One Step Closer - 77💕




"Sweetheart, something came up," Jimin said, looking up from his phone. They were making out on the couch when his phone began to ping with multiple notifications and he had paused, telling him they were from one of his hyungs and had to check up. The alpha apologized as he grabbed the phone.

Worry nabbed Jungkook. "Is everything alright?"

His alpha had been avoiding phone calls all evening and put his phone on do not disturb mode, telling him only his VIP contacts would be able to contact him now. And Jungkook guessed his friends wouldn't reach out if it wasn't for something urgent.

Jimin shook his head. "It's Taehyung."

"Taehyung hyungie?" He sat up, pulling his t-shirt down. His heart raced. "Is he okay?" He hoped it was nothing serious. "Is it something serious?"

Jimin's features softened. "He'll be fine. Just some courting drama."

"Courting drama?" he mumbled to himself. Jungkook could tell there was more to that than what Jimin said but he didn't push it. "Okay. Hyung seems nice. He bought me all these and told me he wanted to adopt me." He smiled warmly. "I never had a brother before. He told me he wants me to be his little brother."

Jimin's scent sweetened and his smile grew warmer. "Yeah, that's Taehyung." He exhaled. "He has a way of brightening up everyone's lives but doesn't consider himself worthy of the same kindness he bestows on others." The alpha took a seat beside him, throwing his head back on the head rest. "I wish one day he accepts himself for who he is and cuts himself some slack."

Jungkook understood, though he didn't know the entire thing. "Do you have to go?" he asked in a gentle tone. "I can stay here or I'll go back to the dorm."

Jimin shook his head and took his hand in his. "No. He's coming over. You can stay. He'd probably wanna get wasted and rant until he passes out. You're now part of my world. I want you to meet my friends and become a part of our circle." He caressed the back of his hand with his thumb.

Jungkook's chest grew warm. It was happening a lot these days. He liked that Jimin wanted to include him in his life. "Why does he want to get wasted?" Taehyung seemed to be a pretty chill guy to him. He wondered what happened that he would want to get drunk.

"Did I ever tell you my friend is a bit dramatic?" Jimin asked tiredly. "Scratch that. He's way too dramatic." He rolled his eyes fondly. "So this happened a while ago. You know Jin hyung, right? He got married almost a year ago and threw us all a bachelor party. His parties are...kinda wild and reckless. It was his last day as a bachelor and he went all out, including preparing a nasty ass drink."

"Oh." Jungkook listened intently.

"Yoongi hyung, Hoseok hyung and I didn't drink much knowing he'd have spiked it but others were a different story. Taehyung especially got too high and began to tease Yoongi hyung. It was all fun and games until his wolf took over at some point. They ended up kissing and...well..." He sighed. "He marked Yoongi hyung."

Jungkook's eyes widened. "Oh, my God!" Out of everything he expected, that wasn't it.

"The worst part, he remembered nothing when he woke up the next day. He's a bit of a player, you know? And things didn't change much for him."

Jungkook shuddered. "Oh, God!" That was downright messed up.

"Yeah. It was hell for Yoongi hyung. He made us promise to never talk about it and not to intervene. So naturally we all pretended as if it never happened but it was painful to watch them. Especially with Taehyung being with someone new almost every day as if he wasn't affected by it the least."

"H-How is it possible?" Jungkook asked in horror. "If his wolf marked Yoongi hyung, shouldn't he know that? How could he have someone else when he already has a mate?"

Jimin shrugged. "I don't understand that. We tried to talk to Taehyung, but Yoongi hyung stopped us. But recently he'd had enough and began courting Taehyung anonymously. Today he revealed it was him, who was courting him and kissed him. Now I have an alpha, who is freaking out and if I don't get my hands on him and ground him, he's gonna do some stupid, stupid things."

"That sounds serious."

"It is," he agreed.

"I hope things work out for both of them. If they could just sit and talk..." Jungkook drawled. "Taehyung hyung should know what he did. It's irreversible. Maybe if he knew he'll stop being an idiot."

Jimin's eyes whipped to him in surprise. "Wow. That's bold, my love."

Pink painted Jungkook's cheeks. That was the first time Jimin addressed him as his love. His heart fluttered and butterflies erupted in his belly. Did Jimin really mean it?

"Sweetheart, I would tell him but I'm afraid what he would do if he knew. He will be here in a bit and you'll see it for yourself. Then you can decide which is better, strangling him or drowning him."

As if on cue, the door burst open and Taehyung stormed in, looking like a wreck. Jungkook's eyes widened as he saw Taehyung in a different light for the first time. Gone was the sophisticated man he met in the club. In his place, was a total disaster. His hair was unkempt and shirt askew.

