1. Welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom!.
A storm was brewing around a small town, you were putting the final gear onto a machine, looking at the sky, a smile on your face.
"Finally, it's almost complete." You say, putting your goggles on as you begin to pull the lever.
"Oh there crazy Y/n goes again." You hear your neighbor say, you see him rolling his eyes at you.
"Just ignore him dear." The wife placed food on the table for the husband.
"Ignore me all you want sweetheart, but you'll sorry when my machine works and man will travel through time, then you'll want to be all over me rather than some poor excuse of a man.
The husband got up from the table flipping it before making his way over to your house, kicking down the door. "I'M GONNA LAY YOU OUT!."
You grab a wrench and adjust your top hat and goggles.
"I'll leave you know I was best suited for combat in my classes-" you say before you receive a nasty uppercut into the air like it was something out of street fighter, you land on your machine, completely destroying it.
"Now lay there and die, I'm going to enjoy my wife's company, something you'll never experience." He started walking back to his house.
You slowly get up, rubbing your head, you see your lives work, broken into a million pieces on the ground of your home, all those years, all the time, blood, sweat and tears, completely gone.
"That was my lives work..." you slowly work, your eye twitching, in a fit off rage, you take your wrench, you throw it at the husband, hitting him in the back of the head which makes him fall down to the mud like a house of cards. You quickly realize what you did and your anger turns to shock and horror, did you really just do that?.
"Cooper!." The wife ran out of the house to check her husband, she looked up at you with terror and fear. "HELP, SOMEONE HELP, THIS MAN IS INSANE!."
You quickly ran inside, grabbed your journal with all your research and a few cans of food and sprinting out of the town, picking up your muddy wrench, which had a little bit of blood on it. You look back and see the woman crying over while holding her husband in her arms.
You heard a whistle blow and several people were running after you, carrying clubs.
"STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM!." One of the guards shouts in a deep voice as you ran out of the town with the men still on your trail, you quickly duck into the Forrest and move quickly around the trees, you tripped on a rock and fall in a ditch, however the guards didn't notice and ran around the ditch, still blowing whistles and running the opposite direction, you sigh and take a breather before seeing something in front of you.
"What is this?...Some sort of green pipe it seems." You say as you slowly approach it, you look into it and scratch you head.
"Who leaves a random pipe sticking out of the ground?." you asked to your self before, lick a vacuum sucking up random stuff left out on the carpet, your hat and goggles were sucked into the pipe. "My hat!." you reached into the pipe but only got sucked in yourself, along with your journal and wrench.
"Oi, did you hear something?." One of the men with clubs asked.
"Nah its probably nothing, just keep looking."
You were falling through a current that was dragging you along, you see several worlds, including a sandy desert, a haunted house and a huge castle with lava around it, you see a world of green with a white castle and pink roofing, your body gets flung down the current with the white castle, you get launched out of another pipe and land on a mushroom which you bounce off, landing on a smaller mushroom that rolls you off into the grass, your top hat landing on your head, your journal on your chest and the wrench at your side, you groan and dust yourself off, putting your hat on your hat, picking up your journal and wrench before looking around at the tall mushrooms.
"Well, that was a magical trip...what is this place?." You slowly walk around the mushrooms, examining and drawing them in your journal, flipping to the first blank page that you had that wasn't full of new invents.
You here a rustling sound behind you and slowly stepped closer, holding your wrench out.
"Reveal yourself, I think I killed a man so I'm considered dangerous in a way..."
Out of a bush as the sound got louder was a cute little rabbit wearing a tophat.
You smile at the rabbit as it climbs up your shoulder and rests on your tophat.
"Aww..." You smile looking up at the rabbit. "I wish I had a carrot to give you." You slowly pet the animal which smiles. "You want to explore this world together little one?."
The Rabbit nods and thumps it's feet around before hopping onto your shoulder.
"I'll take that as a yes." You pet the rabbit again and you began walking through the mushroom forest.
"Hmm, gonna have to think of a name for you little friend." You pet the rabbit again, he gets off your shoulders and thumps around in the grass, scratching his ears with it's big foot.
"You like Thumping around a lot," you smiled before snapping your fingers. "I got it, Thumper, that's a nice name right?."
The Rabbit nods and continues stomping around, it begins pointing at something, you look over and just in the far distance you see the white castle that you saw in the current, on top of a hill with a tiny current.
"I've seen that castle just a few minutes ago..." You look at the castle before picking the rabbit up. "Why don't we say hello to the locals." You smile at the rabbit who blinks and puts a paw on your nose cutely smiling.
You begin to walk down to the town before tripping on rock and it sends up and thumper tumbling down the cliff you were on, getting your clothes dirty as you land at the front entrance.
"Are you alright Thumper?." You asked as you got up, The rabbit gave a tiny nod, hopping over to you as you lay on the grass, slowly licking your cheek.
You smile and get up.
"You there!." You see a bunch of short people wearing colored vests and mushroom hats, the spots on the hats were the same as their vests, they all had spears.
"Hello..." you slowly look around realizing you were surrounded by the toad things all with pointy spears at you. "There's no need to point your weapons at me, I come in peace." You say holding up a peace sign.
"State your purpose!." One of them shouted.
"Well, I'm lost, and I landed here out of a green pipe, over there." You point to the cliff with the massive mushrooms.
"Why should we believe you?."
"Do I look like a pose any threat?." you asked, showing them your outfit, after examining your clothes, some of them shrug and put their spears by their sides.
"Alright you can come in, but we are watching you Mr. Tophat, and your little rabbit here as well."
