eyes shoot open.

Rick: h-huh!? W-W-Where...???

Simon: finally! Dude. You've been out for the whole night.

Rick: whole... n-night? Wait. Where-

Simon: Firstly, we're at a school. This place trains heroes in this world and the principal was willing to help us. Second, the different aircraft's were scattered. I did find Harley, Ivy, Boomerang, Deadshot, Liberty and Clayface though. Several heroes from this place are gonna keep an eye out for our task force as well. So, things are going better than expected.

Rick:... oh...that's a relief...

He sighs.

Rick:... how bad was I hurt?

Simon: Lost a bit of blood but nothing serious.

Rick: right...

He sat up, turning so he was sitting on the side of the bed.

Rick: Where's my stuff...?

Simon: there.

He pointed at his gear in a pile.

Rick stood up, steadied himself, then went to it, putting his armour on and taking a communicator out.

Rick: This is Agent Rick Flag calling home base do you copy?

Nothing but static.

Rick:... ain't got a signal...

He put it away and pulls a flat device out of another compartment.


He taps it repeatedly.

Simon: what's wrong?

Rick:... the detonator is offline...

Simon: What?

Rick:... the gateway it umm... must of fucked with it.

Simon:... shit... they can't know about this.

Rick: agreed.

He put the device away.

Rick: we should... we should work on getting a signal through to home base.

Simon: Yeah, you do that. I'm gonna go tell the squad you're awake so they don't go causing too much more chaos.

He starts heading for the door.

Rick; Hold on, I'm coming to.

He says, quickly following him.

Rick: so... anything else I need to know?

Simon: uhh... yeah. We're keeping our otherworldly origin under wraps. Also, our super powers are called "quirks" here.

Rick: alright...

They walk through the halls of UA, Rick with a bit of a limp.

Rick: why a school of all places?

Simon: School for heroes. Also, they're (unknowingly) hiding us away from the law here.

Rick: Ah. Alright...

Classes were in progress so no one was walking the halls aside from them.

Simon: Hey. By the way. How many teams were there?

Rick: Eh. I think like 20 or something, lost count after that.

Simon: damn. Talk about extra prepared.

They reach the old building.

Rick: ugh... this place looks terrible.

Simon: it's a roof.

They both head inside and Simon was instantly grabbed and carried away by Harley.

Rick:... right...

He closes the door and sat down on the couch in the lobby. He let out a sigh while rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Deadshot: Well well well. Looks like sleeping beauty finally woke up.

Rick looks up to see Deadshot looking down on him. Flag let out a sigh, rolling his eyes.

Rick: What do you want?

Deadshot: Nothin'... I'm just passing by.

He walked to and sat on another couch.

Deadshot: things are getting boring so I thought I'd go get some fresh air, but eh. I got a question for ya first.

Rick: and...?

Deadshot: Why are we here?

Rick: To fight if we need to.

Deadshot: nah. Not that. I mean why did you lot decide to come here in the first place?

Rick: if you made tech that can transcend dimensions, wouldn't you wanna use it?

Deadshot: Yeah, but there's a reason why you made that thing. The same reason you came here.

Rick: Just because we could.

Deadshot: That's a load of bull.

Rick: Curiosity killed the cat and well... we were almost killed, so.

Deadshot: riiiight...

He got up.

Deadshot: Well, enjoy your hopefully excruciating headache.

He walks outside of the building. But was shocked to see that around a hundred students were crowded around the front of the building. A few teachers were holding them at bay, but before anything could happen, Deadshot went right back inside.

Deadshot: nope.


Outside, we see a group of teachers standing around the entrance of the building.

Present Mic: Everyone! Please chillax and leave the newbies be!

Midnight: ugh... it's like a circus here.

Aizawa: Welcome to U.A.

Down in the back of the crowd, a girl watches the chaos with confusion.

Izuki: W-What's going on?

She asks no one in particular. She looked past everyone and saw the old building with the 3 teachers. The door to the building opens for a second, a figure walking out before quickly turning around and heading back inside.

Izuki:... D-Deashot!?


Peacemaker: This place reminds me of Japan... let's hope we don't have to drop a nuke on 'em.

Clock King: Must you keep rambling!?

Peacemaker: I'm just thinking out loud!

Clock King: Well stop it!

Calendar Man: Both of you stop it. I for one am fascinated with this world... the culture... I wonder if there are any upcoming holidays I could engrave my name onto...

A wicked grin spread across the man's face.