If Jungkook didn't know better, he'd have thought he was involved in a bar brawl. More than that—

"Oh, Jiminie, it's all over!" the alpha wailed.

Huh?! Jungkook blinked. Do alphas wail?

"I'm done for. I need to get away from here as soon as possible. I did it again. I ruined it. I ruined it all," Taehyung continued, throwing his bag haphazardly on the floor and stomping toward the couch. He noticed Jungkook, sitting there with wide eyes half way and moved the hair falling on his eyes to see better. "Oh, Googly eyes, you're here too. Look at your brother's misery." He pointed at himself. "It's all over."

Taehyung plopped between him and Jimin, squeezing in between them until he made enough space for himself. The omega was surprised by his actions but Jimin looked as if it was nothing new. The actor smelled like Jasmine with the under notes of petrichor. What an interesting scent. He didn't know many alphas that had a soft scent.

"Thank you," Taehyung sniffled. "What a nice thing to hear after such a miserable day! I'm glad you think my scent is interesting."

Jungkook gasped. Did he say that out loud?

"Yes, it was very loud and I think you're just star struck." He whipped his hair. "That happens a lot of time. Now cover your ears. Your big brother is going to have a big boy talk with your mate here." He grabbed both of Jungkook's hands and plastered it over his ears.


He turned to Jimin. "Listen, I'm in a bit of a crisis. I'll make up for all the cock blocking later, but I got hard and it won't go down," he hissed.

Jungkook's face flushed. Taehyung was too loud and covering his ears wasn't really helping.

Jimin frowned. "That's...very specific."

"No, you don't understand," Taehyung exasperated.

Jimin cocked his head to the side. "Are you telling me that you have a condition down there and need immediate medical attention?"

Taehyung pulled his hair and let out a scream. "No! You don't understand." He then fully turned to grab Jimin's shoulders and shake him wildly. "I can't get hard. Ever since that night at Jin hyung's party, I could never get hard. Listen, I know this might sound crazy, but my boy stopped working. No matter what I tried, how many I tried to be with, it just won't work!"

Jimin frowned, staring at Taehyung while Jungkook stared at the back of his head with his mouth agape. That was too much information. He wondered if it was safe to leave the place and whether he'd be able to go unnoticed. He tried to slip away but Taehyung put a hand on his knee.

"Where do you think you're going?" He narrowed his eyes on him. "I'm not done talking and sit with your ears covered, nice and easy. I'm gonna come back to you."

"Ah..." Jungkook swallowed. He didn't think his presence was necessary.

"Yes, you're necessary because I need an omega point of view and you are the only omega here." Taehyung turned back to Jimin again.

Jungkook palmed his face. He did it again. What's with me?

"What about all those times you boasted about being with someone?" Jimin questioned him.

"It's true," Taehyung said. "I was too ashamed to admit that my boy is suddenly dysfunctional. I thought all that fuck fest led it to this condition. It was embarrassing. So I was just bluffing."

"Wow," Jungkook whispered. He could only imagine the pain he had unintentionally caused Yoongi because of this. "You're really an idiot," he mumbled.

"I know right!"

"Does Yoongi hyung know?" Jimin raised his brow, looking as if he was done with his stupidity.

"Of course." Taehyung palmed his face. "I asked for his help and he told me he would help me figure out what's wrong with me. Then this all happened..." he groaned.

"So he knows," Jimin surmised, looking thoughtful.

It made sense why Yoongi would start courting him. He might have realized what was happening and decided to take that step because he also knew Taehyung was going to be oblivious forever.

"And then he suddenly shows up today, telling me he brought breakfast. Everything was going well until he saw me dump that courting gift. What was I even thinking? I didn't want him to misunderstand me and I didn't know why he was getting pissed that I was dumping someone else's courting gift."


Jungkook blinked. Did he hear that right? Was Taehyung lamenting because he threw Yoongi's courting gift in trash without knowing he was the one courting him? It sure sounded like that.

"Then he kissed me and I just...I froze, bro. My bitch of a wolf went completely silent and I just...shit. I don't know what happened. I couldn't move for a long, long time and I was just sitting there like an idiot even after he left. And it was hard. So hard after almost a year," Taehyung exclaimed. "Did Yoongi fix me? Like what even was that? Is it something like that "Just my luck" movie where their luck gets switched with a kiss? That must be it." He sounded like he got it all figured out. "I figured. Oh, my God! I panicked for nothing. It all started with a kiss and now it is fixed with a kiss."

