One Step Closer - 58💕
The proceedings were long, boring and stressful. Jungkook went through everything with its flow. When he glanced over at Jun-Myeon mistakenly, the bastard alpha winked at him. Jungkook clenched his jaw and averted his face immediately. So far everything had been going just as Attorney Kim told him it would.
The prosecutor listed the criminal charges that were filed against Choi Jun-Myeon and then proceeded to call them one by one to the witness booth. He was a middle-aged man with sharp eyes and an aura that said no funny business.
"Kwan-ssi, could you walk us through the events that transpired in Hotel Seoul International on the night you were assaulted?" the prosecutor asked. His firm voice echoed around the silent courtroom.
Just say everything as you have stated in your statement. Don't add or change anything. Attorney Kim's instructions replayed in Jungkook's mind. The defense could use anything that comes out of your mouth in their favor. They'd try to ask you tricky questions and toy with your emotions. Don't fall into their trap. Think and answer every question carefully.
Kwan nodded. "I was one of the staff of the event organizing team that worked at the gala that took place in one of the hotel ballrooms that evening. We were cleaning up after the event and I was tasked to take out the trash when Mr. Choi approached me. His pheromones were too overwhelming for me and it made me dizzy. Before I could do anything else I fainted. Later, my friend told me about the rest of the events."
The prosecutor nodded. "Was it Jungkook-ssi who told you about it?"
"Yes, sir."
"That's all, Your Honour." He inclined his head.
Next it was Jeon Jungkook. Kwan caught his eye and nodded. Jungkook took his seat and composed himself.
"Jungkook-ssi, could you tell us what you witnessed that night?" The prosecutor asked.
"Sure. Kwan was supposed to meet me after work so we could leave together. We always send each other texts about our whereabouts when we take up late night shifts. That night there were no texts or calls from him and his things were still in the locker room. He wasn't in the hotel kitchen or the ballroom so I went looking for him," Jungkook replied. His voice was calm and collected. With Mr. Park right there, he didn't feel an ounce of nervousness. But he could feel Hak-Kun's hawk-like eyes on him the entire time. It made his skin crawl with awareness. "Then I saw this alpha forcefully dragging him away."
"What did you do?"
"I yelled for help but there was no one around. So I ran after them. I blocked the path and asked him to let go but he didn't and instead tried to use his pheromones to subdue me. I tried to free my friend from his grip and when I wouldn't let go, he tried to hit me. That was when Mr. Park intervened and saved us," Jungkook said. "He also arranged for medical help."
"Thank you, Jungkook-ssi." The prosecutor took his seat.
One by one, everyone involved in the case as a witness were asked to restate the events of the night in front of the court. The doors were closed and no media was allowed inside.
The hotel manager Cha Manshik was one of them.
"Mr. Cha, how long have you been working at the Seoul International Hotel?" the prosecutor asked.
The manager was breaking into cold sweat and kept dabbing his forehead even before taking the seat at the witness box. "About ten years now, but this is the first time something like this has happened." His voice wavered a little, showing how nervous he is.
"How did you learn of this incident that night?"
He cast a nervous glance at the side where the Choi family sat. "I got a call from the security, who rushed to the spot first."
"What did you witness?"
"Ah..." He glanced at Jungkook's side. "I saw Jungkook-ssi, holding an unconscious Kwan-ssi on his lap. Mr. Park asked me to arrange a room for them. The security has already called the cops by then."
"What happened after?"
"A doctor came to check on them and the next day Attorney Kim took them out with him. That's all."
"Alright, you may leave."
Once the hotel manager gave his statement, it was Mr. Yun Kang-Dae, the supervisor of their event management team that night. Jungkook didn't like the guy. He was a regular alpha and wasn't good to them. The guy was over strict and tried to find fault with everything. Kwan had warned Jungkook about him earlier that night.
"Mr. Yun Kang-Dae, when did Kwan-ssi and Jungkook-ssi start working with your event management team?" the prosecutor asked.