Copperhead: We need to find where those fucks are keeping Simon...

She scowled.

Crow: I love seeing the fear in his eyes whenever I am present... I hope to see it again soon!~

Madame Crow brandished her needle glove with a grin to rival the holiday obsessed maniac across from her.

Peacemaker: that's all you guys think about. This isn't about one kid, this is about the greater good and maintaining peace.

Yo-Yo; All who vote going to find Simon (and the others but whatever) raise your hand!

The 3 girls raise their hand along with Calendar Man.

Clock King: really?

Calendar Man: Better than wandering without direction.


Team 1 was sitting in the dorm together, the kids still outside.

Harley: I kinda wanna go meet my ~adoring~ fans!

Rick: the entire point is that we're laying low. This is a shitty start.

Simon: They're teenagers. I'm sure that they're just curious because we randomly showed up and are staying on campus. It's sure to blow over in a few days.

Ivy: I hope...

She narrowed her eyes

Ivy(whispering): Trampling the poor grass. Fucking brats. No respect for the earth we live on.

Boomerang: So what? We're not staying for long right? We're just supposed to look around and go back to base to tell 'em what we found!

Simon: not with that thing that attacked us.

Boomerang: Yeah? So shoot it down!

Simon:... oh right you must not of seen. That was in the rift. It wasn't here. There's like some space dragon just chilling in the gateway.

Boomerang:... well shite.

Rick: Right now I'm just gonna try getting my communicator back online. After we can exit that is.

Harley: well hay, I'm fine with this!

Clayface: This is the easiest one of these I've ever been on!

He says, sitting on one of the couches with his legs crossed.

Rick: Well don't get too comfortable. We still have a mission-

The door flew open.

All-Might: I am here! Coming through the door like a hero!!!

Liberty: Ugh. This guy again.

Rick:... who...?

Simon: a hero here.

All-Might: There has been a recent discovery that concerns all of you!

Behind him walked the girl with green hair, Izuki.

Izuki: U-Umm. H-H-Hi!

Simon instantly locked himself inside a random room.

Izuki: W-Wow... this is real.

Deadshot: what's real?

Izuki took something out of her bag, a comic book, and held it up. On the cover, was Deadshot fighting Batman.

Deadshot:... did you draw that.

Izuki; I-I'm flattered but n-no. Umm...

She pulls out a stack of comic books.

Izuki: I'm not-not sure exactly what's going on but...

Clayface walks over, taking one and flipping through its pages.

Clayface: this is the day I...

He looks at his hand, it turning to clay.

Clayface:... Became this...

Everyone else instantly took the comics away from the girl, flipping through them.

Harley: Man... I forgot I used to wear this!... come to think of it, I change my costume a lot!

Boomerang: I should have won this fight! Flash is a bloody hack!

Deadshot carefully read through the comic in disbelief. After a second, the gun on his sleeve sticks out, now pointing at Izuki.

Deadshot: How the hell do you know about my daughter!?

Izuki: I-I-I didn't m-make t-them!

All-Might: There is no need to be so brash.

Deadshot: I want answers!

Simon: Infinite realities... or a layered universe...

Everyone turns to look at Simon, who had come out of hiding.

Simon: infinite universes mean infinite possibilities. So it just so happens that a group of artists in this world ended up creating fictional characters that match our lives perfectly...

He says, looking at the one with him on it labelled as "Suicide Squad".

Simon:... or... alternatively... it's a layered universe. Where creating fiction creates a new universe. Then we create fiction which makes a universe, then they create fiction, then they create fiction, for infinity...

He drops his book. Deadshot slowly lowered his weapon.

Simon: the multiverse is confusing. I tried looking into it a while back but gave up.

Harley:... huh. I understood none of that!

Simon:... right.

Simon glanced at the green haired girl, who had her eyes fixated on him.

Simon(thinking): well, that's just great.

Simon: long story short: We got a 50/50 shot of it being a coincidence, or our universe being literally created by people in this one without them even knowing it!

Deadshot:... oh that's fucked.

Simon: I would have personally referred to it as existential but yeah, it is kinda fucked.

Boomerang:... so... they might be able to change a few things...?

Everyone looks at him.

Rick: You try anything, and you won't live to see your prison cell.

Boomerang: I'm just saying! What if we could, I dunno. Rewrite history so I didn't have to... oh, I dunno... steal to survive? I live a happy life, no one gets stuff stolen by me, win-win! Why stop there? Harley never gets assigned to do therapy for the Joker, Deadshot quits his assassin job before everything is fucked over with his family life, Clayface doesn't become... well, Clayface!