Jimin rolled his eyes, swatting the back of Taehyung's head. "Have you ever considered the possibility of imprinting?" He stood. "I need a drink to get through this. He's testing my patience way too much." He walked toward the kitchen.

"Hey! That's the most absurd thing I ever heard. How is that even possible?" Taehyung scoffed. "He's an alpha. An alpha with another alpha." He waved a hand in a dismissive motion.

Jungkook frowned. Even when he wanted to stay silent, he couldn't anymore. How could Taehyung be so oblivious? Even if Jungkook didn't know what happened, he could see what was going on.

"Is it a bad thing to be loved by someone?" he asked timidly. Eyes wide and hugging his knees to his chest.

Taehyung turned to face him and blinked. "Ah, Googly eyes...don't give me that look." He sighed. "Love is a fickle thing. It changes at convenience and nothing is permanent, you see." The alpha reached to ruffle his hair. "Don't worry. You're safe with Jimin."

"Love is the only luxury I can afford," Jungkook stated wistfully. "Growing up, I was always grateful for the love I received in any form. From my father, from my friends...When things got too hard, it felt good to know somebody cared for me. I was able to get through everything because of that."

Taehyung simply stared at him. "Love is not for me. It's hard. They always leave in the end."

Jungkook nodded. "Love is hard," he agreed. "But that's why we work very hard to make it work. Nothing is permanent in this life. You could lose people anytime or things might change. So you should love like there's no tomorrow. And the fear of losing them is good because it means you care for them. So you just show them you love them too."

"Huh?" Taehyung blinked.

"Do you need a hug, hyungie?" Jungkook tilted his head to the side.


"Yeah." Jungkook shifted in his seat. "I think you could use one." He moved to hug the alpha, taking him by surprise. The omega released calming pheromones and began to rub soothing circles on his back. "Whenever things got hard and I felt like I wanted to break down and cry, my dad used to hold me like this and rub my back. It always made me feel safe and made my problems appear smaller than they actually were."

"Um..." Taehyung sounded bewildered. "Listen, Cherry boy, I don't think that's how things work."

"Just give it a little time, hyungie," Jungkook coaxed. "It hasn't kicked in yet."

"What hasn't?"

"The hug. Breath deeper."

"Um...okay?" He felt Taehyung inhale deeper.

"Close your eyes."

Taehyung chuckled. "Alright, you little fluff. I get it. I'm not going to get out of this, am I?"

Jungkook could tell the alpha was obeying his commands. "Now wrap your hands around me."

"Okay? I really hope your alpha doesn't rip my limbs off for this, Googly eyes. I really value my—"

"Quiet, hyungie. You told me you're my big hyungie. You talk too much. My alpha will understand," Jungkook chided and Taehyung fell quiet.

After a few minutes, he felt the calming pheromones kick in and Taehyung's body began to relax against him. Jimin came in while they were in this position. He sported a puzzled look on his face when he sat down and put their drinks on the table.

"Fucking finally," he grumbled. "You got him to shut up. I was beginning to get a headache."

"Shh..." Jungkook glared at him.

Jimin lifted both his hands in the air, pretending to surrender.

When Jungkook realized Taehyung was finally calm, his breathing even, he spoke again, "Hyungie, I'm sorry people hurt you before. They're unworthy of your love and undeserving to be in your life. I hope you realize that." His voice was calm and gentle like the evening breeze. His wolf pumped out extra pheromones because they weren't sure if it would work on a purebred alpha and if they'd be able to calm his wolf. So far it seemed to work. "Just look at all these precious people in your life. Do you think Jimin hyung would hurt you intentionally?"

"No." Taehyung's voice was mellow. He sounded defeated but at peace. "He would never."

"Do you think any of your friends would harm you?"

Taehyung shook his head. "No. But I could hurt them."

"Would you, really? I don't think you would," Jungkook said in a determined voice. "Trust yourself, hyungie. How long are you gonna run? Can't you see you're hurting them by running away?"


"What's wrong with courting Yoongi hyung?"

"Pup, you don't get—"

"You already know each other and he's someone you trust. You trusted him enough to go to him first when you had your little problem." Jungkook pulled back gently. "You went to him because you knew he'd guard your secret and wouldn't embarrass you. You knew he wouldn't make fun of you and he'd help you."

Taehyung's eyes widened. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish, seemingly at a loss of words.

"There's nothing wrong with loving an alpha. Maybe you should just forget both of you are alphas and think about everything that has happened so far. How would you have reacted in that situation if he wasn't an alpha? If it's making you and your partner happy, then that's all you need to care about. Yoongi hyung already knows your weaknesses and fears. He's still there, having your back whenever you need him. He is your friend first, isn't he? He hasn't left all these years, what do you think will make him leave now?" the omega asked.

