● 69 ●

Maybe I behaved like a child but I just couldn't stop crying.

I really tried to, but tears streamed down my face all the time and I was sobbing as if someone died. I just didn't want to lose Harry and I was pretty sure that this would happen soon.

You could tell, that Harry wanted to hug and comfort me, but he didn't dare to come closer.

''Hey, don't cry. Everything's gonna be okay'' Niall whispered, came over and pulled me into a hug. ''Everything's gonna be okay, yeah?''

I pressed my face against his chest, crying into his sweater, as he held me close and layed his head on my shoulder.

Natasha just stood around and looked at me and Harry with disgust, while Eleanor was standing next to me and Niall and rubbed my back.

''Louis?'' Suddenly a quiet voice said and I looked up at Harry who tried to smile. ''I love you, okay? No matter what.''

''I l-love you too'' I mumbled, just wanting to kiss him and run away from here to another place where no one would find us.

In retrospect, anything that happened until the police arrived was pretty blurry. I remembered crying and screaming when Harry was led away. I remembered my attempts to defend him and all the bad things I said to my mother. And I remembered Harry's transfigured and fearful gaze and the scowls of the policemen who could not wait to arrest him.

Absolutely nobody would have brought me home or in the car of my mother after this incident and that's why Eleanor offered me to stay at her place for tonight.

Although my mother wanted me to come with her, I refused, shouting at her and cried bitterly.

Feeling like the whole school was watching me, as we left, we made our way to Eleanors house which was only five minutes away.

Her parents weren't at home so nobody except them saw my face which was red from all the tears and pale at the same time because of all the fear. I wanted Harry to be mine forever and I don't wanted him to be arrested for being a loving and caring boyfriend.

It was just dumb. Everything was so fucking dumb.

Me, Harry, my mother, Natasha, the police. We were all such dumb idiots.

Why couldn't Harry and I wait until nobody could catch us when we were having sex?

Why did we have to be so freaking silly?


Not that thrilling but yeah... what do u think is gonna happen?

And for my German readers: Ich würde bald vielleicht eine neue Geschichte hochladen und wollte mal nachfragen, ob es überhaupt jemanden gibt, den das interessieren würde :)

Das hier wäre der (derzeitige) Klappentext:

Wer kann schon wissen was andere Leute denken?
Was oder wie sie sich fühlen und wer sie tief in ihrem Inneren überhaupt sind?
Harry hat soeben seinen dreiundzwanzigsten Geburtstag hinter sich gebracht, einen gut bezahlten Job und steht mit beiden Füßen voll im Leben.
Alles läuft ziemlich glatt, bis eines Tages sein bester Freund aus Kindertagen bei ihm auftaucht, zu dem er seit der High School keinen Kontakt mehr hat, und ihm weißmachen will, dass ein beknackter Vampir seine Freundin in Stücke gerissen hat.
Von diesem Augenblick an macht sein Leben eine schwungvolle hundertachtzig Grad Wendung und dreht nicht nur ihm damit den Magen um.
Denn auf einmal findet er sich in einer Welt voller Wesen wieder, die es eigentlich nicht geben dürfte, und jagt den grauenhaften Geschöpfen und vielleicht auch dem Herz von Louis Tomlinson hinterher.

Ich weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht, was ich davon halten soll, also wäre es für mich echt toll, wenn ihr eure Meinung mal in die Kommentare schreiben würdet <3


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