Simon:... I mean-

Rick: No. we are not doing that. We're calling base and are getting approval before even touching this subject.

He says, pulling out the tablet that controls their explosives. It wasn't working, but only Rick and Simon knew that.

Boomerang: Chill out. You would do the same thing. Wouldn't you?

Rick put it away.

Rick: doesn't matter.

Izuki(thinking): it's so... strange seeing them in front of me... it's clearly them. But they shouldn't be real... it feels like a dream...

Her eyes dart back to Simon.

Izumi(thinking): And I knew that he was capable of making girls fall for him but... I never expected to feel like this!

A faint pink blush appears on her face.

Simon: Well stop waiting around and go back to the gate! Give a report to A.R.G.U.S.!

Rick: Well, I'm not going alone. Half the squad comes with-

Harley/Ivy/Liberty: Not it.

Rick:... sure. Does this place got a back door or...?

Simon: There's one that way.

He pointed down a hall.

Simon: Found it earlier.

Rick: Right. Let's go then.

He got up and began walking.

Boomerang: Aw, fine.

He got up from the other couch.

Clayface: *sigh*... if I must.

Deadshot silently followed.

Harley: Good luck! Don't die!

All-Might: All of this has been very interesting, and something I will look into further.

He put a hand on Izuki's shoulder.

All-Might: Izuki here seems to know a lot about it.

Izuki: I-I-I D-do...?

All-Might: If you do wish to introduce yourself to the rest of the school, I recommend going through her.

He then walks out the door.

All-Might: Farewell, friends!

And with that, he was gone.

Harley:... yup. Definitely reminds me of Super-Man!

Ivy: Honestly... I see it.

Liberty: He's bulkier tho.

Simon: I don't trust him... he's almost too heroic... suspicious...

Izuki: A-All-Might is t-the g-greatest! He's the w-world's number 1 hero!


Simon: definitely suspicious.
Harley: Probably compensating for something.
Ivy: Likely a closeted pervert.
Liberty: Either a Communist or a Nazi.

Izuki: H-He isn't a-a-any of those t-things! Really!

Harley: That means he's seen his dick! Someone update the wiki page!

Izuki: I-I-I-I d-d-did n-n-not!!!

Harley: Sure, whatever doll. Anyway-

She grabs Simon and picks him up.

Harley: I'm gonna go to my room now bye/

Ivy: Hold on! You spent the entire night with him!

Ivy grabs him.

Liberty: My turn!

The 3 get into a cat fight, Simon managing to get out of the way from their scuffle.

Simon: *sigh*... and there's more on the way...

He glances to the side and saw Izuki staring at him.

Simon: Take a picture it will last longer.

Izuki: O-Oh! S-s-s-sorry! I was J-just wondering if y-you would like t-to be shown around by me? O-or get something to eat?

Simon: Look kid. How old are you?

Izuki: 15.

Simon: Ooookay. You're a little too young for me, I'm 18. I get that you're under the effect of my power but please, do not get attached because I'm gonna be leaving soon. Ok?

Izuki: W-Well... ummm... B-but...

Simon: I've done this a hundred times. You should forget I exist and go fall for someone else.

He starts pushing the girl towards the door.

Izuki: W-Wait! Romance o-or not I w-wanna talk t-to you all!

Simon: Not a good Idea!

The door opens and the 3 teachers walk in.

Aizawa: Is All-Might still here?

The 3 girls stop fighting.

All 3: no.

They go back to fighting.

Simon: he left with the others!

Midnight looks at him.

Simon(thinking): oh shit.

Midnight: And who are you?~

Simon: I fuckin' hate my powers sooooo much.

Midnight: I think they're cool~

Simon: Of course you do- look. My powers make people of the opposite gender who get close to or see me fall in love. Can you guys please get the tall one and this one with green hair out of here before this gets worse?

Aizawa: Sure.

His scarf wrapped around both of them and started pulling them away.

Midnight: H-Hey! Eraser! Let go!!!

Izuki: B-But I-I don't w-wanna go though!

They both get dragged out of the building.

Present Mic: Man. Cool Quirk! Seems kinda annoying though.

Simon: It's exclusively annoying.

Present Mic: Right right... Well if you need anything else, we're just around the corner!

He says, leaving.

Simon(whisper):... yeah. Dodge the conversation. Fuckin' coward.

He feels several hands on his shoulders.

Harley: We have decided to share!


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