Taehyung looked perplexed. "You don't understand." He sounded weak.

"I'm afraid too," Jungkook admitted. "Jimin hyung is the only good thing that happened to me after years. I'm afraid every second that I would wake up from this dream and be back in our old, dark home with a leaky roof. I'm afraid I'd go back to being hungry almost every day and that I'd be cold during winters. I'm afraid this will too end like all other good things in my life. It's never easy, you see."

Jimin's scent bubbled with turmoil and Jungkook's wolf worked overtime by pumping out calming pheromones to calm two purebred wolves at the same time.

"Oh, Googly eyes." Taehyung embraced him into a bone-crushing hug. "I'll smash his head if he ever lets that happen. You'll never be there again and you'll never go through all that shit as long as I'm alive. I'm processing those adoption papers tomorrow," he growled. "I mean it."

Jungkook chuckled. "It's okay, hyungie." He patted Taehyung's back. "What I meant to say is that...we all have our own fears. We worry all the time and overthink things. We don't have to give into it."

"I don't think I'm very likable, kid," Taehyung said, sounding defeated or more like complaining.

To Jungkook, it sounded like he was fishing for reasons. "I like you," he replied. "And I think you're pretty likable."

Taehyung scoffed.

"You're being too hard on yourself, hyungie." Jungkook patted his back again. "Just let it go. Let others love you. It doesn't hurt to receive love, hyungie. You deserve that."

"You sound way too mature for your age, kiddo. I's not that easy."

"Never said it was." Jungkook chuckled. "Hard work, remember? You're accepting my hug. Is it hard? You're allowing me to comfort you. It's the same with love."

"You make it sound so simple."

"He's continuing to fill Yoongi hyung's apartment with daffodil bouquets and maybe this time add proper notes," Jimin said from beside them. When Jungkook frowned and looked at him quizzically, he said, "Yeah, this one right here was feeling so guilty about the kiss that he was dropping his daffodil bouquets without any explanation."

Jungkook glanced at Taehyung, suppressing his laughter.

Taehyung pulled back with a huff and reached for a drink. "Listen, I was being a coward and I just wanted to say sorry."

"Did it work?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"Yeah, he started courting me." Taehyung grimaced.

"You sound so constipated." Jungkook bumped into his shoulder and reached for a drink as well. "Hyungie, isn't it nice that it's none other than Yoongi hyung? I mean, look at the bright side. Unlike me and my alpha, you don't have to explore the unknown. You already know what he likes and what he doesn't. You know what makes him angry and what he hates the most. You also know what makes him happy."

Taehyung blinked. "Means...I can't fuck it up."

Jungkook chuckled. "If you don't want to, then you won't."

"I don't..." Taehyung exhaled, sounding calm and composed. "I don't know how to feel about this."

"It's okay to take your time to figure this out," Jungkook said. "What's even better is you talking to Yoongi hyung and see how you both feel about all this."

Taehyung sighed. "I don't think I'm ready for that yet."

"That's fine too," Jungkook said in a light-hearted tone. "Just take it at your pace."

Taehyung hummed, nursing his drink.


When Jungkook went to bed, it was three hours later. Taehyung didn't get wasted like he thought he would. Instead, they all watched a movie together, ordered snacks and talked about trivial stuff.

"Ah, what a breath of fresh air." Taehyung flopped on the couch.

Jimin just snorted, popping another cheese ball into his mouth.

"Yah! Jimin-ah, I think it's safe to give you that talk," he suddenly sounded all serious. "Hurt him, and I'll hurt you." He narrowed his eyes on him. "Soulmates be damned. He's precious and I won't let you harm the hair on his body."

Jimin pinched the bridge of his nose. "Taehyungie..."

"It's brother-in-law for you," he announced. "Now go, shoo. Hug him to sleep or something. What are you even doing here?"

Jimin eyed him incredulously. "Switching loyalties, I see."

"For him? Anything," he announced confidently.

"Then go talk to Yoongi hyung," Jimin dared him. "Jungkook told you to go talk to him."

Taehyung grimaced. "Huh? That was just...pep talk."

"No, my omega doesn't just do pep talk. He meant every word he spoke," Jimin replied.

"Can't we just..." Taehyung sat upright, his expression serious. "How about we go back to being soulmates?" he suggested. "You keep my secret and I'll keep yours."