He shifted in his seat and swallowed. "Kwan started working around six months ago and he brought in Jungkook when we needed an extra hand for this event," Mr. Yun said.
Jungkook remembered that he didn't want to be here. Mr. Yun wasn't cooperative at all until Attorney Kim kindly told him that he'd lose his job and would never find another if he didn't cooperate. And told him that his wife would lose her job too before the asshole grudgingly agreed to it. However, Attorney Kim thought he was one of the important witnesses to solidify their claims against Choi Jun-Myeon.
The prosecutor nodded. "When did you find out about this incident?"
"A hotel staff came to fetch me. He said something happened but I didn't know the details until we got to the hotel room where they were both in."
"What was your first observation when you entered the room?" the attorney asked.
Mr. Yun sighed, adjusting his position on the chair. "Kwan was unconscious. He looked so pale and almost lifeless. Jungkook was severely intoxicated but barely holding up. A doctor was checking on them and they both reeked of alpha pheromones."
"Did you recognize the person to whom those pheromones belonged when you smelled it?" the prosecutor asked.
Mr. Yun shook his head. "No. It was a new scent to me."
The prosecutor hummed. "Have you ever met Mr. Choi Jun-Myeon in person?"
He shook his head. "No. I've seen him from far during the events but never had the chance to assist him with anything. I mostly work behind the scenes so it's my team that does the most of the tasks."
"Will you be able to identify the scent and pheromones if you smell them again?"
"I guess," he answered. "It was challenging to me as an alpha and made me uncomfortable. I'll remember that scent anywhere."
The attorney produced a clean kerchief encased in a plastic bag and opened it. "Here. We have three samples like this. Could you take a whiff and see if you recognize that scent?"
Mr. Yun took his time to sniff at the samples and scrunched his nose when he sniffed at the second one. He sniffed at it again after the first round and pointed at it. "This one. I remember this."
"Alright." The attorney secured the selected one and put it aside. "Thank you for your time, Mr. Yun. You can leave now."
The next was the doctor, who checked on them.
"Dr. Bang, you were the doctor who treated Mr. Jeon and Mr. Ha that night. Could you tell us about your observation on the two students? What was your diagnosis?"
The doctor nodded. "I received a call from Mr. Park's secretary and was told it was an emergency. When I arrived at the hotel room, I saw the two students. Kwan-ssi passed out. He has inhaled too much pheromone and passed out. Jungkook-ssi was awake, but wasn't coherent. They both reeked of alpha pheromones. It was obvious the assailant tried to subdue them, but fortunately they escaped."
"Could you take a whiff of these pheromones doused specimens and tell us if you can recognize the scent of the assailant?" The prosecutor produced three samples just like he did with the others.
The doctor nodded and sniffed at the three, choosing one. "It's this one, but that night it was quite strong. I could smell the notes of fury. They definitely intended to harm them."
"What would happen if a person is to be exposed to such intimidating pheromones for a longer duration?" the prosecutor asked.
"It's not life threatening but it'll disarm the person, especially regular wolves and leave them intoxicated for hours. The recovery period depends on the amount of pheromones they inhale," the doctor explained. "For example, if the dominant person intended to harm the other during this period, they could. It's one of the reasons it's against the law to use one's pheromones against another."
"Thank you for clarifying, Doctor Bang."
The doctor inclined his head. Jungkook shifted in his seat feeling that niggling hunger in the pit of his stomach. He checked the time and realized it was already noon.
When the proceedings began after lunch break, Attorney Kim told him it was time for the defense to question them. He warned them to expect the worst and be careful with their answers, but also assured them they had nothing to worry about because their side was really strong.
"The defense may proceed," the judge said, jotting down a few points and gesturing at the defence attorney.
Jungkook glanced at the defense attorney for the first time since morning and immediately decided that he disliked the man. He was an alpha given the way he was built with a mean, calculative look in his gaze. He saw his best friend stiffening at the sight of the attorney.
What caught his attention was the scar on the side of his forehead, right next to his left brow. The defense attorney had tried his best to cover it with his hair but the gash was a bit deep and darker than his natural shade to go unnoticed.