"Fine by me, like I said, I mean you no harm." You smile and walk into the town, you were given looks by all the toad creatures, you look around seeing several homes, all shaped like the hats they wear, a few shops with some items, and these weird floating yellow question mark blocks.
"Nice place you have going." You look at the toads. "Tell me, is there someone that perhaps is the mayor of this town?."
This gets a wide laughter from all of them, leaving you confused.
"Oh, you're serious?." One of the toads ask before they burst out laughing again.
"Like I said, I'm lost, so I don't know the area."
"Well, If you want to speak to someone, it'd the princess." one of the toads points to the castle. "Take the pipes to get to the castle."
You tip your tophat to the toad. "Thank you sir, come along Thumper." You see the rabbit was trying to eat a watermelon, you pull it off the watermelon and run towards the pipes, there were two options, the left or the right one.
"Well, I always save, right is right." You chuckle to yourself before Thumper points to the left pipe.
"Oh please Thumper, I'm sure the right pipe is the correct choice."
The rabbit points to the left pipe again.
"Fine, you take the left, I'll take the right." You say, you see the rabbit go into the left pipe as you hop into the right, the right pipe throws around in many different ways as you get launched into a fountain, the toads laughing at you as you get out of it, your tailored suit and hat soaking wet, thankfully your journal missed the fountain, you pick it up and sigh, heading into the left pipe as it throws you multiple directions before you shoot out of the pipe and land on a hard surface, you look up and see Thumper hopping over to you, smiling.
"looks like I owe you a watermelon." you pet the rabbit who smiles and lick your cheek as you get up, you pick up Thumper and walk up to the castle guards.
"Hello gentlemen, nice day is it?." You ask the two toads.
"State your name and purpose of entry."
"My name is Y/n L/n and this is Thumper, I seem to be lost and I'm wondering if the princess could help me find my way home."
The two toads look at eachother then back at you.
"Okay Mister L/n, you can come in, but we are watching you."
"Splended, I won't be any trouble." You walk into the castle, seeing several paintings on the wall, all to be of the princess, and two men wearing caps, overalls, and boots. You walk to the throne room of the castle and see someone sitting on a pink and golden throne, she was talking to an older toad with a neatly trimmed mustache.
"Yes Toadsworth, that'll be all, thank you." She smiled at the toad who walked down the stairs past you, you see the princess slowly look at you and her eyes blink for a second, like she was in some sort of trance.
"Someone has come to see you, your highness." on the toads gave her a salute.
"Yes...well, thank you, take a break, you two have earned it." She said, still looking at you, the toads leave and shut the door, the princess gets out of her throne and starts elegantly walking down to you, a big smile on her face. "Hello there Mr..." she smiled as you knelt before her.
"Y/n L/n, it is an honor, your highness." You took her gloved hand and kissed it, before your eyes widdened. "I do apologize!-"
"No, it's fine..." She smiled, blushing a little, before trying to hide it. "It's nice to meet someone who has good looks."
You blush slightly now. "Thank you, your majesty."
"Oh please Mister. L/n, just me Princess Peach." She smiled.
"Very well." you smile, putting your hat back on your head.
"So, why exactly are you here Mister L/n." She asked, putting her hands at her sides.
"I am lost, I got sucked down one of those green pipes, that took me away from my world, and into this one, so, I'm trying to back to my world, and I was wondering if you could help me out."
"I certainly can." She smiled. "Which kingdom do you live in Mister L/n?."
You raised an eyebrow at the princess, confused, she was also confused by your look. "Kingdom?."
"Yes, the flower kingdom, the haunted kingdom, the woody kingdom, the cap kingdom, the jungle kingdom-"
"I'm afraid I don't live in any of those place princess, I'm not from this world at all, I'm a human, I'm an inventor, I come from the world of living, known as Earth."
She looks at you, her mouth opened, you could tell she was shocked and you put your head down.
"I-I'm afraid I don't know what "Earth" is Mister L/n." She put her hands on her chest, you slowly nodded.
"I understand, well, thank you for at least letting me view your gracious presence, if you'll excuse me, I'll try to find some other way home I supposed." You started walking to the door of the throne room, you hear an audible gasp as the princess ran in front of you, blocking you off.
"Wait!." She paused, looking into your eyes. "I can try to see if there's some way to get you back...I have a friend who knows all about the galaxy, maybe she can help you, just please, don't go!."
"Thank you, Princess Peach." You smile, which made her smile. "So, when does this friend of your arrive?."
"Well, depending on where she is in the galaxy, it could be a few days, months or years..." She started. "But don't worry, she'll get here, until then, why don't you stay here..." she smiled.
"In the castle?...I couldn't possibly stay here, I'm not worthy-"
"I command you to stay in the castle!." Her voice raised a bit before she slowly looked down. "My apologies."
"Its fine Princess, I'll stay in the castle if you say so."
She smiled again. "Good..."
She walked down the halls and you followed behind her, she looked back and smiled at you as she turned the corner and opened the door to a room. "You can sleep here, make yourself at home."
"Thank you Princess." You tip your hat to her and walk inside of your room, setting your hat down on a desk, there was a desk with six drawers, a bed, a window that showed the outside of the city from atop the hill, you smiled as you looked around the room.
"It's small, but it shall work." You smiled at the princess.
"Well I would love to chat more, but I have some duties to attend to, so, you'll have to excuse me for now Mister L/n." she leaned on the door.
"It's quite alright Princess." You gave her nod. "I'm tired after the day I had so it's best that I get some sleep."
"Well, have a goodnight Mister L/n." She smiled and closed the door, you heard her walk away and saw Thumper hop into your top hat, trying to fall asleep as well, you smiled and got into your bed, looking out at the night sky as you drifted off to slumber.
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