"No, brother-in-law," Jimin stressed, standing from the couch. "You are talking to Yoongi hyung and sorting this out. Or...I'm sending my omega after you."

"What?" Taehyung's eyes widened.

"Let's see how you're gonna resist Googly eyes. I'd like to see you explain it to him, Coward!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't ditch me here. I'm afraid of the dark?" Taehyung once again scrambled for reason.

"You're not," Jimin sang, disappearing from his view.

"Oh, bummer," Taehyung grumbled. "I walked right into that trap, didn't I?"

He probably did. Jungkook must have performed magic on him because his wolf wasn't a least bit panicking right now at the prospect of talking to Yoongi hyung.

Oh, well...


Jimin entered the guest bedroom, his wolf pulling him away from his own and dragging him to their omega's room. He needs comfort, his wolf had grumbled in his mind. And Jimin wasn't someone who ignored his inner wolf's instincts.

Jungkook might have sounded light and kept the conversation flowing but Jimin could feel the underlying pain of where those words came from. He frowned as he realized there was a world where people weren't born with everything.

When Jungkook said he didn't want to be cold in winters and too afraid of going back to that place with a leaky roof, Jimin's heart shattered into a hundred pieces. How could someone's life be so unlucky? Why do people have to struggle for even a basic necessity such as a safe home?

But Jungkook's words struck a chord of reality in him. He wasn't the only one. He understood why his father fought for their rights and demanded they pay high wages to their employees. An employee's happiness should be an employer's happiness. What is the point of giving them jobs if they can't put enough food on their plates with their salary? His father would say.

While Jimin knew their pays were less, he didn't know exactly how hard their lives were. He only thought they didn't earn enough to support their daily hood because of the pay discrimination. But it never occurred to him that they suffered to even afford such basic necessities.

The door to the guest bedroom was slightly ajar when Jimin approached the room. Did Jungkook expect him? His wolf shifted happily in his chest. He knocked once and entered the room, shutting it gently behind him.

Jungkook lay down in the bed with his back facing the door. The covers were pulled to his chin but Jimin felt as if he couldn't have fallen asleep yet. He approached slowly and slid under the covers after waiting for a beat.

The omega's sweetening scent was the only indication that he was awake. "Hey, sweetheart," Jimin called gently, snaking an arm around his middle. "Do you mind if I held you tonight? My wolf is a bit restless," he asked.

"No." Jungkook's voice was too soft. He inched closer, closing the tiniest gap between their bodies.

Jimin buried his nose into the crook of his neck and inhaled deeper. It took a few seconds for his wolf to calm down. There were no traces of distress in Jungkook's scent. His Maraschino Cherry scent was bubbling with sweetness with waves of that nutty flavor wafting into his nose.

It was heaven. Jimin could stay like this forever and he wouldn't get bored. He'd heard Jin talking about how calming his mate's scent was, but to experience it was something else. Yet Jungkook's words weighed down on him.

How much did he suffer? How much did he go through to have that understanding and defeat in his tone? That type of resignation could have only come from his experience.

Jimin hyung is the only good thing that happened to me after years. I'm afraid every second that I would wake up from this dream and be back in our old, dark home with a leaky roof. I'm afraid I'd go back to being hungry almost every day and that I'd be cold during winters. I'm afraid this will too end like all other good things in my life. It's never easy, you see.

"I'm sorry that I'm ignorant to most of the things," Jimin whispered. "But I promise I'll learn and I'll do my best. You'll never go a day without a proper shelter, you'll never go hungry even for a day and you'll never be cold again, Cherry Blossom. That's my promise to me. Even if something happens to me, I'll make sure you have everything you need in this life. I'll also make sure you have a resting place right beside me so we won't be separated even in death."

Jungkook was silent for a long moment. Then he let out a sob, then another.

Jimin could only hold him tighter and release calming pheromones. The omega turned in his arms, burying his face into Jimin's chest. His scent bubbled with so many emotions and Jimin couldn't help but tear up, sharing the pain of Jungkook's past.

They didn't need words. Jungkook's tight grip on his t-shirt was enough. He rubbed Jungkook's back soothingly and continued to hold him until both of them drifted to sleep.


A/N: That's it for today. Happy weekend folks. This update was commissioned by KTN and Dee. Written words 4.4+ 

I got busy weekend ahead. Grrr...Life is really busy after marriage like...why do people physically need me everywhere??? These unexpected commitments are driving me nuts. But that's what life is, right? Gotta cruise through no matter what. When you think one problem is over, there's another two waiting for you. Lol. I know you got your problems and commitments too. Let's keep each other afloat, yeah? You got this, babies. See ya later.

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