As if sensing Jungkook's eyes on him, Hak-Kun whipped his head around to lock his gaze with the omega. He stiffened, freezing in his seat. Something in that gaze made him feel like a cornered animal. But then he felt a gentle squeeze on his knee and calming pheromones wafting into his space.
"He's a disgrace in this legal industry," Mr. Park said under his breath. "Most corrupted and dishonored. Guess who the reason for that scar is?"
Jungkook's eyes widened and he glanced at Mr. Park curiously. The smirk on his lips confirmed his suspicion. "How?" he whispered.
"That's a story for some other time." He patted his knee. "Just know that this asshole deserved it." He gestured at the proceedings, mouthing, "later."
The omega nodded curtly, turning his attention to the attorney. He could tell he wasn't going to go easy on them. Choi Jun-Myeon's choice of attorney really suited his personality. He scoffed. What a combination!
"Ha Kwan, isn't it?" The defense attorney began, his gaze intimidating and posture stern. "I'm defense attorney Na Hak-Kun. Aren't you a student?"
Kwan straightened a bit, eyes wide in alert. Though his scent didn't shift, Jungkook could feel his apprehension. Beside him, Siwoo clenched his jaw, scent turbulent.
"I am," Kwan replied.
"And I see that you also work?" Hak-Kun probed.
"I do."
Hak-kun glanced at the documents he was holding. "Tell me about your other jobs, Kwan-ssi."
"I work as a cashier in a cafeteria near my University and on the weekends I work at the arcades in the NM Mall," he said.
"That sounds hectic." He sounded anything but empathetic.
In fact, Jungkook could feel Hak-Kun's distaste for the working class. Others might get fooled but the omega could sniff these types of wolves from miles apart. Their mouths said something but their eyes always betrayed them.
"It is."
"You have an alpha I suppose." He scrunched his nose. "You're drenched in his scent."
Kwan frowned. "Yes, I do."
"You must be really anxious to be here considering he had to leave so much of his pheromones on you." He chuckled as if he cracked a joke. Only Jun-Myeon laughed, which earned a glare from the judge and a few others. "Did you happen to wear his scent on you on the night of this said event?"
Jungkook didn't like the tone he used. And the comment was too personal. A couple always shared a scent for comfort and it was such a crude thing to say. Mr. Park squeezed his hand and he relaxed a bit.
"No. One of the terms of the event management team includes compulsory usage of scent blockers during the events we cater to. I drank my scent blocking tea as always and that usually lasts for eight to nine hours," Kwan replied smoothly. If he was taken back or furious, he didn't let it show in his expression.
"Is that so?" The mocking tone was so evident yet Kwan surprisingly stayed calm.
"Yes, sir."
"Kwan-ssi, I'll come straight to the point. You might want me to believe that you had no reason to go after another alpha since you already have one. But Choi Jun-Myeon is definitely more handsome and not to mention rich. It only makes sense that you'd show some interest in him." Hak-Kun's smile was malicious. Kwan opened his mouth to speak but Hak-Kun stopped him by lifting a hand. "Your Honour, I'd like for you to see this video footage we retrieved from the hotel lobby and the trash disposal area."
The huge screen to the side lit with the said footage and Jungkook watched Kwan walking out of the hotel kitchen to the trash disposal area with a few bags of trash. It showed him throwing it into the bin and on his way back, he stopped. From this angle, it was hard to see his facial expression. The next thing was Jun-Myeon throwing his hand around his shoulder and then leaving the camera vicinity.
It was hard to tell if Kwan left willingly or was taken against his will. This was something Attorney Kim and the prosecutor stressed about. The parking lot camera wasn't working that night.
"Now I'll ask you again, Kwan-ssi. I don't see any harassment or violence as you have stated in your statement. From my point of view, I see a willing, consenting adult, leaving the place with a handsome alpha to have some fun," Hak-Kun continued. "How do you explain this?"
