Rescuing The Girls

April's P. O. V.

I was driving the van with the Turtles' girlfriends, they were unconscious and blindfolded in the back. Sonata was on the lookout, and Mona & Trixie were keeping an eye on the unconscious girls. I focused on the road. Suddenly, Sonata said, "Uh April, we got a problem..."

"What's the problem?" I asked. "Someone's following us and literally chasing our van on foot," replied Sonata. I looked in the rear-view mirror, and Sonata was right! Wait, does she have rainbow hair? "She wouldn't have to be Rainbow Dash, would she?" I rhetorically asked. Sonata nodded and asked, "what do we do?"

"Rainbow is dating Sunset's brother, correct?" Mona Lisa asked. We all nodded. "Time to go with Plan B," I instructed. "Plan B?" Trixie asked, "but that would involve giving up the girls!" I smirked and said, "That's the idea. To make them think we're giving them up willingly, when really, we're gonna hit 'em where it hurts! Sunny and Raph will get the message." They were silent for a few seconds. Then Trixie said, "That is ruthless... The Great and Powerful Trixie loves it!" They all smirked evilly. "If you were a Salamandrian, you would make an excellent militant in our army," commended Mona Lisa. "Trixie, call Soarin," I ordered, "tell him to meet up with the boys and find Garrett. And tell him he knows what to do." Trixie nodded, and as she called Soarin, I drove the van to the old abandoned building at Rosenberg Street. We then went into the building, carrying the unconscious girls, and then tying them to some chairs. We knew Rainbow Dash was watching us, but we'll let her think we didn't see her and our exes coming.

Leo's P. O. V.

It took us a few minutes to get to the old abandoned building, but we managed to get there. Rainbow Dash was outside waiting for us. "Glad you guys could make it," said Rainbow, then she noticed, "where's Garrett?" We all looked at each other, realizing our mistake. "One of us definitely should have given him a lift," Mikey pointed out. "I'm sure he'll be here soon," assured Donnie. "Do you think Mona was in cahoots with the girls' exes?" asked Raph. "There's a possibility," I said, thinking of when Timber threatened me at the movies. "I kinda saw my ex with Cheese Sandwich when I was with Pinkie," said Mikey, "what if she's in cahoots too?" 

"They're probably being led by some Ringling," said Rainbow. "The real question is, who?" I said, thinking anyone of them could be the leader. I had to hold that thought as Casey, Applejack, Slash, and Fluttershy walked in. "Someone called the cavalry?" Casey asked, his hockey stick in hand. "AJ, Fluttershy," Rainbow said in relief, "Glad you and the boys could make it." 

"We came here as soon as we could," said Fluttershy. "Nobody messes with our friends!" said Applejack. "Yeah, let's show 'em who they're messing with!" said Slash as he held his mace. Rainbow's phone then vibrated. She looked at it and said, "It's Garrett. He's just catching his breath, and once he's done that, he'll call the cops to arrest the captors. He also said it's okay to start without him." She then put her phone away. "Alright team," I said, "let's go in stealthily, if there's anyone keeping an eye on the girls, we knock 'em down. Then we'll rescue the girls. No casualties, maim don't kill. We'll ask questions later. Then we'll wait for the cops to arrest the captors. Let's go team!" We then snuck in, ready to rescue our girlfriends.

Third Person View

Inside the building, the first to wake up was Pinkie Pie. She jerked her head around, wondering where she was, and the blindfold didn't help. "W-where am I?" Pinkie asked in fright. "Pinkie, is that you?" Twilight asked, unable to see due to the blindfold. She was just as scared. "Twilight, is that you?" Pinkie asked, relieved to at least hear her friend's voice. "It's me Pinkie," Twilight said, trying to remain calm, "do you know where we are? I can't see because I don't have my glasses on, and I have a blindfold on!" Pinkie struggled and said, "Neither can I! I've got a blindfold on too!" Sunset was also awake as she said, "It also stinks in here! Where are we?" Rarity was also awake and said, "Wherever we are, it's certainly not good." That's when their blindfolds were taken off. The girls squinted, their eyes adjusting to the sudden light. "Wakey, Wakey," a voice taunted, "eggs and bakey." Rarity recognized that voice and said, "April?" The redhead smirked and said, "Right you are, tart."

"April, why are you doing this?" asked Rarity, "What did I ever do to you?" April glared at her and replied, "What did you do to me?!?!?! You took my Donnie away from me, you muling quim!" Rarity got offended and said, "Last I recall darling, Donnie told me you dumped him because he was, and I quote, an ugly mutant freak! How is it I'm the villain when you broke his heart?!?!?!" April growled and smacked Rarity hard. "Hey!!!!" Sunset growled, "Nobody hits my friends and gets away with it!!!!" Suddenly, a ray gun was held near her head. "Make one move, and I'll blast you to goop," threatened Mona Lisa. "You should've stayed with Blueblood like a good little girl Rarity," April scolded. "Stay with that abusive animal?!?!!?!" Rarity asked, appalled, "Never! Donatello is twice the man Blueblood will ever be!" April then smacked her on the other side of her face. Twilight growled and said, "Damn you, April!" Trixie elbowed Twilight and said, "If Trixie were you, Trixie would watch your language, Sci-Twi! You should've stayed away from my Leonardo!"

Suddenly, there were silent noises. April smirked and said, "You know, I can tell where you're all sneaking. There's no use bothering to hide, come on out!" That's when the Turtles, Casey, Slash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash then walked in. "Hello boys," April said, acting all innocent, "funny meeting all of you here." Leo eyed Trixie, glared at her and angrily said, "Trixie..." Raph eyed Mona Lisa, glared at her and angrily said, "Mona..." Mikey eyed Sonata and said, "What the heck Sonata?!?!!?! Why you trying to hurt my girl?!?!!?!?" Donnie eyed April, glared at her, and angrily said, "April..." Casey glared at her and said, "Should've known it was you Red..."

"Let our friends go right now!" Rainbow demanded. "If you don't let my girlfriend go, so help me..." Raph began to threaten. "Sure thing," April said enthusiastically. Raph then looked confused and asked, "Wait, come again?" 

"We totally realize that what we did was wrong, and we'll let you have them," Sonata said, sounding unsuspecting whatsoever. "I don't know guys," Applejack skeptically said, "what if they're lyin'?" 

 "Do you want them or what?" April asked, getting impatient, "We're literally offering you an olive branch here!" The Turtles shrugged, and went to their girlfriends, untying them. The girls hugged their boyfriends, relieved to be free. Donnie saw the marks on Rarity's cheeks, and she shook her head no, as if to tell him it wasn't worth it. Donnie glared at April and threatened, "April, if you ever hurt Rarity again, I will freaking end you!" Leo glared at the exes, "The same goes for the rest of you. Try not to think of our mercy as a sign of weakness. Come on team, let's go." They all left, not another word. As soon as they were outside, Slash said, "Well, that was anticlimactic."

"The cops should be here soon," said Rainbow Dash. "Where's Garrett?" asked Sunset. Suddenly, Raphael's T-Phone vibrated. "That might be him," said Raph as he picked it up, looking at it. His eyes then widened as he said, "Uh-oh..."

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