Kwan smiled. "Of course, you'd say that." There was a hidden anger in his tone. His friend's voice hardened and there was a slight tinge of annoyance in his scent. "As a purebred, you might overlook the inconvenience you cause to the regular wolves or the dangers you possess to us. But your disbelief cannot change the truth. I have no shame in admitting that I belong to the weakest gender, the one strong ones love to take advantage of." He notched his chin. "I did not go willingly with Mr. Choi. As I have stated before, I was overwhelmed by his scent and was disarmed. It was making me dizzy. One moment I was disposing of the trash and the next, I woke up feeling disoriented in a hotel room to a very concerned looking best friend, looming over me. I stand by my words of truth. I have always stayed true to my alpha and Choi Jun-Myeon will ever be half the alpha as mine is."
The silence that fell inside the hall after his silent, yet firm outburst was something no one expected. Kwan clenched his fists under the table.
Na Hak-Kun chuckled. "That was well said, Kwan-ssi." He inclined his head. "I'm done, Your Honour."
Then it was Jungkook's turn. The prosecutor met his gaze and nodded curtly. Mr. Park appeared tense for some reason. Attorney Kim nodded at him once in assurance.
"Hello, Jungkook-ssi, I understand you're also a working student."
"I heard you lost your only parent recently. That must be really hard on you."
Jungkook frowned, wondering what it had to do with this case. Still, he answered, "Yes."
Hak-Kun hummed. "So you admit your life was pretty hard as a lonely omega."
"Life has always been hard," Jungkook replied. "It's the reality of every working class wolf."
"It was so hard that you had to borrow money from lenders," Hak-Kun said. "Isn't that true, Jungkook?"
Jungkook clenched his jaw. Of course they would have dug around and found everything about his background. "Yes. I borrowed money for my dad's treatment."
"I'm just trying to figure out something," the defense attorney glanced up and down at him before flicking his gaze toward Jun-Myeon. "Do you have an alpha in your life, Jeon Jungkook?"
If they dug that deep, it wouldn't be hard to find out Mr. Park had spent money on him.
Jungkook suppressed the scoff that wanted out. While he clearly understood, he decided to play coy. But he could also be insinuating something else. "Mr. Park is the only alpha in my life." He purposefully left out saying whether it was the senior or the junior.
"Ah so you admit." Hak-Kun looked victorious. He straightened. "It's okay, you know? It's not illegal." He glanced around. "It's okay to admit it if you take up other side gigs. There's nothing shameful about that. I mean I've heard several students do that. We have records of Mr. Park, spending money for your father's treatment and then your college tuition." He produced a document in front of the court and the judge sifted through the papers. "He even bought you clothes and whatnots? So I'll be once again straight to the point. What's the relationship between you and Mr. Park Jaehyun?"
Jungkook cocked a brow. Really? Was that his assumption? He scoffed. He really thought they caught him with Jimin. "Mr. Park is my legal guardian."
"Is that why I could smell him on you?" Hak-Kun's smirk widened as if he achieved something. "I don't think being a legal guardian alone is reason enough to scent someone." Now his tone was vicious, directly accusing and menacing.
The omega felt his anger rise. "You better than anyone should know how this society works," Jungkook countered. "Life of an unmated omega without an alpha scent is hell. Mr. Park is protecting me as he promised my dad he would. I don't understand how my personal life and my connection to Mr. Park are related to this case."
"It is related, Mr. Jeon. Because I'm telling you that you and your little friend here hatched a plan to trap my client with your charms." He stepped back. "Mr. Park's scent on you is enough proof that your conduct is questionable and this entire thing is planned!"
"Objection, Your Honour!" the prosecutor bellowed. "Mr. Jeon is a victim here and the defense is trying to drive the case into a different direction. Mr. Park Jaehyun has been Jungkook-ssi's legal guardian way before the incident. Mr. Jeon is also an honorable student with a scholarship until Mr. Park decided to remove him from the program."
"I'm not trying to drive this into the different direction. This is the right direction. My client is innocent. He was drunk that night and these two took advantage of his state," Hak-Kun bellowed.
The prosecutor scoffed. "With all due respect, Attorney Na. A regular wolf is physically at disadvantage against a purebred wolf and they cannot, I stress that they cannot lure a purebred wolf or charm them with their pheromones. A purebred wolf will not allow itself to be enamored by their scent or allow itself to be taken advantage of. It's proven that a regular wolf is incapable of doing that and a purebred wolf wouldn't react to their scent or pheromones unless they're imprinted on them."
"Objection sustained," the judge said. "Attorney Na, there's no valid proof that the victims have tried to seduce and trap your client. The footage clearly shows Mr. Choi approaching the student and not the other way around. This court will not allow false narratives. If you have proof, then submit it in front of the court. Otherwise, the student is not required to answer these questions."
The defense attorney screwed his face and clenched his jaw, but nodded. "Yes, Your Honour." He turned to Jungkook again. "Care to explain how your friend fainted due to the said pheromones but you fought with Mr. Choi? I read in your statement that you had quite a scuffle there. How did you withstand his pheromones if he was trying to subdue you?"
Jungkook exhaled. "I tried to hold my breath so I wouldn't inhale too much. At that time, my only aim was to save Kwan and I guess it was the adrenaline. And I was affected. The pressure was too much to bear and I was slowly losing the battle when Mr. Park arrived."
"That doesn't fully answer my question, Jungkook-ssi. Are you really capable of fighting a purebred? Or are you lying about your subgender?" Hak-Kun asked.
Jungkook wanted to roll his eyes but remembered he was in the court. "The entire scuffle as you stated must have lasted less than two minutes. I think I can hold against a purebred for two minutes if I'm not caught off guard."
"You think..." Hak-Kun scratched his chin. "We might have to test that theory."
Jungkook notched his chin. "I do not consent. I fought a purebred, yes. When I did, I felt like I was at the end of my rope. Every hope was lost and I was fighting for both our lives. I didn't think anyone would come for our help even if they could. Because no one cares for a regular wolf. We are expendable, aren't we? But then, Jimin-ssi came." His tone went soft. "He was truly a knight in shining armor. If not for him, we wouldn't have survived that night. So if given a choice, I would never subject myself to something like that willingly. I would never want to be in that situation where my choice is taken from me, where I could do nothing when someone else takes advantage of my weakness. No regular wolf would desire that. No one likes to be weak and vulnerable."
"You sound quite fond of him. What is your relationship with Jimin-ssi?"
"None that concerns you or this case," Jungkook replied hotly. He remembered Attorney Kim's advice but he couldn't care any less. "I'll not allow you or anyone to slander my character or his for that matter."
"That's quite a loyalty I see," Hak-Kun sneered, murmuring something under his breath, but Jungkook heard him clearly.
Lowly mutt.
"So is that your plan all along?" Hak-Kun asked. "It kinda makes sense now. Two friends. Both choose one rich alpha. Both Mr. Park and Mr. Choi were in attendance that day. Your friend went after Mr. Choi and you chose Mr. Park. Looks like you were more successful than your friend."
"Objection, Your Honour," the prosecutor hissed.
"The defense is repeatedly slandering our victims' character and spewing groundless accusations. This is not only emotionally harmful but could hurt their entire future."
"Objection sustained. Attorney Na, this is the final warning. Unless you have valid proof to prove your accusations, do not bring this in front of the court again." He wrote down something. "Are there any other witnesses you'd like to question?"
Hak-Kun clenched his jaw. "No, Your Honour. We'd request you to provide us with more time to prove our client's innocence."
"Alright. You have two weeks to submit more evidence in favour of your client."
"Thank you, Your Honour."
Jungkook sighed in relief. Anger simmered under his veins but he understood this was why many never came forward to give their testimony. Mr. Park's face was red with anger when he came back to sit beside him and Kwan.
Kwan immediately wrapped an arm around Jungkook, releasing calming pheromones while Mr. Park looked pissed. When they left the courtroom, he could still feel Hak-Kun's burning eyes on his back but Jungkook didn't bother to turn back.
This update was commissioned by Ame & Lights. See ya later!
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